package net.minecraft.pathfinding; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; public class PathFinder { /** Used to find obstacles */ private IBlockAccess worldMap; /** The path being generated */ private Path path = new Path(); /** The points in the path */ private IntHashMap pointMap = new IntHashMap(); /** Selection of path points to add to the path */ private PathPoint[] pathOptions = new PathPoint[32]; /** Should the PathFinder go through open wooden door blocks */ private boolean canPassOpenWoodenDoors; /** Should the PathFinder go through closed wooden door blocks */ private boolean canPassClosedWoodenDoor; /** Should the PathFinder avoids waters blocks */ private boolean avoidsWater; /** Tells the FathFinder to start pathing from the surface (if an entity can swim, it doesn't drown) */ private boolean canEntitySwim; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000576"; public PathFinder(IBlockAccess p_i2137_1_, boolean p_i2137_2_, boolean p_i2137_3_, boolean p_i2137_4_, boolean p_i2137_5_) { this.worldMap = p_i2137_1_; this.canPassOpenWoodenDoors = p_i2137_2_; this.canPassClosedWoodenDoor = p_i2137_3_; this.avoidsWater = p_i2137_4_; this.canEntitySwim = p_i2137_5_; } /** * Creates a path from one entity to another within a minimum distance. Args : entity, entityTarget, maxDistance */ public PathEntity createEntityPathTo(Entity p_75856_1_, Entity p_75856_2_, float p_75856_3_) { return this.createEntityPathTo(p_75856_1_, p_75856_2_.posX, p_75856_2_.boundingBox.minY, p_75856_2_.posZ, p_75856_3_); } /** * Creates a path from an entity to a specified location within a minimum distance. Args : entity, x, y, z, * maxDistance */ public PathEntity createEntityPathTo(Entity p_75859_1_, int p_75859_2_, int p_75859_3_, int p_75859_4_, float p_75859_5_) { return this.createEntityPathTo(p_75859_1_, (double)((float)p_75859_2_ + 0.5F), (double)((float)p_75859_3_ + 0.5F), (double)((float)p_75859_4_ + 0.5F), p_75859_5_); } /** * Creates a path from an entity to a specified location within a minimum distance. Args : entity, x, y, z, * maxDistance */ private PathEntity createEntityPathTo(Entity p_75857_1_, double p_75857_2_, double p_75857_4_, double p_75857_6_, float p_75857_8_) { this.path.clearPath(); this.pointMap.clearMap(); boolean flag = this.avoidsWater; int i = MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.boundingBox.minY + 0.5D); if (this.canEntitySwim && p_75857_1_.isInWater()) { i = (int)p_75857_1_.boundingBox.minY; for (Block block = this.worldMap.getBlock(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.posX), i, MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.posZ)); block == Blocks.flowing_water || block == Blocks.water; block = this.worldMap.getBlock(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.posX), i, MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.posZ))) { ++i; } flag = this.avoidsWater; this.avoidsWater = false; } else { i = MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.boundingBox.minY + 0.5D); } PathPoint pathpoint2 = this.openPoint(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.boundingBox.minX), i, MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_1_.boundingBox.minZ)); PathPoint pathpoint = this.openPoint(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_2_ - (double)(p_75857_1_.width / 2.0F)), MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_4_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_75857_6_ - (double)(p_75857_1_.width / 2.0F))); PathPoint pathpoint1 = new PathPoint(MathHelper.floor_float(p_75857_1_.width + 1.0F), MathHelper.floor_float(p_75857_1_.height + 1.0F), MathHelper.floor_float(p_75857_1_.width + 1.0F)); PathEntity pathentity = this.addToPath(p_75857_1_, pathpoint2, pathpoint, pathpoint1, p_75857_8_); this.avoidsWater = flag; return pathentity; } /** * Adds a path from start to end and returns the whole path (args: unused, start, end, unused, maxDistance) */ private PathEntity addToPath(Entity p_75861_1_, PathPoint p_75861_2_, PathPoint p_75861_3_, PathPoint p_75861_4_, float p_75861_5_) { p_75861_2_.totalPathDistance = 0.0F; p_75861_2_.distanceToNext = p_75861_2_.distanceToSquared(p_75861_3_); p_75861_2_.distanceToTarget = p_75861_2_.distanceToNext; this.path.clearPath(); this.path.addPoint(p_75861_2_); PathPoint pathpoint3 = p_75861_2_; while (!this.path.isPathEmpty()) { PathPoint pathpoint4 = this.path.dequeue(); if (pathpoint4.equals(p_75861_3_)) { return this.createEntityPath(p_75861_2_, p_75861_3_); } if (pathpoint4.distanceToSquared(p_75861_3_) < pathpoint3.distanceToSquared(p_75861_3_)) { pathpoint3 = pathpoint4; } pathpoint4.visited = true; int i = this.findPathOptions(p_75861_1_, pathpoint4, p_75861_4_, p_75861_3_, p_75861_5_); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { PathPoint pathpoint5 = this.pathOptions[j]; float f1 = pathpoint4.totalPathDistance + pathpoint4.distanceToSquared(pathpoint5); if (!pathpoint5.isAssigned() || f1 < pathpoint5.totalPathDistance) { pathpoint5.previous = pathpoint4; pathpoint5.totalPathDistance = f1; pathpoint5.distanceToNext = pathpoint5.distanceToSquared(p_75861_3_); if (pathpoint5.isAssigned()) { this.path.changeDistance(pathpoint5, pathpoint5.totalPathDistance + pathpoint5.distanceToNext); } else { pathpoint5.distanceToTarget = pathpoint5.totalPathDistance + pathpoint5.distanceToNext; this.path.addPoint(pathpoint5); } } } } if (pathpoint3 == p_75861_2_) { return null; } else { return this.createEntityPath(p_75861_2_, pathpoint3); } } /** * Populates the pathOptions array with available points and returns the number of options found. Args: entity, * currentPoint, entitySizePoint, targetPoint, maxDistance */ private int findPathOptions(Entity p_75860_1_, PathPoint p_75860_2_, PathPoint p_75860_3_, PathPoint p_75860_4_, float p_75860_5_) { int i = 0; byte b0 = 0; if (this.canEntityStandAt(p_75860_1_, p_75860_2_.xCoord, p_75860_2_.yCoord + 1, p_75860_2_.zCoord, p_75860_3_) == 1) { b0 = 1; } PathPoint pathpoint3 = this.getSafePoint(p_75860_1_, p_75860_2_.xCoord, p_75860_2_.yCoord, p_75860_2_.zCoord + 1, p_75860_3_, b0); PathPoint pathpoint4 = this.getSafePoint(p_75860_1_, p_75860_2_.xCoord - 1, p_75860_2_.yCoord, p_75860_2_.zCoord, p_75860_3_, b0); PathPoint pathpoint5 = this.getSafePoint(p_75860_1_, p_75860_2_.xCoord + 1, p_75860_2_.yCoord, p_75860_2_.zCoord, p_75860_3_, b0); PathPoint pathpoint6 = this.getSafePoint(p_75860_1_, p_75860_2_.xCoord, p_75860_2_.yCoord, p_75860_2_.zCoord - 1, p_75860_3_, b0); if (pathpoint3 != null && !pathpoint3.visited && pathpoint3.distanceTo(p_75860_4_) < p_75860_5_) { this.pathOptions[i++] = pathpoint3; } if (pathpoint4 != null && !pathpoint4.visited && pathpoint4.distanceTo(p_75860_4_) < p_75860_5_) { this.pathOptions[i++] = pathpoint4; } if (pathpoint5 != null && !pathpoint5.visited && pathpoint5.distanceTo(p_75860_4_) < p_75860_5_) { this.pathOptions[i++] = pathpoint5; } if (pathpoint6 != null && !pathpoint6.visited && pathpoint6.distanceTo(p_75860_4_) < p_75860_5_) { this.pathOptions[i++] = pathpoint6; } return i; } /** * Returns a point that the entity can safely move to */ private PathPoint getSafePoint(Entity p_75858_1_, int p_75858_2_, int p_75858_3_, int p_75858_4_, PathPoint p_75858_5_, int p_75858_6_) { PathPoint pathpoint1 = null; int i1 = this.canEntityStandAt(p_75858_1_, p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_, p_75858_4_, p_75858_5_); if (i1 == 2) { return this.openPoint(p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_, p_75858_4_); } else { if (i1 == 1) { pathpoint1 = this.openPoint(p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_, p_75858_4_); } if (pathpoint1 == null && p_75858_6_ > 0 && i1 != -3 && i1 != -4 && this.canEntityStandAt(p_75858_1_, p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_ + p_75858_6_, p_75858_4_, p_75858_5_) == 1) { pathpoint1 = this.openPoint(p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_ + p_75858_6_, p_75858_4_); p_75858_3_ += p_75858_6_; } if (pathpoint1 != null) { int j1 = 0; int k1 = 0; while (p_75858_3_ > 0) { k1 = this.canEntityStandAt(p_75858_1_, p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_ - 1, p_75858_4_, p_75858_5_); if (this.avoidsWater && k1 == -1) { return null; } if (k1 != 1) { break; } if (j1++ >= p_75858_1_.getMaxFallHeight()) { return null; } --p_75858_3_; if (p_75858_3_ > 0) { pathpoint1 = this.openPoint(p_75858_2_, p_75858_3_, p_75858_4_); } } if (k1 == -2) { return null; } } return pathpoint1; } } /** * Returns a mapped point or creates and adds one */ private final PathPoint openPoint(int p_75854_1_, int p_75854_2_, int p_75854_3_) { int l = PathPoint.makeHash(p_75854_1_, p_75854_2_, p_75854_3_); PathPoint pathpoint = (PathPoint)this.pointMap.lookup(l); if (pathpoint == null) { pathpoint = new PathPoint(p_75854_1_, p_75854_2_, p_75854_3_); this.pointMap.addKey(l, pathpoint); } return pathpoint; } /** * Checks if an entity collides with blocks at a position. Returns : 1 = clear, 0 = blocked, -1 = water (if avoiding * water), -2 = lava (if not already in lava), -3 = fence or rails, -4 = closed trapdoor, 2 = open trapdoor or water * (if not avoiding) or open door (if can pass trhough). Args : entity, posX, posY, posZ, entitySize */ public int canEntityStandAt(Entity p_75855_1_, int p_75855_2_, int p_75855_3_, int p_75855_4_, PathPoint p_75855_5_) { /** * Checks if an entity collides with blocks at a position. Returns : 1 = clear, 0 = blocked, -1 = water (if * avoiding water), -2 = lava (if not already in lava), -3 = fence or rails, -4 = closed trapdoor, 2 = open * trapdoor or water (if not avoiding) or open door (if can pass trhough). Args : entity, posX, posY, posZ, * entitySize, avoidsWater, canPassClosedWoodenDoor, scanPassOpe */ return canEntityStandAt(p_75855_1_, p_75855_2_, p_75855_3_, p_75855_4_, p_75855_5_, this.avoidsWater, this.canPassClosedWoodenDoor, this.canPassOpenWoodenDoors); } /** * Checks if an entity collides with blocks at a position. Returns : 1 = clear, 0 = blocked, -1 = water (if avoiding * water), -2 = lava (if not already in lava), -3 = fence or rails, -4 = closed trapdoor, 2 = open trapdoor or water * (if not avoiding) or open door (if can pass trhough). Args : entity, posX, posY, posZ, entitySize, avoidsWater, * canPassClosedWoodenDoor, scanPassOpe */ public static int canEntityStandAt(Entity p_82565_0_, int p_82565_1_, int p_82565_2_, int p_82565_3_, PathPoint p_82565_4_, boolean p_82565_5_, boolean p_82565_6_, boolean p_82565_7_) { boolean flag3 = false; for (int l = p_82565_1_; l < p_82565_1_ + p_82565_4_.xCoord; ++l) { for (int i1 = p_82565_2_; i1 < p_82565_2_ + p_82565_4_.yCoord; ++i1) { for (int j1 = p_82565_3_; j1 < p_82565_3_ + p_82565_4_.zCoord; ++j1) { Block block = p_82565_0_.worldObj.getBlock(l, i1, j1); if (block.getMaterial() != Material.air) { if (block == Blocks.trapdoor) { flag3 = true; } else if (block != Blocks.flowing_water && block != Blocks.water) { if (!p_82565_7_ && block == Blocks.wooden_door) { return 0; } } else { if (p_82565_5_) { return -1; } flag3 = true; } int k1 = block.getRenderType(); if (p_82565_0_.worldObj.getBlock(l, i1, j1).getRenderType() == 9) { int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_82565_0_.posX); int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_82565_0_.posY); int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_82565_0_.posZ); if (p_82565_0_.worldObj.getBlock(j2, l1, i2).getRenderType() != 9 && p_82565_0_.worldObj.getBlock(j2, l1 - 1, i2).getRenderType() != 9) { return -3; } } else if (!block.isPassable(p_82565_0_.worldObj, l, i1, j1) && (!p_82565_6_ || block != Blocks.wooden_door)) { if (k1 == 11 || block == Blocks.fence_gate || k1 == 32) { return -3; } if (block == Blocks.trapdoor) { return -4; } Material material = block.getMaterial(); if (material != Material.lava) { return 0; } if (!p_82565_0_.handleLavaMovement()) { return -2; } } } } } } return flag3 ? 2 : 1; } /** * Returns a new PathEntity for a given start and end point */ private PathEntity createEntityPath(PathPoint p_75853_1_, PathPoint p_75853_2_) { int i = 1; PathPoint pathpoint2; for (pathpoint2 = p_75853_2_; pathpoint2.previous != null; pathpoint2 = pathpoint2.previous) { ++i; } PathPoint[] apathpoint = new PathPoint[i]; pathpoint2 = p_75853_2_; --i; for (apathpoint[i] = p_75853_2_; pathpoint2.previous != null; apathpoint[i] = pathpoint2) { pathpoint2 = pathpoint2.previous; --i; } return new PathEntity(apathpoint); } }