package net.minecraft.entity.boss; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.command.IEntitySelector; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureAttribute; import net.minecraft.entity.IRangedAttackMob; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityWitherSkull; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect; import net.minecraft.stats.AchievementList; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; public class EntityWither extends EntityMob implements IBossDisplayData, IRangedAttackMob { private float[] field_82220_d = new float[2]; private float[] field_82221_e = new float[2]; private float[] field_82217_f = new float[2]; private float[] field_82218_g = new float[2]; private int[] field_82223_h = new int[2]; private int[] field_82224_i = new int[2]; private int field_82222_j; /** Selector used to determine the entities a wither boss should attack. */ private static final IEntitySelector attackEntitySelector = new IEntitySelector() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001662"; /** * Return whether the specified entity is applicable to this filter. */ public boolean isEntityApplicable(Entity p_82704_1_) { return p_82704_1_ instanceof EntityLivingBase && ((EntityLivingBase)p_82704_1_).getCreatureAttribute() != EnumCreatureAttribute.UNDEAD; } }; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001661"; public EntityWither(World p_i1701_1_) { super(p_i1701_1_); this.setHealth(this.getMaxHealth()); this.setSize(0.9F, 4.0F); this.isImmuneToFire = true; this.getNavigator().setCanSwim(true); this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAISwimming(this)); this.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIArrowAttack(this, 1.0D, 40, 20.0F)); this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWander(this, 1.0D)); this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 8.0F)); this.tasks.addTask(7, new EntityAILookIdle(this)); this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, false)); this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityLiving.class, 0, false, false, attackEntitySelector)); this.experienceValue = 50; } protected void entityInit() { super.entityInit(); this.dataWatcher.addObject(17, new Integer(0)); this.dataWatcher.addObject(18, new Integer(0)); this.dataWatcher.addObject(19, new Integer(0)); this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, new Integer(0)); } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to write subclass entity data to NBT. */ public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeEntityToNBT(tagCompound); tagCompound.setInteger("Invul", this.getInvulTime()); } /** * (abstract) Protected helper method to read subclass entity data from NBT. */ public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompund) { super.readEntityFromNBT(tagCompund); this.setInvulTime(tagCompund.getInteger("Invul")); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float getShadowSize() { return this.height / 8.0F; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes while it's alive. */ protected String getLivingSound() { return "mob.wither.idle"; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes when it is hurt. */ protected String getHurtSound() { return "mob.wither.hurt"; } /** * Returns the sound this mob makes on death. */ protected String getDeathSound() { return "mob.wither.death"; } /** * Called frequently so the entity can update its state every tick as required. For example, zombies and skeletons * use this to react to sunlight and start to burn. */ public void onLivingUpdate() { this.motionY *= 0.6000000238418579D; double d1; double d3; double d5; if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && this.getWatchedTargetId(0) > 0) { Entity entity = this.worldObj.getEntityByID(this.getWatchedTargetId(0)); if (entity != null) { if (this.posY < entity.posY || !this.isArmored() && this.posY < entity.posY + 5.0D) { if (this.motionY < 0.0D) { this.motionY = 0.0D; } this.motionY += (0.5D - this.motionY) * 0.6000000238418579D; } double d0 = entity.posX - this.posX; d1 = entity.posZ - this.posZ; d3 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1; if (d3 > 9.0D) { d5 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d3); this.motionX += (d0 / d5 * 0.5D - this.motionX) * 0.6000000238418579D; this.motionZ += (d1 / d5 * 0.5D - this.motionZ) * 0.6000000238418579D; } } } if (this.motionX * this.motionX + this.motionZ * this.motionZ > 0.05000000074505806D) { this.rotationYaw = (float)Math.atan2(this.motionZ, this.motionX) * (180F / (float)Math.PI) - 90.0F; } super.onLivingUpdate(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { this.field_82218_g[i] = this.field_82221_e[i]; this.field_82217_f[i] = this.field_82220_d[i]; } int j; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { j = this.getWatchedTargetId(i + 1); Entity entity1 = null; if (j > 0) { entity1 = this.worldObj.getEntityByID(j); } if (entity1 != null) { d1 = this.func_82214_u(i + 1); d3 = this.func_82208_v(i + 1); d5 = this.func_82213_w(i + 1); double d6 = entity1.posX - d1; double d7 = entity1.posY + (double)entity1.getEyeHeight() - d3; double d8 = entity1.posZ - d5; double d9 = (double)MathHelper.sqrt_double(d6 * d6 + d8 * d8); float f = (float)(Math.atan2(d8, d6) * 180.0D / Math.PI) - 90.0F; float f1 = (float)(-(Math.atan2(d7, d9) * 180.0D / Math.PI)); this.field_82220_d[i] = this.func_82204_b(this.field_82220_d[i], f1, 40.0F); this.field_82221_e[i] = this.func_82204_b(this.field_82221_e[i], f, 10.0F); } else { this.field_82221_e[i] = this.func_82204_b(this.field_82221_e[i], this.renderYawOffset, 10.0F); } } boolean flag = this.isArmored(); for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { double d10 = this.func_82214_u(j); double d2 = this.func_82208_v(j); double d4 = this.func_82213_w(j); this.worldObj.spawnParticle("smoke", d10 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, d2 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, d4 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); if (flag && this.worldObj.rand.nextInt(4) == 0) { this.worldObj.spawnParticle("mobSpell", d10 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, d2 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, d4 + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.30000001192092896D, 0.699999988079071D, 0.699999988079071D, 0.5D); } } if (this.getInvulTime() > 0) { for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { this.worldObj.spawnParticle("mobSpell", this.posX + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 1.0D, this.posY + (double)(this.rand.nextFloat() * 3.3F), this.posZ + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 1.0D, 0.699999988079071D, 0.699999988079071D, 0.8999999761581421D); } } } protected void updateAITasks() { int i; if (this.getInvulTime() > 0) { i = this.getInvulTime() - 1; if (i <= 0) { this.worldObj.newExplosion(this, this.posX, this.posY + (double)this.getEyeHeight(), this.posZ, 7.0F, false, this.worldObj.getGameRules().getGameRuleBooleanValue("mobGriefing")); this.worldObj.playBroadcastSound(1013, (int)this.posX, (int)this.posY, (int)this.posZ, 0); } this.setInvulTime(i); if (this.ticksExisted % 10 == 0) { this.heal(10.0F); } } else { super.updateAITasks(); int i1; for (i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { if (this.ticksExisted >= this.field_82223_h[i - 1]) { this.field_82223_h[i - 1] = this.ticksExisted + 10 + this.rand.nextInt(10); if (this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.NORMAL || this.worldObj.difficultySetting == EnumDifficulty.HARD) { int k2 = i - 1; int l2 = this.field_82224_i[i - 1]; this.field_82224_i[k2] = this.field_82224_i[i - 1] + 1; if (l2 > 15) { float f = 10.0F; float f1 = 5.0F; double d0 = MathHelper.getRandomDoubleInRange(this.rand, this.posX - (double)f, this.posX + (double)f); double d1 = MathHelper.getRandomDoubleInRange(this.rand, this.posY - (double)f1, this.posY + (double)f1); double d2 = MathHelper.getRandomDoubleInRange(this.rand, this.posZ - (double)f, this.posZ + (double)f); this.launchWitherSkullToCoords(i + 1, d0, d1, d2, true); this.field_82224_i[i - 1] = 0; } } i1 = this.getWatchedTargetId(i); if (i1 > 0) { Entity entity = this.worldObj.getEntityByID(i1); if (entity != null && entity.isEntityAlive() && this.getDistanceSqToEntity(entity) <= 900.0D && this.canEntityBeSeen(entity)) { this.launchWitherSkullToEntity(i + 1, (EntityLivingBase)entity); this.field_82223_h[i - 1] = this.ticksExisted + 40 + this.rand.nextInt(20); this.field_82224_i[i - 1] = 0; } else { this.func_82211_c(i, 0); } } else { List list = this.worldObj.selectEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, this.boundingBox.expand(20.0D, 8.0D, 20.0D), attackEntitySelector); for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 10 && !list.isEmpty(); ++k1) { EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = (EntityLivingBase)list.get(this.rand.nextInt(list.size())); if (entitylivingbase != this && entitylivingbase.isEntityAlive() && this.canEntityBeSeen(entitylivingbase)) { if (entitylivingbase instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (!((EntityPlayer)entitylivingbase).capabilities.disableDamage) { this.func_82211_c(i, entitylivingbase.getEntityId()); } } else { this.func_82211_c(i, entitylivingbase.getEntityId()); } break; } list.remove(entitylivingbase); } } } } if (this.getAttackTarget() != null) { this.func_82211_c(0, this.getAttackTarget().getEntityId()); } else { this.func_82211_c(0, 0); } if (this.field_82222_j > 0) { --this.field_82222_j; if (this.field_82222_j == 0 && this.worldObj.getGameRules().getGameRuleBooleanValue("mobGriefing")) { i = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY); i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX); int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ); boolean flag = false; for (int l1 = -1; l1 <= 1; ++l1) { for (int i2 = -1; i2 <= 1; ++i2) { for (int j = 0; j <= 3; ++j) { int j2 = i1 + l1; int k = i + j; int l = j1 + i2; Block block = this.worldObj.getBlock(j2, k, l); if (!block.isAir(worldObj, j2, k, l) && block.canEntityDestroy(worldObj, j2, k, l, this)) { flag = this.worldObj.breakBlock(j2, k, l, true) || flag; } } } } if (flag) { this.worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1012, (int)this.posX, (int)this.posY, (int)this.posZ, 0); } } } if (this.ticksExisted % 20 == 0) { this.heal(1.0F); } } } public void func_82206_m() { this.setInvulTime(220); this.setHealth(this.getMaxHealth() / 3.0F); } /** * Sets the Entity inside a web block. */ public void setInWeb() {} /** * Returns the current armor value as determined by a call to InventoryPlayer.getTotalArmorValue */ public int getTotalArmorValue() { return 4; } private double func_82214_u(int p_82214_1_) { if (p_82214_1_ <= 0) { return this.posX; } else { float f = (this.renderYawOffset + (float)(180 * (p_82214_1_ - 1))) / 180.0F * (float)Math.PI; float f1 = MathHelper.cos(f); return this.posX + (double)f1 * 1.3D; } } private double func_82208_v(int p_82208_1_) { return p_82208_1_ <= 0 ? this.posY + 3.0D : this.posY + 2.2D; } private double func_82213_w(int p_82213_1_) { if (p_82213_1_ <= 0) { return this.posZ; } else { float f = (this.renderYawOffset + (float)(180 * (p_82213_1_ - 1))) / 180.0F * (float)Math.PI; float f1 = MathHelper.sin(f); return this.posZ + (double)f1 * 1.3D; } } private float func_82204_b(float p_82204_1_, float p_82204_2_, float p_82204_3_) { float f3 = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_float(p_82204_2_ - p_82204_1_); if (f3 > p_82204_3_) { f3 = p_82204_3_; } if (f3 < -p_82204_3_) { f3 = -p_82204_3_; } return p_82204_1_ + f3; } private void launchWitherSkullToEntity(int p_82216_1_, EntityLivingBase p_82216_2_) { this.launchWitherSkullToCoords(p_82216_1_, p_82216_2_.posX, p_82216_2_.posY + (double)p_82216_2_.getEyeHeight() * 0.5D, p_82216_2_.posZ, p_82216_1_ == 0 && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.001F); } /** * Launches a Wither skull toward (par2, par4, par6) */ private void launchWitherSkullToCoords(int p_82209_1_, double p_82209_2_, double p_82209_4_, double p_82209_6_, boolean p_82209_8_) { this.worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1014, (int)this.posX, (int)this.posY, (int)this.posZ, 0); double d3 = this.func_82214_u(p_82209_1_); double d4 = this.func_82208_v(p_82209_1_); double d5 = this.func_82213_w(p_82209_1_); double d6 = p_82209_2_ - d3; double d7 = p_82209_4_ - d4; double d8 = p_82209_6_ - d5; EntityWitherSkull entitywitherskull = new EntityWitherSkull(this.worldObj, this, d6, d7, d8); if (p_82209_8_) { entitywitherskull.setInvulnerable(true); } entitywitherskull.posY = d4; entitywitherskull.posX = d3; entitywitherskull.posZ = d5; this.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entitywitherskull); } /** * Attack the specified entity using a ranged attack. */ public void attackEntityWithRangedAttack(EntityLivingBase p_82196_1_, float p_82196_2_) { this.launchWitherSkullToEntity(0, p_82196_1_); } /** * Called when the entity is attacked. */ public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource source, float amount) { if (this.isEntityInvulnerable()) { return false; } else if (source == DamageSource.drown) { return false; } else if (this.getInvulTime() > 0) { return false; } else { Entity entity; if (this.isArmored()) { entity = source.getSourceOfDamage(); if (entity instanceof EntityArrow) { return false; } } entity = source.getEntity(); if (entity != null && !(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) && entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && ((EntityLivingBase)entity).getCreatureAttribute() == this.getCreatureAttribute()) { return false; } else { if (this.field_82222_j <= 0) { this.field_82222_j = 20; } for (int i = 0; i < this.field_82224_i.length; ++i) { this.field_82224_i[i] += 3; } return super.attackEntityFrom(source, amount); } } } /** * Drop 0-2 items of this living's type */ protected void dropFewItems(boolean p_70628_1_, int p_70628_2_) { this.dropItem(Items.nether_star, 1); if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { Iterator iterator = this.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, this.boundingBox.expand(50.0D, 100.0D, 50.0D)).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); entityplayer.triggerAchievement(AchievementList.killWither); } } } /** * Makes the entity despawn if requirements are reached */ protected void despawnEntity() { this.entityAge = 0; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getBrightnessForRender(float p_70070_1_) { return 15728880; } /** * Called when the mob is falling. Calculates and applies fall damage. */ protected void fall(float distance) {} /** * adds a PotionEffect to the entity */ public void addPotionEffect(PotionEffect p_70690_1_) {} /** * Returns true if the newer Entity AI code should be run */ protected boolean isAIEnabled() { return true; } protected void applyEntityAttributes() { super.applyEntityAttributes(); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).setBaseValue(300.0D); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).setBaseValue(0.6000000238418579D); this.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange).setBaseValue(40.0D); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float func_82207_a(int p_82207_1_) { return this.field_82221_e[p_82207_1_]; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float func_82210_r(int p_82210_1_) { return this.field_82220_d[p_82210_1_]; } public int getInvulTime() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20); } public void setInvulTime(int p_82215_1_) { this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(p_82215_1_)); } /** * Returns the target entity ID if present, or -1 if not @param par1 The target offset, should be from 0-2 */ public int getWatchedTargetId(int p_82203_1_) { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(17 + p_82203_1_); } public void func_82211_c(int p_82211_1_, int p_82211_2_) { this.dataWatcher.updateObject(17 + p_82211_1_, Integer.valueOf(p_82211_2_)); } /** * Returns whether the wither is armored with its boss armor or not by checking whether its health is below half of * its maximum. */ public boolean isArmored() { return this.getHealth() <= this.getMaxHealth() / 2.0F; } /** * Get this Entity's EnumCreatureAttribute */ public EnumCreatureAttribute getCreatureAttribute() { return EnumCreatureAttribute.UNDEAD; } /** * Called when a player mounts an entity. e.g. mounts a pig, mounts a boat. */ public void mountEntity(Entity entityIn) { this.ridingEntity = null; } }