package net.minecraft.client.gui; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public abstract class GuiListExtended extends GuiSlot { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000674"; public GuiListExtended(Minecraft p_i45010_1_, int p_i45010_2_, int p_i45010_3_, int p_i45010_4_, int p_i45010_5_, int p_i45010_6_) { super(p_i45010_1_, p_i45010_2_, p_i45010_3_, p_i45010_4_, p_i45010_5_, p_i45010_6_); } /** * The element in the slot that was clicked, boolean for whether it was double clicked or not */ protected void elementClicked(int p_148144_1_, boolean p_148144_2_, int p_148144_3_, int p_148144_4_) {} /** * Returns true if the element passed in is currently selected */ protected boolean isSelected(int p_148131_1_) { return false; } protected void drawBackground() {} protected void drawSlot(int p_148126_1_, int p_148126_2_, int p_148126_3_, int p_148126_4_, Tessellator p_148126_5_, int p_148126_6_, int p_148126_7_) { this.getListEntry(p_148126_1_).drawEntry(p_148126_1_, p_148126_2_, p_148126_3_, this.getListWidth(), p_148126_4_, p_148126_5_, p_148126_6_, p_148126_7_, this.getSlotIndexFromScreenCoords(p_148126_6_, p_148126_7_) == p_148126_1_); } public boolean func_148179_a(int p_148179_1_, int p_148179_2_, int p_148179_3_) { if (this.isMouseYWithinSlotBounds(p_148179_2_)) { int l = this.getSlotIndexFromScreenCoords(p_148179_1_, p_148179_2_); if (l >= 0) { int i1 = this.left + this.width / 2 - this.getListWidth() / 2 + 2; int j1 = + 4 - this.getAmountScrolled() + l * this.slotHeight + this.headerPadding; int k1 = p_148179_1_ - i1; int l1 = p_148179_2_ - j1; if (this.getListEntry(l).mousePressed(l, p_148179_1_, p_148179_2_, p_148179_3_, k1, l1)) { this.setEnabled(false); return true; } } } return false; } public boolean func_148181_b(int p_148181_1_, int p_148181_2_, int p_148181_3_) { for (int l = 0; l < this.getSize(); ++l) { int i1 = this.left + this.width / 2 - this.getListWidth() / 2 + 2; int j1 = + 4 - this.getAmountScrolled() + l * this.slotHeight + this.headerPadding; int k1 = p_148181_1_ - i1; int l1 = p_148181_2_ - j1; this.getListEntry(l).mouseReleased(l, p_148181_1_, p_148181_2_, p_148181_3_, k1, l1); } this.setEnabled(true); return false; } /** * Gets the IGuiListEntry object for the given index */ public abstract GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry getListEntry(int p_148180_1_); @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public interface IGuiListEntry { void drawEntry(int p_148279_1_, int p_148279_2_, int p_148279_3_, int p_148279_4_, int p_148279_5_, Tessellator p_148279_6_, int p_148279_7_, int p_148279_8_, boolean p_148279_9_); /** * Returns true if the mouse has been pressed on this control. */ boolean mousePressed(int p_148278_1_, int p_148278_2_, int p_148278_3_, int p_148278_4_, int p_148278_5_, int p_148278_6_); /** * Fired when the mouse button is released. Arguments: index, x, y, mouseEvent, relativeX, relativeY */ void mouseReleased(int p_148277_1_, int p_148277_2_, int p_148277_3_, int p_148277_4_, int p_148277_5_, int p_148277_6_); } }