package net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity; import; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySkullRenderer; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTUtil; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StringUtils; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderBiped extends RenderLiving { public ModelBiped modelBipedMain; protected float field_77070_b; /** used for rendering armor on mobs, like zombies */ protected ModelBiped modelArmourChestplate; protected ModelBiped field_82425_h; private static final Map field_110859_k = Maps.newHashMap(); /** List of armor texture filenames. */ public static String[] bipedArmorFilenamePrefix = new String[] {"leather", "chainmail", "iron", "diamond", "gold"}; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001001"; public RenderBiped(ModelBiped p_i1257_1_, float p_i1257_2_) { this(p_i1257_1_, p_i1257_2_, 1.0F); } public RenderBiped(ModelBiped p_i1258_1_, float p_i1258_2_, float p_i1258_3_) { super(p_i1258_1_, p_i1258_2_); this.modelBipedMain = p_i1258_1_; this.field_77070_b = p_i1258_3_; this.func_82421_b(); } protected void func_82421_b() { this.modelArmourChestplate = new ModelBiped(1.0F); this.field_82425_h = new ModelBiped(0.5F); } @Deprecated //Use the more sensitive version getArmorResource below public static ResourceLocation func_110857_a(ItemArmor p_110857_0_, int p_110857_1_) { return func_110858_a(p_110857_0_, p_110857_1_, (String)null); } @Deprecated //Use the more sensitive version getArmorResource below public static ResourceLocation func_110858_a(ItemArmor p_110858_0_, int p_110858_1_, String p_110858_2_) { String s1 = String.format("textures/models/armor/%s_layer_%d%s.png", new Object[] {bipedArmorFilenamePrefix[p_110858_0_.renderIndex], Integer.valueOf(p_110858_1_ == 2 ? 2 : 1), p_110858_2_ == null ? "" : String.format("_%s", new Object[]{p_110858_2_})}); ResourceLocation resourcelocation = (ResourceLocation)field_110859_k.get(s1); if (resourcelocation == null) { resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation(s1); field_110859_k.put(s1, resourcelocation); } return resourcelocation; } /** * Queries whether should render the specified pass or not. */ protected int shouldRenderPass(EntityLiving p_77032_1_, int p_77032_2_, float p_77032_3_) { ItemStack itemstack = p_77032_1_.func_130225_q(3 - p_77032_2_); if (itemstack != null) { Item item = itemstack.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemArmor) { ItemArmor itemarmor = (ItemArmor)item; this.bindTexture(getArmorResource(p_77032_1_, itemstack, p_77032_2_, null)); ModelBiped modelbiped = p_77032_2_ == 2 ? this.field_82425_h : this.modelArmourChestplate; modelbiped.bipedHead.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 0; modelbiped.bipedHeadwear.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 0; modelbiped.bipedBody.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 1 || p_77032_2_ == 2; modelbiped.bipedRightArm.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 1; modelbiped.bipedLeftArm.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 1; modelbiped.bipedRightLeg.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 2 || p_77032_2_ == 3; modelbiped.bipedLeftLeg.showModel = p_77032_2_ == 2 || p_77032_2_ == 3; modelbiped = net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.getArmorModel(p_77032_1_, itemstack, p_77032_2_, modelbiped); this.setRenderPassModel(modelbiped); modelbiped.swingProgress = this.mainModel.swingProgress; modelbiped.isRiding = this.mainModel.isRiding; modelbiped.isChild = this.mainModel.isChild; //Move out of if to allow for more then just CLOTH to have color int j = itemarmor.getColor(itemstack); if (j != -1) { float f1 = (float)(j >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; float f2 = (float)(j >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F; float f3 = (float)(j & 255) / 255.0F; GL11.glColor3f(f1, f2, f3); if (itemstack.isItemEnchanted()) { return 31; } return 16; } GL11.glColor3f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); if (itemstack.isItemEnchanted()) { return 15; } return 1; } } return -1; } protected void func_82408_c(EntityLiving p_82408_1_, int p_82408_2_, float p_82408_3_) { ItemStack itemstack = p_82408_1_.func_130225_q(3 - p_82408_2_); if (itemstack != null) { Item item = itemstack.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemArmor) { this.bindTexture(getArmorResource(p_82408_1_, itemstack, p_82408_2_, "overlay")); float f1 = 1.0F; GL11.glColor3f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); } } } /** * Actually renders the given argument. This is a synthetic bridge method, always casting down its argument and then * handing it off to a worker function which does the actual work. In all probabilty, the class Render is generic * (Render<T extends Entity) and this method has signature public void func_76986_a(T entity, double d, double d1, * double d2, float f, float f1). But JAD is pre 1.5 so doesn't do that. */ public void doRender(EntityLiving p_76986_1_, double p_76986_2_, double p_76986_4_, double p_76986_6_, float p_76986_8_, float p_76986_9_) { GL11.glColor3f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); ItemStack itemstack = p_76986_1_.getHeldItem(); this.func_82420_a(p_76986_1_, itemstack); double d3 = p_76986_4_ - (double)p_76986_1_.yOffset; if (p_76986_1_.isSneaking()) { d3 -= 0.125D; } super.doRender(p_76986_1_, p_76986_2_, d3, p_76986_6_, p_76986_8_, p_76986_9_); this.modelArmourChestplate.aimedBow = this.field_82425_h.aimedBow = this.modelBipedMain.aimedBow = false; this.modelArmourChestplate.isSneak = this.field_82425_h.isSneak = this.modelBipedMain.isSneak = false; this.modelArmourChestplate.heldItemRight = this.field_82425_h.heldItemRight = this.modelBipedMain.heldItemRight = 0; } /** * Returns the location of an entity's texture. Doesn't seem to be called unless you call Render.bindEntityTexture. */ protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityLiving p_110775_1_) { return null; } protected void func_82420_a(EntityLiving p_82420_1_, ItemStack p_82420_2_) { this.modelArmourChestplate.heldItemRight = this.field_82425_h.heldItemRight = this.modelBipedMain.heldItemRight = p_82420_2_ != null ? 1 : 0; this.modelArmourChestplate.isSneak = this.field_82425_h.isSneak = this.modelBipedMain.isSneak = p_82420_1_.isSneaking(); } protected void renderEquippedItems(EntityLiving p_77029_1_, float p_77029_2_) { GL11.glColor3f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); super.renderEquippedItems(p_77029_1_, p_77029_2_); ItemStack itemstack = p_77029_1_.getHeldItem(); ItemStack itemstack1 = p_77029_1_.func_130225_q(3); Item item; float f1; if (itemstack1 != null) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); this.modelBipedMain.bipedHead.postRender(0.0625F); item = itemstack1.getItem(); net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer customRenderer = net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient.getItemRenderer(itemstack1, net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED); boolean is3D = (customRenderer != null && customRenderer.shouldUseRenderHelper(net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED, itemstack1, net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRendererHelper.BLOCK_3D)); if (item instanceof ItemBlock) { if (is3D || RenderBlocks.renderItemIn3d(Block.getBlockFromItem(item).getRenderType())) { f1 = 0.625F; GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, -0.25F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(90.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glScalef(f1, -f1, -f1); } this.renderManager.itemRenderer.renderItem(p_77029_1_, itemstack1, 0); } else if (item == Items.skull) { f1 = 1.0625F; GL11.glScalef(f1, -f1, -f1); GameProfile gameprofile = null; if (itemstack1.hasTagCompound()) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = itemstack1.getTagCompound(); if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("SkullOwner", 10)) { gameprofile = NBTUtil.readGameProfileFromNBT(nbttagcompound.getCompoundTag("SkullOwner")); } else if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("SkullOwner", 8) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(nbttagcompound.getString("SkullOwner"))) { gameprofile = new GameProfile((UUID)null, nbttagcompound.getString("SkullOwner")); } } TileEntitySkullRenderer.field_147536_b.func_152674_a(-0.5F, 0.0F, -0.5F, 1, 180.0F, itemstack1.getMetadata(), gameprofile); } GL11.glPopMatrix(); } if (itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() != null) { item = itemstack.getItem(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); if (this.mainModel.isChild) { f1 = 0.5F; GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, 0.625F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(-20.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glScalef(f1, f1, f1); } this.modelBipedMain.bipedRightArm.postRender(0.0625F); GL11.glTranslatef(-0.0625F, 0.4375F, 0.0625F); net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer customRenderer = net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient.getItemRenderer(itemstack, net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED); boolean is3D = (customRenderer != null && customRenderer.shouldUseRenderHelper(net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRenderType.EQUIPPED, itemstack, net.minecraftforge.client.IItemRenderer.ItemRendererHelper.BLOCK_3D)); if (item instanceof ItemBlock && (is3D || RenderBlocks.renderItemIn3d(Block.getBlockFromItem(item).getRenderType()))) { f1 = 0.5F; GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, 0.1875F, -0.3125F); f1 *= 0.75F; GL11.glRotatef(20.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(45.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glScalef(-f1, -f1, f1); } else if (item == Items.bow) { f1 = 0.625F; GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, 0.125F, 0.3125F); GL11.glRotatef(-20.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glScalef(f1, -f1, f1); GL11.glRotatef(-100.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(45.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); } else if (item.isFull3D()) { f1 = 0.625F; if (item.shouldRotateAroundWhenRendering()) { GL11.glRotatef(180.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, -0.125F, 0.0F); } this.func_82422_c(); GL11.glScalef(f1, -f1, f1); GL11.glRotatef(-100.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(45.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); } else { f1 = 0.375F; GL11.glTranslatef(0.25F, 0.1875F, -0.1875F); GL11.glScalef(f1, f1, f1); GL11.glRotatef(60.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glRotatef(-90.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(20.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); } float f2; int i; float f5; if (itemstack.getItem().requiresMultipleRenderPasses()) { for (i = 0; i < itemstack.getItem().getRenderPasses(itemstack.getMetadata()); ++i) { int j = itemstack.getItem().getColorFromItemStack(itemstack, i); f5 = (float)(j >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; f2 = (float)(j >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F; float f3 = (float)(j & 255) / 255.0F; GL11.glColor4f(f5, f2, f3, 1.0F); this.renderManager.itemRenderer.renderItem(p_77029_1_, itemstack, i); } } else { i = itemstack.getItem().getColorFromItemStack(itemstack, 0); float f4 = (float)(i >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F; f5 = (float)(i >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F; f2 = (float)(i & 255) / 255.0F; GL11.glColor4f(f4, f5, f2, 1.0F); this.renderManager.itemRenderer.renderItem(p_77029_1_, itemstack, 0); } GL11.glPopMatrix(); } } protected void func_82422_c() { GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, 0.1875F, 0.0F); } protected void func_82408_c(EntityLivingBase p_82408_1_, int p_82408_2_, float p_82408_3_) { this.func_82408_c((EntityLiving)p_82408_1_, p_82408_2_, p_82408_3_); } /** * Queries whether should render the specified pass or not. */ protected int shouldRenderPass(EntityLivingBase p_77032_1_, int p_77032_2_, float p_77032_3_) { return this.shouldRenderPass((EntityLiving)p_77032_1_, p_77032_2_, p_77032_3_); } protected void renderEquippedItems(EntityLivingBase p_77029_1_, float p_77029_2_) { this.renderEquippedItems((EntityLiving)p_77029_1_, p_77029_2_); } /** * Actually renders the given argument. This is a synthetic bridge method, always casting down its argument and then * handing it off to a worker function which does the actual work. In all probabilty, the class Render is generic * (Render<T extends Entity) and this method has signature public void func_76986_a(T entity, double d, double d1, * double d2, float f, float f1). But JAD is pre 1.5 so doesn't do that. */ public void doRender(EntityLivingBase p_76986_1_, double p_76986_2_, double p_76986_4_, double p_76986_6_, float p_76986_8_, float p_76986_9_) { this.doRender((EntityLiving)p_76986_1_, p_76986_2_, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_, p_76986_8_, p_76986_9_); } /** * Returns the location of an entity's texture. Doesn't seem to be called unless you call Render.bindEntityTexture. */ protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity p_110775_1_) { return this.getEntityTexture((EntityLiving)p_110775_1_); } /** * Actually renders the given argument. This is a synthetic bridge method, always casting down its argument and then * handing it off to a worker function which does the actual work. In all probabilty, the class Render is generic * (Render<T extends Entity) and this method has signature public void func_76986_a(T entity, double d, double d1, * double d2, float f, float f1). But JAD is pre 1.5 so doesn't do that. */ public void doRender(Entity p_76986_1_, double p_76986_2_, double p_76986_4_, double p_76986_6_, float p_76986_8_, float p_76986_9_) { this.doRender((EntityLiving)p_76986_1_, p_76986_2_, p_76986_4_, p_76986_6_, p_76986_8_, p_76986_9_); } /*=================================== FORGE START =========================================*/ /** * More generic ForgeHook version of the above function, it allows for Items to have more control over what texture they provide. * * @param entity Entity wearing the armor * @param stack ItemStack for the armor * @param slot Slot ID that the item is in * @param type Subtype, can be null or "overlay" * @return ResourceLocation pointing at the armor's texture */ public static ResourceLocation getArmorResource(Entity entity, ItemStack stack, int slot, String type) { ItemArmor item = (ItemArmor)stack.getItem(); String s1 = String.format("textures/models/armor/%s_layer_%d%s.png", bipedArmorFilenamePrefix[item.renderIndex], (slot == 2 ? 2 : 1), type == null ? "" : String.format("_%s", type)); s1 = net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.getArmorTexture(entity, stack, s1, slot, type); ResourceLocation resourcelocation = (ResourceLocation)field_110859_k.get(s1); if (resourcelocation == null) { resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation(s1); field_110859_k.put(s1, resourcelocation); } return resourcelocation; } /*=================================== FORGE END ===========================================*/ }