package com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import jme3tools.converters.ImageToAwt; import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA; import com.jme3.math.Vector2f; import com.jme3.scene.Geometry; import com.jme3.scene.Mesh; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderContext; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderContext.LoadedDataType; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Structure; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.materials.MaterialContext; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.meshes.TemporalMesh; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.TriangulatedTexture.TriangleTextureElement; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.UVCoordinatesGenerator.UVCoordinatesType; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.UVProjectionGenerator.UVProjectionType; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.blending.TextureBlender; import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.textures.blending.TextureBlenderFactory; import; import; import com.jme3.texture.Image; import com.jme3.texture.Texture; import com.jme3.texture.Texture.MagFilter; import com.jme3.texture.Texture.MinFilter; import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode; import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D; import com.jme3.texture.TextureCubeMap; import com.jme3.texture.image.ColorSpace; import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils; /** * This class represents a texture that is defined for the material. It can be * made of several textures (both 2D and 3D) that are merged together and * returned as a single texture. * * @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas) */ public class CombinedTexture { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CombinedTexture.class.getName()); /** The mapping type of the texture. Defined bu MaterialContext.MTEX_COL, MTEX_NOR etc. */ private final int mappingType; /** * If set to true then if a texture without alpha is added then all textures below are discarded because * the new one will cover them anyway. If set to false then all textures are stored. */ private boolean discardCoveredTextures; /** The data for each of the textures. */ private List<TextureData> textureDatas = new ArrayList<TextureData>(); /** The result texture. */ private Texture resultTexture; /** The UV values for the result texture. */ private List<Vector2f> resultUVS; /** * Constructor. Stores the texture mapping type (ie. color map, normal map). * * @param mappingType * texture mapping type * @param discardCoveredTextures * if set to true then if a texture without alpha is added then all textures below are discarded because * the new one will cover them anyway, if set to false then all textures are stored */ public CombinedTexture(int mappingType, boolean discardCoveredTextures) { this.mappingType = mappingType; this.discardCoveredTextures = discardCoveredTextures; } /** * This method adds a texture data to the resulting texture. * * @param texture * the source texture * @param textureBlender * the texture blender (to mix the texture with its material * color) * @param uvCoordinatesType * the type of UV coordinates * @param projectionType * the type of UV coordinates projection (for flat textures) * @param textureStructure * the texture sructure * @param uvCoordinatesName * the name of the used user's UV coordinates for this texture * @param blenderContext * the blender context */ public void add(Texture texture, TextureBlender textureBlender, int uvCoordinatesType, int projectionType, Structure textureStructure, String uvCoordinatesName, BlenderContext blenderContext) { if (!(texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) && !(texture instanceof Texture2D)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported texture type: " + (texture == null ? "null" : texture.getClass())); } if (!(texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) || blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isLoadGeneratedTextures()) { if (UVCoordinatesGenerator.isTextureCoordinateTypeSupported(UVCoordinatesType.valueOf(uvCoordinatesType))) { TextureData textureData = new TextureData(); textureData.texture = texture; textureData.textureBlender = textureBlender; textureData.uvCoordinatesType = UVCoordinatesType.valueOf(uvCoordinatesType); textureData.projectionType = UVProjectionType.valueOf(projectionType); textureData.textureStructure = textureStructure; textureData.uvCoordinatesName = uvCoordinatesName; if (discardCoveredTextures && textureDatas.size() > 0 && this.isWithoutAlpha(textureData, blenderContext)) { textureDatas.clear();// clear previous textures, they will be covered anyway } textureDatas.add(textureData); } else { LOGGER.warning("The texture coordinates type is not supported: " + UVCoordinatesType.valueOf(uvCoordinatesType) + ". The texture '" + textureStructure.getName() + "'."); } } } /** * This method flattens the texture and creates a single result of Texture2D * type. * * @param geometry * the geometry the texture is created for * @param geometriesOMA * the old memory address of the geometries list that the given * geometry belongs to (needed for bounding box creation) * @param userDefinedUVCoordinates * the UV's defined by user (null or zero length table if none * were defined) * @param blenderContext * the blender context * @return the name of the user UV coordinates used (null if the UV's were * generated) */ public String flatten(Geometry geometry, Long geometriesOMA, Map<String, List<Vector2f>> userDefinedUVCoordinates, BlenderContext blenderContext) { Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh(); Texture previousTexture = null; UVCoordinatesType masterUVCoordinatesType = null; String masterUserUVSetName = null; for (TextureData textureData : textureDatas) { // decompress compressed textures (all will be merged into one texture anyway) if (textureDatas.size() > 1 && textureData.texture.getImage().getFormat().isCompressed()) { textureData.texture.setImage(ImageUtils.decompress(textureData.texture.getImage())); textureData.textureBlender = TextureBlenderFactory.alterTextureType(textureData.texture.getImage().getFormat(), textureData.textureBlender); } if (previousTexture == null) {// the first texture will lead the others to its shape if (textureData.texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) { resultTexture = ((GeneratedTexture) textureData.texture).triangulate(mesh, geometriesOMA, textureData.uvCoordinatesType, blenderContext); } else if (textureData.texture instanceof Texture2D) { resultTexture = textureData.texture; if (textureData.uvCoordinatesType == UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV && userDefinedUVCoordinates != null && userDefinedUVCoordinates.size() > 0) { if (textureData.uvCoordinatesName == null) { resultUVS = userDefinedUVCoordinates.values().iterator().next();// get the first UV available } else { resultUVS = userDefinedUVCoordinates.get(textureData.uvCoordinatesName); } if(resultUVS == null && LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.warning("The texture " + textureData.texture.getName() + " has assigned non existing UV coordinates group: " + textureData.uvCoordinatesName + "."); } masterUserUVSetName = textureData.uvCoordinatesName; } else { TemporalMesh temporalMesh = (TemporalMesh) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(geometriesOMA, LoadedDataType.TEMPORAL_MESH); resultUVS = UVCoordinatesGenerator.generateUVCoordinatesFor2DTexture(mesh, textureData.uvCoordinatesType, textureData.projectionType, temporalMesh); } } this.blend(resultTexture, textureData.textureBlender, blenderContext); previousTexture = resultTexture; masterUVCoordinatesType = textureData.uvCoordinatesType; } else { if (textureData.texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) { if (!(resultTexture instanceof TriangulatedTexture)) { resultTexture = new TriangulatedTexture((Texture2D) resultTexture, resultUVS, blenderContext); resultUVS = null; previousTexture = resultTexture; } TriangulatedTexture triangulatedTexture = ((GeneratedTexture) textureData.texture).triangulate(mesh, geometriesOMA, textureData.uvCoordinatesType, blenderContext); triangulatedTexture.castToUVS((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture, blenderContext); triangulatedTexture.blend(textureData.textureBlender, (TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture, blenderContext); resultTexture = previousTexture = triangulatedTexture; } else if (textureData.texture instanceof Texture2D) { if (this.isUVTypesMatch(masterUVCoordinatesType, masterUserUVSetName, textureData.uvCoordinatesType, textureData.uvCoordinatesName) && resultTexture instanceof Texture2D) { this.scale((Texture2D) textureData.texture, resultTexture.getImage().getWidth(), resultTexture.getImage().getHeight()); ImageUtils.merge(resultTexture.getImage(), textureData.texture.getImage()); previousTexture = resultTexture; } else { if (!(resultTexture instanceof TriangulatedTexture)) { resultTexture = new TriangulatedTexture((Texture2D) resultTexture, resultUVS, blenderContext); resultUVS = null; } // first triangulate the current texture List<Vector2f> textureUVS = null; if (textureData.uvCoordinatesType == UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV && userDefinedUVCoordinates != null && userDefinedUVCoordinates.size() > 0) { if (textureData.uvCoordinatesName == null) { textureUVS = userDefinedUVCoordinates.values().iterator().next();// get the first UV available } else { textureUVS = userDefinedUVCoordinates.get(textureData.uvCoordinatesName); } } else { TemporalMesh geometries = (TemporalMesh) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(geometriesOMA, LoadedDataType.TEMPORAL_MESH); textureUVS = UVCoordinatesGenerator.generateUVCoordinatesFor2DTexture(mesh, textureData.uvCoordinatesType, textureData.projectionType, geometries); } TriangulatedTexture triangulatedTexture = new TriangulatedTexture((Texture2D) textureData.texture, textureUVS, blenderContext); // then move the texture to different UV's triangulatedTexture.castToUVS((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture, blenderContext); // merge triangulated textures for (int i = 0; i < ((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getFaceTextureCount(); ++i) { ImageUtils.merge(((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getFaceTextureElement(i).image, triangulatedTexture.getFaceTextureElement(i).image); } } } } } if (resultTexture instanceof TriangulatedTexture) { if (mappingType == MaterialContext.MTEX_NOR) { for (int i = 0; i < ((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getFaceTextureCount(); ++i) { TriangleTextureElement triangleTextureElement = ((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getFaceTextureElement(i); triangleTextureElement.image = ImageUtils.convertToNormalMapTexture(triangleTextureElement.image, 1);// TODO: get proper strength factor } } resultUVS = ((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getResultUVS(); resultTexture = ((TriangulatedTexture) resultTexture).getResultTexture(); masterUserUVSetName = null; } // setting additional data resultTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); // the filters are required if generated textures are used because // otherwise ugly lines appear between the mesh faces resultTexture.setMagFilter(MagFilter.Nearest); resultTexture.setMinFilter(MinFilter.NearestNoMipMaps); return masterUserUVSetName; } /** * Generates a texture that will be used by the sky spatial. * The result texture has 6 layers. Every image in each layer has equal size and its shape is a square. * The size of each image is the maximum size (width or height) of the textures given. * The default sky generated texture size is used (this value is set in the BlenderKey) if no picture textures * are present or their sizes is lower than the generated texture size. * The textures of lower sizes are properly scaled. * All the textures are mixed into one and put as layers in the result texture. * * @param horizontalColor * the horizon color * @param zenithColor * the zenith color * @param blenderContext * the blender context * @return texture for the sky */ public TextureCubeMap generateSkyTexture(ColorRGBA horizontalColor, ColorRGBA zenithColor, BlenderContext blenderContext) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Preparing sky texture from {0} applied textures.", textureDatas.size()); LOGGER.fine("Computing the texture size."); int size = -1; for (TextureData textureData : textureDatas) { if (textureData.texture instanceof Texture2D) { size = Math.max(textureData.texture.getImage().getWidth(), size); size = Math.max(textureData.texture.getImage().getHeight(), size); } } if (size < 0) { size = blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getSkyGeneratedTextureSize(); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "The sky texture size will be: {0}x{0}.", size); TextureCubeMap result = null; for (TextureData textureData : textureDatas) { TextureCubeMap texture = null; if (textureData.texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) { texture = ((GeneratedTexture) textureData.texture).generateSkyTexture(size, horizontalColor, zenithColor, blenderContext); } else { // first create a grayscale version of the image Image image = textureData.texture.getImage(); if (image.getWidth() != image.getHeight() || image.getWidth() != size) { image = ImageUtils.resizeTo(image, size, size); } Image grayscaleImage = ImageUtils.convertToGrayscaleTexture(image); // add the sky colors to the image PixelInputOutput sourcePixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(grayscaleImage.getFormat()); PixelInputOutput targetPixelIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat()); TexturePixel texturePixel = new TexturePixel(); for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) {, 0, texturePixel, x, y); texturePixel.intensity =;// no matter which factor we use here, in grayscale they are all equal ImageUtils.color(texturePixel, horizontalColor, zenithColor); targetPixelIO.write(image, 0, texturePixel, x, y); } } // create the cubemap texture from the coloured image ByteBuffer sourceData = image.getData(0); ArrayList<ByteBuffer> data = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(6); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { data.add(BufferUtils.clone(sourceData)); } texture = new TextureCubeMap(new Image(image.getFormat(), image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), 6, data, ColorSpace.Linear)); } if (result == null) { result = texture; } else { ImageUtils.mix(result.getImage(), texture.getImage()); } } return result; } /** * The method checks if the texture UV coordinates match. * It the types are equal and different then UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV then we consider them a match. * If they are both UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV then they match only when their UV sets names are equal. * In other cases they are considered NOT a match. * @param type1 * the UV coord type * @param uvSetName1 * the user's UV coords set name (considered only for UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV) * @param type2 * the UV coord type * @param uvSetName2 * the user's UV coords set name (considered only for UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV) * @return <b>true</b> if the types match and <b>false</b> otherwise */ private boolean isUVTypesMatch(UVCoordinatesType type1, String uvSetName1, UVCoordinatesType type2, String uvSetName2) { if (type1 == type2) { if (type1 == UVCoordinatesType.TEXCO_UV) { if (uvSetName1 != null && uvSetName2 != null && uvSetName1.equals(uvSetName2)) { return true; } } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * This method blends the texture. * * @param texture * the texture to be blended * @param textureBlender * blending definition for the texture * @param blenderContext * the blender context */ private void blend(Texture texture, TextureBlender textureBlender, BlenderContext blenderContext) { if (texture instanceof TriangulatedTexture) { ((TriangulatedTexture) texture).blend(textureBlender, null, blenderContext); } else if (texture instanceof Texture2D) { Image blendedImage = textureBlender.blend(texture.getImage(), null, blenderContext); texture.setImage(blendedImage); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type for texture to blend!"); } } /** * @return the result texture */ public Texture getResultTexture() { return resultTexture; } /** * @return the result UV coordinates */ public List<Vector2f> getResultUVS() { return resultUVS; } /** * @return the amount of added textures */ public int getTexturesCount() { return textureDatas.size(); } /** * @return the texture's mapping type */ public int getMappingType() { return mappingType; } /** * @return <b>true</b> if the texture has at least one generated texture component and <b>false</b> otherwise */ public boolean hasGeneratedTextures() { if (textureDatas != null) { for (TextureData textureData : textureDatas) { if (textureData.texture instanceof GeneratedTexture) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * This method determines if the given texture has no alpha channel. * * @param texture * the texture to check for alpha channel * @return <b>true</b> if the texture has no alpha channel and <b>false</b> * otherwise */ private boolean isWithoutAlpha(TextureData textureData, BlenderContext blenderContext) { ColorBand colorBand = new ColorBand(textureData.textureStructure, blenderContext); if (!colorBand.hasTransparencies()) { int type = ((Number) textureData.textureStructure.getFieldValue("type")).intValue(); if (type == TextureHelper.TEX_MAGIC) { return true; } if (type == TextureHelper.TEX_VORONOI) { int voronoiColorType = ((Number) textureData.textureStructure.getFieldValue("vn_coltype")).intValue(); return voronoiColorType != 0;// voronoiColorType == 0: // intensity, voronoiColorType // != 0: col1, col2 or col3 } if (type == TextureHelper.TEX_CLOUDS) { int sType = ((Number) textureData.textureStructure.getFieldValue("stype")).intValue(); return sType == 1;// sType==0: without colors, sType==1: with // colors } // checking the flat textures for alpha values presence if (type == TextureHelper.TEX_IMAGE) { Image image = textureData.texture.getImage(); switch (image.getFormat()) { case BGR8: case DXT1: case Luminance16F: case Luminance32F: case Luminance8: case RGB111110F: case RGB16F: case RGB32F: case RGB565: case RGB8: return true;// these types have no alpha by definition case ABGR8: case DXT1A: case DXT3: case DXT5: case Luminance16FAlpha16F: case Luminance8Alpha8: case RGBA16F: case RGBA32F: case RGBA8: case ARGB8: case BGRA8: case RGB5A1:// with these types it is better to make sure if the texture is or is not transparent PixelInputOutput pixelInputOutput = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat()); TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel(); int depth = image.getDepth() == 0 ? 1 : image.getDepth(); for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) { for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) {, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); if (pixel.alpha < 1.0f) { return false; } } } } return true; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown image format: " + image.getFormat()); } } } return false; } /** * This method scales the given texture to the given size. * * @param texture * the texture to be scaled * @param width * new width of the texture * @param height * new height of the texture */ private void scale(Texture2D texture, int width, int height) { // first determine if scaling is required boolean scaleRequired = texture.getImage().getWidth() != width || texture.getImage().getHeight() != height; if (scaleRequired) { Image image = texture.getImage(); BufferedImage sourceImage = ImageToAwt.convert(image, false, true, 0); int sourceWidth = sourceImage.getWidth(); int sourceHeight = sourceImage.getHeight(); BufferedImage targetImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, sourceImage.getType()); Graphics2D g = targetImage.createGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); g.drawImage(sourceImage, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, null); g.dispose(); Image output = new ImageLoader().load(targetImage, false); image.setWidth(width); image.setHeight(height); image.setData(output.getData(0)); image.setFormat(output.getFormat()); } } /** * A simple class to aggregate the texture data (improves code quality). * * @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas) */ private static class TextureData { /** The texture. */ public Texture texture; /** The texture blender (to mix the texture with its material color). */ public TextureBlender textureBlender; /** The type of UV coordinates. */ public UVCoordinatesType uvCoordinatesType; /** The type of UV coordinates projection (for flat textures). */ public UVProjectionType projectionType; /** The texture sructure. */ public Structure textureStructure; /** The name of the user's UV coordinates that are used for this texture. */ public String uvCoordinatesName; } }