package; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufProcessor; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.GatheringByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTSizeTracker; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; public class PacketBuffer extends ByteBuf { private final ByteBuf buf; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001251"; public PacketBuffer(ByteBuf wrapped) { this.buf = wrapped; } /** * Calculates the number of bytes required to fit the supplied int (0-5) if it were to be read/written using * readVarIntFromBuffer or writeVarIntToBuffer */ public static int getVarIntSize(int input) { return (input & -128) == 0 ? 1 : ((input & -16384) == 0 ? 2 : ((input & -2097152) == 0 ? 3 : ((input & -268435456) == 0 ? 4 : 5))); } /** * Reads a compressed int from the buffer. To do so it maximally reads 5 byte-sized chunks whose most significant * bit dictates whether another byte should be read. */ public int readVarIntFromBuffer() { int i = 0; int j = 0; byte b0; do { b0 = this.readByte(); i |= (b0 & 127) << j++ * 7; if (j > 5) { throw new RuntimeException("VarInt too big"); } } while ((b0 & 128) == 128); return i; } /** * Writes a compressed int to the buffer. The smallest number of bytes to fit the passed int will be written. Of * each such byte only 7 bits will be used to describe the actual value since its most significant bit dictates * whether the next byte is part of that same int. Micro-optimization for int values that are expected to have * values below 128. */ public void writeVarIntToBuffer(int input) { while ((input & -128) != 0) { this.writeByte(input & 127 | 128); input >>>= 7; } this.writeByte(input); } /** * Writes a compressed NBTTagCompound to this buffer */ public void writeNBTTagCompoundToBuffer(NBTTagCompound nbt) throws IOException { if (nbt == null) { this.writeShort(-1); } else { byte[] abyte = CompressedStreamTools.compress(nbt); this.writeShort((short)abyte.length); this.writeBytes(abyte); } } /** * Reads a compressed NBTTagCompound from this buffer */ public NBTTagCompound readNBTTagCompoundFromBuffer() throws IOException { short short1 = this.readShort(); if (short1 < 0) { return null; } else { byte[] abyte = new byte[short1]; this.readBytes(abyte); return CompressedStreamTools.decompress(abyte, new NBTSizeTracker(2097152L)); } } /** * Writes the ItemStack's ID (short), then size (byte), then damage. (short) */ public void writeItemStackToBuffer(ItemStack stack) throws IOException { if (stack == null) { this.writeShort(-1); } else { this.writeShort(Item.getIdFromItem(stack.getItem())); this.writeByte(stack.stackSize); this.writeShort(stack.getMetadata()); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = null; if (stack.getItem().isDamageable() || stack.getItem().getShareTag()) { nbttagcompound = stack.stackTagCompound; } this.writeNBTTagCompoundToBuffer(nbttagcompound); } } /** * Reads an ItemStack from this buffer */ public ItemStack readItemStackFromBuffer() throws IOException { ItemStack itemstack = null; short short1 = this.readShort(); if (short1 >= 0) { byte b0 = this.readByte(); short short2 = this.readShort(); itemstack = new ItemStack(Item.getItemById(short1), b0, short2); itemstack.stackTagCompound = this.readNBTTagCompoundFromBuffer(); } return itemstack; } /** * Reads a string from this buffer. Expected parameter is maximum allowed string length. Will throw IOException if * string length exceeds this value! */ public String readStringFromBuffer(int maxLength) throws IOException { int j = this.readVarIntFromBuffer(); if (j > maxLength * 4) { throw new IOException("The received encoded string buffer length is longer than maximum allowed (" + j + " > " + maxLength * 4 + ")"); } else if (j < 0) { throw new IOException("The received encoded string buffer length is less than zero! Weird string!"); } else { String s = new String(this.readBytes(j).array(), Charsets.UTF_8); if (s.length() > maxLength) { throw new IOException("The received string length is longer than maximum allowed (" + j + " > " + maxLength + ")"); } else { return s; } } } /** * Writes a (UTF-8 encoded) String to this buffer. Will throw IOException if String length exceeds 32767 bytes */ public void writeStringToBuffer(String str) throws IOException { byte[] abyte = str.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); if (abyte.length > 32767) { throw new IOException("String too big (was " + str.length() + " bytes encoded, max " + 32767 + ")"); } else { this.writeVarIntToBuffer(abyte.length); this.writeBytes(abyte); } } public int capacity() { return this.buf.capacity(); } public ByteBuf capacity(int p_capacity_1_) { return this.buf.capacity(p_capacity_1_); } public int maxCapacity() { return this.buf.maxCapacity(); } public ByteBufAllocator alloc() { return this.buf.alloc(); } public ByteOrder order() { return this.buf.order(); } public ByteBuf order(ByteOrder p_order_1_) { return this.buf.order(p_order_1_); } public ByteBuf unwrap() { return this.buf.unwrap(); } public boolean isDirect() { return this.buf.isDirect(); } public int readerIndex() { return this.buf.readerIndex(); } public ByteBuf readerIndex(int p_readerIndex_1_) { return this.buf.readerIndex(p_readerIndex_1_); } public int writerIndex() { return this.buf.writerIndex(); } public ByteBuf writerIndex(int p_writerIndex_1_) { return this.buf.writerIndex(p_writerIndex_1_); } public ByteBuf setIndex(int p_setIndex_1_, int p_setIndex_2_) { return this.buf.setIndex(p_setIndex_1_, p_setIndex_2_); } public int readableBytes() { return this.buf.readableBytes(); } public int writableBytes() { return this.buf.writableBytes(); } public int maxWritableBytes() { return this.buf.maxWritableBytes(); } public boolean isReadable() { return this.buf.isReadable(); } public boolean isReadable(int p_isReadable_1_) { return this.buf.isReadable(p_isReadable_1_); } public boolean isWritable() { return this.buf.isWritable(); } public boolean isWritable(int p_isWritable_1_) { return this.buf.isWritable(p_isWritable_1_); } public ByteBuf clear() { return this.buf.clear(); } public ByteBuf markReaderIndex() { return this.buf.markReaderIndex(); } public ByteBuf resetReaderIndex() { return this.buf.resetReaderIndex(); } public ByteBuf markWriterIndex() { return this.buf.markWriterIndex(); } public ByteBuf resetWriterIndex() { return this.buf.resetWriterIndex(); } public ByteBuf discardReadBytes() { return this.buf.discardReadBytes(); } public ByteBuf discardSomeReadBytes() { return this.buf.discardSomeReadBytes(); } public ByteBuf ensureWritable(int p_ensureWritable_1_) { return this.buf.ensureWritable(p_ensureWritable_1_); } public int ensureWritable(int p_ensureWritable_1_, boolean p_ensureWritable_2_) { return this.buf.ensureWritable(p_ensureWritable_1_, p_ensureWritable_2_); } public boolean getBoolean(int p_getBoolean_1_) { return this.buf.getBoolean(p_getBoolean_1_); } public byte getByte(int p_getByte_1_) { return this.buf.getByte(p_getByte_1_); } public short getUnsignedByte(int p_getUnsignedByte_1_) { return this.buf.getUnsignedByte(p_getUnsignedByte_1_); } public short getShort(int p_getShort_1_) { return this.buf.getShort(p_getShort_1_); } public int getUnsignedShort(int p_getUnsignedShort_1_) { return this.buf.getUnsignedShort(p_getUnsignedShort_1_); } public int getMedium(int p_getMedium_1_) { return this.buf.getMedium(p_getMedium_1_); } public int getUnsignedMedium(int p_getUnsignedMedium_1_) { return this.buf.getUnsignedMedium(p_getUnsignedMedium_1_); } public int getInt(int p_getInt_1_) { return this.buf.getInt(p_getInt_1_); } public long getUnsignedInt(int p_getUnsignedInt_1_) { return this.buf.getUnsignedInt(p_getUnsignedInt_1_); } public long getLong(int p_getLong_1_) { return this.buf.getLong(p_getLong_1_); } public char getChar(int p_getChar_1_) { return this.buf.getChar(p_getChar_1_); } public float getFloat(int p_getFloat_1_) { return this.buf.getFloat(p_getFloat_1_); } public double getDouble(int p_getDouble_1_) { return this.buf.getDouble(p_getDouble_1_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_getBytes_2_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_getBytes_2_, int p_getBytes_3_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_, p_getBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_getBytes_2_, int p_getBytes_3_, int p_getBytes_4_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_, p_getBytes_3_, p_getBytes_4_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, byte[] p_getBytes_2_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, byte[] p_getBytes_2_, int p_getBytes_3_, int p_getBytes_4_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_, p_getBytes_3_, p_getBytes_4_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, ByteBuffer p_getBytes_2_) { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, OutputStream p_getBytes_2_, int p_getBytes_3_) throws IOException { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_, p_getBytes_3_); } public int getBytes(int p_getBytes_1_, GatheringByteChannel p_getBytes_2_, int p_getBytes_3_) throws IOException { return this.buf.getBytes(p_getBytes_1_, p_getBytes_2_, p_getBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf setBoolean(int p_setBoolean_1_, boolean p_setBoolean_2_) { return this.buf.setBoolean(p_setBoolean_1_, p_setBoolean_2_); } public ByteBuf setByte(int p_setByte_1_, int p_setByte_2_) { return this.buf.setByte(p_setByte_1_, p_setByte_2_); } public ByteBuf setShort(int p_setShort_1_, int p_setShort_2_) { return this.buf.setShort(p_setShort_1_, p_setShort_2_); } public ByteBuf setMedium(int p_setMedium_1_, int p_setMedium_2_) { return this.buf.setMedium(p_setMedium_1_, p_setMedium_2_); } public ByteBuf setInt(int p_setInt_1_, int p_setInt_2_) { return this.buf.setInt(p_setInt_1_, p_setInt_2_); } public ByteBuf setLong(int p_setLong_1_, long p_setLong_2_) { return this.buf.setLong(p_setLong_1_, p_setLong_2_); } public ByteBuf setChar(int p_setChar_1_, int p_setChar_2_) { return this.buf.setChar(p_setChar_1_, p_setChar_2_); } public ByteBuf setFloat(int p_setFloat_1_, float p_setFloat_2_) { return this.buf.setFloat(p_setFloat_1_, p_setFloat_2_); } public ByteBuf setDouble(int p_setDouble_1_, double p_setDouble_2_) { return this.buf.setDouble(p_setDouble_1_, p_setDouble_2_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_setBytes_2_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_setBytes_2_, int p_setBytes_3_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_, p_setBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, ByteBuf p_setBytes_2_, int p_setBytes_3_, int p_setBytes_4_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_, p_setBytes_3_, p_setBytes_4_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, byte[] p_setBytes_2_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, byte[] p_setBytes_2_, int p_setBytes_3_, int p_setBytes_4_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_, p_setBytes_3_, p_setBytes_4_); } public ByteBuf setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, ByteBuffer p_setBytes_2_) { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_); } public int setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, InputStream p_setBytes_2_, int p_setBytes_3_) throws IOException { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_, p_setBytes_3_); } public int setBytes(int p_setBytes_1_, ScatteringByteChannel p_setBytes_2_, int p_setBytes_3_) throws IOException { return this.buf.setBytes(p_setBytes_1_, p_setBytes_2_, p_setBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf setZero(int p_setZero_1_, int p_setZero_2_) { return this.buf.setZero(p_setZero_1_, p_setZero_2_); } public boolean readBoolean() { return this.buf.readBoolean(); } public byte readByte() { return this.buf.readByte(); } public short readUnsignedByte() { return this.buf.readUnsignedByte(); } public short readShort() { return this.buf.readShort(); } public int readUnsignedShort() { return this.buf.readUnsignedShort(); } public int readMedium() { return this.buf.readMedium(); } public int readUnsignedMedium() { return this.buf.readUnsignedMedium(); } public int readInt() { return this.buf.readInt(); } public long readUnsignedInt() { return this.buf.readUnsignedInt(); } public long readLong() { return this.buf.readLong(); } public char readChar() { return this.buf.readChar(); } public float readFloat() { return this.buf.readFloat(); } public double readDouble() { return this.buf.readDouble(); } public ByteBuf readBytes(int p_readBytes_1_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf readSlice(int p_readSlice_1_) { return this.buf.readSlice(p_readSlice_1_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf p_readBytes_1_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf p_readBytes_1_, int p_readBytes_2_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_, p_readBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuf p_readBytes_1_, int p_readBytes_2_, int p_readBytes_3_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_, p_readBytes_2_, p_readBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(byte[] p_readBytes_1_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(byte[] p_readBytes_1_, int p_readBytes_2_, int p_readBytes_3_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_, p_readBytes_2_, p_readBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(ByteBuffer p_readBytes_1_) { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf readBytes(OutputStream p_readBytes_1_, int p_readBytes_2_) throws IOException { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_, p_readBytes_2_); } public int readBytes(GatheringByteChannel p_readBytes_1_, int p_readBytes_2_) throws IOException { return this.buf.readBytes(p_readBytes_1_, p_readBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf skipBytes(int p_skipBytes_1_) { return this.buf.skipBytes(p_skipBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf writeBoolean(boolean p_writeBoolean_1_) { return this.buf.writeBoolean(p_writeBoolean_1_); } public ByteBuf writeByte(int p_writeByte_1_) { return this.buf.writeByte(p_writeByte_1_); } public ByteBuf writeShort(int p_writeShort_1_) { return this.buf.writeShort(p_writeShort_1_); } public ByteBuf writeMedium(int p_writeMedium_1_) { return this.buf.writeMedium(p_writeMedium_1_); } public ByteBuf writeInt(int p_writeInt_1_) { return this.buf.writeInt(p_writeInt_1_); } public ByteBuf writeLong(long p_writeLong_1_) { return this.buf.writeLong(p_writeLong_1_); } public ByteBuf writeChar(int p_writeChar_1_) { return this.buf.writeChar(p_writeChar_1_); } public ByteBuf writeFloat(float p_writeFloat_1_) { return this.buf.writeFloat(p_writeFloat_1_); } public ByteBuf writeDouble(double p_writeDouble_1_) { return this.buf.writeDouble(p_writeDouble_1_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf p_writeBytes_1_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf p_writeBytes_1_, int p_writeBytes_2_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_, p_writeBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuf p_writeBytes_1_, int p_writeBytes_2_, int p_writeBytes_3_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_, p_writeBytes_2_, p_writeBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] p_writeBytes_1_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(byte[] p_writeBytes_1_, int p_writeBytes_2_, int p_writeBytes_3_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_, p_writeBytes_2_, p_writeBytes_3_); } public ByteBuf writeBytes(ByteBuffer p_writeBytes_1_) { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_); } public int writeBytes(InputStream p_writeBytes_1_, int p_writeBytes_2_) throws IOException { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_, p_writeBytes_2_); } public int writeBytes(ScatteringByteChannel p_writeBytes_1_, int p_writeBytes_2_) throws IOException { return this.buf.writeBytes(p_writeBytes_1_, p_writeBytes_2_); } public ByteBuf writeZero(int p_writeZero_1_) { return this.buf.writeZero(p_writeZero_1_); } public int indexOf(int p_indexOf_1_, int p_indexOf_2_, byte p_indexOf_3_) { return this.buf.indexOf(p_indexOf_1_, p_indexOf_2_, p_indexOf_3_); } public int bytesBefore(byte p_bytesBefore_1_) { return this.buf.bytesBefore(p_bytesBefore_1_); } public int bytesBefore(int p_bytesBefore_1_, byte p_bytesBefore_2_) { return this.buf.bytesBefore(p_bytesBefore_1_, p_bytesBefore_2_); } public int bytesBefore(int p_bytesBefore_1_, int p_bytesBefore_2_, byte p_bytesBefore_3_) { return this.buf.bytesBefore(p_bytesBefore_1_, p_bytesBefore_2_, p_bytesBefore_3_); } public int forEachByte(ByteBufProcessor p_forEachByte_1_) { return this.buf.forEachByte(p_forEachByte_1_); } public int forEachByte(int p_forEachByte_1_, int p_forEachByte_2_, ByteBufProcessor p_forEachByte_3_) { return this.buf.forEachByte(p_forEachByte_1_, p_forEachByte_2_, p_forEachByte_3_); } public int forEachByteDesc(ByteBufProcessor p_forEachByteDesc_1_) { return this.buf.forEachByteDesc(p_forEachByteDesc_1_); } public int forEachByteDesc(int p_forEachByteDesc_1_, int p_forEachByteDesc_2_, ByteBufProcessor p_forEachByteDesc_3_) { return this.buf.forEachByteDesc(p_forEachByteDesc_1_, p_forEachByteDesc_2_, p_forEachByteDesc_3_); } public ByteBuf copy() { return this.buf.copy(); } public ByteBuf copy(int p_copy_1_, int p_copy_2_) { return this.buf.copy(p_copy_1_, p_copy_2_); } public ByteBuf slice() { return this.buf.slice(); } public ByteBuf slice(int p_slice_1_, int p_slice_2_) { return this.buf.slice(p_slice_1_, p_slice_2_); } public ByteBuf duplicate() { return this.buf.duplicate(); } public int nioBufferCount() { return this.buf.nioBufferCount(); } public ByteBuffer nioBuffer() { return this.buf.nioBuffer(); } public ByteBuffer nioBuffer(int p_nioBuffer_1_, int p_nioBuffer_2_) { return this.buf.nioBuffer(p_nioBuffer_1_, p_nioBuffer_2_); } public ByteBuffer internalNioBuffer(int p_internalNioBuffer_1_, int p_internalNioBuffer_2_) { return this.buf.internalNioBuffer(p_internalNioBuffer_1_, p_internalNioBuffer_2_); } public ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers() { return this.buf.nioBuffers(); } public ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers(int p_nioBuffers_1_, int p_nioBuffers_2_) { return this.buf.nioBuffers(p_nioBuffers_1_, p_nioBuffers_2_); } public boolean hasArray() { return this.buf.hasArray(); } public byte[] array() { return this.buf.array(); } public int arrayOffset() { return this.buf.arrayOffset(); } public boolean hasMemoryAddress() { return this.buf.hasMemoryAddress(); } public long memoryAddress() { return this.buf.memoryAddress(); } public String toString(Charset p_toString_1_) { return this.buf.toString(p_toString_1_); } public String toString(int p_toString_1_, int p_toString_2_, Charset p_toString_3_) { return this.buf.toString(p_toString_1_, p_toString_2_, p_toString_3_); } public int hashCode() { return this.buf.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { return this.buf.equals(p_equals_1_); } public int compareTo(ByteBuf p_compareTo_1_) { return this.buf.compareTo(p_compareTo_1_); } public String toString() { return this.buf.toString(); } public ByteBuf retain(int p_retain_1_) { return this.buf.retain(p_retain_1_); } public ByteBuf retain() { return this.buf.retain(); } public int refCnt() { return this.buf.refCnt(); } public boolean release() { return this.buf.release(); } public boolean release(int p_release_1_) { return this.buf.release(p_release_1_); } }