package ibxm; import*; public class ProTracker { public static boolean is_mod( byte[] header_1084_bytes ) { boolean is_mod; is_mod = false; if( calculate_num_channels( header_1084_bytes ) > 0 ) { is_mod = true; } return is_mod; } public static Module load_mod( byte[] header_1084_bytes, DataInput data_input ) throws IOException { int num_channels, channel_idx, panning; int sequence_length, restart_idx, sequence_idx; int num_patterns, pattern_idx, instrument_idx; Module module; num_channels = calculate_num_channels( header_1084_bytes ); if( num_channels < 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ProTracker: Unrecognised module format!" ); } module = new Module(); module.song_title = ascii_text( header_1084_bytes, 0, 20 ); module.pal = ( num_channels == 4 ); module.global_volume = 64; module.channel_gain = IBXM.FP_ONE * 3 / 8; module.default_speed = 6; module.default_tempo = 125; module.set_num_channels( num_channels ); for( channel_idx = 0; channel_idx < num_channels; channel_idx++ ) { panning = 64; if( ( channel_idx & 0x03 ) == 0x01 || ( channel_idx & 0x03 ) == 0x02 ) { panning = 192; } module.set_initial_panning( channel_idx, panning ); } sequence_length = header_1084_bytes[ 950 ] & 0x7F; restart_idx = header_1084_bytes[ 951 ] & 0x7F; if( restart_idx >= sequence_length ) { restart_idx = 0; } module.restart_sequence_index = restart_idx; module.set_sequence_length( sequence_length ); for( sequence_idx = 0; sequence_idx < sequence_length; sequence_idx++ ) { module.set_sequence( sequence_idx, header_1084_bytes[ 952 + sequence_idx ] & 0x7F ); } num_patterns = calculate_num_patterns( header_1084_bytes ); module.set_num_patterns( num_patterns ); for( pattern_idx = 0; pattern_idx < num_patterns; pattern_idx++ ) { module.set_pattern( pattern_idx, read_mod_pattern( data_input, num_channels ) ); } module.set_num_instruments( 31 ); for( instrument_idx = 1; instrument_idx <= 31; instrument_idx++ ) { module.set_instrument( instrument_idx, read_mod_instrument( header_1084_bytes, instrument_idx, data_input ) ); } return module; } private static int calculate_num_patterns( byte[] module_header ) { int num_patterns, order_entry, pattern_idx; num_patterns = 0; for( pattern_idx = 0; pattern_idx < 128; pattern_idx++ ) { order_entry = module_header[ 952 + pattern_idx ] & 0x7F; if( order_entry >= num_patterns ) { num_patterns = order_entry + 1; } } return num_patterns; } private static int calculate_num_channels( byte[] module_header ) { int num_channels; switch( ( module_header[ 1082 ] << 8 ) | module_header[ 1083 ] ) { case 0x4b2e: /* M.K. */ case 0x4b21: /* M!K! */ case 0x542e: /* N.T. */ case 0x5434: /* FLT4 */ num_channels = 4; break; case 0x484e: /* xCHN */ num_channels = module_header[ 1080 ] - 48; break; case 0x4348: /* xxCH */ num_channels = ( ( module_header[ 1080 ] - 48 ) * 10 ) + ( module_header[ 1081 ] - 48 ); break; default: /* Not recognised. */ num_channels = 0; break; } return num_channels; } private static Pattern read_mod_pattern( DataInput data_input, int num_channels ) throws IOException { int input_idx, output_idx; int period, instrument, effect, effect_param; Pattern pattern; byte[] input_pattern_data, output_pattern_data; pattern = new Pattern(); pattern.num_rows = 64; input_pattern_data = new byte[ 64 * num_channels * 4 ]; output_pattern_data = new byte[ 64 * num_channels * 5 ]; data_input.readFully( input_pattern_data ); input_idx = 0; output_idx = 0; while( input_idx < input_pattern_data.length ) { period = ( input_pattern_data[ input_idx ] & 0x0F ) << 8; period = period | ( input_pattern_data[ input_idx + 1 ] & 0xFF ); output_pattern_data[ output_idx ] = to_key( period ); instrument = input_pattern_data[ input_idx ] & 0x10; instrument = instrument | ( ( input_pattern_data[ input_idx + 2 ] & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ); output_pattern_data[ output_idx + 1 ] = ( byte ) instrument; effect = input_pattern_data[ input_idx + 2 ] & 0x0F; effect_param = input_pattern_data[ input_idx + 3 ] & 0xFF; if( effect == 0x01 && effect_param == 0 ) { /* Portamento up of zero has no effect. */ effect = 0; } if( effect == 0x02 && effect_param == 0 ) { /* Portamento down of zero has no effect. */ effect = 0; } if( effect == 0x08 && num_channels == 4 ) { /* Some Amiga mods use effect 0x08 for reasons other than panning.*/ effect = 0; effect_param = 0; } if( effect == 0x0A && effect_param == 0 ) { /* Volume slide of zero has no effect.*/ effect = 0; } if( effect == 0x05 && effect_param == 0 ) { /* Porta + Volume slide of zero has no effect.*/ effect = 0x03; } if( effect == 0x06 && effect_param == 0 ) { /* Vibrato + Volume slide of zero has no effect.*/ effect = 0x04; } output_pattern_data[ output_idx + 3 ] = ( byte ) effect; output_pattern_data[ output_idx + 4 ] = ( byte ) effect_param; input_idx += 4; output_idx += 5; } pattern.set_pattern_data( output_pattern_data ); return pattern; } private static Instrument read_mod_instrument( byte[] mod_header, int idx, DataInput data_input ) throws IOException { int header_offset, sample_data_length; int loop_start, loop_length, sample_idx, fine_tune; Instrument instrument; Sample sample; byte[] raw_sample_data; short[] sample_data; header_offset = ( idx - 1 ) * 30 + 20; instrument = new Instrument(); = ascii_text( mod_header, header_offset, 22 ); sample = new Sample(); sample_data_length = unsigned_short_be( mod_header, header_offset + 22 ) << 1; fine_tune = mod_header[ header_offset + 24 ] & 0x0F; if( fine_tune > 7 ) { fine_tune -= 16; } sample.transpose = ( fine_tune << IBXM.FP_SHIFT ) / 96; sample.volume = mod_header[ header_offset + 25 ] & 0x7F; loop_start = unsigned_short_be( mod_header, header_offset + 26 ) << 1; loop_length = unsigned_short_be( mod_header, header_offset + 28 ) << 1; if( loop_length < 4 ) { loop_length = 0; } raw_sample_data = new byte[ sample_data_length ]; sample_data = new short[ sample_data_length ]; try { data_input.readFully( raw_sample_data ); } catch( EOFException e ) { System.out.println( "ProTracker: Instrument " + idx + " has samples missing." ); } for( sample_idx = 0; sample_idx < raw_sample_data.length; sample_idx++ ) { sample_data[ sample_idx ] = ( short ) ( raw_sample_data[ sample_idx ] << 8 ); } sample.set_sample_data( sample_data, loop_start, loop_length, false ); instrument.set_num_samples( 1 ); instrument.set_sample( 0, sample ); return instrument; } private static byte to_key( int period ) { int oct, key; if( period < 32 ) { key = 0; } else { oct = LogTable.log_2( 7256 ) - LogTable.log_2( period ); if( oct < 0 ) { key = 0; } else { key = oct * 12; key = key >> ( IBXM.FP_SHIFT - 1 ); key = ( key >> 1 ) + ( key & 1 ); } } return ( byte ) key; } private static int unsigned_short_be( byte[] buf, int offset ) { int value; value = ( buf[ offset ] & 0xFF ) << 8; value = value | ( buf[ offset + 1 ] & 0xFF ); return value; } private static String ascii_text( byte[] buffer, int offset, int length ) { int idx, chr; byte[] string_buffer; String string; string_buffer = new byte[ length ]; for( idx = 0; idx < length; idx++ ) { chr = buffer[ offset + idx ]; if( chr < 32 ) { chr = 32; } string_buffer[ idx ] = ( byte ) chr; } try { string = new String( string_buffer, 0, length, "ISO-8859-1" ); } catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) { string = ""; } return string; } }