/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *******************************************************************************/ package jsettlers.logic.movable; import jsettlers.algorithms.path.Path; import jsettlers.common.material.EMaterialType; import jsettlers.common.material.ESearchType; import jsettlers.common.movable.EDirection; import jsettlers.common.movable.EMovableAction; import jsettlers.common.movable.EMovableType; import jsettlers.logic.movable.interfaces.ILogicMovable; import jsettlers.common.position.ShortPoint2D; import jsettlers.logic.movable.interfaces.AbstractMovableGrid; import jsettlers.logic.movable.interfaces.IAttackable; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.BearerMovableStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.BricklayerStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.BuildingWorkerStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.DiggerStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.soldiers.BowmanStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.soldiers.InfantryStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.specialists.DummySpecialistStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.specialists.GeologistStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.specialists.PioneerStrategy; import jsettlers.logic.movable.strategies.trading.DonkeyStrategy; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * Abstract super class of all movable strategies. * * @author Andreas Eberle * */ public abstract class MovableStrategy implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3135655342562634378L; protected final Movable movable; protected MovableStrategy(Movable movable) { this.movable = movable; } public static MovableStrategy getStrategy(Movable movable, EMovableType movableType) { switch (movableType) { case BEARER: return new BearerMovableStrategy(movable); case SWORDSMAN_L1: case SWORDSMAN_L2: case SWORDSMAN_L3: case PIKEMAN_L1: case PIKEMAN_L2: case PIKEMAN_L3: return new InfantryStrategy(movable, movableType); case BOWMAN_L1: case BOWMAN_L2: case BOWMAN_L3: return new BowmanStrategy(movable, movableType); case BAKER: case CHARCOAL_BURNER: case FARMER: case FISHERMAN: case FORESTER: case MELTER: case MILLER: case MINER: case PIG_FARMER: case LUMBERJACK: case SAWMILLER: case SLAUGHTERER: case SMITH: case STONECUTTER: case WATERWORKER: case WINEGROWER: case HEALER: return new BuildingWorkerStrategy(movable); case DIGGER: return new DiggerStrategy(movable); case BRICKLAYER: return new BricklayerStrategy(movable); case PIONEER: return new PioneerStrategy(movable); case GEOLOGIST: return new GeologistStrategy(movable); case THIEF: case MAGE: return new DummySpecialistStrategy(movable); case DONKEY: return new DonkeyStrategy(movable); default: assert false : "requested movableType: " + movableType + " but have no strategy for this type!"; return null; } } protected void action() { } protected final EMaterialType setMaterial(EMaterialType materialType) { return movable.setMaterial(materialType); } protected final void playAction(EMovableAction movableAction, float duration) { movable.playAction(movableAction, duration); } protected final void lookInDirection(EDirection direction) { movable.lookInDirection(direction); } protected final boolean goToPos(ShortPoint2D targetPos) { return movable.goToPos(targetPos); } protected final AbstractMovableGrid getGrid() { return movable.grid; } /** * Tries to go a step in the given direction. * * @param direction * direction to go * @param mode * The mode used for this operation * @return true if the step can and will immediately be executed. <br> * false if the target position is generally blocked or a movable occupies that position. */ protected final boolean goInDirection(EDirection direction, EGoInDirectionMode mode) { return movable.goInDirection(direction, mode); } public final void setPosition(ShortPoint2D pos) { movable.setPosition(pos); } protected final void setVisible(boolean visible) { movable.setVisible(visible); } /** * * @param dijkstra * if true, dijkstra algorithm is used<br> * if false, in area finder is used. * @param centerX * @param centerY * @param radius * @param searchType * @return true if a path has been found. */ protected final boolean preSearchPath(boolean dijkstra, short centerX, short centerY, short radius, ESearchType searchType) { return movable.preSearchPath(dijkstra, centerX, centerY, radius, searchType); } protected final ShortPoint2D followPresearchedPath() { return movable.followPresearchedPath(); } protected final void enableNothingToDoAction(boolean enable) { movable.enableNothingToDoAction(enable); } protected final boolean fitsSearchType(ShortPoint2D pos, ESearchType searchType) { return movable.grid.fitsSearchType(movable, pos.x, pos.y, searchType); } protected final boolean fitsSearchType(int x, int y, ESearchType searchType) { return movable.grid.fitsSearchType(movable, x, y, searchType); } protected final boolean isValidPosition(ShortPoint2D position) { return movable.grid.isValidPosition(movable, position.x, position.y); } protected final boolean isValidPosition(int x, int y) { return movable.grid.isValidPosition(movable, x, y); } public final ShortPoint2D getPos() { return movable.getPos(); } protected final void abortPath() { movable.abortPath(); } /** * Checks preconditions before the next path step can be gone. * * @param pathTarget * Target of the current path. * @param step * The number of the current step where 1 means the first step. * * @return true if the path should be continued<br> * false if it must be stopped. */ protected boolean checkPathStepPreconditions(ShortPoint2D pathTarget, int step) { return true; } /** * This method is called when a movable is killed or converted to another strategy and can be used for finalization work in the strategy. * * @param pathTarget * if the movable is currently walking on a path, this is the target of the path<br> * else it is null. */ protected void strategyKilledEvent(ShortPoint2D pathTarget) { // used in overriding methods } /** * * @param oldPosition * The position the movable was positioned before the new path has been calculated and the first step on the new path has been done. * @param oldTargetPos * The target position of the old path or null if no old path was set. * @param targetPos * The new target position. */ protected void moveToPathSet(ShortPoint2D oldPosition, ShortPoint2D oldTargetPos, ShortPoint2D targetPos) { } /** * This method may only be called if this movable shall be informed about a movable that's in it's search radius. * * @param other * The other movable. */ protected void informAboutAttackable(IAttackable other) { } protected boolean canBeControlledByPlayer() { return false; } protected boolean isAttackable() { return movable.getMovableType().isPlayerControllable(); } protected Path findWayAroundObstacle(ShortPoint2D position, Path path) { if (!path.hasOverNextStep()) { // if path has no position left return path; } EDirection direction = EDirection.getApproxDirection(position, path.getOverNextPos()); AbstractMovableGrid grid = movable.grid; EDirection rightDir = direction.getNeighbor(-1); EDirection leftDir = direction.getNeighbor(1); ShortPoint2D straightPos = direction.getNextHexPoint(position); ShortPoint2D twoStraightPos = direction.getNextHexPoint(position, 2); ShortPoint2D rightPos = rightDir.getNextHexPoint(position); ShortPoint2D rightStraightPos = direction.getNextHexPoint(rightPos); ShortPoint2D straightRightPos = rightDir.getNextHexPoint(straightPos); ShortPoint2D leftPos = leftDir.getNextHexPoint(position); ShortPoint2D leftStraightPos = direction.getNextHexPoint(leftPos); ShortPoint2D straightLeftPos = leftDir.getNextHexPoint(straightPos); ShortPoint2D overNextPos = path.getOverNextPos(); LinkedList<ShortPoint2D[]> possiblePaths = new LinkedList<ShortPoint2D[]>(); if (twoStraightPos.equals(overNextPos)) { if (isValidPosition(rightPos) && isValidPosition(rightStraightPos)) { possiblePaths.add(new ShortPoint2D[] { rightPos, rightStraightPos }); } else if (isValidPosition(leftPos) && isValidPosition(leftStraightPos)) { possiblePaths.add(new ShortPoint2D[] { leftPos, leftStraightPos }); } else { // TODO @Andreas Eberle maybe calculate a new path } } if (rightStraightPos.equals(overNextPos) && isValidPosition(rightPos)) { possiblePaths.add(new ShortPoint2D[] { rightPos }); } if (leftStraightPos.equals(overNextPos) && isValidPosition(leftPos)) { possiblePaths.add(new ShortPoint2D[] { leftPos }); } if ((straightRightPos.equals(overNextPos) || straightLeftPos.equals(overNextPos)) && isValidPosition(straightPos) && grid.hasNoMovableAt(straightPos.x, straightPos.y)) { possiblePaths.add(new ShortPoint2D[] { straightPos }); } else { // TODO @Andreas Eberle maybe calculate a new path } // try to find a way without a movable or with a pushable movable. for (ShortPoint2D[] pathPrefix : possiblePaths) { // check if any of the paths is free of movables ShortPoint2D firstPosition = pathPrefix[0]; ILogicMovable movable = grid.getMovableAt(firstPosition.x, firstPosition.y); if (movable == null || movable.isProbablyPushable(this.movable)) { path.goToNextStep(); return new Path(path, pathPrefix); } } return path; } protected void stopOrStartWorking(boolean stop) { } protected void sleep(short sleepTime) { movable.sleep(sleepTime); } protected void pathAborted(ShortPoint2D pathTarget) { } /** * This method is called before a material is dropped during a {@link EMovableType}.DROP action. * * @return If true is returned, the dropped material is offered, if false, it isn't. */ protected boolean droppingMaterial() { return true; } protected boolean take(EMaterialType materialToTake, boolean takeFromMap) { return movable.take(materialToTake, takeFromMap); } protected void drop(EMaterialType materialToDrop) { movable.drop(materialToDrop); } protected boolean isOnOwnGround() { return movable.isOnOwnGround(); } /** * * @return If true, the hit is received, if false, the hit is ignored. */ protected boolean receiveHit() { return true; } protected void tookMaterial() { } }