package; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; public class ExtendedBlockStorage { /** Contains the bottom-most Y block represented by this ExtendedBlockStorage. Typically a multiple of 16. */ private int yBase; /** A total count of the number of non-air blocks in this block storage's Chunk. */ private int blockRefCount; /** * Contains the number of blocks in this block storage's parent chunk that require random ticking. Used to cull the * Chunk from random tick updates for performance reasons. */ private int tickRefCount; /** Contains the least significant 8 bits of each block ID belonging to this block storage's parent Chunk. */ private byte[] blockLSBArray; /** Contains the most significant 4 bits of each block ID belonging to this block storage's parent Chunk. */ private NibbleArray blockMSBArray; /** Stores the metadata associated with blocks in this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ private NibbleArray blockMetadataArray; /** The NibbleArray containing a block of Block-light data. */ private NibbleArray blocklightArray; /** The NibbleArray containing a block of Sky-light data. */ private NibbleArray skylightArray; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000375"; public ExtendedBlockStorage(int p_i1997_1_, boolean p_i1997_2_) { this.yBase = p_i1997_1_; this.blockLSBArray = new byte[4096]; this.blockMetadataArray = new NibbleArray(this.blockLSBArray.length, 4); this.blocklightArray = new NibbleArray(this.blockLSBArray.length, 4); if (p_i1997_2_) { this.skylightArray = new NibbleArray(this.blockLSBArray.length, 4); } } /** * Returns the block for a location in a chunk, with the extended ID merged from a byte array and a NibbleArray to * form a full 12-bit block ID. */ public Block getBlockByExtId(int p_150819_1_, int p_150819_2_, int p_150819_3_) { int l = this.blockLSBArray[p_150819_2_ << 8 | p_150819_3_ << 4 | p_150819_1_] & 255; if (this.blockMSBArray != null) { l |= this.blockMSBArray.get(p_150819_1_, p_150819_2_, p_150819_3_) << 8; } return Block.getBlockById(l); } public void setExtBlockID(int p_150818_1_, int p_150818_2_, int p_150818_3_, Block p_150818_4_) { int l = this.blockLSBArray[p_150818_2_ << 8 | p_150818_3_ << 4 | p_150818_1_] & 255; if (this.blockMSBArray != null) { l |= this.blockMSBArray.get(p_150818_1_, p_150818_2_, p_150818_3_) << 8; } Block block1 = Block.getBlockById(l); if (block1 != Blocks.air) { --this.blockRefCount; if (block1.getTickRandomly()) { --this.tickRefCount; } } if (p_150818_4_ != Blocks.air) { ++this.blockRefCount; if (p_150818_4_.getTickRandomly()) { ++this.tickRefCount; } } int i1 = Block.getIdFromBlock(p_150818_4_); this.blockLSBArray[p_150818_2_ << 8 | p_150818_3_ << 4 | p_150818_1_] = (byte)(i1 & 255); if (i1 > 255) { if (this.blockMSBArray == null) { this.blockMSBArray = new NibbleArray(this.blockLSBArray.length, 4); } this.blockMSBArray.set(p_150818_1_, p_150818_2_, p_150818_3_, (i1 & 3840) >> 8); } else if (this.blockMSBArray != null) { this.blockMSBArray.set(p_150818_1_, p_150818_2_, p_150818_3_, 0); } } /** * Returns the metadata associated with the block at the given coordinates in this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ public int getExtBlockMetadata(int p_76665_1_, int p_76665_2_, int p_76665_3_) { return this.blockMetadataArray.get(p_76665_1_, p_76665_2_, p_76665_3_); } /** * Sets the metadata of the Block at the given coordinates in this ExtendedBlockStorage to the given metadata. */ public void setExtBlockMetadata(int p_76654_1_, int p_76654_2_, int p_76654_3_, int p_76654_4_) { this.blockMetadataArray.set(p_76654_1_, p_76654_2_, p_76654_3_, p_76654_4_); } /** * Returns whether or not this block storage's Chunk is fully empty, based on its internal reference count. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.blockRefCount == 0; } /** * Returns whether or not this block storage's Chunk will require random ticking, used to avoid looping through * random block ticks when there are no blocks that would randomly tick. */ public boolean getNeedsRandomTick() { return this.tickRefCount > 0; } /** * Returns the Y location of this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ public int getYLocation() { return this.yBase; } /** * Sets the saved Sky-light value in the extended block storage structure. */ public void setExtSkylightValue(int p_76657_1_, int p_76657_2_, int p_76657_3_, int p_76657_4_) { this.skylightArray.set(p_76657_1_, p_76657_2_, p_76657_3_, p_76657_4_); } /** * Gets the saved Sky-light value in the extended block storage structure. */ public int getExtSkylightValue(int p_76670_1_, int p_76670_2_, int p_76670_3_) { return this.skylightArray.get(p_76670_1_, p_76670_2_, p_76670_3_); } /** * Sets the saved Block-light value in the extended block storage structure. */ public void setExtBlocklightValue(int p_76677_1_, int p_76677_2_, int p_76677_3_, int p_76677_4_) { this.blocklightArray.set(p_76677_1_, p_76677_2_, p_76677_3_, p_76677_4_); } /** * Gets the saved Block-light value in the extended block storage structure. */ public int getExtBlocklightValue(int p_76674_1_, int p_76674_2_, int p_76674_3_) { return this.blocklightArray.get(p_76674_1_, p_76674_2_, p_76674_3_); } public void removeInvalidBlocks() { this.blockRefCount = 0; this.tickRefCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) { Block block = this.getBlockByExtId(i, j, k); if (block != Blocks.air) { ++this.blockRefCount; if (block.getTickRandomly()) { ++this.tickRefCount; } } } } } } public byte[] getBlockLSBArray() { return this.blockLSBArray; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void clearMSBArray() { this.blockMSBArray = null; } /** * Returns the block ID MSB (bits 11..8) array for this storage array's Chunk. */ public NibbleArray getBlockMSBArray() { return this.blockMSBArray; } public NibbleArray getMetadataArray() { return this.blockMetadataArray; } /** * Returns the NibbleArray instance containing Block-light data. */ public NibbleArray getBlocklightArray() { return this.blocklightArray; } /** * Returns the NibbleArray instance containing Sky-light data. */ public NibbleArray getSkylightArray() { return this.skylightArray; } /** * Sets the array of block ID least significant bits for this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ public void setBlockLSBArray(byte[] p_76664_1_) { this.blockLSBArray = p_76664_1_; } /** * Sets the array of blockID most significant bits (blockMSBArray) for this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ public void setBlockMSBArray(NibbleArray p_76673_1_) { this.blockMSBArray = p_76673_1_; } /** * Sets the NibbleArray of block metadata (blockMetadataArray) for this ExtendedBlockStorage. */ public void setBlockMetadataArray(NibbleArray p_76668_1_) { this.blockMetadataArray = p_76668_1_; } /** * Sets the NibbleArray instance used for Block-light values in this particular storage block. */ public void setBlocklightArray(NibbleArray p_76659_1_) { this.blocklightArray = p_76659_1_; } /** * Sets the NibbleArray instance used for Sky-light values in this particular storage block. */ public void setSkylightArray(NibbleArray p_76666_1_) { this.skylightArray = p_76666_1_; } /** * Called by a Chunk to initialize the MSB array if getBlockMSBArray returns null. Returns the newly-created * NibbleArray instance. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public NibbleArray createBlockMSBArray() { this.blockMSBArray = new NibbleArray(this.blockLSBArray.length, 4); return this.blockMSBArray; } }