package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue; import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.PointerType; /** * JNA Wrapper for library <b>osvrTimeValue</b><br> * This file was autogenerated by <a href="">JNAerator</a>,<br> * a tool written by <a href="">Olivier Chafik</a> that <a href="">uses a few opensource projects.</a>.<br> * For help, please visit <a href="">NativeLibs4Java</a> , <a href="">Rococoa</a>, or <a href="">JNA</a>. */ public class OsvrTimeValueLibrary implements Library { public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit"; public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME); static { Native.register(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.class, OsvrTimeValueLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB); } public static final int OSVR_TRUE = (int)(1); public static final int OSVR_FALSE = (int)(0); /** * @brief Gets the current time in the TimeValue. Parallel to gettimeofday.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrTimeValueGetNow(OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native void osvrTimeValueGetNow(OSVR_TimeValue dest); /** * @brief Converts from a TimeValue struct to your system's struct timeval.<br> * @param dest Pointer to an empty struct timeval for your platform.<br> * @param src A pointer to an OSVR_TimeValue you'd like to convert from.<br> * If either parameter is NULL, the function will return without doing<br> * anything.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrTimeValueToStructTimeval(timeval*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native void osvrTimeValueToStructTimeval(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.timeval dest, OSVR_TimeValue src); /** * @brief Converts from a TimeValue struct to your system's struct timeval.<br> * @param dest An OSVR_TimeValue destination pointer.<br> * @param src Pointer to a struct timeval you'd like to convert from.<br> * The result is normalized.<br> * If either parameter is NULL, the function will return without doing<br> * anything.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrStructTimevalToTimeValue(OSVR_TimeValue*, timeval*)</code> */ public static native void osvrStructTimevalToTimeValue(OSVR_TimeValue dest, OsvrTimeValueLibrary.timeval src); /** * @brief "Normalizes" a time value so that the absolute number of microseconds<br> * is less than 1,000,000, and that the sign of both components is the same.<br> * @param tv Address of a struct TimeValue to normalize in place.<br> * If the given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrTimeValueNormalize(OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native void osvrTimeValueNormalize(OSVR_TimeValue tv); /** * @brief Sums two time values, replacing the first with the result.<br> * @param tvA Destination and first source.<br> * @param tvB second source<br> * If a given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.<br> * Both parameters are expected to be in normalized form.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrTimeValueSum(OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native void osvrTimeValueSum(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * @brief Computes the difference between two time values, replacing the first<br> * with the result.<br> * Effectively, `*tvA = *tvA - *tvB`<br> * @param tvA Destination and first source.<br> * @param tvB second source<br> * If a given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.<br> * Both parameters are expected to be in normalized form.<br> * Original signature : <code>void osvrTimeValueDifference(OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native void osvrTimeValueDifference(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * @brief Compares two time values (assumed to be normalized), returning<br> * the same values as strcmp<br> * @return <0 if A is earlier than B, 0 if they are the same, and >0 if A<br> * is later than B.<br> * Original signature : <code>int osvrTimeValueCmp(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native int osvrTimeValueCmp(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * @brief Compute the difference between the two time values, returning the<br> * duration as a double-precision floating-point number of seconds.<br> * Effectively, `ret = *tvA - *tvB`<br> * @param tvA first source.<br> * @param tvB second source<br> * @return Duration of timespan in seconds (floating-point)<br> * Original signature : <code>double osvrTimeValueDurationSeconds(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native double osvrTimeValueDurationSeconds(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * @brief True if A is later than B<br> * Original signature : <code>OSVR_CBool osvrTimeValueGreater(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)</code> */ public static native byte osvrTimeValueGreater(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * Returns true if the time value is normalized. Typically used in assertions.<br> * Original signature : <code>bool osvrTimeValueIsNormalized(const OSVR_TimeValue&)</code> */ public static native byte osvrTimeValueIsNormalized(OSVR_TimeValue tv); /** * Operator > overload for time values<br> * Original signature : <code>bool operator>(const OSVR_TimeValue&, const OSVR_TimeValue&)</code> */ public static native byte operatorGreater(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); /** * Operator == overload for time values<br> * Original signature : <code>bool operator==(const OSVR_TimeValue&, const OSVR_TimeValue&)</code> */ public static native byte operatorIsEqual(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB); public static class timeval extends PointerType { public timeval(Pointer address) { super(address); } public timeval() { super(); } }; }