package net.minecraft.client.gui; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.util.ChatAllowedCharacters; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiTextField extends Gui { private final FontRenderer fontRendererInstance; public int xPosition; public int yPosition; /** The width of this text field. */ public int width; public int height; /** Has the current text being edited on the textbox. */ private String text = ""; private int maxStringLength = 32; private int cursorCounter; private boolean enableBackgroundDrawing = true; /** if true the textbox can lose focus by clicking elsewhere on the screen */ private boolean canLoseFocus = true; /** If this value is true along with isEnabled, keyTyped will process the keys. */ private boolean isFocused; /** If this value is true along with isFocused, keyTyped will process the keys. */ private boolean isEnabled = true; /** The current character index that should be used as start of the rendered text. */ private int lineScrollOffset; private int cursorPosition; /** other selection position, maybe the same as the cursor */ private int selectionEnd; private int enabledColor = 14737632; private int disabledColor = 7368816; /** True if this textbox is visible */ private boolean visible = true; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000670"; public GuiTextField(FontRenderer p_i1032_1_, int p_i1032_2_, int p_i1032_3_, int p_i1032_4_, int p_i1032_5_) { this.fontRendererInstance = p_i1032_1_; this.xPosition = p_i1032_2_; this.yPosition = p_i1032_3_; this.width = p_i1032_4_; this.height = p_i1032_5_; } /** * Increments the cursor counter */ public void updateCursorCounter() { ++this.cursorCounter; } /** * Sets the text of the textbox */ public void setText(String p_146180_1_) { if (p_146180_1_.length() > this.maxStringLength) { this.text = p_146180_1_.substring(0, this.maxStringLength); } else { this.text = p_146180_1_; } this.setCursorPositionEnd(); } /** * Returns the contents of the textbox */ public String getText() { return this.text; } /** * returns the text between the cursor and selectionEnd */ public String getSelectedText() { int i = this.cursorPosition < this.selectionEnd ? this.cursorPosition : this.selectionEnd; int j = this.cursorPosition < this.selectionEnd ? this.selectionEnd : this.cursorPosition; return this.text.substring(i, j); } /** * replaces selected text, or inserts text at the position on the cursor */ public void writeText(String p_146191_1_) { String s1 = ""; String s2 = ChatAllowedCharacters.filterAllowedCharacters(p_146191_1_); int i = this.cursorPosition < this.selectionEnd ? this.cursorPosition : this.selectionEnd; int j = this.cursorPosition < this.selectionEnd ? this.selectionEnd : this.cursorPosition; int k = this.maxStringLength - this.text.length() - (i - this.selectionEnd); boolean flag = false; if (this.text.length() > 0) { s1 = s1 + this.text.substring(0, i); } int l; if (k < s2.length()) { s1 = s1 + s2.substring(0, k); l = k; } else { s1 = s1 + s2; l = s2.length(); } if (this.text.length() > 0 && j < this.text.length()) { s1 = s1 + this.text.substring(j); } this.text = s1; this.moveCursorBy(i - this.selectionEnd + l); } /** * Deletes the specified number of words starting at the cursor position. Negative numbers will delete words left of * the cursor. */ public void deleteWords(int p_146177_1_) { if (this.text.length() != 0) { if (this.selectionEnd != this.cursorPosition) { this.writeText(""); } else { this.deleteFromCursor(this.getNthWordFromCursor(p_146177_1_) - this.cursorPosition); } } } /** * delete the selected text, otherwsie deletes characters from either side of the cursor. params: delete num */ public void deleteFromCursor(int p_146175_1_) { if (this.text.length() != 0) { if (this.selectionEnd != this.cursorPosition) { this.writeText(""); } else { boolean flag = p_146175_1_ < 0; int j = flag ? this.cursorPosition + p_146175_1_ : this.cursorPosition; int k = flag ? this.cursorPosition : this.cursorPosition + p_146175_1_; String s = ""; if (j >= 0) { s = this.text.substring(0, j); } if (k < this.text.length()) { s = s + this.text.substring(k); } this.text = s; if (flag) { this.moveCursorBy(p_146175_1_); } } } } /** * see @getNthNextWordFromPos() params: N, position */ public int getNthWordFromCursor(int p_146187_1_) { return this.getNthWordFromPos(p_146187_1_, this.getCursorPosition()); } /** * gets the position of the nth word. N may be negative, then it looks backwards. params: N, position */ public int getNthWordFromPos(int p_146183_1_, int p_146183_2_) { return this.func_146197_a(p_146183_1_, this.getCursorPosition(), true); } public int func_146197_a(int p_146197_1_, int p_146197_2_, boolean p_146197_3_) { int k = p_146197_2_; boolean flag1 = p_146197_1_ < 0; int l = Math.abs(p_146197_1_); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < l; ++i1) { if (flag1) { while (p_146197_3_ && k > 0 && this.text.charAt(k - 1) == 32) { --k; } while (k > 0 && this.text.charAt(k - 1) != 32) { --k; } } else { int j1 = this.text.length(); k = this.text.indexOf(32, k); if (k == -1) { k = j1; } else { while (p_146197_3_ && k < j1 && this.text.charAt(k) == 32) { ++k; } } } } return k; } /** * Moves the text cursor by a specified number of characters and clears the selection */ public void moveCursorBy(int p_146182_1_) { this.setCursorPosition(this.selectionEnd + p_146182_1_); } /** * sets the position of the cursor to the provided index */ public void setCursorPosition(int p_146190_1_) { this.cursorPosition = p_146190_1_; int j = this.text.length(); if (this.cursorPosition < 0) { this.cursorPosition = 0; } if (this.cursorPosition > j) { this.cursorPosition = j; } this.setSelectionPos(this.cursorPosition); } /** * sets the cursors position to the beginning */ public void setCursorPositionZero() { this.setCursorPosition(0); } /** * sets the cursors position to after the text */ public void setCursorPositionEnd() { this.setCursorPosition(this.text.length()); } /** * Call this method from your GuiScreen to process the keys into the textbox */ public boolean textboxKeyTyped(char p_146201_1_, int p_146201_2_) { if (!this.isFocused) { return false; } else { switch (p_146201_1_) { case 1: this.setCursorPositionEnd(); this.setSelectionPos(0); return true; case 3: GuiScreen.setClipboardString(this.getSelectedText()); return true; case 22: if (this.isEnabled) { this.writeText(GuiScreen.getClipboardString()); } return true; case 24: GuiScreen.setClipboardString(this.getSelectedText()); if (this.isEnabled) { this.writeText(""); } return true; default: switch (p_146201_2_) { case 14: if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { if (this.isEnabled) { this.deleteWords(-1); } } else if (this.isEnabled) { this.deleteFromCursor(-1); } return true; case 199: if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown()) { this.setSelectionPos(0); } else { this.setCursorPositionZero(); } return true; case 203: if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown()) { if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { this.setSelectionPos(this.getNthWordFromPos(-1, this.getSelectionEnd())); } else { this.setSelectionPos(this.getSelectionEnd() - 1); } } else if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { this.setCursorPosition(this.getNthWordFromCursor(-1)); } else { this.moveCursorBy(-1); } return true; case 205: if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown()) { if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { this.setSelectionPos(this.getNthWordFromPos(1, this.getSelectionEnd())); } else { this.setSelectionPos(this.getSelectionEnd() + 1); } } else if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { this.setCursorPosition(this.getNthWordFromCursor(1)); } else { this.moveCursorBy(1); } return true; case 207: if (GuiScreen.isShiftKeyDown()) { this.setSelectionPos(this.text.length()); } else { this.setCursorPositionEnd(); } return true; case 211: if (GuiScreen.isCtrlKeyDown()) { if (this.isEnabled) { this.deleteWords(1); } } else if (this.isEnabled) { this.deleteFromCursor(1); } return true; default: if (ChatAllowedCharacters.isAllowedCharacter(p_146201_1_)) { if (this.isEnabled) { this.writeText(Character.toString(p_146201_1_)); } return true; } else { return false; } } } } } /** * Args: x, y, buttonClicked */ public void mouseClicked(int p_146192_1_, int p_146192_2_, int p_146192_3_) { boolean flag = p_146192_1_ >= this.xPosition && p_146192_1_ < this.xPosition + this.width && p_146192_2_ >= this.yPosition && p_146192_2_ < this.yPosition + this.height; if (this.canLoseFocus) { this.setFocused(flag); } if (this.isFocused && p_146192_3_ == 0) { int l = p_146192_1_ - this.xPosition; if (this.enableBackgroundDrawing) { l -= 4; } String s = this.fontRendererInstance.trimStringToWidth(this.text.substring(this.lineScrollOffset), this.getWidth()); this.setCursorPosition(this.fontRendererInstance.trimStringToWidth(s, l).length() + this.lineScrollOffset); } } /** * Draws the textbox */ public void drawTextBox() { if (this.getVisible()) { if (this.getEnableBackgroundDrawing()) { drawRect(this.xPosition - 1, this.yPosition - 1, this.xPosition + this.width + 1, this.yPosition + this.height + 1, -6250336); drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, -16777216); } int i = this.isEnabled ? this.enabledColor : this.disabledColor; int j = this.cursorPosition - this.lineScrollOffset; int k = this.selectionEnd - this.lineScrollOffset; String s = this.fontRendererInstance.trimStringToWidth(this.text.substring(this.lineScrollOffset), this.getWidth()); boolean flag = j >= 0 && j <= s.length(); boolean flag1 = this.isFocused && this.cursorCounter / 6 % 2 == 0 && flag; int l = this.enableBackgroundDrawing ? this.xPosition + 4 : this.xPosition; int i1 = this.enableBackgroundDrawing ? this.yPosition + (this.height - 8) / 2 : this.yPosition; int j1 = l; if (k > s.length()) { k = s.length(); } if (s.length() > 0) { String s1 = flag ? s.substring(0, j) : s; j1 = this.fontRendererInstance.drawStringWithShadow(s1, l, i1, i); } boolean flag2 = this.cursorPosition < this.text.length() || this.text.length() >= this.getMaxStringLength(); int k1 = j1; if (!flag) { k1 = j > 0 ? l + this.width : l; } else if (flag2) { k1 = j1 - 1; --j1; } if (s.length() > 0 && flag && j < s.length()) { this.fontRendererInstance.drawStringWithShadow(s.substring(j), j1, i1, i); } if (flag1) { if (flag2) { Gui.drawRect(k1, i1 - 1, k1 + 1, i1 + 1 + this.fontRendererInstance.FONT_HEIGHT, -3092272); } else { this.fontRendererInstance.drawStringWithShadow("_", k1, i1, i); } } if (k != j) { int l1 = l + this.fontRendererInstance.getStringWidth(s.substring(0, k)); this.drawCursorVertical(k1, i1 - 1, l1 - 1, i1 + 1 + this.fontRendererInstance.FONT_HEIGHT); } } } /** * draws the vertical line cursor in the textbox */ private void drawCursorVertical(int p_146188_1_, int p_146188_2_, int p_146188_3_, int p_146188_4_) { int i1; if (p_146188_1_ < p_146188_3_) { i1 = p_146188_1_; p_146188_1_ = p_146188_3_; p_146188_3_ = i1; } if (p_146188_2_ < p_146188_4_) { i1 = p_146188_2_; p_146188_2_ = p_146188_4_; p_146188_4_ = i1; } if (p_146188_3_ > this.xPosition + this.width) { p_146188_3_ = this.xPosition + this.width; } if (p_146188_1_ > this.xPosition + this.width) { p_146188_1_ = this.xPosition + this.width; } Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance; GL11.glColor4f(0.0F, 0.0F, 255.0F, 255.0F); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); GL11.glLogicOp(GL11.GL_OR_REVERSE); tessellator.startDrawingQuads(); tessellator.addVertex((double)p_146188_1_, (double)p_146188_4_, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex((double)p_146188_3_, (double)p_146188_4_, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex((double)p_146188_3_, (double)p_146188_2_, 0.0D); tessellator.addVertex((double)p_146188_1_, (double)p_146188_2_, 0.0D); tessellator.draw(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } public void setMaxStringLength(int p_146203_1_) { this.maxStringLength = p_146203_1_; if (this.text.length() > p_146203_1_) { this.text = this.text.substring(0, p_146203_1_); } } /** * returns the maximum number of character that can be contained in this textbox */ public int getMaxStringLength() { return this.maxStringLength; } /** * returns the current position of the cursor */ public int getCursorPosition() { return this.cursorPosition; } /** * get enable drawing background and outline */ public boolean getEnableBackgroundDrawing() { return this.enableBackgroundDrawing; } /** * enable drawing background and outline */ public void setEnableBackgroundDrawing(boolean p_146185_1_) { this.enableBackgroundDrawing = p_146185_1_; } /** * Sets the text colour for this textbox (disabled text will not use this colour) */ public void setTextColor(int p_146193_1_) { this.enabledColor = p_146193_1_; } public void setDisabledTextColour(int p_146204_1_) { this.disabledColor = p_146204_1_; } /** * Sets focus to this gui element */ public void setFocused(boolean p_146195_1_) { if (p_146195_1_ && !this.isFocused) { this.cursorCounter = 0; } this.isFocused = p_146195_1_; } /** * Getter for the focused field */ public boolean isFocused() { return this.isFocused; } public void setEnabled(boolean p_146184_1_) { this.isEnabled = p_146184_1_; } /** * the side of the selection that is not the cursor, may be the same as the cursor */ public int getSelectionEnd() { return this.selectionEnd; } /** * returns the width of the textbox depending on if background drawing is enabled */ public int getWidth() { return this.getEnableBackgroundDrawing() ? this.width - 8 : this.width; } /** * Sets the position of the selection anchor (i.e. position the selection was started at) */ public void setSelectionPos(int p_146199_1_) { int j = this.text.length(); if (p_146199_1_ > j) { p_146199_1_ = j; } if (p_146199_1_ < 0) { p_146199_1_ = 0; } this.selectionEnd = p_146199_1_; if (this.fontRendererInstance != null) { if (this.lineScrollOffset > j) { this.lineScrollOffset = j; } int k = this.getWidth(); String s = this.fontRendererInstance.trimStringToWidth(this.text.substring(this.lineScrollOffset), k); int l = s.length() + this.lineScrollOffset; if (p_146199_1_ == this.lineScrollOffset) { this.lineScrollOffset -= this.fontRendererInstance.trimStringToWidth(this.text, k, true).length(); } if (p_146199_1_ > l) { this.lineScrollOffset += p_146199_1_ - l; } else if (p_146199_1_ <= this.lineScrollOffset) { this.lineScrollOffset -= this.lineScrollOffset - p_146199_1_; } if (this.lineScrollOffset < 0) { this.lineScrollOffset = 0; } if (this.lineScrollOffset > j) { this.lineScrollOffset = j; } } } /** * if true the textbox can lose focus by clicking elsewhere on the screen */ public void setCanLoseFocus(boolean p_146205_1_) { this.canLoseFocus = p_146205_1_; } /** * returns true if this textbox is visible */ public boolean getVisible() { return this.visible; } /** * Sets whether or not this textbox is visible */ public void setVisible(boolean p_146189_1_) { this.visible = p_146189_1_; } }