package; import com.jme3.math.FastMath; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.TexturePixel; import com.jme3.texture.Image; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import jme3tools.converters.RGB565; /** * Implemens read/write operations for DDS images. * This class currently implements only read operation. * @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas) */ /* package */class DDSPixelInputOutput implements PixelInputOutput { /** * For this class the index should be considered as a pixel index in AWT image format. */ public void read(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int index) {, layer, pixel, index % image.getWidth(), index / image.getWidth()); } public void read(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int x, int y) { int xTexetlIndex = x % image.getWidth() >> 2; int yTexelIndex = y % image.getHeight() >> 2; int xTexelCount = image.getWidth() >> 2; int texelIndex = yTexelIndex * xTexelCount + xTexetlIndex; TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() }; int indexes = 0; long alphaIndexes = 0; float[] alphas = null; ByteBuffer data = image.getData().get(layer); switch (image.getFormat()) { case DXT1: // BC1 case DXT1A: { data.position(texelIndex * 8); short c0 = data.getShort(); short c1 = data.getShort(); int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); if (col0 > col1) { // creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1 colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); colors[2].mult(2); colors[2].add(colors[1]); colors[2].divide(3); // creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1; colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); colors[3].mult(2); colors[3].add(colors[0]); colors[3].divide(3); } else { // creating color2 = 1/2color0 + 1/2color1 colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); colors[2].add(colors[1]); colors[2].mult(0.5f); colors[3].fromARGB8(0); } indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table break; } case DXT3: {// BC2 data.position(texelIndex * 16); long alpha = data.getLong(); alphas = new float[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { alphaIndexes |= i << i * 4; byte a = (byte) ((alpha >> i * 4 & 0x0F) << 4); alphas[i] = a >= 0 ? a / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~a / 255.0f; } short c0 = data.getShort(); short c1 = data.getShort(); int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); // creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1 colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); colors[2].mult(2); colors[2].add(colors[1]); colors[2].divide(3); // creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1; colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); colors[3].mult(2); colors[3].add(colors[0]); colors[3].divide(3); indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table break; } case DXT5: {// BC3 data.position(texelIndex * 16); alphas = new float[8]; alphas[0] = data.get() * 255.0f; alphas[1] = data.get() * 255.0f; // the casts to long must be done here because otherwise 32-bit integers would be shifetd by 32 and 40 bits which would result in improper values alphaIndexes = (long)data.get() | (long)data.get() << 8 | (long)data.get() << 16 | (long)data.get() << 24 | (long)data.get() << 32 | (long)data.get() << 40; if (alphas[0] > alphas[1]) {// 6 interpolated alpha values. alphas[2] = (6 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) / 7; alphas[3] = (5 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) / 7; alphas[4] = (4 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) / 7; alphas[5] = (3 * alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) / 7; alphas[6] = (2 * alphas[0] + 5 * alphas[1]) / 7; alphas[7] = (alphas[0] + 6 * alphas[1]) / 7; } else { alphas[2] = (4 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) * 0.2f; alphas[3] = (3 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; alphas[4] = (2 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; alphas[5] = (alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; alphas[6] = 0; alphas[7] = 1; } short c0 = data.getShort(); short c1 = data.getShort(); int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); // creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1 colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); colors[2].mult(2); colors[2].add(colors[1]); colors[2].divide(3); // creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1; colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); colors[3].mult(2); colors[3].add(colors[0]); colors[3].divide(3); indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table break; } default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported decompression format."); } // coordinates of the pixel in the selected texel x = x - 4 * xTexetlIndex;// pixels are arranged from left to right y = 3 - y - 4 * yTexelIndex;// pixels are arranged from bottom to top (that is why '3 - ...' is at the start) int pixelIndexInTexel = (y * 4 + x) * (int) FastMath.log(colors.length, 2); int alphaIndexInTexel = alphas != null ? (y * 4 + x) * (int) FastMath.log(alphas.length, 2) : 0; // getting the pixel int indexMask = colors.length - 1; int colorIndex = indexes >> pixelIndexInTexel & indexMask; float alpha = alphas != null ? alphas[(int) (alphaIndexes >> alphaIndexInTexel & 0x07)] : colors[colorIndex].alpha; pixel.fromPixel(colors[colorIndex]); pixel.alpha = alpha; } public void write(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot put the DXT pixel by index because not every index contains the pixel color!"); } public void write(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int x, int y) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Writing to DDS texture pixel by pixel is not yet supported!"); } }