package net.minecraft.command; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates; import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; public class PlayerSelector { /** This matches the at-tokens introduced for command blocks, including their arguments, if any. */ private static final Pattern tokenPattern = Pattern.compile("^@([parf])(?:\\[([\\w=,!-]*)\\])?$"); /** This matches things like "-1,,4", and is used for getting x,y,z,range from the token's argument list. */ private static final Pattern intListPattern = Pattern.compile("\\G([-!]?[\\w-]*)(?:$|,)"); /** This matches things like "rm=4,c=2" and is used for handling named token arguments. */ private static final Pattern keyValueListPattern = Pattern.compile("\\G(\\w+)=([-!]?[\\w-]*)(?:$|,)"); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000086"; /** * Returns the one player that matches the given at-token. Returns null if more than one player matches. */ public static EntityPlayerMP matchOnePlayer(ICommandSender p_82386_0_, String p_82386_1_) { EntityPlayerMP[] aentityplayermp = matchPlayers(p_82386_0_, p_82386_1_); return aentityplayermp != null && aentityplayermp.length == 1 ? aentityplayermp[0] : null; } public static IChatComponent func_150869_b(ICommandSender p_150869_0_, String p_150869_1_) { EntityPlayerMP[] aentityplayermp = matchPlayers(p_150869_0_, p_150869_1_); if (aentityplayermp != null && aentityplayermp.length != 0) { IChatComponent[] aichatcomponent = new IChatComponent[aentityplayermp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < aichatcomponent.length; ++i) { aichatcomponent[i] = aentityplayermp[i].getFormattedCommandSenderName(); } return CommandBase.joinNiceString(aichatcomponent); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns an array of all players matched by the given at-token. */ public static EntityPlayerMP[] matchPlayers(ICommandSender p_82380_0_, String p_82380_1_) { Matcher matcher = tokenPattern.matcher(p_82380_1_); if (matcher.matches()) { Map map = getArgumentMap(; String s1 =; int i = getDefaultMinimumRange(s1); int j = getDefaultMaximumRange(s1); int k = getDefaultMinimumLevel(s1); int l = getDefaultMaximumLevel(s1); int i1 = getDefaultCount(s1); int j1 = WorldSettings.GameType.NOT_SET.getID(); ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = p_82380_0_.getCommandSenderPosition(); Map map1 = func_96560_a(map); String s2 = null; String s3 = null; boolean flag = false; if (map.containsKey("rm")) { i = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("rm"), i); flag = true; } if (map.containsKey("r")) { j = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("r"), j); flag = true; } if (map.containsKey("lm")) { k = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("lm"), k); } if (map.containsKey("l")) { l = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("l"), l); } if (map.containsKey("x")) { chunkcoordinates.posX = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("x"), chunkcoordinates.posX); flag = true; } if (map.containsKey("y")) { chunkcoordinates.posY = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("y"), chunkcoordinates.posY); flag = true; } if (map.containsKey("z")) { chunkcoordinates.posZ = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("z"), chunkcoordinates.posZ); flag = true; } if (map.containsKey("m")) { j1 = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("m"), j1); } if (map.containsKey("c")) { i1 = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("c"), i1); } if (map.containsKey("team")) { s3 = (String)map.get("team"); } if (map.containsKey("name")) { s2 = (String)map.get("name"); } World world = flag ? p_82380_0_.getEntityWorld() : null; List list; if (!s1.equals("p") && !s1.equals("a")) { if (s1.equals("r")) { list = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().findPlayers(chunkcoordinates, i, j, 0, j1, k, l, map1, s2, s3, world); Collections.shuffle(list); list = list.subList(0, Math.min(i1, list.size())); return list.isEmpty() ? new EntityPlayerMP[0] : (EntityPlayerMP[])list.toArray(new EntityPlayerMP[list.size()]); } else { return null; } } else { list = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().findPlayers(chunkcoordinates, i, j, i1, j1, k, l, map1, s2, s3, world); return list.isEmpty() ? new EntityPlayerMP[0] : (EntityPlayerMP[])list.toArray(new EntityPlayerMP[list.size()]); } } else { return null; } } public static Map func_96560_a(Map p_96560_0_) { HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); Iterator iterator = p_96560_0_.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); if (s.startsWith("score_") && s.length() > "score_".length()) { String s1 = s.substring("score_".length()); hashmap.put(s1, Integer.valueOf(MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)p_96560_0_.get(s), 1))); } } return hashmap; } /** * Returns whether the given pattern can match more than one player. */ public static boolean matchesMultiplePlayers(String p_82377_0_) { Matcher matcher = tokenPattern.matcher(p_82377_0_); if (matcher.matches()) { Map map = getArgumentMap(; String s1 =; int i = getDefaultCount(s1); if (map.containsKey("c")) { i = MathHelper.parseIntWithDefault((String)map.get("c"), i); } return i != 1; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns whether the given token (parameter 1) has exactly the given arguments (parameter 2). */ public static boolean hasTheseArguments(String p_82383_0_, String p_82383_1_) { Matcher matcher = tokenPattern.matcher(p_82383_0_); if (matcher.matches()) { String s2 =; return p_82383_1_ == null || p_82383_1_.equals(s2); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns whether the given token has any arguments set. */ public static boolean hasArguments(String p_82378_0_) { /** * Returns whether the given token (parameter 1) has exactly the given arguments (parameter 2). */ return hasTheseArguments(p_82378_0_, (String)null); } /** * Gets the default minimum range (argument rm). */ private static final int getDefaultMinimumRange(String p_82384_0_) { return 0; } /** * Gets the default maximum range (argument r). */ private static final int getDefaultMaximumRange(String p_82379_0_) { return 0; } /** * Gets the default maximum experience level (argument l) */ private static final int getDefaultMaximumLevel(String p_82376_0_) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Gets the default minimum experience level (argument lm) */ private static final int getDefaultMinimumLevel(String p_82375_0_) { return 0; } /** * Gets the default number of players to return (argument c, 0 for infinite) */ private static final int getDefaultCount(String p_82382_0_) { return p_82382_0_.equals("a") ? 0 : 1; } /** * Parses the given argument string, turning it into a HashMap<String, String> of name->value. */ private static Map getArgumentMap(String p_82381_0_) { HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); if (p_82381_0_ == null) { return hashmap; } else { Matcher matcher = intListPattern.matcher(p_82381_0_); int i = 0; int j; for (j = -1; matcher.find(); j = matcher.end()) { String s1 = null; switch (i++) { case 0: s1 = "x"; break; case 1: s1 = "y"; break; case 2: s1 = "z"; break; case 3: s1 = "r"; } if (s1 != null && > 0) { hashmap.put(s1,; } } if (j < p_82381_0_.length()) { matcher = keyValueListPattern.matcher(j == -1 ? p_82381_0_ : p_82381_0_.substring(j)); while (matcher.find()) { hashmap.put(,; } } return hashmap; } } }