package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityMobSpawner; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent; import; public class StructureNetherBridgePieces { private static final StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight[] primaryComponents = new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight[] {new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight.class, 30, 0, true), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3.class, 10, 4), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing.class, 10, 4), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs.class, 10, 3), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne.class, 5, 2), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance.class, 5, 1)}; private static final StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight[] secondaryComponents = new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight[] {new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5.class, 25, 0, true), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2.class, 15, 5), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2.class, 5, 10), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor.class, 5, 10), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3.class, 10, 3, true), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4.class, 7, 2), new StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight(StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom.class, 5, 2)}; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000453"; public static void registerNetherFortressPieces() { MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3.class, "NeBCr"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.End.class, "NeBEF"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight.class, "NeBS"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3.class, "NeCCS"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4.class, "NeCTB"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance.class, "NeCE"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2.class, "NeSCSC"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor.class, "NeSCLT"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5.class, "NeSC"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2.class, "NeSCRT"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom.class, "NeCSR"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne.class, "NeMT"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing.class, "NeRC"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs.class, "NeSR"); MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start.class, "NeStart"); } private static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece createNextComponentRandom(StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight p_78738_0_, List p_78738_1_, Random p_78738_2_, int p_78738_3_, int p_78738_4_, int p_78738_5_, int p_78738_6_, int p_78738_7_) { Class oclass = p_78738_0_.weightClass; Object object = null; if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } else if (oclass == StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom.class) { object = StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom.createValidComponent(p_78738_1_, p_78738_2_, p_78738_3_, p_78738_4_, p_78738_5_, p_78738_6_, p_78738_7_); } return (StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece)object; } public static class Corridor extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private boolean field_111021_b; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000461"; public Corridor() {} public Corridor(int p_i2049_1_, Random p_i2049_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2049_3_, int p_i2049_4_) { super(p_i2049_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2049_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2049_3_; this.field_111021_b = p_i2049_2_.nextInt(3) == 0; } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) { super.readStructureFromNBT(p_143011_1_); this.field_111021_b = p_143011_1_.getBoolean("Chest"); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) { super.writeStructureToNBT(p_143012_1_); p_143012_1_.setBoolean("Chest", this.field_111021_b); } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentX((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 1, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor createValidComponent(List p_74978_0_, Random p_74978_1_, int p_74978_2_, int p_74978_3_, int p_74978_4_, int p_74978_5_, int p_74978_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74978_2_, p_74978_3_, p_74978_4_, -1, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, p_74978_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74978_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor(p_74978_6_, p_74978_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74978_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 3, 4, 1, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int i; int j; if (this.field_111021_b) { i = this.getYWithOffset(2); j = this.getXWithOffset(3, 3); int k = this.getZWithOffset(3, 3); if (p_74875_3_.isVecInside(j, i, k)) { this.field_111021_b = false; this.generateStructureChestContents(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, p_74875_2_, 3, 2, 3, field_111019_a, 2 + p_74875_2_.nextInt(4)); } } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 4; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Corridor2 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private boolean field_111020_b; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000463"; public Corridor2() {} public Corridor2(int p_i2051_1_, Random p_i2051_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2051_3_, int p_i2051_4_) { super(p_i2051_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2051_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2051_3_; this.field_111020_b = p_i2051_2_.nextInt(3) == 0; } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) { super.readStructureFromNBT(p_143011_1_); this.field_111020_b = p_143011_1_.getBoolean("Chest"); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) { super.writeStructureToNBT(p_143012_1_); p_143012_1_.setBoolean("Chest", this.field_111020_b); } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 1, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2 createValidComponent(List p_74980_0_, Random p_74980_1_, int p_74980_2_, int p_74980_3_, int p_74980_4_, int p_74980_5_, int p_74980_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74980_2_, p_74980_3_, p_74980_4_, -1, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, p_74980_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74980_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor2(p_74980_6_, p_74980_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74980_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 1, 0, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 3, 0, 4, 3, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 3, 4, 1, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int i; int j; if (this.field_111020_b) { i = this.getYWithOffset(2); j = this.getXWithOffset(1, 3); int k = this.getZWithOffset(1, 3); if (p_74875_3_.isVecInside(j, i, k)) { this.field_111020_b = false; this.generateStructureChestContents(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, p_74875_2_, 1, 2, 3, field_111019_a, 2 + p_74875_2_.nextInt(4)); } } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 4; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Corridor3 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000457"; public Corridor3() {} public Corridor3(int p_i2045_1_, Random p_i2045_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2045_3_, int p_i2045_4_) { super(p_i2045_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2045_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2045_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 1, 0, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3 createValidComponent(List p_74982_0_, Random p_74982_1_, int p_74982_2_, int p_74982_3_, int p_74982_4_, int p_74982_5_, int p_74982_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74982_2_, p_74982_3_, p_74982_4_, -1, -7, 0, 5, 14, 10, p_74982_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74982_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor3(p_74982_6_, p_74982_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74982_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { int i = this.getMetadataWithOffset(Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, 2); for (int j = 0; j <= 9; ++j) { int k = Math.max(1, 7 - j); int l = Math.min(Math.max(k + 5, 14 - j), 13); int i1 = j; this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, j, 4, k, j, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, k + 1, j, 3, l - 1, j, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); if (j <= 6) { this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, i, 1, k + 1, j, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, i, 2, k + 1, j, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, i, 3, k + 1, j, p_74875_3_); } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, l, j, 4, l, j, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, k + 1, j, 0, l - 1, j, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, k + 1, j, 4, l - 1, j, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); if ((j & 1) == 0) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, k + 2, j, 0, k + 3, j, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, k + 2, j, 4, k + 3, j, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); } for (int j1 = 0; j1 <= 4; ++j1) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, j1, -1, i1, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Corridor4 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000458"; public Corridor4() {} public Corridor4(int p_i2046_1_, Random p_i2046_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2046_3_, int p_i2046_4_) { super(p_i2046_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2046_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2046_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { byte b0 = 1; if (this.coordBaseMode == 1 || this.coordBaseMode == 2) { b0 = 5; } this.getNextComponentX((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, b0, p_74861_3_.nextInt(8) > 0); this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, b0, p_74861_3_.nextInt(8) > 0); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4 createValidComponent(List p_74985_0_, Random p_74985_1_, int p_74985_2_, int p_74985_3_, int p_74985_4_, int p_74985_5_, int p_74985_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74985_2_, p_74985_3_, p_74985_4_, -3, 0, 0, 9, 7, 9, p_74985_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74985_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor4(p_74985_6_, p_74985_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74985_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 8, 5, 8, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 0, 8, 6, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 2, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 2, 0, 8, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 3, 0, 1, 4, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 3, 0, 7, 4, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 4, 8, 2, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 8, 8, 3, 8, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 6, 0, 3, 7, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 3, 6, 8, 3, 7, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 3, 4, 8, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 3, 5, 7, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 4, 5, 7, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 8; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, j, -1, i, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Corridor5 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000462"; public Corridor5() {} public Corridor5(int p_i2050_1_, Random p_i2050_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2050_3_, int p_i2050_4_) { super(p_i2050_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2050_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2050_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 1, 0, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5 createValidComponent(List p_74981_0_, Random p_74981_1_, int p_74981_2_, int p_74981_3_, int p_74981_4_, int p_74981_5_, int p_74981_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74981_2_, p_74981_3_, p_74981_4_, -1, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, p_74981_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74981_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Corridor5(p_74981_6_, p_74981_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74981_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 1, 0, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 3, 0, 4, 3, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 4; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Crossing extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000468"; public Crossing() {} public Crossing(int p_i2057_1_, Random p_i2057_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2057_3_, int p_i2057_4_) { super(p_i2057_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2057_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2057_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 2, 0, false); this.getNextComponentX((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 2, false); this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 2, false); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing createValidComponent(List p_74974_0_, Random p_74974_1_, int p_74974_2_, int p_74974_3_, int p_74974_4_, int p_74974_5_, int p_74974_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74974_2_, p_74974_3_, p_74974_4_, -2, 0, 0, 7, 9, 7, p_74974_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74974_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing(p_74974_6_, p_74974_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74974_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 6, 7, 6, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 1, 6, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 6, 1, 6, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 2, 0, 6, 6, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 0, 6, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 5, 0, 6, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 2, 0, 6, 6, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 2, 5, 6, 6, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 6, 0, 4, 6, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 0, 4, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 2, 0, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 2, 0, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 5, 2, 6, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 6; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Crossing2 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000460"; public Crossing2() {} public Crossing2(int p_i2048_1_, Random p_i2048_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2048_3_, int p_i2048_4_) { super(p_i2048_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2048_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2048_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 1, 0, true); this.getNextComponentX((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 1, true); this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 0, 1, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2 createValidComponent(List p_74979_0_, Random p_74979_1_, int p_74979_2_, int p_74979_3_, int p_74979_4_, int p_74979_5_, int p_74979_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74979_2_, p_74979_3_, p_74979_4_, -1, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, p_74979_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74979_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing2(p_74979_6_, p_74979_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74979_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 4, 0, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 4; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Crossing3 extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000454"; public Crossing3() {} public Crossing3(int p_i2041_1_, Random p_i2041_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2041_3_, int p_i2041_4_) { super(p_i2041_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2041_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2041_3_; } protected Crossing3(Random p_i2042_1_, int p_i2042_2_, int p_i2042_3_) { super(0); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2042_1_.nextInt(4); switch (this.coordBaseMode) { case 0: case 2: this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(p_i2042_2_, 64, p_i2042_3_, p_i2042_2_ + 19 - 1, 73, p_i2042_3_ + 19 - 1); break; default: this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(p_i2042_2_, 64, p_i2042_3_, p_i2042_2_ + 19 - 1, 73, p_i2042_3_ + 19 - 1); } } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 8, 3, false); this.getNextComponentX((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 3, 8, false); this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 3, 8, false); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3 createValidComponent(List p_74966_0_, Random p_74966_1_, int p_74966_2_, int p_74966_3_, int p_74966_4_, int p_74966_5_, int p_74966_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74966_2_, p_74966_3_, p_74966_4_, -8, -3, 0, 19, 10, 19, p_74966_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74966_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3(p_74966_6_, p_74966_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74966_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 3, 0, 11, 4, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 7, 18, 4, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 0, 10, 7, 18, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 8, 18, 7, 10, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 5, 0, 7, 5, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 5, 11, 7, 5, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 0, 11, 5, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 11, 11, 5, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 7, 18, 5, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 11, 7, 5, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 11, 18, 5, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 2, 0, 11, 2, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 2, 13, 11, 2, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 0, 0, 11, 1, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 0, 15, 11, 1, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int i; int j; for (i = 7; i <= 11; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, 18 - j, p_74875_3_); } } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 7, 5, 2, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 13, 2, 7, 18, 2, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 7, 3, 1, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 15, 0, 7, 18, 1, 11, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) { for (j = 7; j <= 11; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 18 - i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class End extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private int fillSeed; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000455"; public End() {} public End(int p_i2043_1_, Random p_i2043_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2043_3_, int p_i2043_4_) { super(p_i2043_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2043_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2043_3_; this.fillSeed = p_i2043_2_.nextInt(); } public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.End func_74971_a(List p_74971_0_, Random p_74971_1_, int p_74971_2_, int p_74971_3_, int p_74971_4_, int p_74971_5_, int p_74971_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74971_2_, p_74971_3_, p_74971_4_, -1, -3, 0, 5, 10, 8, p_74971_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74971_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.End(p_74971_6_, p_74971_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74971_5_) : null; } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) { super.readStructureFromNBT(p_143011_1_); this.fillSeed = p_143011_1_.getInteger("Seed"); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) { super.writeStructureToNBT(p_143012_1_); p_143012_1_.setInteger("Seed", this.fillSeed); } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { Random random1 = new Random((long)this.fillSeed); int i; int j; int k; for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (j = 3; j <= 4; ++j) { k = random1.nextInt(8); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, j, 0, i, j, k, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); } } i = random1.nextInt(8); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 0, 5, i, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); i = random1.nextInt(8); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, i, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { j = random1.nextInt(5); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, 2, 0, i, 2, j, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); } for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 1; ++j) { k = random1.nextInt(3); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, j, 0, i, j, k, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); } } return true; } } public static class Entrance extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000459"; public Entrance() {} public Entrance(int p_i2047_1_, Random p_i2047_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2047_3_, int p_i2047_4_) { super(p_i2047_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2047_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2047_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 5, 3, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance createValidComponent(List p_74984_0_, Random p_74984_1_, int p_74984_2_, int p_74984_3_, int p_74984_4_, int p_74984_5_, int p_74984_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74984_2_, p_74984_3_, p_74984_4_, -5, -3, 0, 13, 14, 13, p_74984_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74984_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Entrance(p_74984_6_, p_74984_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74984_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 0, 12, 4, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 12, 13, 12, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 1, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 0, 12, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 11, 4, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 11, 10, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 9, 11, 7, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 0, 4, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 0, 10, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 9, 0, 7, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 11, 2, 10, 12, 10, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 8, 0, 7, 8, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); int i; for (i = 1; i <= 11; i += 2) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, 10, 0, i, 11, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, 10, 12, i, 11, 12, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 10, i, 0, 11, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 12, 10, i, 12, 11, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 0, 13, i, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 12, 13, i, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, i + 1, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, i + 1, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, i + 1, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 12, 13, i + 1, p_74875_3_); } this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 12, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); for (i = 3; i <= 9; i += 2) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 7, i, 1, 8, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 7, i, 11, 8, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 8, 2, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 4, 12, 2, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 0, 0, 8, 1, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 0, 9, 8, 1, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 4, 3, 1, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 9, 0, 4, 12, 1, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int j; for (i = 4; i <= 8; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, 12 - j, p_74875_3_); } } for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) { for (j = 4; j <= 8; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 12 - i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 1, 6, 6, 4, 6, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 6, 0, 6, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.flowing_lava, 0, 6, 5, 6, p_74875_3_); i = this.getXWithOffset(6, 6); j = this.getYWithOffset(5); int k = this.getZWithOffset(6, 6); if (p_74875_3_.isVecInside(i, j, k)) { p_74875_1_.scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate = true; Blocks.flowing_lava.updateTick(p_74875_1_, i, j, k, p_74875_2_); p_74875_1_.scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate = false; } return true; } } public static class NetherStalkRoom extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000464"; public NetherStalkRoom() {} public NetherStalkRoom(int p_i2052_1_, Random p_i2052_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2052_3_, int p_i2052_4_) { super(p_i2052_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2052_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2052_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 5, 3, true); this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 5, 11, true); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom createValidComponent(List p_74977_0_, Random p_74977_1_, int p_74977_2_, int p_74977_3_, int p_74977_4_, int p_74977_5_, int p_74977_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74977_2_, p_74977_3_, p_74977_4_, -5, -3, 0, 13, 14, 13, p_74977_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74977_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.NetherStalkRoom(p_74977_6_, p_74977_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74977_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 0, 12, 4, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 12, 13, 12, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 1, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 5, 0, 12, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 11, 4, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 11, 10, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 9, 11, 7, 12, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 0, 4, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 0, 10, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 9, 0, 7, 12, 1, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 11, 2, 10, 12, 10, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int i; for (i = 1; i <= 11; i += 2) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, 10, 0, i, 11, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, i, 10, 12, i, 11, 12, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 10, i, 0, 11, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 12, 10, i, 12, 11, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 0, 13, i, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 12, 13, i, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, i + 1, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, i + 1, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, i + 1, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 12, 13, i + 1, p_74875_3_); } this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 12, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 0, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 12, 13, 0, p_74875_3_); for (i = 3; i <= 9; i += 2) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 7, i, 1, 8, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 11, 7, i, 11, 8, i, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); } i = this.getMetadataWithOffset(Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, 3); int j; int k; int l; for (j = 0; j <= 6; ++j) { k = j + 4; for (l = 5; l <= 7; ++l) { this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, i, l, 5 + j, k, p_74875_3_); } if (k >= 5 && k <= 8) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 5, k, 7, j + 4, k, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); } else if (k >= 9 && k <= 10) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 8, k, 7, j + 4, k, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); } if (j >= 1) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 6 + j, k, 7, 9 + j, k, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); } } for (j = 5; j <= 7; ++j) { this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, i, j, 12, 11, p_74875_3_); } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 6, 7, 5, 7, 7, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 13, 12, 7, 13, 12, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 9, 3, 5, 10, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 4, 2, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 9, 5, 2, 10, 5, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 9, 5, 9, 10, 5, 10, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 10, 5, 4, 10, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); j = this.getMetadataWithOffset(Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, 0); k = this.getMetadataWithOffset(Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, 1); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, k, 4, 5, 2, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, k, 4, 5, 3, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, k, 4, 5, 9, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, k, 4, 5, 10, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, j, 8, 5, 2, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, j, 8, 5, 3, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, j, 8, 5, 9, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, j, 8, 5, 10, p_74875_3_); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, Blocks.soul_sand, Blocks.soul_sand, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 4, 4, 9, 4, 8, Blocks.soul_sand, Blocks.soul_sand, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_wart, Blocks.nether_wart, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 8, 5, 4, 9, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_wart, Blocks.nether_wart, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 0, 8, 2, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 4, 12, 2, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 0, 0, 8, 1, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 0, 9, 8, 1, 12, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 4, 3, 1, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 9, 0, 4, 12, 1, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); int i1; for (l = 4; l <= 8; ++l) { for (i1 = 0; i1 <= 2; ++i1) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, l, -1, i1, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, l, -1, 12 - i1, p_74875_3_); } } for (l = 0; l <= 2; ++l) { for (i1 = 4; i1 <= 8; ++i1) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, l, -1, i1, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 12 - l, -1, i1, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } abstract static class Piece extends StructureComponent { protected static final WeightedRandomChestContent[] field_111019_a = new WeightedRandomChestContent[] {new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.diamond, 0, 1, 3, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.iron_ingot, 0, 1, 5, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.gold_ingot, 0, 1, 3, 15), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.golden_sword, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.golden_chestplate, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.flint_and_steel, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.nether_wart, 0, 3, 7, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.saddle, 0, 1, 1, 10), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.golden_horse_armor, 0, 1, 1, 8), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.iron_horse_armor, 0, 1, 1, 5), new WeightedRandomChestContent(Items.diamond_horse_armor, 0, 1, 1, 3)}; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000466"; public Piece() {} protected Piece(int p_i2054_1_) { super(p_i2054_1_); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) {} /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) {} private int getTotalWeight(List p_74960_1_) { boolean flag = false; int i = 0; StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight pieceweight; for (Iterator iterator = p_74960_1_.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i += pieceweight.field_78826_b) { pieceweight = (StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight); if (pieceweight.field_78824_d > 0 && pieceweight.field_78827_c < pieceweight.field_78824_d) { flag = true; } } return flag ? i : -1; } private StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece getNextComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start p_74959_1_, List p_74959_2_, List p_74959_3_, Random p_74959_4_, int p_74959_5_, int p_74959_6_, int p_74959_7_, int p_74959_8_, int p_74959_9_) { int j1 = this.getTotalWeight(p_74959_2_); boolean flag = j1 > 0 && p_74959_9_ <= 30; int k1 = 0; while (k1 < 5 && flag) { ++k1; int l1 = p_74959_4_.nextInt(j1); Iterator iterator = p_74959_2_.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight pieceweight = (StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight); l1 -= pieceweight.field_78826_b; if (l1 < 0) { if (!pieceweight.func_78822_a(p_74959_9_) || pieceweight == p_74959_1_.theNetherBridgePieceWeight && !pieceweight.field_78825_e) { break; } StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece piece = StructureNetherBridgePieces.createNextComponentRandom(pieceweight, p_74959_3_, p_74959_4_, p_74959_5_, p_74959_6_, p_74959_7_, p_74959_8_, p_74959_9_); if (piece != null) { ++pieceweight.field_78827_c; p_74959_1_.theNetherBridgePieceWeight = pieceweight; if (!pieceweight.func_78823_a()) { p_74959_2_.remove(pieceweight); } return piece; } } } } return StructureNetherBridgePieces.End.func_74971_a(p_74959_3_, p_74959_4_, p_74959_5_, p_74959_6_, p_74959_7_, p_74959_8_, p_74959_9_); } /** * Finds a random component to tack on to the bridge. Or builds the end. */ private StructureComponent getNextComponent(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start p_74962_1_, List p_74962_2_, Random p_74962_3_, int p_74962_4_, int p_74962_5_, int p_74962_6_, int p_74962_7_, int p_74962_8_, boolean p_74962_9_) { if (Math.abs(p_74962_4_ - p_74962_1_.getBoundingBox().minX) <= 112 && Math.abs(p_74962_6_ - p_74962_1_.getBoundingBox().minZ) <= 112) { List list1 = p_74962_1_.primaryWeights; if (p_74962_9_) { list1 = p_74962_1_.secondaryWeights; } StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece piece = this.getNextComponent(p_74962_1_, list1, p_74962_2_, p_74962_3_, p_74962_4_, p_74962_5_, p_74962_6_, p_74962_7_, p_74962_8_ + 1); if (piece != null) { p_74962_2_.add(piece); p_74962_1_.field_74967_d.add(piece); } return piece; } else { return StructureNetherBridgePieces.End.func_74971_a(p_74962_2_, p_74962_3_, p_74962_4_, p_74962_5_, p_74962_6_, p_74962_7_, p_74962_8_); } } /** * Gets the next component in any cardinal direction */ protected StructureComponent getNextComponentNormal(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start p_74963_1_, List p_74963_2_, Random p_74963_3_, int p_74963_4_, int p_74963_5_, boolean p_74963_6_) { switch (this.coordBaseMode) { case 0: return this.getNextComponent(p_74963_1_, p_74963_2_, p_74963_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74963_4_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74963_5_, this.boundingBox.maxZ + 1, this.coordBaseMode, this.getComponentType(), p_74963_6_); case 1: return this.getNextComponent(p_74963_1_, p_74963_2_, p_74963_3_, this.boundingBox.minX - 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74963_5_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74963_4_, this.coordBaseMode, this.getComponentType(), p_74963_6_); case 2: return this.getNextComponent(p_74963_1_, p_74963_2_, p_74963_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74963_4_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74963_5_, this.boundingBox.minZ - 1, this.coordBaseMode, this.getComponentType(), p_74963_6_); case 3: return this.getNextComponent(p_74963_1_, p_74963_2_, p_74963_3_, this.boundingBox.maxX + 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74963_5_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74963_4_, this.coordBaseMode, this.getComponentType(), p_74963_6_); default: return null; } } /** * Gets the next component in the +/- X direction */ protected StructureComponent getNextComponentX(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start p_74961_1_, List p_74961_2_, Random p_74961_3_, int p_74961_4_, int p_74961_5_, boolean p_74961_6_) { switch (this.coordBaseMode) { case 0: return this.getNextComponent(p_74961_1_, p_74961_2_, p_74961_3_, this.boundingBox.minX - 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74961_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74961_5_, 1, this.getComponentType(), p_74961_6_); case 1: return this.getNextComponent(p_74961_1_, p_74961_2_, p_74961_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74961_5_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74961_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ - 1, 2, this.getComponentType(), p_74961_6_); case 2: return this.getNextComponent(p_74961_1_, p_74961_2_, p_74961_3_, this.boundingBox.minX - 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74961_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74961_5_, 1, this.getComponentType(), p_74961_6_); case 3: return this.getNextComponent(p_74961_1_, p_74961_2_, p_74961_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74961_5_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74961_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ - 1, 2, this.getComponentType(), p_74961_6_); default: return null; } } /** * Gets the next component in the +/- Z direction */ protected StructureComponent getNextComponentZ(StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start p_74965_1_, List p_74965_2_, Random p_74965_3_, int p_74965_4_, int p_74965_5_, boolean p_74965_6_) { switch (this.coordBaseMode) { case 0: return this.getNextComponent(p_74965_1_, p_74965_2_, p_74965_3_, this.boundingBox.maxX + 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74965_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74965_5_, 3, this.getComponentType(), p_74965_6_); case 1: return this.getNextComponent(p_74965_1_, p_74965_2_, p_74965_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74965_5_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74965_4_, this.boundingBox.maxZ + 1, 0, this.getComponentType(), p_74965_6_); case 2: return this.getNextComponent(p_74965_1_, p_74965_2_, p_74965_3_, this.boundingBox.maxX + 1, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74965_4_, this.boundingBox.minZ + p_74965_5_, 3, this.getComponentType(), p_74965_6_); case 3: return this.getNextComponent(p_74965_1_, p_74965_2_, p_74965_3_, this.boundingBox.minX + p_74965_5_, this.boundingBox.minY + p_74965_4_, this.boundingBox.maxZ + 1, 0, this.getComponentType(), p_74965_6_); default: return null; } } /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ protected static boolean isAboveGround(StructureBoundingBox p_74964_0_) { return p_74964_0_ != null && p_74964_0_.minY > 10; } } static class PieceWeight { /** The class of the StructureComponent to which this weight corresponds. */ public Class weightClass; public final int field_78826_b; public int field_78827_c; public int field_78824_d; public boolean field_78825_e; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000467"; public PieceWeight(Class p_i2055_1_, int p_i2055_2_, int p_i2055_3_, boolean p_i2055_4_) { this.weightClass = p_i2055_1_; this.field_78826_b = p_i2055_2_; this.field_78824_d = p_i2055_3_; this.field_78825_e = p_i2055_4_; } public PieceWeight(Class p_i2056_1_, int p_i2056_2_, int p_i2056_3_) { this(p_i2056_1_, p_i2056_2_, p_i2056_3_, false); } public boolean func_78822_a(int p_78822_1_) { return this.field_78824_d == 0 || this.field_78827_c < this.field_78824_d; } public boolean func_78823_a() { return this.field_78824_d == 0 || this.field_78827_c < this.field_78824_d; } } public static class Stairs extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000469"; public Stairs() {} public Stairs(int p_i2058_1_, Random p_i2058_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2058_3_, int p_i2058_4_) { super(p_i2058_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2058_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2058_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentZ((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 6, 2, false); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs createValidComponent(List p_74973_0_, Random p_74973_1_, int p_74973_2_, int p_74973_3_, int p_74973_4_, int p_74973_5_, int p_74973_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74973_2_, p_74973_3_, p_74973_4_, -2, 0, 0, 7, 11, 7, p_74973_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74973_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Stairs(p_74973_6_, p_74973_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74973_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 6, 10, 6, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 1, 8, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 2, 0, 6, 8, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 1, 0, 8, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 2, 1, 6, 8, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 2, 6, 5, 8, 6, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 2, 0, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 3, 2, 6, 5, 2, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, 5, 2, 5, p_74875_3_); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 3, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 7, 1, 5, 7, 4, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 8, 2, 6, 8, 4, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 6, 0, 4, 8, 0, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 5, 0, 4, 5, 0, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 6; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } public static class Start extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Crossing3 { /** Instance of StructureNetherBridgePieceWeight. */ public StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight theNetherBridgePieceWeight; /** Contains the list of valid piece weights for the set of nether bridge structure pieces. */ public List primaryWeights; /** Contains the list of valid piece weights for the secondary set of nether bridge structure pieces. */ public List secondaryWeights; public ArrayList field_74967_d = new ArrayList(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000470"; public Start() {} public Start(Random p_i2059_1_, int p_i2059_2_, int p_i2059_3_) { super(p_i2059_1_, p_i2059_2_, p_i2059_3_); this.primaryWeights = new ArrayList(); StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight[] apieceweight = StructureNetherBridgePieces.primaryComponents; int k = apieceweight.length; int l; StructureNetherBridgePieces.PieceWeight pieceweight; for (l = 0; l < k; ++l) { pieceweight = apieceweight[l]; pieceweight.field_78827_c = 0; this.primaryWeights.add(pieceweight); } this.secondaryWeights = new ArrayList(); apieceweight = StructureNetherBridgePieces.secondaryComponents; k = apieceweight.length; for (l = 0; l < k; ++l) { pieceweight = apieceweight[l]; pieceweight.field_78827_c = 0; this.secondaryWeights.add(pieceweight); } } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) { super.readStructureFromNBT(p_143011_1_); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) { super.writeStructureToNBT(p_143012_1_); } } public static class Straight extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000456"; public Straight() {} public Straight(int p_i2044_1_, Random p_i2044_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2044_3_, int p_i2044_4_) { super(p_i2044_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2044_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2044_3_; } /** * Initiates construction of the Structure Component picked, at the current Location of StructGen */ public void buildComponent(StructureComponent p_74861_1_, List p_74861_2_, Random p_74861_3_) { this.getNextComponentNormal((StructureNetherBridgePieces.Start)p_74861_1_, p_74861_2_, p_74861_3_, 1, 3, false); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight createValidComponent(List p_74983_0_, Random p_74983_1_, int p_74983_2_, int p_74983_3_, int p_74983_4_, int p_74983_5_, int p_74983_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74983_2_, p_74983_3_, p_74983_4_, -1, -3, 0, 5, 10, 19, p_74983_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74983_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Straight(p_74983_6_, p_74983_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74983_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 0, 4, 4, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 5, 0, 3, 7, 18, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 5, 0, 4, 5, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 4, 2, 5, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 13, 4, 2, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 0, 15, 4, 1, 18, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= 2; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, 18 - j, p_74875_3_); } } this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 4, 0, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 3, 14, 0, 4, 14, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 1, 17, 0, 4, 17, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 3, 14, 4, 4, 14, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 4, 1, 17, 4, 4, 17, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); return true; } } public static class Throne extends StructureNetherBridgePieces.Piece { private boolean hasSpawner; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000465"; public Throne() {} public Throne(int p_i2053_1_, Random p_i2053_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_i2053_3_, int p_i2053_4_) { super(p_i2053_1_); this.coordBaseMode = p_i2053_4_; this.boundingBox = p_i2053_3_; } /** * (abstract) Helper method to read subclass data from NBT */ protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143011_1_) { super.readStructureFromNBT(p_143011_1_); this.hasSpawner = p_143011_1_.getBoolean("Mob"); } /** * (abstract) Helper method to write subclass data to NBT */ protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound p_143012_1_) { super.writeStructureToNBT(p_143012_1_); p_143012_1_.setBoolean("Mob", this.hasSpawner); } /** * Creates and returns a new component piece. Or null if it could not find enough room to place it. */ public static StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne createValidComponent(List p_74975_0_, Random p_74975_1_, int p_74975_2_, int p_74975_3_, int p_74975_4_, int p_74975_5_, int p_74975_6_) { StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_74975_2_, p_74975_3_, p_74975_4_, -2, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9, p_74975_5_); /** * Checks if the bounding box's minY is > 10 */ return isAboveGround(structureboundingbox) && StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_74975_0_, structureboundingbox) == null ? new StructureNetherBridgePieces.Throne(p_74975_6_, p_74975_1_, structureboundingbox, p_74975_5_) : null; } /** * second Part of Structure generating, this for example places Spiderwebs, Mob Spawners, it closes * Mineshafts at the end, it adds Fences... */ public boolean addComponentParts(World p_74875_1_, Random p_74875_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_74875_3_) { this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 2, 0, 6, 7, 7, Blocks.air, Blocks.air, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 0, 0, 5, 1, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 7, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 2, 0, 1, 4, 2, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 2, 0, 5, 4, 2, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 3, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 5, 3, 0, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 5, 8, 5, 5, 8, Blocks.nether_brick, Blocks.nether_brick, false); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 1, 6, 3, p_74875_3_); this.placeBlockAtCurrentPosition(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 0, 5, 6, 3, p_74875_3_); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 0, 6, 3, 0, 6, 8, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 8, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 1, 6, 8, 5, 7, 8, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); this.fillWithBlocks(p_74875_1_, p_74875_3_, 2, 8, 8, 4, 8, 8, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, Blocks.nether_brick_fence, false); int i; int j; if (!this.hasSpawner) { i = this.getYWithOffset(5); j = this.getXWithOffset(3, 5); int k = this.getZWithOffset(3, 5); if (p_74875_3_.isVecInside(j, i, k)) { this.hasSpawner = true; p_74875_1_.setBlock(j, i, k, Blocks.mob_spawner, 0, 2); TileEntityMobSpawner tileentitymobspawner = (TileEntityMobSpawner)p_74875_1_.getTileEntity(j, i, k); if (tileentitymobspawner != null) { tileentitymobspawner.func_145881_a().setEntityName("Blaze"); } } } for (i = 0; i <= 6; ++i) { for (j = 0; j <= 6; ++j) { this.func_151554_b(p_74875_1_, Blocks.nether_brick, 0, i, -1, j, p_74875_3_); } } return true; } } }