/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Batch; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFontCache; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.GlyphLayout; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Drawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.StringBuilder; /** A text label, with optional word wrapping. * <p> * The preferred size of the label is determined by the actual text bounds, unless {@link #setWrap(boolean) word wrap} is enabled. * @author Nathan Sweet */ public class Label extends Widget { static private final Color tempColor = new Color(); static private final GlyphLayout prefSizeLayout = new GlyphLayout(); private LabelStyle style; private final GlyphLayout layout = new GlyphLayout(); private final Vector2 prefSize = new Vector2(); private final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); private BitmapFontCache cache; private int labelAlign = Align.left; private int lineAlign = Align.left; private boolean wrap; private float lastPrefHeight; private boolean prefSizeInvalid = true; private float fontScaleX = 1, fontScaleY = 1; private boolean fontScaleChanged = false; private String ellipsis; public Label (CharSequence text, Skin skin) { this(text, skin.get(LabelStyle.class)); } public Label (CharSequence text, Skin skin, String styleName) { this(text, skin.get(styleName, LabelStyle.class)); } /** Creates a label, using a {@link LabelStyle} that has a BitmapFont with the specified name from the skin and the specified * color. */ public Label (CharSequence text, Skin skin, String fontName, Color color) { this(text, new LabelStyle(skin.getFont(fontName), color)); } /** Creates a label, using a {@link LabelStyle} that has a BitmapFont with the specified name and the specified color from the * skin. */ public Label (CharSequence text, Skin skin, String fontName, String colorName) { this(text, new LabelStyle(skin.getFont(fontName), skin.getColor(colorName))); } public Label (CharSequence text, LabelStyle style) { if (text != null) this.text.append(text); setStyle(style); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) setSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); } public void setStyle (LabelStyle style) { if (style == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("style cannot be null."); if (style.font == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing LabelStyle font."); this.style = style; cache = style.font.newFontCache(); invalidateHierarchy(); } /** Returns the label's style. Modifying the returned style may not have an effect until {@link #setStyle(LabelStyle)} is * called. */ public LabelStyle getStyle () { return style; } /** @param newText May be null, "" will be used. */ public void setText (CharSequence newText) { if (newText == null) newText = ""; if (newText instanceof StringBuilder) { if (text.equals(newText)) return; text.setLength(0); text.append((StringBuilder)newText); } else { if (textEquals(newText)) return; text.setLength(0); text.append(newText); } invalidateHierarchy(); } public boolean textEquals (CharSequence other) { int length = text.length; char[] chars = text.chars; if (length != other.length()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (chars[i] != other.charAt(i)) return false; return true; } public StringBuilder getText () { return text; } public void invalidate () { super.invalidate(); prefSizeInvalid = true; } private void scaleAndComputePrefSize () { BitmapFont font = cache.getFont(); float oldScaleX = font.getScaleX(); float oldScaleY = font.getScaleY(); if (fontScaleChanged) font.getData().setScale(fontScaleX, fontScaleY); computePrefSize(); if (fontScaleChanged) font.getData().setScale(oldScaleX, oldScaleY); } private void computePrefSize () { prefSizeInvalid = false; GlyphLayout prefSizeLayout = Label.prefSizeLayout; if (wrap && ellipsis == null) { float width = getWidth(); if (style.background != null) width -= style.background.getLeftWidth() + style.background.getRightWidth(); prefSizeLayout.setText(cache.getFont(), text, Color.WHITE, width, Align.left, true); } else prefSizeLayout.setText(cache.getFont(), text); prefSize.set(prefSizeLayout.width, prefSizeLayout.height); } public void layout () { BitmapFont font = cache.getFont(); float oldScaleX = font.getScaleX(); float oldScaleY = font.getScaleY(); if (fontScaleChanged) font.getData().setScale(fontScaleX, fontScaleY); boolean wrap = this.wrap && ellipsis == null; if (wrap) { float prefHeight = getPrefHeight(); if (prefHeight != lastPrefHeight) { lastPrefHeight = prefHeight; invalidateHierarchy(); } } float width = getWidth(), height = getHeight(); Drawable background = style.background; float x = 0, y = 0; if (background != null) { x = background.getLeftWidth(); y = background.getBottomHeight(); width -= background.getLeftWidth() + background.getRightWidth(); height -= background.getBottomHeight() + background.getTopHeight(); } GlyphLayout layout = this.layout; float textWidth, textHeight; if (wrap || text.indexOf("\n") != -1) { // If the text can span multiple lines, determine the text's actual size so it can be aligned within the label. layout.setText(font, text, 0, text.length, Color.WHITE, width, lineAlign, wrap, ellipsis); textWidth = layout.width; textHeight = layout.height; if ((labelAlign & Align.left) == 0) { if ((labelAlign & Align.right) != 0) x += width - textWidth; else x += (width - textWidth) / 2; } } else { textWidth = width; textHeight = font.getData().capHeight; } if ((labelAlign & Align.top) != 0) { y += cache.getFont().isFlipped() ? 0 : height - textHeight; y += style.font.getDescent(); } else if ((labelAlign & Align.bottom) != 0) { y += cache.getFont().isFlipped() ? height - textHeight : 0; y -= style.font.getDescent(); } else { y += (height - textHeight) / 2; } if (!cache.getFont().isFlipped()) y += textHeight; layout.setText(font, text, 0, text.length, Color.WHITE, textWidth, lineAlign, wrap, ellipsis); cache.setText(layout, x, y); if (fontScaleChanged) font.getData().setScale(oldScaleX, oldScaleY); } public void draw (Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { validate(); Color color = tempColor.set(getColor()); color.a *= parentAlpha; if (style.background != null) { batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); style.background.draw(batch, getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); } if (style.fontColor != null) color.mul(style.fontColor); cache.tint(color); cache.setPosition(getX(), getY()); cache.draw(batch); } public float getPrefWidth () { if (wrap) return 0; if (prefSizeInvalid) scaleAndComputePrefSize(); float width = prefSize.x; Drawable background = style.background; if (background != null) width += background.getLeftWidth() + background.getRightWidth(); return width; } public float getPrefHeight () { if (prefSizeInvalid) scaleAndComputePrefSize(); float descentScaleCorrection = 1; if (fontScaleChanged) descentScaleCorrection = fontScaleY / style.font.getScaleY(); float height = prefSize.y - style.font.getDescent() * descentScaleCorrection * 2; Drawable background = style.background; if (background != null) height += background.getTopHeight() + background.getBottomHeight(); return height; } public GlyphLayout getGlyphLayout () { return layout; } /** If false, the text will only wrap where it contains newlines (\n). The preferred size of the label will be the text bounds. * If true, the text will word wrap using the width of the label. The preferred width of the label will be 0, it is expected * that something external will set the width of the label. Wrapping will not occur when ellipsis is enabled. Default is false. * <p> * When wrap is enabled, the label's preferred height depends on the width of the label. In some cases the parent of the label * will need to layout twice: once to set the width of the label and a second time to adjust to the label's new preferred * height. */ public void setWrap (boolean wrap) { this.wrap = wrap; invalidateHierarchy(); } public int getLabelAlign () { return labelAlign; } public int getLineAlign () { return lineAlign; } /** @param alignment Aligns all the text within the label (default left center) and each line of text horizontally (default * left). * @see Align */ public void setAlignment (int alignment) { setAlignment(alignment, alignment); } /** @param labelAlign Aligns all the text within the label (default left center). * @param lineAlign Aligns each line of text horizontally (default left). * @see Align */ public void setAlignment (int labelAlign, int lineAlign) { this.labelAlign = labelAlign; if ((lineAlign & Align.left) != 0) this.lineAlign = Align.left; else if ((lineAlign & Align.right) != 0) this.lineAlign = Align.right; else this.lineAlign = Align.center; invalidate(); } public void setFontScale (float fontScale) { setFontScale(fontScale, fontScale); } public void setFontScale (float fontScaleX, float fontScaleY) { fontScaleChanged = true; this.fontScaleX = fontScaleX; this.fontScaleY = fontScaleY; invalidateHierarchy(); } public float getFontScaleX () { return fontScaleX; } public void setFontScaleX (float fontScaleX) { setFontScale(fontScaleX, fontScaleY); } public float getFontScaleY () { return fontScaleY; } public void setFontScaleY (float fontScaleY) { setFontScale(fontScaleX, fontScaleY); } /** When non-null the text will be truncated "..." if it does not fit within the width of the label. Wrapping will not occur * when ellipsis is enabled. Default is false. */ public void setEllipsis (String ellipsis) { this.ellipsis = ellipsis; } /** When true the text will be truncated "..." if it does not fit within the width of the label. Wrapping will not occur when * ellipsis is true. Default is false. */ public void setEllipsis (boolean ellipsis) { if (ellipsis) this.ellipsis = "..."; else this.ellipsis = null; } /** Allows subclasses to access the cache in {@link #draw(Batch, float)}. */ protected BitmapFontCache getBitmapFontCache () { return cache; } public String toString () { return super.toString() + ": " + text; } /** The style for a label, see {@link Label}. * @author Nathan Sweet */ static public class LabelStyle { public BitmapFont font; /** Optional. */ public Color fontColor; /** Optional. */ public Drawable background; public LabelStyle () { } public LabelStyle (BitmapFont font, Color fontColor) { this.font = font; this.fontColor = fontColor; } public LabelStyle (LabelStyle style) { this.font = style.font; if (style.fontColor != null) fontColor = new Color(style.fontColor); background = style.background; } } }