package; import; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import; import; public interface ISaveHandler { /** * Loads and returns the world info */ WorldInfo loadWorldInfo(); /** * Checks the session lock to prevent save collisions */ void checkSessionLock() throws MinecraftException; /** * initializes and returns the chunk loader for the specified world provider */ IChunkLoader getChunkLoader(WorldProvider p_75763_1_); /** * Saves the given World Info with the given NBTTagCompound as the Player. */ void saveWorldInfoWithPlayer(WorldInfo p_75755_1_, NBTTagCompound p_75755_2_); /** * used to update level.dat from old format to MCRegion format */ void saveWorldInfo(WorldInfo p_75761_1_); IPlayerFileData getPlayerNBTManager(); /** * Called to flush all changes to disk, waiting for them to complete. */ void flush(); /** * Gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this world. */ File getWorldDirectory(); /** * Gets the file location of the given map */ File getMapFileFromName(String p_75758_1_); /** * Returns the name of the directory where world information is saved. */ String getWorldDirectoryName(); }