package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourceManager; import; import; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import net.minecraft.util.ReportedException; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class TextureAtlasSprite implements IIcon { private final String iconName; protected List framesTextureData = Lists.newArrayList(); private AnimationMetadataSection animationMetadata; protected boolean rotated; private boolean useAnisotropicFiltering; protected int originX; protected int originY; protected int width; protected int height; private float minU; private float maxU; private float minV; private float maxV; protected int frameCounter; protected int tickCounter; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001062"; protected TextureAtlasSprite(String p_i1282_1_) { this.iconName = p_i1282_1_; } public void initSprite(int p_110971_1_, int p_110971_2_, int p_110971_3_, int p_110971_4_, boolean p_110971_5_) { this.originX = p_110971_3_; this.originY = p_110971_4_; this.rotated = p_110971_5_; float f = (float)(0.009999999776482582D / (double)p_110971_1_); float f1 = (float)(0.009999999776482582D / (double)p_110971_2_); this.minU = (float)p_110971_3_ / (float)((double)p_110971_1_) + f; this.maxU = (float)(p_110971_3_ + this.width) / (float)((double)p_110971_1_) - f; this.minV = (float)p_110971_4_ / (float)p_110971_2_ + f1; this.maxV = (float)(p_110971_4_ + this.height) / (float)p_110971_2_ - f1; if (this.useAnisotropicFiltering) { float f2 = 8.0F / (float)p_110971_1_; float f3 = 8.0F / (float)p_110971_2_; this.minU += f2; this.maxU -= f2; this.minV += f3; this.maxV -= f3; } } public void copyFrom(TextureAtlasSprite p_94217_1_) { this.originX = p_94217_1_.originX; this.originY = p_94217_1_.originY; this.width = p_94217_1_.width; this.height = p_94217_1_.height; this.rotated = p_94217_1_.rotated; this.minU = p_94217_1_.minU; this.maxU = p_94217_1_.maxU; this.minV = p_94217_1_.minV; this.maxV = p_94217_1_.maxV; } /** * Returns the X position of this icon on its texture sheet, in pixels. */ public int getOriginX() { return this.originX; } /** * Returns the Y position of this icon on its texture sheet, in pixels. */ public int getOriginY() { return this.originY; } /** * Returns the width of the icon, in pixels. */ public int getIconWidth() { return this.width; } /** * Returns the height of the icon, in pixels. */ public int getIconHeight() { return this.height; } /** * Returns the minimum U coordinate to use when rendering with this icon. */ public float getMinU() { return this.minU; } /** * Returns the maximum U coordinate to use when rendering with this icon. */ public float getMaxU() { return this.maxU; } /** * Gets a U coordinate on the icon. 0 returns uMin and 16 returns uMax. Other arguments return in-between values. */ public float getInterpolatedU(double p_94214_1_) { float f = this.maxU - this.minU; return this.minU + f * (float)p_94214_1_ / 16.0F; } /** * Returns the minimum V coordinate to use when rendering with this icon. */ public float getMinV() { return this.minV; } /** * Returns the maximum V coordinate to use when rendering with this icon. */ public float getMaxV() { return this.maxV; } /** * Gets a V coordinate on the icon. 0 returns vMin and 16 returns vMax. Other arguments return in-between values. */ public float getInterpolatedV(double p_94207_1_) { float f = this.maxV - this.minV; return this.minV + f * ((float)p_94207_1_ / 16.0F); } public String getIconName() { return this.iconName; } public void updateAnimation() { ++this.tickCounter; if (this.tickCounter >= this.animationMetadata.getFrameTimeSingle(this.frameCounter)) { int i = this.animationMetadata.getFrameIndex(this.frameCounter); int j = this.animationMetadata.getFrameCount() == 0 ? this.framesTextureData.size() : this.animationMetadata.getFrameCount(); this.frameCounter = (this.frameCounter + 1) % j; this.tickCounter = 0; int k = this.animationMetadata.getFrameIndex(this.frameCounter); if (i != k && k >= 0 && k < this.framesTextureData.size()) { TextureUtil.uploadTextureMipmap((int[][])this.framesTextureData.get(k), this.width, this.height, this.originX, this.originY, false, false); } } } public int[][] getFrameTextureData(int p_147965_1_) { return (int[][])this.framesTextureData.get(p_147965_1_); } public int getFrameCount() { return this.framesTextureData.size(); } public void setIconWidth(int p_110966_1_) { this.width = p_110966_1_; } public void setIconHeight(int p_110969_1_) { this.height = p_110969_1_; } public void loadSprite(BufferedImage[] p_147964_1_, AnimationMetadataSection p_147964_2_, boolean p_147964_3_) { this.resetSprite(); this.useAnisotropicFiltering = p_147964_3_; int i = p_147964_1_[0].getWidth(); int j = p_147964_1_[0].getHeight(); this.width = i; this.height = j; if (p_147964_3_) { this.width += 16; this.height += 16; } int[][] aint = new int[p_147964_1_.length][]; int k; for (k = 0; k < p_147964_1_.length; ++k) { BufferedImage bufferedimage = p_147964_1_[k]; if (bufferedimage != null) { if (k > 0 && (bufferedimage.getWidth() != i >> k || bufferedimage.getHeight() != j >> k)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unable to load miplevel: %d, image is size: %dx%d, expected %dx%d", new Object[] {Integer.valueOf(k), Integer.valueOf(bufferedimage.getWidth()), Integer.valueOf(bufferedimage.getHeight()), Integer.valueOf(i >> k), Integer.valueOf(j >> k)})); } aint[k] = new int[bufferedimage.getWidth() * bufferedimage.getHeight()]; bufferedimage.getRGB(0, 0, bufferedimage.getWidth(), bufferedimage.getHeight(), aint[k], 0, bufferedimage.getWidth()); } } if (p_147964_2_ == null) { if (j != i) { throw new RuntimeException("broken aspect ratio and not an animation"); } this.fixTransparentPixels(aint); this.framesTextureData.add(this.prepareAnisotropicFiltering(aint, i, j)); } else { k = j / i; int j1 = i; int l = i; this.height = this.width; int i1; if (p_147964_2_.getFrameCount() > 0) { Iterator iterator = p_147964_2_.getFrameIndexSet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { i1 = ((Integer); if (i1 >= k) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid frameindex " + i1); } this.allocateFrameTextureData(i1); this.framesTextureData.set(i1, this.prepareAnisotropicFiltering(getFrameTextureData(aint, j1, l, i1), j1, l)); } this.animationMetadata = p_147964_2_; } else { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); for (i1 = 0; i1 < k; ++i1) { this.framesTextureData.add(this.prepareAnisotropicFiltering(getFrameTextureData(aint, j1, l, i1), j1, l)); arraylist.add(new AnimationFrame(i1, -1)); } this.animationMetadata = new AnimationMetadataSection(arraylist, this.width, this.height, p_147964_2_.getFrameTime()); } } } public void generateMipmaps(int p_147963_1_) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < this.framesTextureData.size(); ++j) { final int[][] aint = (int[][])this.framesTextureData.get(j); if (aint != null) { try { arraylist.add(TextureUtil.generateMipmapData(p_147963_1_, this.width, aint)); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.makeCrashReport(throwable, "Generating mipmaps for frame"); CrashReportCategory crashreportcategory = crashreport.makeCategory("Frame being iterated"); crashreportcategory.addCrashSection("Frame index", Integer.valueOf(j)); crashreportcategory.addCrashSectionCallable("Frame sizes", new Callable() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001063"; public String call() { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); int[][] aint1 = aint; int k = aint1.length; for (int l = 0; l < k; ++l) { int[] aint2 = aint1[l]; if (stringbuilder.length() > 0) { stringbuilder.append(", "); } stringbuilder.append(aint2 == null ? "null" : Integer.valueOf(aint2.length)); } return stringbuilder.toString(); } }); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } } this.setFramesTextureData(arraylist); } private void fixTransparentPixels(int[][] p_147961_1_) { int[] aint1 = p_147961_1_[0]; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; int l = 0; int i1; for (i1 = 0; i1 < aint1.length; ++i1) { if ((aint1[i1] & -16777216) != 0) { j += aint1[i1] >> 16 & 255; k += aint1[i1] >> 8 & 255; l += aint1[i1] >> 0 & 255; ++i; } } if (i != 0) { j /= i; k /= i; l /= i; for (i1 = 0; i1 < aint1.length; ++i1) { if ((aint1[i1] & -16777216) == 0) { aint1[i1] = j << 16 | k << 8 | l; } } } } private int[][] prepareAnisotropicFiltering(int[][] p_147960_1_, int p_147960_2_, int p_147960_3_) { if (!this.useAnisotropicFiltering) { return p_147960_1_; } else { int[][] aint1 = new int[p_147960_1_.length][]; for (int k = 0; k < p_147960_1_.length; ++k) { int[] aint2 = p_147960_1_[k]; if (aint2 != null) { int[] aint3 = new int[(p_147960_2_ + 16 >> k) * (p_147960_3_ + 16 >> k)]; System.arraycopy(aint2, 0, aint3, 0, aint2.length); aint1[k] = TextureUtil.prepareAnisotropicData(aint3, p_147960_2_ >> k, p_147960_3_ >> k, 8 >> k); } } return aint1; } } private void allocateFrameTextureData(int p_130099_1_) { if (this.framesTextureData.size() <= p_130099_1_) { for (int j = this.framesTextureData.size(); j <= p_130099_1_; ++j) { this.framesTextureData.add((Object)null); } } } private static int[][] getFrameTextureData(int[][] p_147962_0_, int p_147962_1_, int p_147962_2_, int p_147962_3_) { int[][] aint1 = new int[p_147962_0_.length][]; for (int l = 0; l < p_147962_0_.length; ++l) { int[] aint2 = p_147962_0_[l]; if (aint2 != null) { aint1[l] = new int[(p_147962_1_ >> l) * (p_147962_2_ >> l)]; System.arraycopy(aint2, p_147962_3_ * aint1[l].length, aint1[l], 0, aint1[l].length); } } return aint1; } public void clearFramesTextureData() { this.framesTextureData.clear(); } public boolean hasAnimationMetadata() { return this.animationMetadata != null; } public void setFramesTextureData(List p_110968_1_) { this.framesTextureData = p_110968_1_; } private void resetSprite() { this.animationMetadata = null; this.setFramesTextureData(Lists.newArrayList()); this.frameCounter = 0; this.tickCounter = 0; } public String toString() { return "TextureAtlasSprite{name=\'" + this.iconName + '\'' + ", frameCount=" + this.framesTextureData.size() + ", rotated=" + this.rotated + ", x=" + this.originX + ", y=" + this.originY + ", height=" + this.height + ", width=" + this.width + ", u0=" + this.minU + ", u1=" + this.maxU + ", v0=" + this.minV + ", v1=" + this.maxV + '}'; } /** * The result of this function determines is the below 'load' function is called, and the * default vanilla loading code is bypassed completely. * @param manager * @param location * @return True to use your own custom load code and bypass vanilla loading. */ public boolean hasCustomLoader(IResourceManager manager, ResourceLocation location) { return false; } /** * Load the specified resource as this sprite's data. * Returning false from this function will prevent this icon from being stitched onto the master texture. * @param manager Main resource manager * @param location File resource location * @return False to prevent this Icon from being stitched */ public boolean load(IResourceManager manager, ResourceLocation location) { return true; } }