package net.minecraftforge.client.model.obj; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResource; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IModelCustom; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelFormatException; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; /** * Wavefront Object importer * Based heavily off of the specifications found at */ public class WavefrontObject implements IModelCustom { private static Pattern vertexPattern = Pattern.compile("(v( (\\-){0,1}\\d+(\\.\\d+)?){3,4} *\\n)|(v( (\\-){0,1}\\d+(\\.\\d+)?){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern vertexNormalPattern = Pattern.compile("(vn( (\\-){0,1}\\d+(\\.\\d+)?){3,4} *\\n)|(vn( (\\-){0,1}\\d+(\\.\\d+)?){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern textureCoordinatePattern = Pattern.compile("(vt( (\\-){0,1}\\d+\\.\\d+){2,3} *\\n)|(vt( (\\-){0,1}\\d+(\\.\\d+)?){2,3} *$)"); private static Pattern face_V_VT_VN_Pattern = Pattern.compile("(f( \\d+/\\d+/\\d+){3,4} *\\n)|(f( \\d+/\\d+/\\d+){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern face_V_VT_Pattern = Pattern.compile("(f( \\d+/\\d+){3,4} *\\n)|(f( \\d+/\\d+){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern face_V_VN_Pattern = Pattern.compile("(f( \\d+//\\d+){3,4} *\\n)|(f( \\d+//\\d+){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern face_V_Pattern = Pattern.compile("(f( \\d+){3,4} *\\n)|(f( \\d+){3,4} *$)"); private static Pattern groupObjectPattern = Pattern.compile("([go]( [\\w\\d\\.]+) *\\n)|([go]( [\\w\\d\\.]+) *$)"); private static Matcher vertexMatcher, vertexNormalMatcher, textureCoordinateMatcher; private static Matcher face_V_VT_VN_Matcher, face_V_VT_Matcher, face_V_VN_Matcher, face_V_Matcher; private static Matcher groupObjectMatcher; public ArrayList<Vertex> vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex>(); public ArrayList<Vertex> vertexNormals = new ArrayList<Vertex>(); public ArrayList<TextureCoordinate> textureCoordinates = new ArrayList<TextureCoordinate>(); public ArrayList<GroupObject> groupObjects = new ArrayList<GroupObject>(); private GroupObject currentGroupObject; private String fileName; public WavefrontObject(ResourceLocation resource) throws ModelFormatException { this.fileName = resource.toString(); try { IResource res = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(resource); loadObjModel(res.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ModelFormatException("IO Exception reading model format", e); } } public WavefrontObject(String filename, InputStream inputStream) throws ModelFormatException { this.fileName = filename; loadObjModel(inputStream); } private void loadObjModel(InputStream inputStream) throws ModelFormatException { BufferedReader reader = null; String currentLine = null; int lineCount = 0; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { lineCount++; currentLine = currentLine.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(); if (currentLine.startsWith("#") || currentLine.length() == 0) { continue; } else if (currentLine.startsWith("v ")) { Vertex vertex = parseVertex(currentLine, lineCount); if (vertex != null) { vertices.add(vertex); } } else if (currentLine.startsWith("vn ")) { Vertex vertex = parseVertexNormal(currentLine, lineCount); if (vertex != null) { vertexNormals.add(vertex); } } else if (currentLine.startsWith("vt ")) { TextureCoordinate textureCoordinate = parseTextureCoordinate(currentLine, lineCount); if (textureCoordinate != null) { textureCoordinates.add(textureCoordinate); } } else if (currentLine.startsWith("f ")) { if (currentGroupObject == null) { currentGroupObject = new GroupObject("Default"); } Face face = parseFace(currentLine, lineCount); if (face != null) { currentGroupObject.faces.add(face); } } else if (currentLine.startsWith("g ") | currentLine.startsWith("o ")) { GroupObject group = parseGroupObject(currentLine, lineCount); if (group != null) { if (currentGroupObject != null) { groupObjects.add(currentGroupObject); } } currentGroupObject = group; } } groupObjects.add(currentGroupObject); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ModelFormatException("IO Exception reading model format", e); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // hush } try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // hush } } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderAll() { Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance; if (currentGroupObject != null) { tessellator.startDrawing(currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode); } else { tessellator.startDrawing(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES); } tessellateAll(tessellator); tessellator.draw(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void tessellateAll(Tessellator tessellator) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { groupObject.render(tessellator); } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderOnly(String... groupNames) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { for (String groupName : groupNames) { if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase( { groupObject.render(); } } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void tessellateOnly(Tessellator tessellator, String... groupNames) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { for (String groupName : groupNames) { if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase( { groupObject.render(tessellator); } } } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderPart(String partName) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { if (partName.equalsIgnoreCase( { groupObject.render(); } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void tessellatePart(Tessellator tessellator, String partName) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { if (partName.equalsIgnoreCase( { groupObject.render(tessellator); } } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderAllExcept(String... excludedGroupNames) { for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { boolean skipPart=false; for (String excludedGroupName : excludedGroupNames) { if (excludedGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase( { skipPart=true; } } if(!skipPart) { groupObject.render(); } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void tessellateAllExcept(Tessellator tessellator, String... excludedGroupNames) { boolean exclude; for (GroupObject groupObject : groupObjects) { exclude=false; for (String excludedGroupName : excludedGroupNames) { if (excludedGroupName.equalsIgnoreCase( { exclude=true; } } if(!exclude) { groupObject.render(tessellator); } } } private Vertex parseVertex(String line, int lineCount) throws ModelFormatException { Vertex vertex = null; if (isValidVertexLine(line)) { line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); String[] tokens = line.split(" "); try { if (tokens.length == 2) { return new Vertex(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[1])); } else if (tokens.length == 3) { return new Vertex(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2])); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e); } } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } return vertex; } private Vertex parseVertexNormal(String line, int lineCount) throws ModelFormatException { Vertex vertexNormal = null; if (isValidVertexNormalLine(line)) { line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); String[] tokens = line.split(" "); try { if (tokens.length == 3) return new Vertex(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e); } } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } return vertexNormal; } private TextureCoordinate parseTextureCoordinate(String line, int lineCount) throws ModelFormatException { TextureCoordinate textureCoordinate = null; if (isValidTextureCoordinateLine(line)) { line = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); String[] tokens = line.split(" "); try { if (tokens.length == 2) return new TextureCoordinate(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), 1 - Float.parseFloat(tokens[1])); else if (tokens.length == 3) return new TextureCoordinate(Float.parseFloat(tokens[0]), 1 - Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]), Float.parseFloat(tokens[2])); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ModelFormatException(String.format("Number formatting error at line %d",lineCount), e); } } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } return textureCoordinate; } private Face parseFace(String line, int lineCount) throws ModelFormatException { Face face = null; if (isValidFaceLine(line)) { face = new Face(); String trimmedLine = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); String[] tokens = trimmedLine.split(" "); String[] subTokens = null; if (tokens.length == 3) { if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode == -1) { currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode = GL11.GL_TRIANGLES; } else if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode != GL11.GL_TRIANGLES) { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Invalid number of points for face (expected 4, found " + tokens.length + ")"); } } else if (tokens.length == 4) { if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode == -1) { currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode = GL11.GL_QUADS; } else if (currentGroupObject.glDrawingMode != GL11.GL_QUADS) { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Invalid number of points for face (expected 3, found " + tokens.length + ")"); } } // f v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3 ... if (isValidFace_V_VT_VN_Line(line)) { face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length]; face.textureCoordinates = new TextureCoordinate[tokens.length]; face.vertexNormals = new Vertex[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { subTokens = tokens[i].split("/"); face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1); face.textureCoordinates[i] = textureCoordinates.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1); face.vertexNormals[i] = vertexNormals.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[2]) - 1); } face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal(); } // f v1/vt1 v2/vt2 v3/vt3 ... else if (isValidFace_V_VT_Line(line)) { face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length]; face.textureCoordinates = new TextureCoordinate[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { subTokens = tokens[i].split("/"); face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1); face.textureCoordinates[i] = textureCoordinates.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1); } face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal(); } // f v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 ... else if (isValidFace_V_VN_Line(line)) { face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length]; face.vertexNormals = new Vertex[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { subTokens = tokens[i].split("//"); face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[0]) - 1); face.vertexNormals[i] = vertexNormals.get(Integer.parseInt(subTokens[1]) - 1); } face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal(); } // f v1 v2 v3 ... else if (isValidFace_V_Line(line)) { face.vertices = new Vertex[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { face.vertices[i] = vertices.get(Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]) - 1); } face.faceNormal = face.calculateFaceNormal(); } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } return face; } private GroupObject parseGroupObject(String line, int lineCount) throws ModelFormatException { GroupObject group = null; if (isValidGroupObjectLine(line)) { String trimmedLine = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1); if (trimmedLine.length() > 0) { group = new GroupObject(trimmedLine); } } else { throw new ModelFormatException("Error parsing entry ('" + line + "'" + ", line " + lineCount + ") in file '" + fileName + "' - Incorrect format"); } return group; } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid vertex * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid vertex, false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidVertexLine(String line) { if (vertexMatcher != null) { vertexMatcher.reset(); } vertexMatcher = vertexPattern.matcher(line); return vertexMatcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid vertex normal * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid vertex normal, false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidVertexNormalLine(String line) { if (vertexNormalMatcher != null) { vertexNormalMatcher.reset(); } vertexNormalMatcher = vertexNormalPattern.matcher(line); return vertexNormalMatcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid texture coordinate * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid texture coordinate, false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidTextureCoordinateLine(String line) { if (textureCoordinateMatcher != null) { textureCoordinateMatcher.reset(); } textureCoordinateMatcher = textureCoordinatePattern.matcher(line); return textureCoordinateMatcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid face that is described by vertices, texture coordinates, and vertex normals * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid face that matches the format "f v1/vt1/vn1 ..." (with a minimum of 3 points in the face, and a maximum of 4), false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidFace_V_VT_VN_Line(String line) { if (face_V_VT_VN_Matcher != null) { face_V_VT_VN_Matcher.reset(); } face_V_VT_VN_Matcher = face_V_VT_VN_Pattern.matcher(line); return face_V_VT_VN_Matcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid face that is described by vertices and texture coordinates * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid face that matches the format "f v1/vt1 ..." (with a minimum of 3 points in the face, and a maximum of 4), false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidFace_V_VT_Line(String line) { if (face_V_VT_Matcher != null) { face_V_VT_Matcher.reset(); } face_V_VT_Matcher = face_V_VT_Pattern.matcher(line); return face_V_VT_Matcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid face that is described by vertices and vertex normals * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid face that matches the format "f v1//vn1 ..." (with a minimum of 3 points in the face, and a maximum of 4), false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidFace_V_VN_Line(String line) { if (face_V_VN_Matcher != null) { face_V_VN_Matcher.reset(); } face_V_VN_Matcher = face_V_VN_Pattern.matcher(line); return face_V_VN_Matcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid face that is described by only vertices * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid face that matches the format "f v1 ..." (with a minimum of 3 points in the face, and a maximum of 4), false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidFace_V_Line(String line) { if (face_V_Matcher != null) { face_V_Matcher.reset(); } face_V_Matcher = face_V_Pattern.matcher(line); return face_V_Matcher.matches(); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid face of any of the possible face formats * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid face that matches any of the valid face formats, false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidFaceLine(String line) { return isValidFace_V_VT_VN_Line(line) || isValidFace_V_VT_Line(line) || isValidFace_V_VN_Line(line) || isValidFace_V_Line(line); } /*** * Verifies that the given line from the model file is a valid group (or object) * @param line the line being validated * @return true if the line is a valid group (or object), false otherwise */ private static boolean isValidGroupObjectLine(String line) { if (groupObjectMatcher != null) { groupObjectMatcher.reset(); } groupObjectMatcher = groupObjectPattern.matcher(line); return groupObjectMatcher.matches(); } @Override public String getType() { return "obj"; } }