/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 jMonkeyEngine All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.math; import com.jme3.export.*; import java.io.IOException; /** * <code>ColorRGBA</code> defines a color made from a collection of red, green * and blue values stored in Linear color space. An alpha value determines is * transparency. * * @author Mark Powell * @version $Id: ColorRGBA.java,v 1.29 2007/09/09 18:25:14 irrisor Exp $ */ public final class ColorRGBA implements Savable, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable { static final float GAMMA = 2.2f; static final long serialVersionUID = 1; /** * The color black (0,0,0). */ public static final ColorRGBA Black = new ColorRGBA(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); /** * The color white (1,1,1). */ public static final ColorRGBA White = new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); /** * The color gray (.2,.2,.2). */ public static final ColorRGBA DarkGray = new ColorRGBA(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); /** * The color gray (.5,.5,.5). */ public static final ColorRGBA Gray = new ColorRGBA(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); /** * The color gray (.8,.8,.8). */ public static final ColorRGBA LightGray = new ColorRGBA(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); /** * The color red (1,0,0). */ public static final ColorRGBA Red = new ColorRGBA(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f); /** * The color green (0,1,0). */ public static final ColorRGBA Green = new ColorRGBA(0f, 1f, 0f, 1f); /** * The color blue (0,0,1). */ public static final ColorRGBA Blue = new ColorRGBA(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); /** * The color yellow (1,1,0). */ public static final ColorRGBA Yellow = new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f); /** * The color magenta (1,0,1). */ public static final ColorRGBA Magenta = new ColorRGBA(1f, 0f, 1f, 1f); /** * The color cyan (0,1,1). */ public static final ColorRGBA Cyan = new ColorRGBA(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f); /** * The color orange (251/255, 130/255,0). */ public static final ColorRGBA Orange = new ColorRGBA(251f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 0f, 1f); /** * The color brown (65/255, 40/255, 25/255). */ public static final ColorRGBA Brown = new ColorRGBA(65f / 255f, 40f / 255f, 25f / 255f, 1f); /** * The color pink (1, 0.68, 0.68). */ public static final ColorRGBA Pink = new ColorRGBA(1f, 0.68f, 0.68f, 1f); /** * The black color with no alpha (0, 0, 0, 0). */ public static final ColorRGBA BlackNoAlpha = new ColorRGBA(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); /** * The red component of the color. 0 is none and 1 is maximum red. */ public float r; /** * The green component of the color. 0 is none and 1 is maximum green. */ public float g; /** * The blue component of the color. 0 is none and 1 is maximum blue. */ public float b; /** * The alpha component of the color. 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque. */ public float a; /** * Constructor instantiates a new <code>ColorRGBA</code> object. This * color is the default "white" with all values 1. */ public ColorRGBA() { r = g = b = a = 1.0f; } /** * Constructor instantiates a new <code>ColorRGBA</code> object. The * values are defined as passed parameters. * these values are assumed to be in linear space and stored as is. * If you want to assign sRGB values use * {@link ColorRGBA#setAsSrgb(float, float, float, float) } * @param r The red component of this color. * @param g The green component of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @param b The blue component of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @param a The alpha component of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. */ public ColorRGBA(float r, float g, float b, float a) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; } /** * Copy constructor creates a new <code>ColorRGBA</code> object, based on * a provided color. * @param rgba The <code>ColorRGBA</code> object to copy. */ public ColorRGBA(ColorRGBA rgba) { this.a = rgba.a; this.r = rgba.r; this.g = rgba.g; this.b = rgba.b; } /** * <code>set</code> sets the RGBA values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * these values are assumed to be in linear space and stored as is. * If you want to assign sRGB values use * {@link ColorRGBA#setAsSrgb(float, float, float, float) } * * @param r The red component of this color. * @param g The green component of this color. * @param b The blue component of this color. * @param a The alpha component of this color. * @return this */ public ColorRGBA set(float r, float g, float b, float a) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; return this; } /** * <code>set</code> sets the values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to those * set by a parameter color. * * @param rgba The color to set this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to. * @return this */ public ColorRGBA set(ColorRGBA rgba) { if (rgba == null) { r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; a = 0; } else { r = rgba.r; g = rgba.g; b = rgba.b; a = rgba.a; } return this; } /** * Saturate that color ensuring all channels have a value between 0 and 1 */ public void clamp() { r = FastMath.clamp(r, 0f, 1f); g = FastMath.clamp(g, 0f, 1f); b = FastMath.clamp(b, 0f, 1f); a = FastMath.clamp(a, 0f, 1f); } /** * <code>getColorArray</code> retrieves the color values of this * <code>ColorRGBA</code> as a four element <code>float</code> array in the * order: r,g,b,a. * @return The <code>float</code> array that contains the color components. */ public float[] getColorArray() { return new float[]{r, g, b, a}; } /** * Stores the current r,g,b,a values into the given array. The given array must have a * length of 4 or greater, or an array index out of bounds exception will be thrown. * @param store The <code>float</code> array to store the values into. * @return The <code>float</code> array after storage. */ public float[] getColorArray(float[] store) { store[0] = r; store[1] = g; store[2] = b; store[3] = a; return store; } /** * Retrieves the alpha component value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @return The alpha component value. */ public float getAlpha() { return a; } /** * Retrieves the red component value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @return The red component value. */ public float getRed() { return r; } /** * Retrieves the blue component value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @return The blue component value. */ public float getBlue() { return b; } /** * Retrieves the green component value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @return The green component value. */ public float getGreen() { return g; } /** * Sets this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to the interpolation by changeAmnt from * this to the finalColor: * this=(1-changeAmnt)*this + changeAmnt * finalColor * @param finalColor The final color to interpolate towards. * @param changeAmnt An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a percentage * change from this towards finalColor. * @return this ColorRGBA */ public ColorRGBA interpolateLocal(ColorRGBA finalColor, float changeAmnt) { this.r = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.r + changeAmnt * finalColor.r; this.g = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.g + changeAmnt * finalColor.g; this.b = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.b + changeAmnt * finalColor.b; this.a = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.a + changeAmnt * finalColor.a; return this; } /** * Sets this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to the interpolation by changeAmnt from * beginColor to finalColor: * this=(1-changeAmnt)*beginColor + changeAmnt * finalColor * @param beginColor The beginning color (changeAmnt=0). * @param finalColor The final color to interpolate towards (changeAmnt=1). * @param changeAmnt An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a percentage * change from beginColor towards finalColor. * @return this ColorRGBA */ public ColorRGBA interpolateLocal(ColorRGBA beginColor, ColorRGBA finalColor, float changeAmnt) { this.r = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginColor.r + changeAmnt * finalColor.r; this.g = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginColor.g + changeAmnt * finalColor.g; this.b = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginColor.b + changeAmnt * finalColor.b; this.a = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginColor.a + changeAmnt * finalColor.a; return this; } /** * <code>randomColor</code> is a utility method that generates a random * opaque color. * @return a random <code>ColorRGBA</code> with an alpha set to 1. */ public static ColorRGBA randomColor() { ColorRGBA rVal = new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 1); rVal.r = FastMath.nextRandomFloat(); rVal.g = FastMath.nextRandomFloat(); rVal.b = FastMath.nextRandomFloat(); return rVal; } /** * Multiplies each r,g,b,a of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> by the corresponding * r,g,b,a of the given color and returns the result as a new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * Used as a way of combining colors and lights. * @param c The color to multiply by. * @return The new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. this*c */ public ColorRGBA mult(ColorRGBA c) { return new ColorRGBA(c.r * r, c.g * g, c.b * b, c.a * a); } /** * Multiplies each r,g,b,a of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> by the given scalar and * returns the result as a new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * Used as a way of making colors dimmer or brighter. * @param scalar The scalar to multiply by. * @return The new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. this*scalar */ public ColorRGBA mult(float scalar) { return new ColorRGBA(scalar * r, scalar * g, scalar * b, scalar * a); } /** * Multiplies each r,g,b,a of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> by the given scalar and * returns the result (this). * Used as a way of making colors dimmer or brighter. * @param scalar The scalar to multiply by. * @return this*c */ public ColorRGBA multLocal(float scalar) { this.r *= scalar; this.g *= scalar; this.b *= scalar; this.a *= scalar; return this; } /** * Adds each r,g,b,a of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> by the corresponding * r,g,b,a of the given color and returns the result as a new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * Used as a way of combining colors and lights. * @param c The color to add. * @return The new <code>ColorRGBA</code>. this+c */ public ColorRGBA add(ColorRGBA c) { return new ColorRGBA(c.r + r, c.g + g, c.b + b, c.a + a); } /** * Adds each r,g,b,a of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> by the r,g,b,a the given * color and returns the result (this). * Used as a way of combining colors and lights. * @param c The color to add. * @return this+c */ public ColorRGBA addLocal(ColorRGBA c) { set(c.r + r, c.g + g, c.b + b, c.a + a); return this; } /** * <code>toString</code> returns the string representation of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * The format of the string is:<br> * <Class Name>: [R=RR.RRRR, G=GG.GGGG, B=BB.BBBB, A=AA.AAAA] * @return The string representation of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. */ @Override public String toString() { return "Color[" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + a + "]"; } @Override public ColorRGBA clone() { try { return (ColorRGBA) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new AssertionError(); // can not happen } } /** * Saves this <code>ColorRGBA</code> into the given <code>float</code> array. * @param floats The <code>float</code> array to take this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * If null, a new <code>float[4]</code> is created. * @return The array, with r,g,b,a float values in that order. */ public float[] toArray(float[] floats) { if (floats == null) { floats = new float[4]; } floats[0] = r; floats[1] = g; floats[2] = b; floats[3] = a; return floats; } /** * <code>equals</code> returns true if this <code>ColorRGBA</code> is logically equivalent * to a given color. That is, if all the components of the two colors are the same. * False is returned otherwise. * @param o The object to compare against. * @return true if the colors are equal, false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ColorRGBA)) { return false; } if (this == o) { return true; } ColorRGBA comp = (ColorRGBA) o; if (Float.compare(r, comp.r) != 0) { return false; } if (Float.compare(g, comp.g) != 0) { return false; } if (Float.compare(b, comp.b) != 0) { return false; } if (Float.compare(a, comp.a) != 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * <code>hashCode</code> returns a unique code for this <code>ColorRGBA</code> based * on its values. If two colors are logically equivalent, they will return * the same hash code value. * @return The hash code value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 37; hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(r); hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(g); hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(b); hash += 37 * hash + Float.floatToIntBits(a); return hash; } public void write(JmeExporter e) throws IOException { OutputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this); capsule.write(r, "r", 0); capsule.write(g, "g", 0); capsule.write(b, "b", 0); capsule.write(a, "a", 0); } public void read(JmeImporter e) throws IOException { InputCapsule capsule = e.getCapsule(this); r = capsule.readFloat("r", 0); g = capsule.readFloat("g", 0); b = capsule.readFloat("b", 0); a = capsule.readFloat("a", 0); } /** * Retrieves the component values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> as * a four element <code>byte</code> array in the order: r,g,b,a. * @return the <code>byte</code> array that contains the color components. */ public byte[] asBytesRGBA() { byte[] store = new byte[4]; store[0] = (byte) ((int) (r * 255) & 0xFF); store[1] = (byte) ((int) (g * 255) & 0xFF); store[2] = (byte) ((int) (b * 255) & 0xFF); store[3] = (byte) ((int) (a * 255) & 0xFF); return store; } /** * Retrieves the component values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> as an * <code>int</code> in a,r,g,b order. * Bits 24-31 are alpha, 16-23 are red, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are blue. * @return The integer representation of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> in a,r,g,b order. */ public int asIntARGB() { int argb = (((int) (a * 255) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((int) (r * 255) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((int) (g * 255) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((int) (b * 255) & 0xFF)); return argb; } /** * Retrieves the component values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> as an * <code>int</code> in r,g,b,a order. * Bits 24-31 are red, 16-23 are green, 8-15 are blue, 0-7 are alpha. * @return The integer representation of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> in r,g,b,a order. */ public int asIntRGBA() { int rgba = (((int) (r * 255) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((int) (g * 255) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((int) (b * 255) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((int) (a * 255) & 0xFF)); return rgba; } /** * Retrieves the component values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> as an * <code>int</code> in a,b,g,r order. * Bits 24-31 are alpha, 16-23 are blue, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are red. * @return The integer representation of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> in a,b,g,r order. */ public int asIntABGR() { int abgr = (((int) (a * 255) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((int) (b * 255) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((int) (g * 255) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((int) (r * 255) & 0xFF)); return abgr; } /** * Sets the component values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> with the given * combined ARGB <code>int</code>. * Bits 24-31 are alpha, bits 16-23 are red, bits 8-15 are green, bits 0-7 are blue. * @param color The integer ARGB value used to set this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * @return this */ public ColorRGBA fromIntARGB(int color) { a = ((byte) (color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255f; r = ((byte) (color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255f; g = ((byte) (color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255f; b = ((byte) (color) & 0xFF) / 255f; return this; } /** * Sets the RGBA values of this <code>ColorRGBA</code> with the given combined RGBA value * Bits 24-31 are red, bits 16-23 are green, bits 8-15 are blue, bits 0-7 are alpha. * @param color The integer RGBA value used to set this object. * @return this */ public ColorRGBA fromIntRGBA(int color) { r = ((byte) (color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255f; g = ((byte) (color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255f; b = ((byte) (color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255f; a = ((byte) (color) & 0xFF) / 255f; return this; } /** * Transform this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to a <code>Vector3f</code> using * x = r, y = g, z = b. The Alpha value is not used. * This method is useful to use for shaders assignment. * @return A <code>Vector3f</code> containing the RGB value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. */ public Vector3f toVector3f() { return new Vector3f(r, g, b); } /** * Transform this <code>ColorRGBA</code> to a <code>Vector4f</code> using * x = r, y = g, z = b, w = a. * This method is useful to use for shaders assignment. * @return A <code>Vector4f</code> containing the RGBA value of this <code>ColorRGBA</code>. */ public Vector4f toVector4f() { return new Vector4f(r, g, b, a); } /** * Sets the rgba channels of this color in sRGB color space. * You probably want to use this method if the color is picked by the use * in a color picker from a GUI. * * Note that the values will be gamma corrected to be stored in linear space * GAMMA value is 2.2 * * Note that no correction will be performed on the alpha channel as it's * conventionnally doesn't represent a color itself * * @param r the red value in sRGB color space * @param g the green value in sRGB color space * @param b the blue value in sRGB color space * @param a the alpha value * * @return this ColorRGBA with updated values. */ public ColorRGBA setAsSrgb(float r, float g, float b, float a){ this.r = (float)Math.pow(r, GAMMA); this.b = (float)Math.pow(b, GAMMA); this.g = (float)Math.pow(g, GAMMA); this.a = a; return this; } /** * Get the color in sRGB color space as a <code>ColorRGBA</code>. * * Note that linear values stored in the ColorRGBA will be gamma corrected * and returned as a ColorRGBA. * * The x attribute will be fed with the r channel in sRGB space. * The y attribute will be fed with the g channel in sRGB space. * The z attribute will be fed with the b channel in sRGB space. * The w attribute will be fed with the a channel. * * Note that no correction will be performed on the alpha channel as it * conventionally doesn't represent a color itself. * * @return the color in sRGB color space as a ColorRGBA. */ public ColorRGBA getAsSrgb() { ColorRGBA srgb = new ColorRGBA(); float invGama = 1f / GAMMA; srgb.r = (float) Math.pow(r, invGama); srgb.g = (float) Math.pow(g, invGama); srgb.b = (float) Math.pow(b, invGama); srgb.a = a; return srgb; } }