package net.minecraft.inventory; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public abstract class Container { /** the list of all items(stacks) for the corresponding slot */ public List inventoryItemStacks = new ArrayList(); /** the list of all slots in the inventory */ public List inventorySlots = new ArrayList(); public int windowId; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private short transactionID; /** The current drag mode (0 : evenly split, 1 : one item by slot, 2 : not used ?) */ private int dragMode = -1; /** The current drag event (0 : start, 1 : add slot : 2 : end) */ private int dragEvent; /** The list of slots where the itemstack holds will be distributed */ private final Set dragSlots = new HashSet(); /** list of all people that need to be notified when this craftinventory changes */ protected List crafters = new ArrayList(); private Set playerList = new HashSet(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001730"; /** * Adds an item slot to this container */ protected Slot addSlotToContainer(Slot p_75146_1_) { p_75146_1_.slotNumber = this.inventorySlots.size(); this.inventorySlots.add(p_75146_1_); this.inventoryItemStacks.add((Object)null); return p_75146_1_; } public void onCraftGuiOpened(ICrafting p_75132_1_) { if (this.crafters.contains(p_75132_1_)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listener already listening"); } else { this.crafters.add(p_75132_1_); p_75132_1_.updateCraftingInventory(this, this.getInventory()); this.detectAndSendChanges(); } } /** * returns a list if itemStacks, for each slot. */ public List getInventory() { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < this.inventorySlots.size(); ++i) { arraylist.add(((Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(i)).getStack()); } return arraylist; } /** * Remove this crafting listener from the listener list. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void removeCraftingFromCrafters(ICrafting p_82847_1_) { this.crafters.remove(p_82847_1_); } /** * Looks for changes made in the container, sends them to every listener. */ public void detectAndSendChanges() { for (int i = 0; i < this.inventorySlots.size(); ++i) { ItemStack itemstack = ((Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(i)).getStack(); ItemStack itemstack1 = (ItemStack)this.inventoryItemStacks.get(i); if (!ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(itemstack1, itemstack)) { itemstack1 = itemstack == null ? null : itemstack.copy(); this.inventoryItemStacks.set(i, itemstack1); for (int j = 0; j < this.crafters.size(); ++j) { ((ICrafting)this.crafters.get(j)).sendSlotContents(this, i, itemstack1); } } } } /** * enchants the item on the table using the specified slot; also deducts XP from player */ public boolean enchantItem(EntityPlayer player, int id) { return false; } public Slot getSlotFromInventory(IInventory p_75147_1_, int p_75147_2_) { for (int j = 0; j < this.inventorySlots.size(); ++j) { Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(j); if (slot.isHere(p_75147_1_, p_75147_2_)) { return slot; } } return null; } public Slot getSlot(int p_75139_1_) { return (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(p_75139_1_); } /** * Take a stack from the specified inventory slot. */ public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer player, int index) { Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(index); return slot != null ? slot.getStack() : null; } /** * Handles slot click. Args : slotId, clickedButton, mode (0 = basic click, 1 = shift click, 2 = Hotbar, 3 = * pickBlock, 4 = Drop, 5 = ?, 6 = Double click), player * * @param slotId Will be either the slot id in the current Container or -999 if dragging * @param mode 0 for basic click, 1 for shift-click, 2 for hotbar, 3 for pickBlock, 4 for drop, 5 for item * distribution drag, 6 for double click */ public ItemStack slotClick(int slotId, int clickedButton, int mode, EntityPlayer player) { ItemStack itemstack = null; InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer = player.inventory; int i1; ItemStack itemstack3; if (mode == 5) { int l = this.dragEvent; this.dragEvent = getDragEvent(clickedButton); if ((l != 1 || this.dragEvent != 2) && l != this.dragEvent) { this.resetDrag(); } else if (inventoryplayer.getItemStack() == null) { this.resetDrag(); } else if (this.dragEvent == 0) { this.dragMode = extractDragMode(clickedButton); if (isValidDragMode(this.dragMode)) { this.dragEvent = 1; this.dragSlots.clear(); } else { this.resetDrag(); } } else if (this.dragEvent == 1) { Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot != null && canAddItemToSlot(slot, inventoryplayer.getItemStack(), true) && slot.isItemValid(inventoryplayer.getItemStack()) && inventoryplayer.getItemStack().stackSize > this.dragSlots.size() && this.canDragIntoSlot(slot)) { this.dragSlots.add(slot); } } else if (this.dragEvent == 2) { if (!this.dragSlots.isEmpty()) { itemstack3 = inventoryplayer.getItemStack().copy(); i1 = inventoryplayer.getItemStack().stackSize; Iterator iterator = this.dragSlots.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Slot slot1 = (Slot); if (slot1 != null && canAddItemToSlot(slot1, inventoryplayer.getItemStack(), true) && slot1.isItemValid(inventoryplayer.getItemStack()) && inventoryplayer.getItemStack().stackSize >= this.dragSlots.size() && this.canDragIntoSlot(slot1)) { ItemStack itemstack1 = itemstack3.copy(); int j1 = slot1.getHasStack() ? slot1.getStack().stackSize : 0; computeStackSize(this.dragSlots, this.dragMode, itemstack1, j1); if (itemstack1.stackSize > itemstack1.getMaxStackSize()) { itemstack1.stackSize = itemstack1.getMaxStackSize(); } if (itemstack1.stackSize > slot1.getSlotStackLimit()) { itemstack1.stackSize = slot1.getSlotStackLimit(); } i1 -= itemstack1.stackSize - j1; slot1.putStack(itemstack1); } } itemstack3.stackSize = i1; if (itemstack3.stackSize <= 0) { itemstack3 = null; } inventoryplayer.setItemStack(itemstack3); } this.resetDrag(); } else { this.resetDrag(); } } else if (this.dragEvent != 0) { this.resetDrag(); } else { Slot slot2; int l1; ItemStack itemstack5; if ((mode == 0 || mode == 1) && (clickedButton == 0 || clickedButton == 1)) { if (slotId == -999) { if (inventoryplayer.getItemStack() != null && slotId == -999) { if (clickedButton == 0) { player.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(inventoryplayer.getItemStack(), true); inventoryplayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } if (clickedButton == 1) { player.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(inventoryplayer.getItemStack().splitStack(1), true); if (inventoryplayer.getItemStack().stackSize == 0) { inventoryplayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } } } } else if (mode == 1) { if (slotId < 0) { return null; } slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot2 != null && slot2.canTakeStack(player)) { itemstack3 = this.transferStackInSlot(player, slotId); if (itemstack3 != null) { Item item = itemstack3.getItem(); itemstack = itemstack3.copy(); if (slot2.getStack() != null && slot2.getStack().getItem() == item) { this.retrySlotClick(slotId, clickedButton, true, player); } } } } else { if (slotId < 0) { return null; } slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot2 != null) { itemstack3 = slot2.getStack(); ItemStack itemstack4 = inventoryplayer.getItemStack(); if (itemstack3 != null) { itemstack = itemstack3.copy(); } if (itemstack3 == null) { if (itemstack4 != null && slot2.isItemValid(itemstack4)) { l1 = clickedButton == 0 ? itemstack4.stackSize : 1; if (l1 > slot2.getSlotStackLimit()) { l1 = slot2.getSlotStackLimit(); } if (itemstack4.stackSize >= l1) { slot2.putStack(itemstack4.splitStack(l1)); } if (itemstack4.stackSize == 0) { inventoryplayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } } } else if (slot2.canTakeStack(player)) { if (itemstack4 == null) { l1 = clickedButton == 0 ? itemstack3.stackSize : (itemstack3.stackSize + 1) / 2; itemstack5 = slot2.decrStackSize(l1); inventoryplayer.setItemStack(itemstack5); if (itemstack3.stackSize == 0) { slot2.putStack((ItemStack)null); } slot2.onPickupFromSlot(player, inventoryplayer.getItemStack()); } else if (slot2.isItemValid(itemstack4)) { if (itemstack3.getItem() == itemstack4.getItem() && itemstack3.getMetadata() == itemstack4.getMetadata() && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(itemstack3, itemstack4)) { l1 = clickedButton == 0 ? itemstack4.stackSize : 1; if (l1 > slot2.getSlotStackLimit() - itemstack3.stackSize) { l1 = slot2.getSlotStackLimit() - itemstack3.stackSize; } if (l1 > itemstack4.getMaxStackSize() - itemstack3.stackSize) { l1 = itemstack4.getMaxStackSize() - itemstack3.stackSize; } itemstack4.splitStack(l1); if (itemstack4.stackSize == 0) { inventoryplayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } itemstack3.stackSize += l1; } else if (itemstack4.stackSize <= slot2.getSlotStackLimit()) { slot2.putStack(itemstack4); inventoryplayer.setItemStack(itemstack3); } } else if (itemstack3.getItem() == itemstack4.getItem() && itemstack4.getMaxStackSize() > 1 && (!itemstack3.getHasSubtypes() || itemstack3.getMetadata() == itemstack4.getMetadata()) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(itemstack3, itemstack4)) { l1 = itemstack3.stackSize; if (l1 > 0 && l1 + itemstack4.stackSize <= itemstack4.getMaxStackSize()) { itemstack4.stackSize += l1; itemstack3 = slot2.decrStackSize(l1); if (itemstack3.stackSize == 0) { slot2.putStack((ItemStack)null); } slot2.onPickupFromSlot(player, inventoryplayer.getItemStack()); } } } slot2.onSlotChanged(); } } } else if (mode == 2 && clickedButton >= 0 && clickedButton < 9) { slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot2.canTakeStack(player)) { itemstack3 = inventoryplayer.getStackInSlot(clickedButton); boolean flag = itemstack3 == null || slot2.inventory == inventoryplayer && slot2.isItemValid(itemstack3); l1 = -1; if (!flag) { l1 = inventoryplayer.getFirstEmptyStack(); flag |= l1 > -1; } if (slot2.getHasStack() && flag) { itemstack5 = slot2.getStack(); inventoryplayer.setInventorySlotContents(clickedButton, itemstack5.copy()); if ((slot2.inventory != inventoryplayer || !slot2.isItemValid(itemstack3)) && itemstack3 != null) { if (l1 > -1) { inventoryplayer.addItemStackToInventory(itemstack3); slot2.decrStackSize(itemstack5.stackSize); slot2.putStack((ItemStack)null); slot2.onPickupFromSlot(player, itemstack5); } } else { slot2.decrStackSize(itemstack5.stackSize); slot2.putStack(itemstack3); slot2.onPickupFromSlot(player, itemstack5); } } else if (!slot2.getHasStack() && itemstack3 != null && slot2.isItemValid(itemstack3)) { inventoryplayer.setInventorySlotContents(clickedButton, (ItemStack)null); slot2.putStack(itemstack3); } } } else if (mode == 3 && player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && inventoryplayer.getItemStack() == null && slotId >= 0) { slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot2 != null && slot2.getHasStack()) { itemstack3 = slot2.getStack().copy(); itemstack3.stackSize = itemstack3.getMaxStackSize(); inventoryplayer.setItemStack(itemstack3); } } else if (mode == 4 && inventoryplayer.getItemStack() == null && slotId >= 0) { slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot2 != null && slot2.getHasStack() && slot2.canTakeStack(player)) { itemstack3 = slot2.decrStackSize(clickedButton == 0 ? 1 : slot2.getStack().stackSize); slot2.onPickupFromSlot(player, itemstack3); player.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(itemstack3, true); } } else if (mode == 6 && slotId >= 0) { slot2 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotId); itemstack3 = inventoryplayer.getItemStack(); if (itemstack3 != null && (slot2 == null || !slot2.getHasStack() || !slot2.canTakeStack(player))) { i1 = clickedButton == 0 ? 0 : this.inventorySlots.size() - 1; l1 = clickedButton == 0 ? 1 : -1; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 2; ++i2) { for (int j2 = i1; j2 >= 0 && j2 < this.inventorySlots.size() && itemstack3.stackSize < itemstack3.getMaxStackSize(); j2 += l1) { Slot slot3 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(j2); if (slot3.getHasStack() && canAddItemToSlot(slot3, itemstack3, true) && slot3.canTakeStack(player) && this.func_94530_a(itemstack3, slot3) && (i2 != 0 || slot3.getStack().stackSize != slot3.getStack().getMaxStackSize())) { int k1 = Math.min(itemstack3.getMaxStackSize() - itemstack3.stackSize, slot3.getStack().stackSize); ItemStack itemstack2 = slot3.decrStackSize(k1); itemstack3.stackSize += k1; if (itemstack2.stackSize <= 0) { slot3.putStack((ItemStack)null); } slot3.onPickupFromSlot(player, itemstack2); } } } } this.detectAndSendChanges(); } } return itemstack; } public boolean func_94530_a(ItemStack p_94530_1_, Slot p_94530_2_) { return true; } protected void retrySlotClick(int p_75133_1_, int p_75133_2_, boolean p_75133_3_, EntityPlayer p_75133_4_) { this.slotClick(p_75133_1_, p_75133_2_, 1, p_75133_4_); } /** * Called when the container is closed. */ public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer p_75134_1_) { InventoryPlayer inventoryplayer = p_75134_1_.inventory; if (inventoryplayer.getItemStack() != null) { p_75134_1_.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(inventoryplayer.getItemStack(), false); inventoryplayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } } /** * Callback for when the crafting matrix is changed. */ public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory p_75130_1_) { this.detectAndSendChanges(); } /** * args: slotID, itemStack to put in slot */ public void putStackInSlot(int p_75141_1_, ItemStack p_75141_2_) { this.getSlot(p_75141_1_).putStack(p_75141_2_); } /** * places itemstacks in first x slots, x being aitemstack.lenght */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void putStacksInSlots(ItemStack[] p_75131_1_) { for (int i = 0; i < p_75131_1_.length; ++i) { this.getSlot(i).putStack(p_75131_1_[i]); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateProgressBar(int p_75137_1_, int p_75137_2_) {} /** * Gets a unique transaction ID. Parameter is unused. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public short getNextTransactionID(InventoryPlayer p_75136_1_) { ++this.transactionID; return this.transactionID; } /** * gets whether or not the player can craft in this inventory or not */ public boolean getCanCraft(EntityPlayer p_75129_1_) { return !this.playerList.contains(p_75129_1_); } /** * sets whether the player can craft in this inventory or not */ public void setCanCraft(EntityPlayer p_75128_1_, boolean p_75128_2_) { if (p_75128_2_) { this.playerList.remove(p_75128_1_); } else { this.playerList.add(p_75128_1_); } } public abstract boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer player); /** * Merges provided ItemStack with the first avaliable one in the container/player inventor between minIndex * (included) and maxIndex (excluded). Args : stack, minIndex, maxIndex, negativDirection. /!\ the Container * implementation do not check if the item is valid for the slot */ protected boolean mergeItemStack(ItemStack p_75135_1_, int p_75135_2_, int p_75135_3_, boolean p_75135_4_) { boolean flag1 = false; int k = p_75135_2_; if (p_75135_4_) { k = p_75135_3_ - 1; } Slot slot; ItemStack itemstack1; if (p_75135_1_.isStackable()) { while (p_75135_1_.stackSize > 0 && (!p_75135_4_ && k < p_75135_3_ || p_75135_4_ && k >= p_75135_2_)) { slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(k); itemstack1 = slot.getStack(); if (itemstack1 != null && itemstack1.getItem() == p_75135_1_.getItem() && (!p_75135_1_.getHasSubtypes() || p_75135_1_.getMetadata() == itemstack1.getMetadata()) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(p_75135_1_, itemstack1)) { int l = itemstack1.stackSize + p_75135_1_.stackSize; if (l <= p_75135_1_.getMaxStackSize()) { p_75135_1_.stackSize = 0; itemstack1.stackSize = l; slot.onSlotChanged(); flag1 = true; } else if (itemstack1.stackSize < p_75135_1_.getMaxStackSize()) { p_75135_1_.stackSize -= p_75135_1_.getMaxStackSize() - itemstack1.stackSize; itemstack1.stackSize = p_75135_1_.getMaxStackSize(); slot.onSlotChanged(); flag1 = true; } } if (p_75135_4_) { --k; } else { ++k; } } } if (p_75135_1_.stackSize > 0) { if (p_75135_4_) { k = p_75135_3_ - 1; } else { k = p_75135_2_; } while (!p_75135_4_ && k < p_75135_3_ || p_75135_4_ && k >= p_75135_2_) { slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(k); itemstack1 = slot.getStack(); if (itemstack1 == null) { slot.putStack(p_75135_1_.copy()); slot.onSlotChanged(); p_75135_1_.stackSize = 0; flag1 = true; break; } if (p_75135_4_) { --k; } else { ++k; } } } return flag1; } /** * Extracts the drag mode. Args : eventButton. Return (0 : evenly split, 1 : one item by slot, 2 : not used ?) */ public static int extractDragMode(int p_94529_0_) { return p_94529_0_ >> 2 & 3; } /** * Args : clickedButton, Returns (0 : start drag, 1 : add slot, 2 : end drag) */ public static int getDragEvent(int p_94532_0_) { return p_94532_0_ & 3; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static int func_94534_d(int p_94534_0_, int p_94534_1_) { return p_94534_0_ & 3 | (p_94534_1_ & 3) << 2; } /** * Args : dragMode. Returns true if dragMode = 0 (evenly split) or = 1 (one item by slot) */ public static boolean isValidDragMode(int p_94528_0_) { return p_94528_0_ == 0 || p_94528_0_ == 1; } /** * Reset the drag fields */ protected void resetDrag() { this.dragEvent = 0; this.dragSlots.clear(); } /** * Checks if it's possible to add the given itemstack to the given slot. * * @param stackSizeMatters Will check if adding items to the slot will stack larger than the max stack size */ public static boolean canAddItemToSlot(Slot slotIn, ItemStack stack, boolean stackSizeMatters) { boolean flag1 = slotIn == null || !slotIn.getHasStack(); if (slotIn != null && slotIn.getHasStack() && stack != null && stack.isItemEqual(slotIn.getStack()) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(slotIn.getStack(), stack)) { int i = stackSizeMatters ? 0 : stack.stackSize; flag1 |= slotIn.getStack().stackSize + i <= stack.getMaxStackSize(); } return flag1; } /** * Compute the new stack size, Returns the stack with the new size. Args : dragSlots, dragMode, dragStack, * slotStackSize */ public static void computeStackSize(Set p_94525_0_, int p_94525_1_, ItemStack p_94525_2_, int p_94525_3_) { switch (p_94525_1_) { case 0: p_94525_2_.stackSize = MathHelper.floor_float((float)p_94525_2_.stackSize / (float)p_94525_0_.size()); break; case 1: p_94525_2_.stackSize = 1; } p_94525_2_.stackSize += p_94525_3_; } /** * Returns true if the player can "drag-spilt" items into this slot,. returns true by default. Called to check if * the slot can be added to a list of Slots to split the held ItemStack across. */ public boolean canDragIntoSlot(Slot p_94531_1_) { return true; } public static int calcRedstoneFromInventory(IInventory p_94526_0_) { if (p_94526_0_ == null) { return 0; } else { int i = 0; float f = 0.0F; for (int j = 0; j < p_94526_0_.getSizeInventory(); ++j) { ItemStack itemstack = p_94526_0_.getStackInSlot(j); if (itemstack != null) { f += (float)itemstack.stackSize / (float)Math.min(p_94526_0_.getInventoryStackLimit(), itemstack.getMaxStackSize()); ++i; } } f /= (float)p_94526_0_.getSizeInventory(); return MathHelper.floor_float(f * 14.0F) + (i > 0 ? 1 : 0); } } }