package net.minecraft.client.shader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.ITextureObject; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourceManager; import net.minecraft.client.util.JsonBlendingMode; import net.minecraft.client.util.JsonException; import net.minecraft.util.JsonUtils; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBMultitexture; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class ShaderManager { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); private static final ShaderDefault defaultShaderUniform = new ShaderDefault(); private static ShaderManager staticShaderManager = null; private static int currentProgram = -1; private static boolean field_148000_e = true; /** maps sampler names to their texture */ private final Map shaderSamplers = Maps.newHashMap(); private final List samplerNames = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List shaderSamplerLocations = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List shaderUniforms = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List shaderUniformLocations = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Map mappedShaderUniforms = Maps.newHashMap(); private final int program; private final String programFilename; private final boolean useFaceCulling; private boolean isDirty; private final JsonBlendingMode field_148016_p; private final List field_148015_q; private final List field_148014_r; private final ShaderLoader vertexShaderLoader; private final ShaderLoader fragmentShaderLoader; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001040"; public ShaderManager(IResourceManager resourceManager, String programName) throws JsonException { JsonParser jsonparser = new JsonParser(); ResourceLocation resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation("shaders/program/" + programName + ".json"); this.programFilename = programName; InputStream inputstream = null; try { inputstream = resourceManager.getResource(resourcelocation).getInputStream(); JsonObject jsonobject = jsonparser.parse(IOUtils.toString(inputstream, Charsets.UTF_8)).getAsJsonObject(); String s1 = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(jsonobject, "vertex"); String s2 = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(jsonobject, "fragment"); JsonArray jsonarray = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectJsonArrayFieldOrDefault(jsonobject, "samplers", (JsonArray)null); if (jsonarray != null) { int i = 0; for (Iterator iterator = jsonarray.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ++i) { JsonElement jsonelement = (JsonElement); try { this.parseSampler(jsonelement); } catch (Exception exception2) { JsonException jsonexception1 = JsonException.func_151379_a(exception2); jsonexception1.func_151380_a("samplers[" + i + "]"); throw jsonexception1; } } } JsonArray jsonarray1 = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectJsonArrayFieldOrDefault(jsonobject, "attributes", (JsonArray)null); Iterator iterator1; if (jsonarray1 != null) { int j = 0; this.field_148015_q = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(jsonarray1.size()); this.field_148014_r = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(jsonarray1.size()); for (iterator1 = jsonarray1.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext(); ++j) { JsonElement jsonelement1 = (JsonElement); try { this.field_148014_r.add(JsonUtils.getJsonElementStringValue(jsonelement1, "attribute")); } catch (Exception exception1) { JsonException jsonexception2 = JsonException.func_151379_a(exception1); jsonexception2.func_151380_a("attributes[" + j + "]"); throw jsonexception2; } } } else { this.field_148015_q = null; this.field_148014_r = null; } JsonArray jsonarray2 = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectJsonArrayFieldOrDefault(jsonobject, "uniforms", (JsonArray)null); if (jsonarray2 != null) { int k = 0; for (Iterator iterator2 = jsonarray2.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext(); ++k) { JsonElement jsonelement2 = (JsonElement); try { this.parseUniform(jsonelement2); } catch (Exception exception) { JsonException jsonexception3 = JsonException.func_151379_a(exception); jsonexception3.func_151380_a("uniforms[" + k + "]"); throw jsonexception3; } } } this.field_148016_p = JsonBlendingMode.func_148110_a(JsonUtils.getJsonObjectFieldOrDefault(jsonobject, "blend", (JsonObject)null)); this.useFaceCulling = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectBooleanFieldValueOrDefault(jsonobject, "cull", true); this.vertexShaderLoader = ShaderLoader.loadShader(resourceManager, ShaderLoader.ShaderType.VERTEX, s1); this.fragmentShaderLoader = ShaderLoader.loadShader(resourceManager, ShaderLoader.ShaderType.FRAGMENT, s2); this.program = ShaderLinkHelper.getStaticShaderLinkHelper().createProgram(); ShaderLinkHelper.getStaticShaderLinkHelper().linkProgram(this); this.setupUniforms(); if (this.field_148014_r != null) { iterator1 = this.field_148014_r.iterator(); while (iterator1.hasNext()) { String s3 = (String); int l = OpenGlHelper.glGetAttribLocation(this.program, s3); this.field_148015_q.add(Integer.valueOf(l)); } } } catch (Exception exception3) { JsonException jsonexception = JsonException.func_151379_a(exception3); jsonexception.func_151381_b(resourcelocation.getResourcePath()); throw jsonexception; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputstream); } this.markDirty(); } public void deleteShader() { ShaderLinkHelper.getStaticShaderLinkHelper().deleteShader(this); } public void endShader() { OpenGlHelper.glUseProgram(0); currentProgram = -1; staticShaderManager = null; field_148000_e = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.shaderSamplerLocations.size(); ++i) { if (this.shaderSamplers.get(this.samplerNames.get(i)) != null) { GL13.glActiveTexture(ARBMultitexture.GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + i); GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); } } } public void useShader() { this.isDirty = false; staticShaderManager = this; this.field_148016_p.func_148109_a(); if (this.program != currentProgram) { OpenGlHelper.glUseProgram(this.program); currentProgram = this.program; } if (field_148000_e != this.useFaceCulling) { field_148000_e = this.useFaceCulling; if (this.useFaceCulling) { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); } else { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.shaderSamplerLocations.size(); ++i) { if (this.shaderSamplers.get(this.samplerNames.get(i)) != null) { GL13.glActiveTexture(ARBMultitexture.GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + i); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Object object = this.shaderSamplers.get(this.samplerNames.get(i)); int j = -1; if (object instanceof Framebuffer) { j = ((Framebuffer)object).framebufferTexture; } else if (object instanceof ITextureObject) { j = ((ITextureObject)object).getGlTextureId(); } else if (object instanceof Integer) { j = ((Integer)object).intValue(); } if (j != -1) { GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, j); OpenGlHelper.glUniform1i(OpenGlHelper.glGetUniformLocation(this.program, (CharSequence)this.samplerNames.get(i)), i); } } } Iterator iterator = this.shaderUniforms.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ShaderUniform shaderuniform = (ShaderUniform); shaderuniform.upload(); } } public void markDirty() { this.isDirty = true; } /** * gets a shader uniform for the name given. null if not found. */ public ShaderUniform getShaderUniform(String p_147991_1_) { return this.mappedShaderUniforms.containsKey(p_147991_1_) ? (ShaderUniform)this.mappedShaderUniforms.get(p_147991_1_) : null; } /** * gets a shader uniform for the name given. if not found, returns a default not-null value */ public ShaderUniform getShaderUniformOrDefault(String p_147984_1_) { return (ShaderUniform)(this.mappedShaderUniforms.containsKey(p_147984_1_) ? (ShaderUniform)this.mappedShaderUniforms.get(p_147984_1_) : defaultShaderUniform); } /** * goes through the parsed uniforms and samplers and connects them to their GL counterparts. */ private void setupUniforms() { int i = 0; String s; int k; for (int j = 0; i < this.samplerNames.size(); ++j) { s = (String)this.samplerNames.get(i); k = OpenGlHelper.glGetUniformLocation(this.program, s); if (k == -1) { logger.warn("Shader " + this.programFilename + "could not find sampler named " + s + " in the specified shader program."); this.shaderSamplers.remove(s); this.samplerNames.remove(j); --j; } else { this.shaderSamplerLocations.add(Integer.valueOf(k)); } ++i; } Iterator iterator = this.shaderUniforms.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ShaderUniform shaderuniform = (ShaderUniform); s = shaderuniform.getShaderName(); k = OpenGlHelper.glGetUniformLocation(this.program, s); if (k == -1) { logger.warn("Could not find uniform named " + s + " in the specified" + " shader program."); } else { this.shaderUniformLocations.add(Integer.valueOf(k)); shaderuniform.setUniformLocation(k); this.mappedShaderUniforms.put(s, shaderuniform); } } } private void parseSampler(JsonElement p_147996_1_) { JsonObject jsonobject = JsonUtils.getElementAsJsonObject(p_147996_1_, "sampler"); String s = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(jsonobject, "name"); if (!JsonUtils.jsonObjectFieldTypeIsString(jsonobject, "file")) { this.shaderSamplers.put(s, (Object)null); this.samplerNames.add(s); } else { this.samplerNames.add(s); } } /** * adds a shader sampler texture. if it already exists, replaces it. */ public void addSamplerTexture(String p_147992_1_, Object p_147992_2_) { if (this.shaderSamplers.containsKey(p_147992_1_)) { this.shaderSamplers.remove(p_147992_1_); } this.shaderSamplers.put(p_147992_1_, p_147992_2_); this.markDirty(); } private void parseUniform(JsonElement p_147987_1_) throws JsonException { JsonObject jsonobject = JsonUtils.getElementAsJsonObject(p_147987_1_, "uniform"); String s = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(jsonobject, "name"); int i = ShaderUniform.parseType(JsonUtils.getJsonObjectStringFieldValue(jsonobject, "type")); int j = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectIntegerFieldValue(jsonobject, "count"); float[] afloat = new float[Math.max(j, 16)]; JsonArray jsonarray = JsonUtils.getJsonObjectJsonArrayField(jsonobject, "values"); if (jsonarray.size() != j && jsonarray.size() > 1) { throw new JsonException("Invalid amount of values specified (expected " + j + ", found " + jsonarray.size() + ")"); } else { int k = 0; for (Iterator iterator = jsonarray.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ++k) { JsonElement jsonelement1 = (JsonElement); try { afloat[k] = JsonUtils.getJsonElementFloatValue(jsonelement1, "value"); } catch (Exception exception) { JsonException jsonexception = JsonException.func_151379_a(exception); jsonexception.func_151380_a("values[" + k + "]"); throw jsonexception; } } if (j > 1 && jsonarray.size() == 1) { while (k < j) { afloat[k] = afloat[0]; ++k; } } int l = j > 1 && j <= 4 && i < 8 ? j - 1 : 0; ShaderUniform shaderuniform = new ShaderUniform(s, i + l, j, this); if (i <= 3) { shaderuniform.set((int)afloat[0], (int)afloat[1], (int)afloat[2], (int)afloat[3]); } else if (i <= 7) { shaderuniform.func_148092_b(afloat[0], afloat[1], afloat[2], afloat[3]); } else { shaderuniform.set(afloat); } this.shaderUniforms.add(shaderuniform); } } public ShaderLoader getVertexShaderLoader() { return this.vertexShaderLoader; } public ShaderLoader getFragmentShaderLoader() { return this.fragmentShaderLoader; } public int getProgram() { return this.program; } }