package net.minecraft.command; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent; public abstract class CommandBase implements ICommand { private static IAdminCommand theAdmin; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001739"; /** * Return the required permission level for this command. */ public int getRequiredPermissionLevel() { return 4; } public List getCommandAliases() { return null; } /** * Returns true if the given command sender is allowed to use this command. */ public boolean canCommandSenderUseCommand(ICommandSender sender) { return sender.canCommandSenderUseCommand(this.getRequiredPermissionLevel(), this.getCommandName()); } /** * Adds the strings available in this command to the given list of tab completion options. */ public List addTabCompletionOptions(ICommandSender sender, String[] args) { return null; } /** * Parses an int from the given string. */ public static int parseInt(ICommandSender sender, String str) { try { return Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.invalid", new Object[] {str}); } } /** * Parses an int from the given sring with a specified minimum. */ public static int parseIntWithMin(ICommandSender sender, String str, int min) { /** * Parses an int from the given string within a specified bound. */ return parseIntBounded(sender, str, min, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Parses an int from the given string within a specified bound. */ public static int parseIntBounded(ICommandSender sender, String str, int min, int max) { int k = parseInt(sender, str); if (k < min) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.tooSmall", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(k), Integer.valueOf(min)}); } else if (k > max) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.tooBig", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(k), Integer.valueOf(max)}); } else { return k; } } /** * Parses a double from the given string or throws an exception if it's not a double. */ public static double parseDouble(ICommandSender sender, String str) { try { double d0 = Double.parseDouble(str); if (!Doubles.isFinite(d0)) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.invalid", new Object[] {str}); } else { return d0; } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.invalid", new Object[] {str}); } } /** * Parses a double from the given string. Throws if the string could not be parsed as a double, or if it's less * than the given minimum value. */ public static double parseDouble(ICommandSender sender, String str, double min) { /** * Parses a double from the given string. Throws if the string could not be parsed as a double, or if it's not * between the given min and max values. */ return parseDouble(sender, str, min, Double.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Parses a double from the given string. Throws if the string could not be parsed as a double, or if it's not * between the given min and max values. */ public static double parseDouble(ICommandSender sender, String str, double min, double max) { double d2 = parseDouble(sender, str); if (d2 < min) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.double.tooSmall", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(d2), Double.valueOf(min)}); } else if (d2 > max) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.double.tooBig", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(d2), Double.valueOf(max)}); } else { return d2; } } /** * Parses a boolean value from the given string. Throws if the string does not contain a boolean value. Accepted * values are (case-sensitive): "true", "false", "0", "1". * * @param str accepted values are: true, false, 1, 0 */ public static boolean parseBoolean(ICommandSender sender, String str) { if (!str.equals("true") && !str.equals("1")) { if (!str.equals("false") && !str.equals("0")) { throw new CommandException("commands.generic.boolean.invalid", new Object[] {str}); } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the given ICommandSender as a EntityPlayer or throw an exception. */ public static EntityPlayerMP getCommandSenderAsPlayer(ICommandSender sender) { if (sender instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { return (EntityPlayerMP)sender; } else { throw new PlayerNotFoundException("You must specify which player you wish to perform this action on.", new Object[0]); } } public static EntityPlayerMP getPlayer(ICommandSender sender, String username) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = PlayerSelector.matchOnePlayer(sender, username); if (entityplayermp != null) { return entityplayermp; } else { entityplayermp = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getPlayerByUsername(username); if (entityplayermp == null) { throw new PlayerNotFoundException(); } else { return entityplayermp; } } } public static String getPlayerName(ICommandSender sender, String query) { EntityPlayerMP entityplayermp = PlayerSelector.matchOnePlayer(sender, query); if (entityplayermp != null) { return entityplayermp.getCommandSenderName(); } else if (PlayerSelector.hasArguments(query)) { throw new PlayerNotFoundException(); } else { return query; } } public static IChatComponent getChatComponentFromNthArg(ICommandSender sender, String[] args, int p_147178_2_) { return getChatComponentFromNthArg(sender, args, p_147178_2_, false); } public static IChatComponent getChatComponentFromNthArg(ICommandSender sender, String[] args, int index, boolean p_147176_3_) { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(""); for (int j = index; j < args.length; ++j) { if (j > index) { chatcomponenttext.appendText(" "); } Object object = new ChatComponentText(args[j]); if (p_147176_3_) { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = PlayerSelector.func_150869_b(sender, args[j]); if (ichatcomponent != null) { object = ichatcomponent; } else if (PlayerSelector.hasArguments(args[j])) { throw new PlayerNotFoundException(); } } chatcomponenttext.appendSibling((IChatComponent)object); } return chatcomponenttext; } public static String getStringFromNthArg(ICommandSender sender, String[] args, int index) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = index; j < args.length; ++j) { if (j > index) { stringbuilder.append(" "); } String s = args[j]; stringbuilder.append(s); } return stringbuilder.toString(); } public static double clamp_coord(ICommandSender sender, double p_110666_1_, String p_110666_3_) { return clamp_double(sender, p_110666_1_, p_110666_3_, -30000000, 30000000); } public static double clamp_double(ICommandSender sender, double p_110665_1_, String p_110665_3_, int min, int max) { boolean flag = p_110665_3_.startsWith("~"); if (flag && Double.isNaN(p_110665_1_)) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.num.invalid", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(p_110665_1_)}); } else { double d1 = flag ? p_110665_1_ : 0.0D; if (!flag || p_110665_3_.length() > 1) { boolean flag1 = p_110665_3_.contains("."); if (flag) { p_110665_3_ = p_110665_3_.substring(1); } d1 += parseDouble(sender, p_110665_3_); if (!flag1 && !flag) { d1 += 0.5D; } } if (min != 0 || max != 0) { if (d1 < (double)min) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.double.tooSmall", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(d1), Integer.valueOf(min)}); } if (d1 > (double)max) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.generic.double.tooBig", new Object[] {Double.valueOf(d1), Integer.valueOf(max)}); } } return d1; } } /** * Gets the Item specified by the given text string. First checks the item registry, then tries by parsing the * string as an integer ID (deprecated). Warns the sender if we matched by parsing the ID. Throws if the item * wasn't found. Returns the item if it was found. */ public static Item getItemByText(ICommandSender sender, String id) { Item item = (Item)Item.itemRegistry.getObject(id); if (item == null) { try { Item item1 = Item.getItemById(Integer.parseInt(id)); if (item1 != null) { ChatComponentTranslation chatcomponenttranslation = new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.deprecatedId", new Object[] {Item.itemRegistry.getNameForObject(item1)}); chatcomponenttranslation.getChatStyle().setColor(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY); sender.addChatMessage(chatcomponenttranslation); } item = item1; } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { ; } } if (item == null) { throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.give.notFound", new Object[] {id}); } else { return item; } } /** * Gets the Block specified by the given text string. First checks the block registry, then tries by parsing the * string as an integer ID (deprecated). Warns the sender if we matched by parsing the ID. Throws if the block * wasn't found. Returns the block if it was found. */ public static Block getBlockByText(ICommandSender sender, String id) { if (Block.blockRegistry.containsKey(id)) { return (Block)Block.blockRegistry.getObject(id); } else { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(id); if (Block.blockRegistry.containsId(i)) { Block block = Block.getBlockById(i); ChatComponentTranslation chatcomponenttranslation = new ChatComponentTranslation("commands.generic.deprecatedId", new Object[] {Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(block)}); chatcomponenttranslation.getChatStyle().setColor(EnumChatFormatting.GRAY); sender.addChatMessage(chatcomponenttranslation); return block; } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { ; } throw new NumberInvalidException("commands.give.notFound", new Object[] {id}); } } /** * Creates a linguistic series joining the input objects together. Examples: 1) {} --> "", 2) {"Steve"} --> * "Steve", 3) {"Steve", "Phil"} --> "Steve and Phil", 4) {"Steve", "Phil", "Mark"} --> "Steve, Phil and Mark" */ public static String joinNiceString(Object[] elements) { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { String s = elements[i].toString(); if (i > 0) { if (i == elements.length - 1) { stringbuilder.append(" and "); } else { stringbuilder.append(", "); } } stringbuilder.append(s); } return stringbuilder.toString(); } /** * Creates a linguistic series joining the input chat components. Examples: 1) {} --> "", 2) {"Steve"} --> * "Steve", 3) {"Steve", "Phil"} --> "Steve and Phil", 4) {"Steve", "Phil", "Mark"} --> "Steve, Phil and Mark" */ public static IChatComponent joinNiceString(IChatComponent[] components) { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(""); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { if (i == components.length - 1) { chatcomponenttext.appendText(" and "); } else if (i > 0) { chatcomponenttext.appendText(", "); } } chatcomponenttext.appendSibling(components[i]); } return chatcomponenttext; } /** * Creates a linguistic series joining together the elements of the given collection. Examples: 1) {} --> "", 2) * {"Steve"} --> "Steve", 3) {"Steve", "Phil"} --> "Steve and Phil", 4) {"Steve", "Phil", "Mark"} --> "Steve, Phil * and Mark" */ public static String joinNiceStringFromCollection(Collection strings) { /** * Creates a linguistic series joining the input objects together. Examples: 1) {} --> "", 2) {"Steve"} --> * "Steve", 3) {"Steve", "Phil"} --> "Steve and Phil", 4) {"Steve", "Phil", "Mark"} --> "Steve, Phil and Mark" */ return joinNiceString(strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()])); } /** * Returns true if the given substring is exactly equal to the start of the given string (case insensitive). */ public static boolean doesStringStartWith(String original, String region) { return region.regionMatches(true, 0, original, 0, original.length()); } /** * Returns a List of strings (chosen from the given strings) which the last word in the given string array is a * beginning-match for. (Tab completion). */ public static List getListOfStringsMatchingLastWord(String[] args, String ... possibilities) { String s1 = args[args.length - 1]; ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); String[] astring1 = possibilities; int i = possibilities.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { String s2 = astring1[j]; if (doesStringStartWith(s1, s2)) { arraylist.add(s2); } } return arraylist; } /** * Returns a List of strings (chosen from the given string iterable) which the last word in the given string array * is a beginning-match for. (Tab completion). */ public static List getListOfStringsFromIterableMatchingLastWord(String[] args, Iterable possibilities) { String s = args[args.length - 1]; ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = possibilities.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s1 = (String); if (doesStringStartWith(s, s1)) { arraylist.add(s1); } } return arraylist; } /** * Return whether the specified command parameter index is a username parameter. */ public boolean isUsernameIndex(String[] args, int index) { return false; } public static void notifyOperators(ICommandSender sender, ICommand command, String msgFormat, Object ... msgParams) { notifyOperators(sender, command, 0, msgFormat, msgParams); } public static void notifyOperators(ICommandSender sender, ICommand command, int p_152374_2_, String msgFormat, Object ... msgParams) { if (theAdmin != null) { theAdmin.notifyOperators(sender, command, p_152374_2_, msgFormat, msgParams); } } /** * Sets the static IAdminCommander. */ public static void setAdminCommander(IAdminCommand command) { theAdmin = command; } public int compareTo(ICommand p_compareTo_1_) { return this.getCommandName().compareTo(p_compareTo_1_.getCommandName()); } public int compareTo(Object p_compareTo_1_) { return this.compareTo((ICommand)p_compareTo_1_); } }