/* * Created on 22-Dec-2003 * * To change the template for this generated file go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and * Comments */ package pcgen.persistence.lst.prereq; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Test; import pcgen.EnUsLocaleDependentTestCase; import pcgen.core.prereq.Prerequisite; import plugin.pretokens.parser.PreMoveParser; /** * @author Valued Customer * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code * and Comments */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class PreMoveParserTest extends EnUsLocaleDependentTestCase { /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testFly1() throws Exception { PreMoveParser parser = new PreMoveParser(); Prerequisite prereq = parser.parse("MOVE", "1,Fly=1", false, false); assertEquals( "<prereq kind=\"move\" key=\"Fly\" operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"1\" >\n</prereq>\n", prereq.toString()); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testFlyAndWalk() throws Exception { PreMoveParser parser = new PreMoveParser(); Prerequisite prereq = parser.parse("MOVE", "1,Walk=30,Fly=20", false, false); assertEquals( "<prereq operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"1\" >\n" + "<prereq kind=\"move\" count-multiples=\"true\" key=\"Walk\" operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"30\" >\n" + "</prereq>\n" + "<prereq kind=\"move\" count-multiples=\"true\" key=\"Fly\" operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"20\" >\n" + "</prereq>\n" + "</prereq>\n", prereq.toString()); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testNotFly1() throws Exception { PreMoveParser parser = new PreMoveParser(); Prerequisite prereq = parser.parse("MOVE", "1,Fly=1", true, false); assertEquals( "<prereq kind=\"move\" key=\"Fly\" operator=\"LT\" operand=\"1\" >\n</prereq>\n", prereq.toString()); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testNotFlyAndWalk() throws Exception { PreMoveParser parser = new PreMoveParser(); Prerequisite prereq = parser.parse("MOVE", "1,Walk=30,Fly=20", true, false); assertEquals( "<prereq operator=\"LT\" operand=\"1\" >\n" + "<prereq kind=\"move\" count-multiples=\"true\" key=\"Walk\" operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"30\" >\n" + "</prereq>\n" + "<prereq kind=\"move\" count-multiples=\"true\" key=\"Fly\" operator=\"GTEQ\" operand=\"20\" >\n" + "</prereq>\n" + "</prereq>\n", prereq.toString()); } }