package jme3test.gui; import; import com.jme3.cursors.plugins.JmeCursor; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This test class demonstrate how to change cursor in jME3. * * NOTE: This will not work on Android as it does not support cursors. * * Cursor test * @author MadJack */ public class TestCursor extends SimpleApplication { private ArrayList<JmeCursor> cursors = new ArrayList<JmeCursor>(); private long sysTime; private int count = 0; public static void main(String[] args){ TestCursor app = new TestCursor(); app.setShowSettings(false); app.start(); } @Override public void simpleInitApp() { flyCam.setEnabled(false); // We need the cursor to be visible. If it is not visible the cursor // will still be "used" and loaded, you just won't see it on the screen. inputManager.setCursorVisible(true); /* * To make jME3 use a custom cursor it is as simple as putting the * .cur/.ico/.ani file in an asset directory. Here we use * "Textures/GUI/Cursors". * * For the purpose of this demonstration we load 3 different cursors and add them * into an array list and switch cursor every 8 seconds. * * The first ico has been made by Sirea and the set can be found here: * * * The second cursor has been made by Virum64 and is Public Domain. * * * The animated cursor has been made by Pointer Adic and can be found here: * */ cursors.add((JmeCursor) assetManager.loadAsset("Textures/Cursors/meme.cur")); cursors.add((JmeCursor) assetManager.loadAsset("Textures/Cursors/nyancat.ico")); cursors.add((JmeCursor) assetManager.loadAsset("Textures/Cursors/monkey.ani")); sysTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); inputManager.setMouseCursor(cursors.get(count)); } @Override public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime - sysTime > 8000) { count++; if (count >= cursors.size()) { count = 0; } sysTime = currentTime; // 8 seconds have passed, // tell jME3 to swith to a different cursor. inputManager.setMouseCursor(cursors.get(count)); } } }