package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public class RConThreadClient extends RConThreadBase { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); /** True if the client has succefssfully logged into the RCon, otherwise false */ private boolean loggedIn; /** The client's Socket connection */ private Socket clientSocket; /** A buffer for incoming Socket data */ private byte[] buffer = new byte[1460]; /** The RCon password */ private String rconPassword; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001804"; RConThreadClient(IServer p_i1537_1_, Socket socket) { super(p_i1537_1_, "RCON Client"); this.clientSocket = socket; try { this.clientSocket.setSoTimeout(0); } catch (Exception exception) { this.running = false; } this.rconPassword = p_i1537_1_.getStringProperty("rcon.password", ""); this.logInfo("Rcon connection from: " + socket.getInetAddress()); } public void run() { while (true) { try { if (!this.running) { break; } BufferedInputStream bufferedinputstream = new BufferedInputStream(this.clientSocket.getInputStream()); int i =, 0, 1460); if (10 > i) { return; } byte b0 = 0; int j = RConUtils.getBytesAsLEInt(this.buffer, 0, i); if (j == i - 4) { int i1 = b0 + 4; int k = RConUtils.getBytesAsLEInt(this.buffer, i1, i); i1 += 4; int l = RConUtils.getRemainingBytesAsLEInt(this.buffer, i1); i1 += 4; switch (l) { case 2: if (this.loggedIn) { String s1 = RConUtils.getBytesAsString(this.buffer, i1, i); try { this.sendMultipacketResponse(k, this.server.handleRConCommand(s1)); } catch (Exception exception) { this.sendMultipacketResponse(k, "Error executing: " + s1 + " (" + exception.getMessage() + ")"); } continue; } this.sendLoginFailedResponse(); continue; case 3: String s = RConUtils.getBytesAsString(this.buffer, i1, i); int j1 = i1 + s.length(); if (0 != s.length() && s.equals(this.rconPassword)) { this.loggedIn = true; this.sendResponse(k, 2, ""); continue; } this.loggedIn = false; this.sendLoginFailedResponse(); continue; default: this.sendMultipacketResponse(k, String.format("Unknown request %s", new Object[] {Integer.toHexString(l)})); continue; } } } catch (SocketTimeoutException sockettimeoutexception) { break; } catch (IOException ioexception) { break; } catch (Exception exception1) { LOGGER.error("Exception whilst parsing RCON input", exception1); break; } finally { this.closeSocket(); } return; } } /** * Sends the given response message to the client */ private void sendResponse(int p_72654_1_, int p_72654_2_, String message) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1248); DataOutputStream dataoutputstream = new DataOutputStream(bytearrayoutputstream); byte[] abyte = message.getBytes("UTF-8"); dataoutputstream.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(abyte.length + 10)); dataoutputstream.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(p_72654_1_)); dataoutputstream.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(p_72654_2_)); dataoutputstream.write(abyte); dataoutputstream.write(0); dataoutputstream.write(0); this.clientSocket.getOutputStream().write(bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray()); } /** * Sends the standard RCon 'authorization failed' response packet */ private void sendLoginFailedResponse() throws IOException { this.sendResponse(-1, 2, ""); } /** * Splits the response message into individual packets and sends each one */ private void sendMultipacketResponse(int p_72655_1_, String p_72655_2_) throws IOException { int j = p_72655_2_.length(); do { int k = 4096 <= j ? 4096 : j; this.sendResponse(p_72655_1_, 0, p_72655_2_.substring(0, k)); p_72655_2_ = p_72655_2_.substring(k); j = p_72655_2_.length(); } while (0 != j); } /** * Closes the client socket */ private void closeSocket() { if (null != this.clientSocket) { try { this.clientSocket.close(); } catch (IOException ioexception) { this.logWarning("IO: " + ioexception.getMessage()); } this.clientSocket = null; } } }