package; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.headless.HeadlessApplication; import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglNativesLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; public class KTXProcessor { final static byte[] HEADER_MAGIC = {(byte)0x0AB, (byte)0x04B, (byte)0x054, (byte)0x058, (byte)0x020, (byte)0x031, (byte)0x031, (byte)0x0BB, (byte)0x00D, (byte)0x00A, (byte)0x01A, (byte)0x00A}; public static void convert (String input, String output, boolean genMipmaps, boolean packETC1, boolean genAlphaAtlas) throws Exception { Array<String> opts = new Array<String>(String.class); opts.add(input); opts.add(output); if (genMipmaps) opts.add("-mipmaps"); if (packETC1 && !genAlphaAtlas) opts.add("-etc1"); if (packETC1 && genAlphaAtlas) opts.add("-etc1a"); main(opts.toArray()); } public static void convert (String inPx, String inNx, String inPy, String inNy, String inPz, String inNz, String output, boolean genMipmaps, boolean packETC1, boolean genAlphaAtlas) throws Exception { Array<String> opts = new Array<String>(String.class); opts.add(inPx); opts.add(inNx); opts.add(inPy); opts.add(inNy); opts.add(inPz); opts.add(inNz); opts.add(output); if (genMipmaps) opts.add("-mipmaps"); if (packETC1 && !genAlphaAtlas) opts.add("-etc1"); if (packETC1 && genAlphaAtlas) opts.add("-etc1a"); main(opts.toArray()); } private final static int DISPOSE_DONT = 0; private final static int DISPOSE_PACK = 1; private final static int DISPOSE_FACE = 2; private final static int DISPOSE_LEVEL = 4; public static void main (String[] args) { new HeadlessApplication(new KTXProcessorListener(args)); } public static class KTXProcessorListener extends ApplicationAdapter { String[] args; KTXProcessorListener (String[] args) { this.args = args; } @Override public void create () { boolean isCubemap = args.length == 7 || args.length == 8 || args.length == 9; boolean isTexture = args.length == 2 || args.length == 3 || args.length == 4; boolean isPackETC1 = false, isAlphaAtlas = false, isGenMipMaps = false; if (!isCubemap && !isTexture) { System.out.println("usage : KTXProcessor input_file output_file [-etc1|-etc1a] [-mipmaps]"); System.out.println(" input_file is the texture file to include in the output KTX or ZKTX file."); System.out .println(" for cube map, just provide 6 input files corresponding to the faces in the following order : X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-"); System.out .println(" output_file is the path to the output file, its type is based on the extension which must be either KTX or ZKTX"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" options:"); System.out.println(" -etc1 input file will be packed using ETC1 compression, dropping the alpha channel"); System.out .println(" -etc1a input file will be packed using ETC1 compression, doubling the height and placing the alpha channel in the bottom half"); System.out.println(" -mipmaps input file will be processed to generate mipmaps"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" examples:"); System.out .println(" KTXProcessor in.png out.ktx Create a KTX file with the provided 2D texture"); System.out .println(" KTXProcessor in.png out.zktx Create a Zipped KTX file with the provided 2D texture"); System.out .println(" KTXProcessor in.png out.zktx -mipmaps Create a Zipped KTX file with the provided 2D texture, generating all mipmap levels"); System.out .println(" KTXProcessor px.ktx nx.ktx py.ktx ny.ktx pz.ktx nz.ktx out.zktx Create a Zipped KTX file with the provided cubemap textures"); System.out .println(" KTXProcessor in.ktx out.zktx Convert a KTX file to a Zipped KTX file"); System.exit(-1); } LwjglNativesLoader.load(); // Loads other options for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + " = " + args[i]); if (isTexture && i < 2) continue; if (isCubemap && i < 7) continue; if ("-etc1".equals(args[i])) isPackETC1 = true; if ("-etc1a".equals(args[i])) isAlphaAtlas = isPackETC1 = true; if ("-mipmaps".equals(args[i])) isGenMipMaps = true; } File output = new File(args[isCubemap ? 6 : 1]); // Check if we have a cubemapped ktx file as input int ktxDispose = DISPOSE_DONT; KTXTextureData ktx = null; FileHandle file = new FileHandle(args[0]); if (".ktx") ||".zktx")) { ktx = new KTXTextureData(file, false); if (ktx.getNumberOfFaces() == 6) isCubemap = true; ktxDispose = DISPOSE_PACK; } // Process all faces int nFaces = isCubemap ? 6 : 1; Image[][] images = new Image[nFaces][]; int texWidth = -1, texHeight = -1, texFormat = -1, nLevels = 0; for (int face = 0; face < nFaces; face++) { ETC1Data etc1 = null; Pixmap facePixmap = null; int ktxFace = 0; // Load source image (ends up with either ktx, etc1 or facePixmap initialized) if (ktx != null && ktx.getNumberOfFaces() == 6) { // No loading since we have a ktx file with cubemap as input nLevels = ktx.getNumberOfMipMapLevels(); ktxFace = face; } else { file = new FileHandle(args[face]); System.out.println("Processing : " + file + " for face #" + face); if (".ktx") ||".zktx")) { if (ktx == null || ktx.getNumberOfFaces() != 6) { ktxDispose = DISPOSE_FACE; ktx = new KTXTextureData(file, false); ktx.prepare(); } nLevels = ktx.getNumberOfMipMapLevels(); texWidth = ktx.getWidth(); texHeight = ktx.getHeight(); } else if (".etc1")) { etc1 = new ETC1Data(file); nLevels = 1; texWidth = etc1.width; texHeight = etc1.height; } else { facePixmap = new Pixmap(file); facePixmap.setBlending(Blending.None); facePixmap.setFilter(Filter.BiLinear); nLevels = 1; texWidth = facePixmap.getWidth(); texHeight = facePixmap.getHeight(); } if (isGenMipMaps) { if (!MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo(texWidth) || !MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo(texHeight)) throw new GdxRuntimeException( "Invalid input : mipmap generation is only available for power of two textures : " + file); nLevels = Math.max(Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(texWidth), Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(texHeight)); } } // Process each mipmap level images[face] = new Image[nLevels]; for (int level = 0; level < nLevels; level++) { int levelWidth = Math.max(1, texWidth >> level); int levelHeight = Math.max(1, texHeight >> level); // Get pixmap for this level (ends with either levelETCData or levelPixmap being non null) Pixmap levelPixmap = null; ETC1Data levelETCData = null; if (ktx != null) { ByteBuffer ktxData = ktx.getData(level, ktxFace); if (ktxData != null && ktx.getGlInternalFormat() == ETC1.ETC1_RGB8_OES) levelETCData = new ETC1Data(levelWidth, levelHeight, ktxData, 0); } if (ktx != null && levelETCData == null && facePixmap == null) { ByteBuffer ktxData = ktx.getData(0, ktxFace); if (ktxData != null && ktx.getGlInternalFormat() == ETC1.ETC1_RGB8_OES) facePixmap = ETC1.decodeImage(new ETC1Data(levelWidth, levelHeight, ktxData, 0), Format.RGB888); } if (level == 0 && etc1 != null) { levelETCData = etc1; } if (levelETCData == null && etc1 != null && facePixmap == null) { facePixmap = ETC1.decodeImage(etc1, Format.RGB888); } if (levelETCData == null) { levelPixmap = new Pixmap(levelWidth, levelHeight, facePixmap.getFormat()); levelPixmap.setBlending(Blending.None); levelPixmap.setFilter(Filter.BiLinear); levelPixmap.drawPixmap(facePixmap, 0, 0, facePixmap.getWidth(), facePixmap.getHeight(), 0, 0, levelPixmap.getWidth(), levelPixmap.getHeight()); } if (levelETCData == null && levelPixmap == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Failed to load data for face " + face + " / mipmap level " + level); // Create alpha atlas if (isAlphaAtlas) { if (levelPixmap == null) levelPixmap = ETC1.decodeImage(levelETCData, Format.RGB888); int w = levelPixmap.getWidth(), h = levelPixmap.getHeight(); Pixmap pm = new Pixmap(w, h * 2, levelPixmap.getFormat()); pm.setBlending(Blending.None); pm.setFilter(Filter.BiLinear); pm.drawPixmap(levelPixmap, 0, 0); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int alpha = (levelPixmap.getPixel(x, y)) & 0x0FF; pm.drawPixel(x, y + h, (alpha << 24) | (alpha << 16) | (alpha << 8) | 0x0FF); } } levelPixmap.dispose(); levelPixmap = pm; levelETCData = null; } // Perform ETC1 compression if (levelETCData == null && isPackETC1) { if (levelPixmap.getFormat() != Format.RGB888 && levelPixmap.getFormat() != Format.RGB565) { if (!isAlphaAtlas) System.out.println("Converting from " + levelPixmap.getFormat() + " to RGB888 for ETC1 compression"); Pixmap tmp = new Pixmap(levelPixmap.getWidth(), levelPixmap.getHeight(), Format.RGB888); tmp.setBlending(Blending.None); tmp.setFilter(Filter.BiLinear); tmp.drawPixmap(levelPixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, levelPixmap.getWidth(), levelPixmap.getHeight()); levelPixmap.dispose(); levelPixmap = tmp; } // System.out.println("Compress : " + levelWidth + " x " + levelHeight); levelETCData = ETC1.encodeImagePKM(levelPixmap); levelPixmap.dispose(); levelPixmap = null; } // Save result to ouput ktx images[face][level] = new Image(); images[face][level].etcData = levelETCData; images[face][level].pixmap = levelPixmap; if (levelPixmap != null) { levelPixmap.dispose(); facePixmap = null; } } // Dispose resources if (facePixmap != null) { facePixmap.dispose(); facePixmap = null; } if (etc1 != null) { etc1.dispose(); etc1 = null; } if (ktx != null && ktxDispose == DISPOSE_FACE) { ktx.disposePreparedData(); ktx = null; } } if (ktx != null) { ktx.disposePreparedData(); ktx = null; } int glType, glTypeSize, glFormat, glInternalFormat, glBaseInternalFormat; if (isPackETC1) { glType = glFormat = 0; glTypeSize = 1; glInternalFormat = ETC1.ETC1_RGB8_OES; glBaseInternalFormat = GL20.GL_RGB; } else if (images[0][0].pixmap != null) { glType = images[0][0].pixmap.getGLType(); glTypeSize = 1; glFormat = images[0][0].pixmap.getGLFormat(); glInternalFormat = images[0][0].pixmap.getGLInternalFormat(); glBaseInternalFormat = glFormat; } else throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unsupported output format"); int totalSize = 12 + 13 * 4; for (int level = 0; level < nLevels; level++) { System.out.println("Level: " + level); int faceLodSize = images[0][level].getSize(); int faceLodSizeRounded = (faceLodSize + 3) & ~3; totalSize += 4; totalSize += nFaces * faceLodSizeRounded; } try { DataOutputStream out; if (output.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zktx")) { out = new DataOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output))); out.writeInt(totalSize); } else out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output)); out.write(HEADER_MAGIC); out.writeInt(0x04030201); out.writeInt(glType); out.writeInt(glTypeSize); out.writeInt(glFormat); out.writeInt(glInternalFormat); out.writeInt(glBaseInternalFormat); out.writeInt(texWidth); out.writeInt(isAlphaAtlas ? (2 * texHeight) : texHeight); out.writeInt(0); // depth (not supported) out.writeInt(0); // n array elements (not supported) out.writeInt(nFaces); out.writeInt(nLevels); out.writeInt(0); // No additional info (key/value pairs) for (int level = 0; level < nLevels; level++) { int faceLodSize = images[0][level].getSize(); int faceLodSizeRounded = (faceLodSize + 3) & ~3; out.writeInt(faceLodSize); for (int face = 0; face < nFaces; face++) { byte[] bytes = images[face][level].getBytes(); out.write(bytes); for (int j = bytes.length; j < faceLodSizeRounded; j++) out.write((byte)0x00); } } out.close(); System.out.println("Finished"); } catch (Exception e) {"KTXProcessor", "Error writing to file: " + output.getName(), e); }; } } private static class Image { public ETC1Data etcData; public Pixmap pixmap; public Image () { } public int getSize () { if (etcData != null) return etcData.compressedData.limit() - etcData.dataOffset; throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unsupported output format, try adding '-etc1' as argument"); } public byte[] getBytes () { if (etcData != null) { byte[] result = new byte[getSize()]; etcData.compressedData.position(etcData.dataOffset); etcData.compressedData.get(result); return result; } throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unsupported output format, try adding '-etc1' as argument"); } } }