package; import com.jme3.math.FastMath; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.TexturePixel; import com.jme3.texture.Image; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import jme3tools.converters.RGB565; /** * Implemens read/write operations for AWT images. * @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas) */ /* package */class AWTPixelInputOutput implements PixelInputOutput { public void read(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int index) { ByteBuffer data = image.getData(layer); switch (image.getFormat()) { case RGBA8: pixel.fromARGB8(data.get(index + 3), data.get(index), data.get(index + 1), data.get(index + 2)); break; case ARGB8: pixel.fromARGB8(data.get(index), data.get(index + 1), data.get(index + 2), data.get(index + 3)); break; case ABGR8: pixel.fromARGB8(data.get(index), data.get(index + 3), data.get(index + 2), data.get(index + 1)); break; case BGR8: pixel.fromARGB8((byte) 0xFF, data.get(index + 2), data.get(index + 1), data.get(index)); break; case BGRA8: pixel.fromARGB8(data.get(index + 3), data.get(index + 2), data.get(index + 1), data.get(index)); break; case RGB8: pixel.fromARGB8((byte) 0xFF, data.get(index), data.get(index + 1), data.get(index + 2)); break; case RGB565: pixel.fromARGB8(RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(data.getShort(index))); break; case RGB5A1: short rgb5a1 = data.getShort(index); byte a = (byte) (rgb5a1 & 0x01); int r = (rgb5a1 & 0xf800) >> 11 << 3; int g = (rgb5a1 & 0x07c0) >> 6 << 3; int b = (rgb5a1 & 0x001f) >> 1 << 3; pixel.fromARGB8(a == 1 ? (byte) 255 : 0, (byte) r, (byte) g, (byte) b); break; case RGB16F: case RGB16F_to_RGB111110F: case RGB16F_to_RGB9E5: pixel.fromARGB(1, FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index)), FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index + 2)), FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index + 4))); break; case RGBA16F: pixel.fromARGB(FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index + 6)), FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index)), FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index + 2)), FastMath.convertHalfToFloat(data.getShort(index + 4))); break; case RGBA32F: pixel.fromARGB(Float.intBitsToFloat(data.getInt(index + 12)), Float.intBitsToFloat(data.getInt(index)), Float.intBitsToFloat(data.getInt(index + 4)), Float.intBitsToFloat(data.getInt(index + 8))); break; case RGB111110F:// the data is stored as 32-bit unsigned int, that is why we cast the read data to long and remove MSB-bytes to get the positive value pixel.fromARGB(1, (float) Double.longBitsToDouble((long) data.getInt(index) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF), (float) Double.longBitsToDouble((long) data.getInt(index + 4) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF), (float) Double.longBitsToDouble((long) data.getInt(index + 8) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF)); break; case RGB9E5:// TODO: support these throw new IllegalStateException("Not supported image type for IO operations: " + image.getFormat()); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown image format: " + image.getFormat()); } } public void read(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int x, int y) { int index = (y * image.getWidth() + x) * (image.getFormat().getBitsPerPixel() >> 3);, layer, pixel, index); } public void write(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int index) { ByteBuffer data = image.getData(layer); switch (image.getFormat()) { case RGBA8: data.put(index, pixel.getR8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getB8()); data.put(index + 3, pixel.getA8()); break; case ARGB8: data.put(index, pixel.getA8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getR8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 3, pixel.getB8()); break; case ABGR8: data.put(index, pixel.getA8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getB8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 3, pixel.getR8()); break; case BGR8: data.put(index, pixel.getB8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getR8()); break; case BGRA8: data.put(index, pixel.getB8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getR8()); data.put(index + 3, pixel.getA8()); break; case RGB8: data.put(index, pixel.getR8()); data.put(index + 1, pixel.getG8()); data.put(index + 2, pixel.getB8()); break; case RGB565: data.putShort(RGB565.ARGB8_to_RGB565(pixel.toARGB8())); break; case RGB5A1: int argb8 = pixel.toARGB8(); short r = (short) ((argb8 & 0x00F80000) >> 8); short g = (short) ((argb8 & 0x0000F800) >> 5); short b = (short) ((argb8 & 0x000000F8) >> 2); short a = (short) ((short) ((argb8 & 0xFF000000) >> 24) > 0 ? 1 : 0); data.putShort(index, (short) (r | g | b | a)); break; case RGB16F: case RGB16F_to_RGB111110F: case RGB16F_to_RGB9E5: data.putShort(index, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; data.putShort(index + 2, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; data.putShort(index + 4, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; break; case RGBA16F: data.putShort(index, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; data.putShort(index + 2, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; data.putShort(index + 4, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; data.putShort(index + 6, FastMath.convertFloatToHalf(; break; case RGB32F: case RGB111110F:// this data is stored as 32-bit unsigned int data.putInt(index, Float.floatToIntBits(; data.putInt(index + 2, Float.floatToIntBits(; data.putInt(index + 4, Float.floatToIntBits(; break; case RGBA32F: data.putInt(index, Float.floatToIntBits(; data.putInt(index + 2, Float.floatToIntBits(; data.putInt(index + 4, Float.floatToIntBits(; data.putInt(index + 6, Float.floatToIntBits(pixel.alpha)); break; case RGB9E5:// TODO: support these throw new IllegalStateException("Not supported image type for IO operations: " + image.getFormat()); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown image format: " + image.getFormat()); } } public void write(Image image, int layer, TexturePixel pixel, int x, int y) { int index = (y * image.getWidth() + x) * (image.getFormat().getBitsPerPixel() >> 3); this.write(image, layer, pixel, index); } }