package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker; import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager; import paulscode.sound.SoundSystem; import paulscode.sound.SoundSystemConfig; import paulscode.sound.SoundSystemException; import paulscode.sound.Source; import paulscode.sound.codecs.CodecJOrbis; import paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL; import net.minecraftforge.client.*; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.sound.*; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class SoundManager { /** The marker used for logging */ private static final Marker LOG_MARKER = MarkerManager.getMarker("SOUNDS"); private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); /** A reference to the sound handler. */ public final SoundHandler sndHandler; /** Reference to the GameSettings object. */ private final GameSettings options; /** A reference to the sound system. */ private SoundManager.SoundSystemStarterThread sndSystem; /** Set to true when the SoundManager has been initialised. */ private boolean loaded; /** A counter for how long the sound manager has been running */ private int playTime = 0; /** Identifiers of all currently playing sounds. Type: HashBiMap<String, ISound> */ private final Map playingSounds = HashBiMap.create(); /** Inverse map of currently playing sounds, automatically mirroring changes in original map */ private final Map invPlayingSounds; /** A HashMap<String, SoundPoolEntry> of the playing sounds. */ private Map playingSoundPoolEntries; /** Contains sounds mapped by category. Type: Multimap<SoundCategory, String> */ private final Multimap categorySounds; /** A subset of playingSounds, this contains only ITickableSounds */ private final List tickableSounds; /** Contains sounds to play in n ticks. Type: HashMap<ISound, Integer> */ private final Map delayedSounds; /** The future time in which to stop this sound. Type: HashMap<String, Integer> */ private final Map playingSoundsStopTime; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001141"; public SoundManager(SoundHandler p_i45119_1_, GameSettings p_i45119_2_) { this.invPlayingSounds = ((BiMap)this.playingSounds).inverse(); this.playingSoundPoolEntries = Maps.newHashMap(); this.categorySounds = HashMultimap.create(); this.tickableSounds = Lists.newArrayList(); this.delayedSounds = Maps.newHashMap(); this.playingSoundsStopTime = Maps.newHashMap(); this.sndHandler = p_i45119_1_; this.options = p_i45119_2_; try { SoundSystemConfig.addLibrary(LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.class); SoundSystemConfig.setCodec("ogg", CodecJOrbis.class); SoundSetupEvent(this)); } catch (SoundSystemException soundsystemexception) { logger.error(LOG_MARKER, "Error linking with the LibraryJavaSound plug-in", soundsystemexception); } } public void reloadSoundSystem() { this.unloadSoundSystem(); this.loadSoundSystem(); SoundLoadEvent(this)); } /** * Tries to add the paulscode library and the relevant codecs. If it fails, the master volume will be set to zero. */ private synchronized void loadSoundSystem() { if (!this.loaded) { try { (new Thread(new Runnable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001142"; public void run() { SoundManager.this.sndSystem = SoundSystemStarterThread(null); SoundManager.this.loaded = true; SoundManager.this.sndSystem.setMasterVolume(SoundManager.this.options.getSoundLevel(SoundCategory.MASTER));, "Sound engine started"); } }, "Sound Library Loader")).start(); } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) { logger.error(LOG_MARKER, "Error starting SoundSystem. Turning off sounds & music", runtimeexception); this.options.setSoundLevel(SoundCategory.MASTER, 0.0F); this.options.saveOptions(); } } } /** * Returns the sound level (between 0.0 and 1.0) for a category, but 1.0 for the master sound category */ private float getSoundCategoryVolume(SoundCategory p_148595_1_) { return p_148595_1_ != null && p_148595_1_ != SoundCategory.MASTER ? this.options.getSoundLevel(p_148595_1_) : 1.0F; } /** * Adjusts volume for currently playing sounds in this category */ public void setSoundCategoryVolume(SoundCategory p_148601_1_, float p_148601_2_) { if (this.loaded) { if (p_148601_1_ == SoundCategory.MASTER) { this.sndSystem.setMasterVolume(p_148601_2_); } else { Iterator iterator = this.categorySounds.get(p_148601_1_).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); ISound isound = (ISound)this.playingSounds.get(s); float f1 = this.getNormalizedVolume(isound, (SoundPoolEntry)this.playingSoundPoolEntries.get(isound), p_148601_1_); if (f1 <= 0.0F) { this.stopSound(isound); } else { this.sndSystem.setVolume(s, f1); } } } } } /** * Cleans up the Sound System */ public void unloadSoundSystem() { if (this.loaded) { this.stopAllSounds(); this.sndSystem.cleanup(); this.loaded = false; } } /** * Stops all currently playing sounds */ public void stopAllSounds() { if (this.loaded) { Iterator iterator = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); this.sndSystem.stop(s); } this.playingSounds.clear(); this.delayedSounds.clear(); this.tickableSounds.clear(); this.categorySounds.clear(); this.playingSoundPoolEntries.clear(); this.playingSoundsStopTime.clear(); } } public void updateAllSounds() { ++this.playTime; Iterator iterator = this.tickableSounds.iterator(); String s; while (iterator.hasNext()) { ITickableSound itickablesound = (ITickableSound); itickablesound.update(); if (itickablesound.isDonePlaying()) { this.stopSound(itickablesound); } else { s = (String)this.invPlayingSounds.get(itickablesound); this.sndSystem.setVolume(s, this.getNormalizedVolume(itickablesound, (SoundPoolEntry)this.playingSoundPoolEntries.get(itickablesound), this.sndHandler.getSound(itickablesound.getSoundLocation()).getSoundCategory())); this.sndSystem.setPitch(s, this.getNormalizedPitch(itickablesound, (SoundPoolEntry)this.playingSoundPoolEntries.get(itickablesound))); this.sndSystem.setPosition(s, itickablesound.getXPosF(), itickablesound.getYPosF(), itickablesound.getZPosF()); } } iterator = this.playingSounds.entrySet().iterator(); ISound isound; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry entry = (Entry); s = (String)entry.getKey(); isound = (ISound)entry.getValue(); if (!this.sndSystem.playing(s)) { int i = ((Integer)this.playingSoundsStopTime.get(s)).intValue(); if (i <= this.playTime) { int j = isound.getRepeatDelay(); if (isound.canRepeat() && j > 0) { this.delayedSounds.put(isound, Integer.valueOf(this.playTime + j)); } iterator.remove(); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Removed channel {} because it\'s not playing anymore", new Object[] {s}); this.sndSystem.removeSource(s); this.playingSoundsStopTime.remove(s); this.playingSoundPoolEntries.remove(isound); try { this.categorySounds.remove(this.sndHandler.getSound(isound.getSoundLocation()).getSoundCategory(), s); } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) { ; } if (isound instanceof ITickableSound) { this.tickableSounds.remove(isound); } } } } Iterator iterator1 = this.delayedSounds.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator1.hasNext()) { Entry entry1 = (Entry); if (this.playTime >= ((Integer)entry1.getValue()).intValue()) { isound = (ISound)entry1.getKey(); if (isound instanceof ITickableSound) { ((ITickableSound)isound).update(); } this.playSound(isound); iterator1.remove(); } } } /** * Returns true if the sound is playing or still within time */ public boolean isSoundPlaying(ISound p_148597_1_) { if (!this.loaded) { return false; } else { String s = (String)this.invPlayingSounds.get(p_148597_1_); return s == null ? false : this.sndSystem.playing(s) || this.playingSoundsStopTime.containsKey(s) && ((Integer)this.playingSoundsStopTime.get(s)).intValue() <= this.playTime; } } public void stopSound(ISound p_148602_1_) { if (this.loaded) { String s = (String)this.invPlayingSounds.get(p_148602_1_); if (s != null) { this.sndSystem.stop(s); } } } public void playSound(ISound p_148611_1_) { if (this.loaded) { if (this.sndSystem.getMasterVolume() <= 0.0F) { logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Skipped playing soundEvent: {}, master volume was zero", new Object[] {p_148611_1_.getSoundLocation()}); } else { p_148611_1_ = ForgeHooksClient.playSound(this, p_148611_1_); if (p_148611_1_ == null) return; SoundEventAccessorComposite soundeventaccessorcomposite = this.sndHandler.getSound(p_148611_1_.getSoundLocation()); if (soundeventaccessorcomposite == null) { logger.warn(LOG_MARKER, "Unable to play unknown soundEvent: {}", new Object[] {p_148611_1_.getSoundLocation()}); } else { SoundPoolEntry soundpoolentry = soundeventaccessorcomposite.func_148720_g(); if (soundpoolentry == SoundHandler.missing_sound) { logger.warn(LOG_MARKER, "Unable to play empty soundEvent: {}", new Object[] {soundeventaccessorcomposite.getSoundEventLocation()}); } else { float f = p_148611_1_.getVolume(); float f1 = 16.0F; if (f > 1.0F) { f1 *= f; } SoundCategory soundcategory = soundeventaccessorcomposite.getSoundCategory(); float f2 = this.getNormalizedVolume(p_148611_1_, soundpoolentry, soundcategory); double d0 = (double)this.getNormalizedPitch(p_148611_1_, soundpoolentry); ResourceLocation resourcelocation = soundpoolentry.getSoundPoolEntryLocation(); if (f2 == 0.0F) { logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Skipped playing sound {}, volume was zero.", new Object[] {resourcelocation}); } else { boolean flag = p_148611_1_.canRepeat() && p_148611_1_.getRepeatDelay() == 0; String s = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (soundpoolentry.isStreamingSound()) { this.sndSystem.newStreamingSource(false, s, getURLForSoundResource(resourcelocation), resourcelocation.toString(), flag, p_148611_1_.getXPosF(), p_148611_1_.getYPosF(), p_148611_1_.getZPosF(), p_148611_1_.getAttenuationType().getTypeInt(), f1); PlayStreamingSourceEvent(this, p_148611_1_, s)); } else { this.sndSystem.newSource(false, s, getURLForSoundResource(resourcelocation), resourcelocation.toString(), flag, p_148611_1_.getXPosF(), p_148611_1_.getYPosF(), p_148611_1_.getZPosF(), p_148611_1_.getAttenuationType().getTypeInt(), f1); PlaySoundSourceEvent(this, p_148611_1_, s)); } logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Playing sound {} for event {} as channel {}", new Object[] {soundpoolentry.getSoundPoolEntryLocation(), soundeventaccessorcomposite.getSoundEventLocation(), s}); this.sndSystem.setPitch(s, (float)d0); this.sndSystem.setVolume(s, f2);; this.playingSoundsStopTime.put(s, Integer.valueOf(this.playTime + 20)); this.playingSounds.put(s, p_148611_1_); this.playingSoundPoolEntries.put(p_148611_1_, soundpoolentry); if (soundcategory != SoundCategory.MASTER) { this.categorySounds.put(soundcategory, s); } if (p_148611_1_ instanceof ITickableSound) { this.tickableSounds.add((ITickableSound)p_148611_1_); } } } } } } } /** * Normalizes pitch from parameters and clamps to [0.5, 2.0] */ private float getNormalizedPitch(ISound p_148606_1_, SoundPoolEntry p_148606_2_) { return (float)MathHelper.clamp_double((double)p_148606_1_.getPitch() * p_148606_2_.getPitch(), 0.5D, 2.0D); } /** * Normalizes volume level from parameters. Range [0.0, 1.0] */ private float getNormalizedVolume(ISound p_148594_1_, SoundPoolEntry p_148594_2_, SoundCategory p_148594_3_) { return (float)MathHelper.clamp_double((double)p_148594_1_.getVolume() * p_148594_2_.getVolume() * (double)this.getSoundCategoryVolume(p_148594_3_), 0.0D, 1.0D); } /** * Pauses all currently playing sounds */ public void pauseAllSounds() { Iterator iterator = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Pausing channel {}", new Object[] {s}); this.sndSystem.pause(s); } } /** * Resumes playing all currently playing sounds (after pauseAllSounds) */ public void resumeAllSounds() { Iterator iterator = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Resuming channel {}", new Object[] {s});; } } /** * Adds a sound to play in n tick */ public void playDelayedSound(ISound p_148599_1_, int p_148599_2_) { this.delayedSounds.put(p_148599_1_, Integer.valueOf(this.playTime + p_148599_2_)); } private static URL getURLForSoundResource(final ResourceLocation p_148612_0_) { String s = String.format("%s:%s:%s", new Object[] {"mcsounddomain", p_148612_0_.getResourceDomain(), p_148612_0_.getResourcePath()}); URLStreamHandler urlstreamhandler = new URLStreamHandler() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001143"; protected URLConnection openConnection(final URL p_openConnection_1_) { return new URLConnection(p_openConnection_1_) { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001144"; public void connect() {} public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(p_148612_0_).getInputStream(); } }; } }; try { return new URL((URL)null, s, urlstreamhandler); } catch (MalformedURLException malformedurlexception) { throw new Error("TODO: Sanely handle url exception! :D"); } } /** * Sets the listener of sounds */ public void setListener(EntityPlayer p_148615_1_, float p_148615_2_) { if (this.loaded && p_148615_1_ != null) { float f1 = p_148615_1_.prevRotationPitch + (p_148615_1_.rotationPitch - p_148615_1_.prevRotationPitch) * p_148615_2_; float f2 = p_148615_1_.prevRotationYaw + (p_148615_1_.rotationYaw - p_148615_1_.prevRotationYaw) * p_148615_2_; double d0 = p_148615_1_.prevPosX + (p_148615_1_.posX - p_148615_1_.prevPosX) * (double)p_148615_2_; double d1 = p_148615_1_.prevPosY + (p_148615_1_.posY - p_148615_1_.prevPosY) * (double)p_148615_2_; double d2 = p_148615_1_.prevPosZ + (p_148615_1_.posZ - p_148615_1_.prevPosZ) * (double)p_148615_2_; float f3 = MathHelper.cos((f2 + 90.0F) * 0.017453292F); float f4 = MathHelper.sin((f2 + 90.0F) * 0.017453292F); float f5 = MathHelper.cos(-f1 * 0.017453292F); float f6 = MathHelper.sin(-f1 * 0.017453292F); float f7 = MathHelper.cos((-f1 + 90.0F) * 0.017453292F); float f8 = MathHelper.sin((-f1 + 90.0F) * 0.017453292F); float f9 = f3 * f5; float f10 = f4 * f5; float f11 = f3 * f7; float f12 = f4 * f7; this.sndSystem.setListenerPosition((float)d0, (float)d1, (float)d2); this.sndSystem.setListenerOrientation(f9, f6, f10, f11, f8, f12); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) class SoundSystemStarterThread extends SoundSystem { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001145"; private SoundSystemStarterThread() {} public boolean playing(String p_playing_1_) { Object object = SoundSystemConfig.THREAD_SYNC; synchronized (SoundSystemConfig.THREAD_SYNC) { if (this.soundLibrary == null) { return false; } else { Source source = (Source)this.soundLibrary.getSources().get(p_playing_1_); return source == null ? false : source.playing() || source.paused() || source.preLoad; } } } SoundSystemStarterThread(Object p_i45118_2_) { this(); } } }