package; /* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import; import; import; import com.jme3.input.vr.VRAPI; import com.jme3.input.vr.VRInputAPI; import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA; import com.jme3.math.Quaternion; import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; import; import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager; import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort; import com.jme3.scene.Spatial; import com.jme3.system.AppSettings; import com.jme3.util.VRGUIPositioningMode; import com.jme3.util.VRGuiManager; import com.jme3.util.VRMouseManager; import com.jme3.util.VRViewManager; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A JMonkey app state dedicated to Virtual Reality. * An application that want to use VR devices (HTC vive, ...) has to use this app state.<br> * As this app state and the main {@link Application application} have to share {@link AppSettings application settings}, * the common way to use this app state is:<br> * <ul> * <li>To create {@link AppSettings application settings} and set the VR related settings (see {@link VRConstants}). * <li>To instantiate this app state with the created settings. * <li>To instantiate the main {@link Application application} and to attach it to the created settings (with {@link Application#setSettings(AppSettings) setSettings(AppSettings)}). * <li>To start the main {@link Application application}. * </ul> * Attaching an instance of this app state to an already started application may cause crashes. * @author Julien Seinturier - JOrigin project - <a href="">http:/</a> */ public class VRAppState extends AbstractAppState { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VRAppState.class.getName()); /** * Is the application has not to start within VR mode (default is <code>false</code>). */ public boolean DISABLE_VR = false; private float fFar = 1000f; private float fNear = 0.1f; private int xWin = 1920; private int yWin = 1080; private float resMult = 1f; /* where is the headset pointing, after all rotations are combined? depends on observer rotation, if any */ private Quaternion tempq = new Quaternion(); private Application application = null; private AppStateManager stateManager = null; private AppSettings settings = null; private VREnvironment environment = null; /** * Create a new default VR app state that relies on the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}. * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} that this app state is using. */ public VRAppState(VREnvironment environment) { super(); this.environment = environment; this.setSettings(environment.getSettings()); } /** * Create a new VR app state with given settings. The app state relies on the the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}. * @param settings the settings to use. * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} that this app state is using. */ public VRAppState(AppSettings settings, VREnvironment environment){ this(environment); this.settings = settings; processSettings(settings); } /** * Simple update of the app state, this method should contains any spatial updates. * This method is called by the {@link #update(float) update()} method and should not be called manually. * @param tpf the application time. */ public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) { return; } /** * Rendering callback of the app state. This method is called by the {@link #update(float) update()} method and should not be called manually. * @param renderManager the {@link RenderManager render manager}. */ public void simpleRender(RenderManager renderManager) { PreNormalCaching.resetCache(environment.isInVR()); } /** * Set the frustrum values for the application. * @param near the frustrum near value. * @param far the frustrum far value. */ public void setFrustrumNearFar(float near, float far) { fNear = near; fFar = far; } /** * Set the mirror window size in pixel. * @param width the width of the mirror window in pixel. * @param height the height of the mirror window in pixel. */ public void setMirrorWindowSize(int width, int height) { xWin = width; yWin = height; } /** * Set the resolution multiplier. * @param val the resolution multiplier. */ public void setResolutionMultiplier(float val) { resMult = val; if( environment.getVRViewManager() != null ){ environment.getVRViewManager().setResolutionMultiplier(resMult); } } /** * Move filters from the main scene into the eye's. * This removes filters from the main scene. */ public void moveScreenProcessingToVR() { environment.getVRViewManager().moveScreenProcessingToEyes(); } /** * Get the observer final rotation within the scene. * @return the observer final rotation within the scene. * @see #getFinalObserverPosition() */ public Quaternion getFinalObserverRotation() { if( environment.getVRViewManager() == null ) { if( environment.getObserver() == null ) { return environment.getCamera().getRotation(); } else { return ((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldRotation(); } } if( environment.getObserver() == null ) { tempq.set(environment.getDummyCamera().getRotation()); } else { tempq.set(((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldRotation()); } return tempq.multLocal(environment.getVRHardware().getOrientation()); } /** * Get the observer final position within the scene. * @return the observer position. * @see #getFinalObserverRotation() */ public Vector3f getFinalObserverPosition() { if( environment.getVRViewManager() == null ) { if( environment.getObserver() == null ) { return environment.getCamera().getLocation(); } else{ return ((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldTranslation(); } } Vector3f pos = environment.getVRHardware().getPosition(); if( environment.getObserver() == null ) { environment.getDummyCamera().getRotation().mult(pos, pos); return pos.addLocal(environment.getDummyCamera().getLocation()); } else { ((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldRotation().mult(pos, pos); return pos.addLocal(((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldTranslation()); } } /** * Get the VR headset left viewport. * @return the VR headset left viewport. * @see #getRightViewPort() */ public ViewPort getLeftViewPort() { if( environment.getVRViewManager() == null ){ return application.getViewPort(); } return environment.getVRViewManager().getLeftViewport(); } /** * Get the VR headset right viewport. * @return the VR headset right viewport. * @see #getLeftViewPort() */ public ViewPort getRightViewPort() { if( environment.getVRViewManager() == null ){ return application.getViewPort(); } return environment.getVRViewManager().getRightViewport(); } /** * Set the background color for both left and right view ports. * @param clr the background color. */ public void setBackgroundColors(ColorRGBA clr) { if( environment.getVRViewManager() == null ) { application.getViewPort().setBackgroundColor(clr); } else if( environment.getVRViewManager().getLeftViewport() != null ) { environment.getVRViewManager().getLeftViewport().setBackgroundColor(clr); if( environment.getVRViewManager().getRightViewport() != null ){ environment.getVRViewManager().getRightViewport().setBackgroundColor(clr); } } } /** * Get the {@link Application} to which this app state is attached. * @return the {@link Application} to which this app state is attached. * @see #getStateManager() */ public Application getApplication(){ return application; } /** * Get the {@link AppStateManager state manager} to which this app state is attached. * @return the {@link AppStateManager state manager} to which this app state is attached. * @see #getApplication() */ public AppStateManager getStateManager(){ return stateManager; } /** * Get the scene observer. If no observer has been set, this method return the application {@link #getCamera() camera}. * @return the scene observer. * @see #setObserver(Spatial) */ public Object getObserver() { return environment.getObserver(); } /** * Set the scene observer. The VR headset will be linked to it. If no observer is set, the VR headset is linked to the the application {@link #getCamera() camera}. * @param observer the scene observer. */ public void setObserver(Spatial observer) { environment.setObserver(observer); } /** * Check if the rendering is instanced (see <a href="">Geometry instancing</a>). * @return <code>true</code> if the rendering is instanced and <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isInstanceRendering() { return environment.isInstanceRendering(); } /** * Return the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} on which this app state relies. * @return the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} on which this app state relies. */ public VREnvironment getVREnvironment(){ return environment; } /** * Get the VR underlying hardware. * @return the VR underlying hardware. */ public VRAPI getVRHardware() { return getVREnvironment().getVRHardware(); } /** * Get the VR dedicated input. * @return the VR dedicated input. */ public VRInputAPI getVRinput() { if( getVREnvironment().getVRHardware() == null ){ return null; } return getVREnvironment().getVRHardware().getVRinput(); } /** * Get the VR view manager. * @return the VR view manager. */ public VRViewManager getVRViewManager() { return getVREnvironment().getVRViewManager(); } /** * Get the GUI manager attached to this app state. * @return the GUI manager attached to this app state. */ public VRGuiManager getVRGUIManager(){ return getVREnvironment().getVRGUIManager(); } /** * Get the VR mouse manager attached to this app state. * @return the VR mouse manager attached to this application. */ public VRMouseManager getVRMouseManager(){ return getVREnvironment().getVRMouseManager(); } /** * Get the {@link AppSettings settings} attached to this app state. * @return the {@link AppSettings settings} attached to this app state. * @see #setSettings(AppSettings) */ public AppSettings getSettings(){ return settings; } /** * Set the {@link AppSettings settings} attached to this app state. * @param settings the {@link AppSettings settings} attached to this app state. * @see #getSettings() */ public void setSettings(AppSettings settings){ this.settings = settings; processSettings(settings); } @Override public void update(float tpf) { // update VR pose & cameras if( environment.getVRViewManager() != null ) { environment.getVRViewManager().update(tpf); } else if( environment.getObserver() != null ) { environment.getCamera().setFrame(((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldTranslation(), ((Spatial)environment.getObserver()).getWorldRotation()); } //FIXME: check if this code is necessary. // Updates scene and gui states. Iterator<Spatial> spatialIter = application.getViewPort().getScenes().iterator(); Spatial spatial = null; while(spatialIter.hasNext()){ spatial =; spatial.updateLogicalState(tpf); spatial.updateGeometricState(); } if( environment.isInVR() == false || environment.getVRGUIManager().getPositioningMode() == VRGUIPositioningMode.MANUAL ) { // only update geometric state here if GUI is in manual mode, or not in VR // it will get updated automatically in the viewmanager update otherwise spatialIter = application.getGuiViewPort().getScenes().iterator(); spatial = null; while(spatialIter.hasNext()){ spatial =; spatial.updateGeometricState(); } } // use the analog control on the first tracked controller to push around the mouse environment.getVRMouseManager().updateAnalogAsMouse(0, null, null, null, tpf); } @Override public void postRender() { super.postRender(); // update compositor if( environment.getVRViewManager() != null ) { environment.getVRViewManager().postRender(); } } @Override public void initialize(AppStateManager stateManager, Application app) { super.initialize(stateManager, app); this.application = app; this.stateManager = stateManager; // disable annoying warnings about GUI stuff being updated, which is normal behavior // for late GUI placement for VR purposes Logger.getLogger("com.jme3").setLevel(Level.SEVERE); app.getCamera().setFrustumFar(fFar); app.getCamera().setFrustumNear(fNear); if( environment.isInVR() ) { logger.config("VR mode enabled."); if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ) { environment.getVRHardware().initVRCompositor(environment.compositorAllowed()); } else { logger.warning("No VR system found."); } environment.getVRViewManager().setResolutionMultiplier(resMult); //inputManager.addMapping(RESET_HMD, new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_F9)); //setLostFocusBehavior(LostFocusBehavior.Disabled); } else { logger.config("VR mode disabled."); //viewPort.attachScene(rootNode); //guiViewPort.attachScene(guiNode); } if( environment.getVRViewManager() != null ) { environment.getVRViewManager().initialize(); } } @Override public void stateAttached(AppStateManager stateManager) { super.stateAttached(stateManager); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. if (settings == null) { settings = new AppSettings(true); logger.config("Using default settings."); } else { logger.config("Using given settings."); } // Attach VR environment to the application if (!environment.isInitialized()){ environment.initialize(); } if (environment.isInitialized()){ environment.atttach(this, stateManager.getApplication()); } else { logger.severe("Cannot attach VR environment to the VR app state as its not initialized."); } GraphicsDevice defDev = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); if( environment.isInVR() && !environment.compositorAllowed() ) { // "easy extended" mode // setup experimental JFrame on external device // first, find the VR device GraphicsDevice VRdev = null; GraphicsDevice[] devs = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices(); // pick the display that isn't the default one for(GraphicsDevice gd : devs) { if( gd != defDev ) { VRdev = gd; break; } } // did we get the VR device? if( VRdev != null ) { // set properties for VR acceleration try { java.awt.DisplayMode useDM = null; int max = 0; for(java.awt.DisplayMode dm : VRdev.getDisplayModes()) { int check = dm.getHeight() + dm.getWidth() + dm.getRefreshRate() + dm.getBitDepth(); if( check > max ) { max = check; useDM = dm; } } // create a window for the VR device settings.setWidth(useDM.getWidth()); settings.setHeight(useDM.getHeight()); settings.setBitsPerPixel(useDM.getBitDepth()); settings.setFrequency(useDM.getRefreshRate()); settings.setSwapBuffers(true); settings.setVSync(true); // allow vsync on this display stateManager.getApplication().setSettings(settings); logger.config("Updated underlying application settings."); //VRdev.setFullScreenWindow(VRwindow); // make sure we are in the right display mode if( VRdev.getDisplayMode().equals(useDM) == false ) { VRdev.setDisplayMode(useDM); } return; } catch(Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } else { logger.config("Cannot access to external screen."); } } else { if (!environment.isInVR()){ logger.config("Cannot switch to VR mode (VR disabled by user)."); } else if (!environment.compositorAllowed()){ logger.warning("Cannot switch to VR mode (VR not supported)."); } } if( !environment.isInVR() ) { //FIXME: Handling GLFW workaround on MacOS boolean macOs = false; if (macOs) { // GLFW workaround on macs settings.setFrequency(defDev.getDisplayMode().getRefreshRate()); settings.setDepthBits(24); settings.setVSync(true); // try and read resolution from file in local dir File resfile = new File("resolution.txt"); if( resfile.exists() ) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(resfile)); settings.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())); settings.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())); try { settings.setFullscreen(br.readLine().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("full")); } catch(Exception e) { settings.setFullscreen(false); } br.close(); } catch(Exception e) { settings.setWidth(1280); settings.setHeight(720); } } else { settings.setWidth(1280); settings.setHeight(720); settings.setFullscreen(false); } settings.setResizable(false); } settings.setSwapBuffers(true); } else { // use basic mirroring window, skip settings window settings.setSamples(1); settings.setWidth(xWin); settings.setHeight(yWin); settings.setBitsPerPixel(32); settings.setFrameRate(0); settings.setFrequency(environment.getVRHardware().getDisplayFrequency()); settings.setFullscreen(false); settings.setVSync(false); // stop vsyncing on primary monitor! settings.setSwapBuffers(environment.isSwapBuffers()); } // Updating application settings stateManager.getApplication().setSettings(settings); logger.config("Updated underlying application settings."); } @Override public void cleanup() { if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ) { environment.getVRHardware().destroy(); } this.application = null; this.stateManager = null; } @Override public void stateDetached(AppStateManager stateManager) { super.stateDetached(stateManager); } /** * Process the attached settings and apply changes to this app state. * @param settings the app settings to process. */ protected void processSettings(AppSettings settings){ if (settings != null){ if (settings.get(VRConstants.SETTING_DISABLE_VR) != null){ DISABLE_VR = settings.getBoolean(VRConstants.SETTING_DISABLE_VR); } } } }