package net.minecraft.entity; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public class EntityBodyHelper { /** Instance of EntityLiving. */ private EntityLivingBase theLiving; /** Used to progressively ajust the rotation of the body to the rotation of the head */ private int rotationTickCounter; private float prevRenderYawHead; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001570"; public EntityBodyHelper(EntityLivingBase p_i1611_1_) { this.theLiving = p_i1611_1_; } /** * Update the Head and Body rendenring angles */ public void updateRenderAngles() { double d0 = this.theLiving.posX - this.theLiving.prevPosX; double d1 = this.theLiving.posZ - this.theLiving.prevPosZ; if (d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 > 2.500000277905201E-7D) { this.theLiving.renderYawOffset = this.theLiving.rotationYaw; this.theLiving.rotationYawHead = this.computeAngleWithBound(this.theLiving.renderYawOffset, this.theLiving.rotationYawHead, 75.0F); this.prevRenderYawHead = this.theLiving.rotationYawHead; this.rotationTickCounter = 0; } else { float f = 75.0F; if (Math.abs(this.theLiving.rotationYawHead - this.prevRenderYawHead) > 15.0F) { this.rotationTickCounter = 0; this.prevRenderYawHead = this.theLiving.rotationYawHead; } else { ++this.rotationTickCounter; boolean flag = true; if (this.rotationTickCounter > 10) { f = Math.max(1.0F - (float)(this.rotationTickCounter - 10) / 10.0F, 0.0F) * 75.0F; } } this.theLiving.renderYawOffset = this.computeAngleWithBound(this.theLiving.rotationYawHead, this.theLiving.renderYawOffset, f); } } /** * Return the new angle2 such that the difference between angle1 and angle2 is lower than angleMax. Args : angle1, * angle2, angleMax */ private float computeAngleWithBound(float p_75665_1_, float p_75665_2_, float p_75665_3_) { float f3 = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_float(p_75665_1_ - p_75665_2_); if (f3 < -p_75665_3_) { f3 = -p_75665_3_; } if (f3 >= p_75665_3_) { f3 = p_75665_3_; } return p_75665_1_ - f3; } }