package; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.List; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class SoundList { private final List field_148577_a = Lists.newArrayList(); /** if true it will override all the sounds from the resourcepacks loaded before */ private boolean replaceExisting; private SoundCategory field_148576_c; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001121"; public List getSoundList() { return this.field_148577_a; } public boolean canReplaceExisting() { return this.replaceExisting; } public void setReplaceExisting(boolean p_148572_1_) { this.replaceExisting = p_148572_1_; } public SoundCategory getSoundCategory() { return this.field_148576_c; } public void setSoundCategory(SoundCategory p_148571_1_) { this.field_148576_c = p_148571_1_; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static class SoundEntry { private String field_148569_a; private float field_148567_b = 1.0F; private float field_148568_c = 1.0F; private int field_148565_d = 1; private SoundList.SoundEntry.Type field_148566_e; private boolean field_148564_f; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001122"; public SoundEntry() { this.field_148566_e = SoundList.SoundEntry.Type.FILE; this.field_148564_f = false; } public String getSoundEntryName() { return this.field_148569_a; } public void setSoundEntryName(String p_148561_1_) { this.field_148569_a = p_148561_1_; } public float getSoundEntryVolume() { return this.field_148567_b; } public void setSoundEntryVolume(float p_148553_1_) { this.field_148567_b = p_148553_1_; } public float getSoundEntryPitch() { return this.field_148568_c; } public void setSoundEntryPitch(float p_148559_1_) { this.field_148568_c = p_148559_1_; } public int getSoundEntryWeight() { return this.field_148565_d; } public void setSoundEntryWeight(int p_148554_1_) { this.field_148565_d = p_148554_1_; } public SoundList.SoundEntry.Type getSoundEntryType() { return this.field_148566_e; } public void setSoundEntryType(SoundList.SoundEntry.Type p_148562_1_) { this.field_148566_e = p_148562_1_; } public boolean isStreaming() { return this.field_148564_f; } public void setStreaming(boolean p_148557_1_) { this.field_148564_f = p_148557_1_; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static enum Type { FILE("file"), SOUND_EVENT("event"); private final String field_148583_c; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001123"; private Type(String p_i45109_3_) { this.field_148583_c = p_i45109_3_; } public static SoundList.SoundEntry.Type getType(String p_148580_0_) { SoundList.SoundEntry.Type[] atype = values(); int i = atype.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { SoundList.SoundEntry.Type type = atype[j]; if (type.field_148583_c.equals(p_148580_0_)) { return type; } } return null; } } } }