package; /* * A* algorithm implementation. * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Giuseppe Scrivano <> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see <>. */ import java.util.*; /** * A* algorithm implementation using the method design pattern. * * @author Giuseppe Scrivano */ public abstract class AStar<T> { private class Path implements Comparable<Path> { public T point; public Double f; public Double g; public Path parent; /** * Default c'tor. */ public Path() { parent = null; point = null; g = f = 0.0; } /** * C'tor by copy another object. * * @param p The path object to clone. */ public Path(Path p) { this(); parent = p; g = p.g; f = p.f; } /** * Compare to another object using the total cost f. * * @param o The object to compare to. * @see Comparable#compareTo() * @return <code>less than 0</code> This object is smaller * than <code>0</code>; * <code>0</code> Object are the same. * <code>bigger than 0</code> This object is bigger * than o. */ public int compareTo(Path o) { Path p = o; return (int) (f - p.f); } /** * Get the last point on the path. * * @return The last point visited by the path. */ public T getPoint() { return point; } /** * Set the */ public void setPoint(T p) { point = p; } } /** * Check if the current node is a goal for the problem. * * @param node The node to check. * @return <code>true</code> if it is a goal, <code>false</else> otherwise. */ protected abstract boolean isGoal(T node); /** * Cost for the operation to go to <code>to</code> from * <code>from</from>. * * @param from The node we are leaving. * @param to The node we are reaching. * @return The cost of the operation. */ protected abstract Double g(T from, T to); /** * Estimated cost to reach a goal node. * An admissible heuristic never gives a cost bigger than the real * one. * <code>from</from>. * * @param from The node we are leaving. * @param to The node we are reaching. * @return The estimated cost to reach an object. */ protected abstract Double h(T from, T to); /** * Generate the successors for a given node. * * @param node The node we want to expand. * @return A list of possible next steps. */ protected abstract List<T> generateSuccessors(T node); private PriorityQueue<Path> paths; private HashMap<T, Double> mindists; private Double lastCost; private int expandedCounter; /** * Check how many times a node was expanded. * * @return A counter of how many times a node was expanded. */ public int getExpandedCounter() { return expandedCounter; } /** * Default c'tor. */ public AStar() { paths = new PriorityQueue<Path>(); mindists = new HashMap<T, Double>(); expandedCounter = 0; lastCost = 0.0; } public void init() { paths.clear(); mindists.clear(); expandedCounter = 0; lastCost = 0.0; } /** * Total cost function to reach the node <code>to</code> from * <code>from</code>. * * The total cost is defined as: f(x) = g(x) + h(x). * @param from The node we are leaving. * @param to The node we are reaching. * @return The total cost. */ protected Double f(Path p, T from, T to) { Double g = g(from, to) + ((p.parent != null) ? p.parent.g : 0.0); Double h = h(from, to); p.g = g; p.f = g + h; return p.f; } /** * Expand a path. * * @param path The path to expand. */ private void expand(Path path) { T p = path.getPoint(); Double min = mindists.get(path.getPoint()); /* * If a better path passing for this point already exists then * don't expand it. */ if (min == null || min.doubleValue() > path.f.doubleValue()) mindists.put(path.getPoint(), path.f); else return; List<T> successors = generateSuccessors(p); for (T t : successors) { Path newPath = new Path(path); newPath.setPoint(t); f(newPath, path.getPoint(), t); paths.offer(newPath); } expandedCounter++; } /** * Get the cost to reach the last node in the path. * * @return The cost for the found path. */ public Double getCost() { return lastCost; } /** * Find the shortest path to a goal starting from * <code>start</code>. * * @param start The initial node. * @return A list of nodes from the initial point to a goal, * <code>null</code> if a path doesn't exist. */ public List<T> compute(T start) { try { init(); Path root = new Path(); root.setPoint(start); /* Needed if the initial point has a cost. */ f(root, start, start); expand(root); for (;;) { Path p = paths.poll(); if (p == null) { lastCost = Double.MAX_VALUE; return null; } T last = p.getPoint(); lastCost = p.g; if (isGoal(last)) { LinkedList<T> retPath = new LinkedList<T>(); for (Path i = p; i != null; i = i.parent) { retPath.addFirst(i.getPoint()); } return retPath; } expand(p); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }