package net.minecraft.village; public class VillageDoorInfo { public final int posX; public final int posY; public final int posZ; public final int insideDirectionX; public final int insideDirectionZ; public int lastActivityTimestamp; public boolean isDetachedFromVillageFlag; private int doorOpeningRestrictionCounter; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001630"; public VillageDoorInfo(int p_i1673_1_, int p_i1673_2_, int p_i1673_3_, int p_i1673_4_, int p_i1673_5_, int p_i1673_6_) { this.posX = p_i1673_1_; this.posY = p_i1673_2_; this.posZ = p_i1673_3_; this.insideDirectionX = p_i1673_4_; this.insideDirectionZ = p_i1673_5_; this.lastActivityTimestamp = p_i1673_6_; } /** * Returns the squared distance between this door and the given coordinate. */ public int getDistanceSquared(int p_75474_1_, int p_75474_2_, int p_75474_3_) { int l = p_75474_1_ - this.posX; int i1 = p_75474_2_ - this.posY; int j1 = p_75474_3_ - this.posZ; return l * l + i1 * i1 + j1 * j1; } /** * Get the square of the distance from a location 2 blocks away from the door considered 'inside' and the given * arguments */ public int getInsideDistanceSquare(int p_75469_1_, int p_75469_2_, int p_75469_3_) { int l = p_75469_1_ - this.posX - this.insideDirectionX; int i1 = p_75469_2_ - this.posY; int j1 = p_75469_3_ - this.posZ - this.insideDirectionZ; return l * l + i1 * i1 + j1 * j1; } public int getInsidePosX() { return this.posX + this.insideDirectionX; } public int getInsidePosY() { return this.posY; } public int getInsidePosZ() { return this.posZ + this.insideDirectionZ; } public boolean isInside(int p_75467_1_, int p_75467_2_) { int k = p_75467_1_ - this.posX; int l = p_75467_2_ - this.posZ; return k * this.insideDirectionX + l * this.insideDirectionZ >= 0; } public void resetDoorOpeningRestrictionCounter() { this.doorOpeningRestrictionCounter = 0; } public void incrementDoorOpeningRestrictionCounter() { ++this.doorOpeningRestrictionCounter; } public int getDoorOpeningRestrictionCounter() { return this.doorOpeningRestrictionCounter; } }