package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import; public abstract class StructureStart { /** List of all StructureComponents that are part of this structure */ protected LinkedList components = new LinkedList(); protected StructureBoundingBox boundingBox; private int field_143024_c; private int field_143023_d; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000513"; public StructureStart() {} public StructureStart(int p_i43002_1_, int p_i43002_2_) { this.field_143024_c = p_i43002_1_; this.field_143023_d = p_i43002_2_; } public StructureBoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return this.boundingBox; } public LinkedList getComponents() { return this.components; } /** * Keeps iterating Structure Pieces and spawning them until the checks tell it to stop */ public void generateStructure(World p_75068_1_, Random p_75068_2_, StructureBoundingBox p_75068_3_) { Iterator iterator = this.components.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureComponent structurecomponent = (StructureComponent); if (structurecomponent.getBoundingBox().intersectsWith(p_75068_3_) && !structurecomponent.addComponentParts(p_75068_1_, p_75068_2_, p_75068_3_)) { iterator.remove(); } } } /** * Calculates total bounding box based on components' bounding boxes and saves it to boundingBox */ protected void updateBoundingBox() { this.boundingBox = StructureBoundingBox.getNewBoundingBox(); Iterator iterator = this.components.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureComponent structurecomponent = (StructureComponent); this.boundingBox.expandTo(structurecomponent.getBoundingBox()); } } public NBTTagCompound func_143021_a(int p_143021_1_, int p_143021_2_) { if (MapGenStructureIO.func_143033_a(this) == null) // This is just a more friendly error instead of the 'Null String' below { throw new RuntimeException("StructureStart \"" + this.getClass().getName() + "\" missing ID Mapping, Modder see MapGenStructureIO"); } NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); nbttagcompound.setString("id", MapGenStructureIO.func_143033_a(this)); nbttagcompound.setInteger("ChunkX", p_143021_1_); nbttagcompound.setInteger("ChunkZ", p_143021_2_); nbttagcompound.setTag("BB", this.boundingBox.func_151535_h()); NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList(); Iterator iterator = this.components.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureComponent structurecomponent = (StructureComponent); nbttaglist.appendTag(structurecomponent.func_143010_b()); } nbttagcompound.setTag("Children", nbttaglist); this.func_143022_a(nbttagcompound); return nbttagcompound; } public void func_143022_a(NBTTagCompound p_143022_1_) {} public void func_143020_a(World p_143020_1_, NBTTagCompound p_143020_2_) { this.field_143024_c = p_143020_2_.getInteger("ChunkX"); this.field_143023_d = p_143020_2_.getInteger("ChunkZ"); if (p_143020_2_.hasKey("BB")) { this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(p_143020_2_.getIntArray("BB")); } NBTTagList nbttaglist = p_143020_2_.getTagList("Children", 10); for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i) { StructureComponent tmp = MapGenStructureIO.func_143032_b(nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i), p_143020_1_); if (tmp != null) this.components.add(tmp); //Forge: Prevent NPEs further down the line when a component can't be loaded. } this.func_143017_b(p_143020_2_); } public void func_143017_b(NBTTagCompound p_143017_1_) {} /** * offsets the structure Bounding Boxes up to a certain height, typically 63 - 10 */ protected void markAvailableHeight(World p_75067_1_, Random p_75067_2_, int p_75067_3_) { int j = 63 - p_75067_3_; int k = this.boundingBox.getYSize() + 1; if (k < j) { k += p_75067_2_.nextInt(j - k); } int l = k - this.boundingBox.maxY; this.boundingBox.offset(0, l, 0); Iterator iterator = this.components.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureComponent structurecomponent = (StructureComponent); structurecomponent.getBoundingBox().offset(0, l, 0); } } protected void setRandomHeight(World p_75070_1_, Random p_75070_2_, int p_75070_3_, int p_75070_4_) { int k = p_75070_4_ - p_75070_3_ + 1 - this.boundingBox.getYSize(); boolean flag = true; int i1; if (k > 1) { i1 = p_75070_3_ + p_75070_2_.nextInt(k); } else { i1 = p_75070_3_; } int l = i1 - this.boundingBox.minY; this.boundingBox.offset(0, l, 0); Iterator iterator = this.components.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { StructureComponent structurecomponent = (StructureComponent); structurecomponent.getBoundingBox().offset(0, l, 0); } } /** * currently only defined for Villages, returns true if Village has more than 2 non-road components */ public boolean isSizeableStructure() { return true; } public int func_143019_e() { return this.field_143024_c; } public int func_143018_f() { return this.field_143023_d; } }