package; import net.minecraft.block.Block; public class NextTickListEntry implements Comparable { /** The id number for the next tick entry */ private static long nextTickEntryID; private final Block field_151352_g; /** X position this tick is occuring at */ public int xCoord; /** Y position this tick is occuring at */ public int yCoord; /** Z position this tick is occuring at */ public int zCoord; /** Time this tick is scheduled to occur at */ public long scheduledTime; public int priority; /** The id of the tick entry */ private long tickEntryID; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000156"; public NextTickListEntry(int p_i45370_1_, int p_i45370_2_, int p_i45370_3_, Block p_i45370_4_) { this.tickEntryID = (long)(nextTickEntryID++); this.xCoord = p_i45370_1_; this.yCoord = p_i45370_2_; this.zCoord = p_i45370_3_; this.field_151352_g = p_i45370_4_; } public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { if (!(p_equals_1_ instanceof NextTickListEntry)) { return false; } else { NextTickListEntry nextticklistentry = (NextTickListEntry)p_equals_1_; return this.xCoord == nextticklistentry.xCoord && this.yCoord == nextticklistentry.yCoord && this.zCoord == nextticklistentry.zCoord && Block.isEqualTo(this.field_151352_g, nextticklistentry.field_151352_g); } } public int hashCode() { return (this.xCoord * 1024 * 1024 + this.zCoord * 1024 + this.yCoord) * 256; } /** * Sets the scheduled time for this tick entry */ public NextTickListEntry setScheduledTime(long p_77176_1_) { this.scheduledTime = p_77176_1_; return this; } public void setPriority(int p_82753_1_) { this.priority = p_82753_1_; } public int compareTo(NextTickListEntry p_compareTo_1_) { return this.scheduledTime < p_compareTo_1_.scheduledTime ? -1 : (this.scheduledTime > p_compareTo_1_.scheduledTime ? 1 : (this.priority != p_compareTo_1_.priority ? this.priority - p_compareTo_1_.priority : (this.tickEntryID < p_compareTo_1_.tickEntryID ? -1 : (this.tickEntryID > p_compareTo_1_.tickEntryID ? 1 : 0)))); } public String toString() { return Block.getIdFromBlock(this.field_151352_g) + ": (" + this.xCoord + ", " + this.yCoord + ", " + this.zCoord + "), " + this.scheduledTime + ", " + this.priority + ", " + this.tickEntryID; } public Block func_151351_a() { return this.field_151352_g; } public int compareTo(Object p_compareTo_1_) { return this.compareTo((NextTickListEntry)p_compareTo_1_); } }