package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mojang.authlib.Agent; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import com.mojang.authlib.ProfileLookupCallback; import com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.ProfileNotFoundException; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer; import net.minecraft.server.dedicated.PropertyManager; import net.minecraft.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class PreYggdrasilConverter { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); public static final File OLD_IPBAN_FILE = new File("banned-ips.txt"); public static final File OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE = new File("banned-players.txt"); public static final File OLD_OPS_FILE = new File("ops.txt"); public static final File OLD_WHITELIST_FILE = new File("white-list.txt"); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001882"; private static void lookupNames(MinecraftServer server, Collection names, ProfileLookupCallback callback) { String[] astring = (String[])Iterators.toArray(Iterators.filter(names.iterator(), new Predicate() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001881"; public boolean func_152733_a(String p_152733_1_) { return !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(p_152733_1_); } public boolean apply(Object p_apply_1_) { return this.func_152733_a((String)p_apply_1_); } }), String.class); if (server.isServerInOnlineMode()) { server.getGameProfileRepository().findProfilesByNames(astring, Agent.MINECRAFT, callback); } else { String[] astring1 = astring; int i = astring.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { String s = astring1[j]; UUID uuid = EntityPlayer.getUUID(new GameProfile((UUID)null, s)); GameProfile gameprofile = new GameProfile(uuid, s); callback.onProfileLookupSucceeded(gameprofile); } } } public static String func_152719_a(String p_152719_0_) { if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(p_152719_0_) && p_152719_0_.length() <= 16) { final MinecraftServer minecraftserver = MinecraftServer.getServer(); GameProfile gameprofile = minecraftserver.getPlayerProfileCache().getGameProfileForUsername(p_152719_0_); if (gameprofile != null && gameprofile.getId() != null) { return gameprofile.getId().toString(); } else if (!minecraftserver.isSinglePlayer() && minecraftserver.isServerInOnlineMode()) { final ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); ProfileLookupCallback profilelookupcallback = new ProfileLookupCallback() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001880"; public void onProfileLookupSucceeded(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_) { minecraftserver.getPlayerProfileCache().func_152649_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); arraylist.add(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); } public void onProfileLookupFailed(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_, Exception p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup user whitelist entry for " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName(), p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_); } }; lookupNames(minecraftserver, Lists.newArrayList(new String[] {p_152719_0_}), profilelookupcallback); return arraylist.size() > 0 && ((GameProfile)arraylist.get(0)).getId() != null ? ((GameProfile)arraylist.get(0)).getId().toString() : ""; } else { return EntityPlayer.getUUID(new GameProfile((UUID)null, p_152719_0_)).toString(); } } else { return p_152719_0_; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) static List readFile(File inFile, Map read) throws IOException { List list = Files.readLines(inFile, Charsets.UTF_8); Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); s = s.trim(); if (!s.startsWith("#") && s.length() >= 1) { String[] astring = s.split("\\|"); read.put(astring[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), astring); } } return list; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean convertUserBanlist(final MinecraftServer server) throws IOException { final UserListBans userlistbans = new UserListBans(ServerConfigurationManager.FILE_PLAYERBANS); if (OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE.exists() && OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE.isFile()) { if (userlistbans.getSaveFile().exists()) { try { userlistbans.readSavedFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException filenotfoundexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not load existing file " + userlistbans.getSaveFile().getName(), filenotfoundexception); } } try { final HashMap hashmap = Maps.newHashMap(); readFile(OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE, hashmap); ProfileLookupCallback profilelookupcallback = new ProfileLookupCallback() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001910"; public void onProfileLookupSucceeded(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_) { server.getPlayerProfileCache().func_152649_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); String[] astring = (String[])hashmap.get(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); if (astring == null) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not convert user banlist entry for " + p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_.getName()); throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Profile not in the conversionlist", null); } else { Date date = astring.length > 1 ? PreYggdrasilConverter.parseDate(astring[1], (Date)null) : null; String s = astring.length > 2 ? astring[2] : null; Date date1 = astring.length > 3 ? PreYggdrasilConverter.parseDate(astring[3], (Date)null) : null; String s1 = astring.length > 4 ? astring[4] : null; userlistbans.addEntry(new UserListBansEntry(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_, date, s, date1, s1)); } } public void onProfileLookupFailed(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_, Exception p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup user banlist entry for " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName(), p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_); if (!(p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_ instanceof ProfileNotFoundException)) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not request user " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName() + " from backend systems", p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_, null); } } }; lookupNames(server, hashmap.keySet(), profilelookupcallback); userlistbans.writeChanges(); backupConverted(OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE); return true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not read old user banlist to convert it!", ioexception); return false; } catch (PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror) { LOGGER.error("Conversion failed, please try again later", preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror); return false; } } else { return true; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean convertIpBanlist(MinecraftServer server) throws IOException { BanList banlist = new BanList(ServerConfigurationManager.FILE_IPBANS); if (OLD_IPBAN_FILE.exists() && OLD_IPBAN_FILE.isFile()) { if (banlist.getSaveFile().exists()) { try { banlist.readSavedFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException filenotfoundexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not load existing file " + banlist.getSaveFile().getName(), filenotfoundexception); } } try { HashMap hashmap = Maps.newHashMap(); readFile(OLD_IPBAN_FILE, hashmap); Iterator iterator = hashmap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); String[] astring = (String[])hashmap.get(s); Date date = astring.length > 1 ? parseDate(astring[1], (Date)null) : null; String s1 = astring.length > 2 ? astring[2] : null; Date date1 = astring.length > 3 ? parseDate(astring[3], (Date)null) : null; String s2 = astring.length > 4 ? astring[4] : null; banlist.addEntry(new IPBanEntry(s, date, s1, date1, s2)); } banlist.writeChanges(); backupConverted(OLD_IPBAN_FILE); return true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not parse old ip banlist to convert it!", ioexception); return false; } } else { return true; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean convertOplist(final MinecraftServer server) throws IOException { final UserListOps userlistops = new UserListOps(ServerConfigurationManager.FILE_OPS); if (OLD_OPS_FILE.exists() && OLD_OPS_FILE.isFile()) { if (userlistops.getSaveFile().exists()) { try { userlistops.readSavedFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException filenotfoundexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not load existing file " + userlistops.getSaveFile().getName(), filenotfoundexception); } } try { List list = Files.readLines(OLD_OPS_FILE, Charsets.UTF_8); ProfileLookupCallback profilelookupcallback = new ProfileLookupCallback() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001909"; public void onProfileLookupSucceeded(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_) { server.getPlayerProfileCache().func_152649_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); userlistops.addEntry(new UserListOpsEntry(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_, server.getOpPermissionLevel())); } public void onProfileLookupFailed(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_, Exception p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup oplist entry for " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName(), p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_); if (!(p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_ instanceof ProfileNotFoundException)) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not request user " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName() + " from backend systems", p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_, null); } } }; lookupNames(server, list, profilelookupcallback); userlistops.writeChanges(); backupConverted(OLD_OPS_FILE); return true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not read old oplist to convert it!", ioexception); return false; } catch (PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror) { LOGGER.error("Conversion failed, please try again later", preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror); return false; } } else { return true; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean convertWhitelist(final MinecraftServer server) throws IOException { final UserListWhitelist userlistwhitelist = new UserListWhitelist(ServerConfigurationManager.FILE_WHITELIST); if (OLD_WHITELIST_FILE.exists() && OLD_WHITELIST_FILE.isFile()) { if (userlistwhitelist.getSaveFile().exists()) { try { userlistwhitelist.readSavedFile(); } catch (FileNotFoundException filenotfoundexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not load existing file " + userlistwhitelist.getSaveFile().getName(), filenotfoundexception); } } try { List list = Files.readLines(OLD_WHITELIST_FILE, Charsets.UTF_8); ProfileLookupCallback profilelookupcallback = new ProfileLookupCallback() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001908"; public void onProfileLookupSucceeded(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_) { server.getPlayerProfileCache().func_152649_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); userlistwhitelist.addEntry(new UserListWhitelistEntry(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_)); } public void onProfileLookupFailed(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_, Exception p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup user whitelist entry for " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName(), p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_); if (!(p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_ instanceof ProfileNotFoundException)) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not request user " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName() + " from backend systems", p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_, null); } } }; lookupNames(server, list, profilelookupcallback); userlistwhitelist.writeChanges(); backupConverted(OLD_WHITELIST_FILE); return true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { LOGGER.warn("Could not read old whitelist to convert it!", ioexception); return false; } catch (PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror) { LOGGER.error("Conversion failed, please try again later", preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror); return false; } } else { return true; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean convertSaveFiles(final DedicatedServer server, PropertyManager p_152723_1_) { final File file1 = getPlayersDirectory(p_152723_1_); final File file2 = new File(file1.getParentFile(), "playerdata"); final File file3 = new File(file1.getParentFile(), "unknownplayers"); if (file1.exists() && file1.isDirectory()) { File[] afile = file1.listFiles(); ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); File[] afile1 = afile; int i = afile.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { File file4 = afile1[j]; String s = file4.getName(); if (s.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).endsWith(".dat")) { String s1 = s.substring(0, s.length() - ".dat".length()); if (s1.length() > 0) { arraylist.add(s1); } } } try { final String[] astring = (String[])arraylist.toArray(new String[arraylist.size()]); ProfileLookupCallback profilelookupcallback = new ProfileLookupCallback() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001907"; public void onProfileLookupSucceeded(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_) { server.getPlayerProfileCache().func_152649_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_); UUID uuid = p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_.getId(); if (uuid == null) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Missing UUID for user profile " + p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_.getName(), null); } else { this.func_152743_a(file2, this.func_152744_a(p_onProfileLookupSucceeded_1_), uuid.toString()); } } public void onProfileLookupFailed(GameProfile p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_, Exception p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_) { PreYggdrasilConverter.LOGGER.warn("Could not lookup user uuid for " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName(), p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_); if (p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_ instanceof ProfileNotFoundException) { String s2 = this.func_152744_a(p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_); this.func_152743_a(file3, s2, s2); } else { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not request user " + p_onProfileLookupFailed_1_.getName() + " from backend systems", p_onProfileLookupFailed_2_, null); } } private void func_152743_a(File p_152743_1_, String p_152743_2_, String p_152743_3_) { File file7 = new File(file1, p_152743_2_ + ".dat"); File file6 = new File(p_152743_1_, p_152743_3_ + ".dat"); PreYggdrasilConverter.mkdir(p_152743_1_); if (!file7.renameTo(file6)) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not convert file for " + p_152743_2_, null); } } private String func_152744_a(GameProfile p_152744_1_) { String s2 = null; for (int k = 0; k < astring.length; ++k) { if (astring[k] != null && astring[k].equalsIgnoreCase(p_152744_1_.getName())) { s2 = astring[k]; break; } } if (s2 == null) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Could not find the filename for " + p_152744_1_.getName() + " anymore", null); } else { return s2; } } }; lookupNames(server, Lists.newArrayList(astring), profilelookupcallback); return true; } catch (PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror) { LOGGER.error("Conversion failed, please try again later", preyggdrasilconverterconversionerror); return false; } } else { return true; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static void mkdir(File dir) { if (dir.exists()) { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Can\'t create directory " + dir.getName() + " in world save directory.", null); } } else if (!dir.mkdirs()) { throw new PreYggdrasilConverter.ConversionError("Can\'t create directory " + dir.getName() + " in world save directory.", null); } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public static boolean tryConvert(PropertyManager properties) { boolean flag = hasUnconvertableFiles(properties); flag = flag && hasUnconvertablePlayerFiles(properties); return flag; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static boolean hasUnconvertableFiles(PropertyManager properties) { boolean flag = false; if (OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE.exists() && OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE.isFile()) { flag = true; } boolean flag1 = false; if (OLD_IPBAN_FILE.exists() && OLD_IPBAN_FILE.isFile()) { flag1 = true; } boolean flag2 = false; if (OLD_OPS_FILE.exists() && OLD_OPS_FILE.isFile()) { flag2 = true; } boolean flag3 = false; if (OLD_WHITELIST_FILE.exists() && OLD_WHITELIST_FILE.isFile()) { flag3 = true; } if (!flag && !flag1 && !flag2 && !flag3) { return true; } else { LOGGER.warn("**** FAILED TO START THE SERVER AFTER ACCOUNT CONVERSION!"); LOGGER.warn("** please remove the following files and restart the server:"); if (flag) { LOGGER.warn("* " + OLD_PLAYERBAN_FILE.getName()); } if (flag1) { LOGGER.warn("* " + OLD_IPBAN_FILE.getName()); } if (flag2) { LOGGER.warn("* " + OLD_OPS_FILE.getName()); } if (flag3) { LOGGER.warn("* " + OLD_WHITELIST_FILE.getName()); } return false; } } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static boolean hasUnconvertablePlayerFiles(PropertyManager properties) { File file1 = getPlayersDirectory(properties); if (file1.exists() && file1.isDirectory()) { String[] astring = file1.list(new FilenameFilter() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001906"; public boolean accept(File p_accept_1_, String p_accept_2_) { return p_accept_2_.endsWith(".dat"); } }); if (astring.length > 0) { LOGGER.warn("**** DETECTED OLD PLAYER FILES IN THE WORLD SAVE"); LOGGER.warn("**** THIS USUALLY HAPPENS WHEN THE AUTOMATIC CONVERSION FAILED IN SOME WAY"); LOGGER.warn("** please restart the server and if the problem persists, remove the directory \'{}\'", new Object[] {file1.getPath()}); return false; } } return true; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static File getPlayersDirectory(PropertyManager properties) { String s = properties.getStringProperty("level-name", "world"); File file1 = new File(s); return new File(file1, "players"); } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static void backupConverted(File convertedFile) { File file2 = new File(convertedFile.getName() + ".converted"); convertedFile.renameTo(file2); } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) private static Date parseDate(String input, Date defaultValue) { Date date1; try { date1 = BanEntry.dateFormat.parse(input); } catch (ParseException parseexception) { date1 = defaultValue; } return date1; } @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) static class ConversionError extends RuntimeException { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001905"; private ConversionError(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } private ConversionError(String message) { super(message); } ConversionError(String p_i1208_1_, Object p_i1208_2_) { this(p_i1208_1_); } ConversionError(String p_i1209_1_, Throwable p_i1209_2_, Object p_i1209_3_) { this(p_i1209_1_, p_i1209_2_); } } }