package com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.objects; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.jme3.animation.Bone; import com.jme3.animation.Skeleton; import com.jme3.material.Material; import com.jme3.material.RenderState.FaceCullMode; import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f; import com.jme3.math.Quaternion; import com.jme3.math.Transform; import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; import com.jme3.scene.Geometry; import com.jme3.scene.Node; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.RotationOrder; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.SceneLoader; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.fbx.file.FbxElement; public class FbxNode extends FbxObject { public FaceCullMode cullMode = FaceCullMode.Back; public Transform localTransform; public Node node; public FbxNode parentFbxNode; public boolean rotationActive = false; public RotationOrder rotationOrder = RotationOrder.EULER_XYZ; // For bones and animation, in world space public Matrix4f bindTransform = null; public int boneIndex; public Map<Long, FbxAnimNode> animTranslations = new HashMap<>(); public Map<Long, FbxAnimNode> animRotations = new HashMap<>(); public Map<Long, FbxAnimNode> animScales = new HashMap<>(); public Bone bone; private FbxAnimNode lastAnimTranslation; private FbxAnimNode lastAnimRotation; private FbxAnimNode lastAnimScale; private FbxMesh mesh; public Map<Long, FbxCluster> skinToCluster = new HashMap<>(); public FbxNode(SceneLoader scene, FbxElement element) { super(scene, element); node = new Node(name); Vector3f translationLocalRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f rotationOffsetRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f rotationPivotRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f rotationPreRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f rotationLocalRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f rotationPostRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f scaleOffsetRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f scalePivotRaw = new Vector3f(); Vector3f scaleLocalRaw = new Vector3f(1, 1, 1); for(FbxElement prop : element.getFbxProperties()) { double x, y, z; String propName = (String); switch(propName) { case "RotationOrder": rotationOrder = RotationOrder.values[(Integer)]; break; case "Lcl Translation": readVectorFromProp(translationLocalRaw, prop); break; case "Lcl Rotation": readVectorFromProp(rotationLocalRaw, prop); break; case "Lcl Scaling": readVectorFromProp(scaleLocalRaw, prop); break; case "PreRotation": readVectorFromProp(rotationPreRaw, prop); break; case "RotationActive": rotationActive = ((Number) == 1; break; case "RotationPivot": readVectorFromProp(rotationPivotRaw, prop); break; case "PostRotation": readVectorFromProp(rotationPostRaw, prop); break; case "ScaleOffset": readVectorFromProp(scaleOffsetRaw, prop); break; case "ScalePivot": readVectorFromProp(scalePivotRaw, prop); break; case "U": String userDataKey = (String); String userDataType = (String); Object userDataValue; if(userDataType.equals("KString")) { userDataValue = (String); } else if(userDataType.equals("int")) { userDataValue = (Integer); } else if(userDataType.equals("double")) { // NOTE: jME3 does not support doubles in UserData. // Need to convert to float. userDataValue = ((Double); } else if(userDataType.equals("Vector")) { x = (Double); y = (Double); z = (Double); userDataValue = new Vector3f((float) x, (float) y, (float) z); } else { scene.warning("Unsupported user data type: " + userDataType + ". Ignoring."); continue; } node.setUserData(userDataKey, userDataValue); break; } } FbxElement cullingElement = element.getChildById("Culling"); if(cullingElement != null &&"CullingOff")) cullMode = FaceCullMode.Off; // TODO Add other variants /*From Local Matrix = LclTranslation * RotationOffset * RotationPivot * PreRotation * LclRotation * PostRotation * RotationPivotInverse * ScalingOffset * ScalingPivot * LclScaling * ScalingPivotInverse LocalTranslation : translate (xform -query -translation) RotationOffset: translation compensates for the change in the rotate pivot point (xform -q -rotateTranslation) RotationPivot: current rotate pivot position (xform -q -rotatePivot) PreRotation : joint orientation(pre rotation) LocalRotation: rotate transform (xform -q -rotation & xform -q -rotateOrder) PostRotation : rotate axis (xform -q -rotateAxis) RotationPivotInverse: inverse of RotationPivot ScalingOffset: translation compensates for the change in the scale pivot point (xform -q -scaleTranslation) ScalingPivot: current scale pivot position (xform -q -scalePivot) LocalScaling: scale transform (xform -q -scale) ScalingPivotInverse: inverse of ScalingPivot */ RotationOrder rotOrder = rotationActive ? rotationOrder : RotationOrder.EULER_XYZ; Matrix4f transformMatrix = new Matrix4f(); transformMatrix.setTranslation(translationLocalRaw.x + rotationOffsetRaw.x + rotationPivotRaw.x, translationLocalRaw.y + rotationOffsetRaw.y + rotationPivotRaw.y, translationLocalRaw.z + rotationOffsetRaw.z + rotationPivotRaw.z); if(rotationActive) { Quaternion postRotation = rotOrder.rotate(rotationPostRaw.x, rotationPostRaw.y, rotationPostRaw.z); Quaternion localRotation = rotOrder.rotate(rotationLocalRaw.x, rotationLocalRaw.y, rotationLocalRaw.z); Quaternion preRotation = rotOrder.rotate(rotationPreRaw.x, rotationPreRaw.y, rotationPreRaw.z); //preRotation.multLocal(localRotation).multLocal(postRotation); postRotation.multLocal(localRotation).multLocal(preRotation); transformMatrix.multLocal(postRotation); } else { transformMatrix.multLocal(rotOrder.rotate(rotationLocalRaw.x, rotationLocalRaw.y, rotationLocalRaw.z)); } Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f(); mat.setTranslation(scaleOffsetRaw.x + scalePivotRaw.x - rotationPivotRaw.x, scaleOffsetRaw.y + scalePivotRaw.y - rotationPivotRaw.y, scaleOffsetRaw.z + scalePivotRaw.z - rotationPivotRaw.z); transformMatrix.multLocal(mat); transformMatrix.scale(scaleLocalRaw); transformMatrix.scale(new Vector3f(scene.unitSize, scene.unitSize, scene.unitSize)); mat.setTranslation(scalePivotRaw.negate()); transformMatrix.multLocal(mat); localTransform = new Transform(transformMatrix.toTranslationVector(), transformMatrix.toRotationQuat(), transformMatrix.toScaleVector()); node.setLocalTransform(localTransform); } @Override public void linkToZero() { scene.sceneNode.attachChild(node); } public void setSkeleton(Skeleton skeleton) { if(bone != null) boneIndex = skeleton.getBoneIndex(bone); } public void buildBindPoseBoneTransform() { if(bone != null) { Matrix4f t = bindTransform; if(t != null) { Matrix4f parentMatrix = parentFbxNode != null ? parentFbxNode.bindTransform : Matrix4f.IDENTITY; if(parentMatrix == null) parentMatrix = node.getLocalToWorldMatrix(null); t = parentMatrix.invert().multLocal(t); bone.setBindTransforms(t.toTranslationVector(), t.toRotationQuat(), t.toScaleVector()); } else { bone.setBindTransforms(node.getLocalTranslation(), node.getLocalRotation(), node.getLocalScale()); } } } @Override public void link(FbxObject child, String propertyName) { if(child instanceof FbxAnimNode) { FbxAnimNode anim = (FbxAnimNode) child; switch(propertyName) { case "Lcl Translation": animTranslations.put(anim.layerId, anim); lastAnimTranslation = anim; break; case "Lcl Rotation": animRotations.put(anim.layerId, anim); lastAnimRotation = anim; break; case "Lcl Scaling": animScales.put(anim.layerId, anim); lastAnimScale = anim; break; } } } public FbxAnimNode animTranslation(long layerId) { if(layerId == 0) return lastAnimTranslation; return animTranslations.get(layerId); } public FbxAnimNode animRotation(long layerId) { if(layerId == 0) return lastAnimRotation; return animRotations.get(layerId); } public FbxAnimNode animScale(long layerId) { if(layerId == 0) return lastAnimScale; return animScales.get(layerId); } @Override public void link(FbxObject otherObject) { if(otherObject instanceof FbxMaterial) { FbxMaterial m = (FbxMaterial) otherObject; Material mat = m.material; if(cullMode != FaceCullMode.Back) mat.getAdditionalRenderState().setFaceCullMode(cullMode); for(Geometry g : mesh.geometries) { if(g.getUserData("FBXMaterial") != null) { if((Integer) g.getUserData("FBXMaterial") == mesh.lastMaterialId) g.setMaterial(mat); } else { g.setMaterial(mat); } } mesh.lastMaterialId++; } else if(otherObject instanceof FbxNode) { FbxNode n = (FbxNode) otherObject; node.attachChild(n.node); n.parentFbxNode = this; if(isLimb() && n.isLimb()) { if(bone == null) bone = new Bone(name); if(n.bone == null) n.bone = new Bone(; bone.addChild(n.bone); } } else if(otherObject instanceof FbxMesh) { FbxMesh m = (FbxMesh) otherObject; m.setParent(node); m.parent = this; mesh = m; } } public boolean isLimb() { return type.equals("LimbNode"); } }