package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.*; import; import; public class MapData extends WorldSavedData { public int xCenter; public int zCenter; public int dimension; public byte scale; /** colours */ public byte[] colors = new byte[16384]; /** Holds a reference to the MapInfo of the players who own a copy of the map */ public List playersArrayList = new ArrayList(); /** Holds a reference to the players who own a copy of the map and a reference to their MapInfo */ private Map playersHashMap = new HashMap(); public Map playersVisibleOnMap = new LinkedHashMap(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000577"; public MapData(String p_i2140_1_) { super(p_i2140_1_); } /** * reads in data from the NBTTagCompound into this MapDataBase */ public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_76184_1_) { NBTBase dimension = p_76184_1_.getTag("dimension"); if (dimension instanceof NBTTagByte) { this.dimension = ((NBTTagByte)dimension).getByte(); } else { this.dimension = ((NBTTagInt)dimension).getInt(); } this.xCenter = p_76184_1_.getInteger("xCenter"); this.zCenter = p_76184_1_.getInteger("zCenter"); this.scale = p_76184_1_.getByte("scale"); if (this.scale < 0) { this.scale = 0; } if (this.scale > 4) { this.scale = 4; } short short1 = p_76184_1_.getShort("width"); short short2 = p_76184_1_.getShort("height"); if (short1 == 128 && short2 == 128) { this.colors = p_76184_1_.getByteArray("colors"); } else { byte[] abyte = p_76184_1_.getByteArray("colors"); this.colors = new byte[16384]; int i = (128 - short1) / 2; int j = (128 - short2) / 2; for (int k = 0; k < short2; ++k) { int l = k + j; if (l >= 0 || l < 128) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < short1; ++i1) { int j1 = i1 + i; if (j1 >= 0 || j1 < 128) { this.colors[j1 + l * 128] = abyte[i1 + k * short1]; } } } } } } /** * write data to NBTTagCompound from this MapDataBase, similar to Entities and TileEntities */ public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_76187_1_) { p_76187_1_.setInteger("dimension", this.dimension); p_76187_1_.setInteger("xCenter", this.xCenter); p_76187_1_.setInteger("zCenter", this.zCenter); p_76187_1_.setByte("scale", this.scale); p_76187_1_.setShort("width", (short)128); p_76187_1_.setShort("height", (short)128); p_76187_1_.setByteArray("colors", this.colors); } /** * Adds the player passed to the list of visible players and checks to see which players are visible */ public void updateVisiblePlayers(EntityPlayer p_76191_1_, ItemStack p_76191_2_) { if (!this.playersHashMap.containsKey(p_76191_1_)) { MapData.MapInfo mapinfo = new MapData.MapInfo(p_76191_1_); this.playersHashMap.put(p_76191_1_, mapinfo); this.playersArrayList.add(mapinfo); } if (!p_76191_1_.inventory.hasItemStack(p_76191_2_)) { this.playersVisibleOnMap.remove(p_76191_1_.getCommandSenderName()); } for (int i = 0; i < this.playersArrayList.size(); ++i) { MapData.MapInfo mapinfo1 = (MapData.MapInfo)this.playersArrayList.get(i); if (!mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.isDead && (mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.inventory.hasItemStack(p_76191_2_) || p_76191_2_.isOnItemFrame())) { if (!p_76191_2_.isOnItemFrame() && mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.dimension == this.dimension) { this.func_82567_a(0, mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.worldObj, mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.getCommandSenderName(), mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.posX, mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.posZ, (double)mapinfo1.entityplayerObj.rotationYaw); } } else { this.playersHashMap.remove(mapinfo1.entityplayerObj); this.playersArrayList.remove(mapinfo1); } } if (p_76191_2_.isOnItemFrame()) { this.func_82567_a(1, p_76191_1_.worldObj, "frame-" + p_76191_2_.getItemFrame().getEntityId(), (double)p_76191_2_.getItemFrame().field_146063_b, (double)p_76191_2_.getItemFrame().field_146062_d, (double)(p_76191_2_.getItemFrame().hangingDirection * 90)); } } private void func_82567_a(int p_82567_1_, World p_82567_2_, String p_82567_3_, double p_82567_4_, double p_82567_6_, double p_82567_8_) { int j = 1 << this.scale; float f = (float)(p_82567_4_ - (double)this.xCenter) / (float)j; float f1 = (float)(p_82567_6_ - (double)this.zCenter) / (float)j; byte b0 = (byte)((int)((double)(f * 2.0F) + 0.5D)); byte b1 = (byte)((int)((double)(f1 * 2.0F) + 0.5D)); byte b3 = 63; byte b2; if (f >= (float)(-b3) && f1 >= (float)(-b3) && f <= (float)b3 && f1 <= (float)b3) { p_82567_8_ += p_82567_8_ < 0.0D ? -8.0D : 8.0D; b2 = (byte)((int)(p_82567_8_ * 16.0D / 360.0D)); if (p_82567_2_.provider.shouldMapSpin(p_82567_3_, p_82567_4_, p_82567_6_, p_82567_8_)) { int k = (int)(p_82567_2_.getWorldInfo().getWorldTime() / 10L); b2 = (byte)(k * k * 34187121 + k * 121 >> 15 & 15); } } else { if (Math.abs(f) >= 320.0F || Math.abs(f1) >= 320.0F) { this.playersVisibleOnMap.remove(p_82567_3_); return; } p_82567_1_ = 6; b2 = 0; if (f <= (float)(-b3)) { b0 = (byte)((int)((double)(b3 * 2) + 2.5D)); } if (f1 <= (float)(-b3)) { b1 = (byte)((int)((double)(b3 * 2) + 2.5D)); } if (f >= (float)b3) { b0 = (byte)(b3 * 2 + 1); } if (f1 >= (float)b3) { b1 = (byte)(b3 * 2 + 1); } } this.playersVisibleOnMap.put(p_82567_3_, new MapData.MapCoord((byte)p_82567_1_, b0, b1, b2)); } /** * Get byte array of packet data to send to players on map for updating map data */ public byte[] getUpdatePacketData(ItemStack p_76193_1_, World p_76193_2_, EntityPlayer p_76193_3_) { MapData.MapInfo mapinfo = (MapData.MapInfo)this.playersHashMap.get(p_76193_3_); return mapinfo == null ? null : mapinfo.getPlayersOnMap(p_76193_1_); } /** * Marks a vertical range of pixels as being modified so they will be resent to clients. Parameters: X, lowest Y, * highest Y */ public void setColumnDirty(int p_76194_1_, int p_76194_2_, int p_76194_3_) { super.markDirty(); for (int l = 0; l < this.playersArrayList.size(); ++l) { MapData.MapInfo mapinfo = (MapData.MapInfo)this.playersArrayList.get(l); if (mapinfo.field_76209_b[p_76194_1_] < 0 || mapinfo.field_76209_b[p_76194_1_] > p_76194_2_) { mapinfo.field_76209_b[p_76194_1_] = p_76194_2_; } if (mapinfo.field_76210_c[p_76194_1_] < 0 || mapinfo.field_76210_c[p_76194_1_] < p_76194_3_) { mapinfo.field_76210_c[p_76194_1_] = p_76194_3_; } } } /** * Updates the client's map with information from other players in MP */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateMPMapData(byte[] p_76192_1_) { int i; if (p_76192_1_[0] == 0) { i = p_76192_1_[1] & 255; int j = p_76192_1_[2] & 255; for (int k = 0; k < p_76192_1_.length - 3; ++k) { this.colors[(k + j) * 128 + i] = p_76192_1_[k + 3]; } this.markDirty(); } else if (p_76192_1_[0] == 1) { this.playersVisibleOnMap.clear(); for (i = 0; i < (p_76192_1_.length - 1) / 3; ++i) { byte b2 = (byte)(p_76192_1_[i * 3 + 1] >> 4); byte b3 = p_76192_1_[i * 3 + 2]; byte b0 = p_76192_1_[i * 3 + 3]; byte b1 = (byte)(p_76192_1_[i * 3 + 1] & 15); this.playersVisibleOnMap.put("icon-" + i, new MapData.MapCoord(b2, b3, b0, b1)); } } else if (p_76192_1_[0] == 2) { this.scale = p_76192_1_[1]; } } public MapData.MapInfo func_82568_a(EntityPlayer p_82568_1_) { MapData.MapInfo mapinfo = (MapData.MapInfo)this.playersHashMap.get(p_82568_1_); if (mapinfo == null) { mapinfo = new MapData.MapInfo(p_82568_1_); this.playersHashMap.put(p_82568_1_, mapinfo); this.playersArrayList.add(mapinfo); } return mapinfo; } public class MapCoord { public byte iconSize; public byte centerX; public byte centerZ; public byte iconRotation; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000579"; public MapCoord(byte p_i2139_2_, byte p_i2139_3_, byte p_i2139_4_, byte p_i2139_5_) { this.iconSize = p_i2139_2_; this.centerX = p_i2139_3_; this.centerZ = p_i2139_4_; this.iconRotation = p_i2139_5_; } } public class MapInfo { /** Reference for EntityPlayer object in MapInfo */ public final EntityPlayer entityplayerObj; public int[] field_76209_b = new int[128]; public int[] field_76210_c = new int[128]; /** updated by x = mod(x*11,128) +1 x-1 is used to index field_76209_b and field_76210_c */ private int currentRandomNumber; private int ticksUntilPlayerLocationMapUpdate; /** a cache of the result from getPlayersOnMap so that it is not resent when nothing changes */ private byte[] lastPlayerLocationOnMap; public int field_82569_d; private boolean field_82570_i; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000578"; public MapInfo(EntityPlayer p_i2138_2_) { this.entityplayerObj = p_i2138_2_; for (int i = 0; i < this.field_76209_b.length; ++i) { this.field_76209_b[i] = 0; this.field_76210_c[i] = 127; } } /** * returns a 1+players*3 array, of x,y, and color . the name of this function may be partially wrong, as there * is a second branch to the code here */ public byte[] getPlayersOnMap(ItemStack p_76204_1_) { byte[] abyte; if (!this.field_82570_i) { abyte = new byte[] {(byte)2, MapData.this.scale}; this.field_82570_i = true; return abyte; } else { int i; int i1; if (--this.ticksUntilPlayerLocationMapUpdate < 0) { this.ticksUntilPlayerLocationMapUpdate = 4; abyte = new byte[MapData.this.playersVisibleOnMap.size() * 3 + 1]; abyte[0] = 1; i = 0; for (Iterator iterator = MapData.this.playersVisibleOnMap.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ++i) { MapData.MapCoord mapcoord = (MapData.MapCoord); abyte[i * 3 + 1] = (byte)(mapcoord.iconSize << 4 | mapcoord.iconRotation & 15); abyte[i * 3 + 2] = mapcoord.centerX; abyte[i * 3 + 3] = mapcoord.centerZ; } boolean flag = !p_76204_1_.isOnItemFrame(); if (this.lastPlayerLocationOnMap != null && this.lastPlayerLocationOnMap.length == abyte.length) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < abyte.length; ++i1) { if (abyte[i1] != this.lastPlayerLocationOnMap[i1]) { flag = false; break; } } } else { flag = false; } if (!flag) { this.lastPlayerLocationOnMap = abyte; return abyte; } } for (int k = 0; k < 1; ++k) { i = this.currentRandomNumber++ * 11 % 128; if (this.field_76209_b[i] >= 0) { int l = this.field_76210_c[i] - this.field_76209_b[i] + 1; i1 = this.field_76209_b[i]; byte[] abyte1 = new byte[l + 3]; abyte1[0] = 0; abyte1[1] = (byte)i; abyte1[2] = (byte)i1; for (int j = 0; j < abyte1.length - 3; ++j) { abyte1[j + 3] = MapData.this.colors[(j + i1) * 128 + i]; } this.field_76210_c[i] = -1; this.field_76209_b[i] = -1; return abyte1; } } return null; } } } }