/* * Initiative - A role playing utility to track turns * Copyright (C) 2002 Devon D Jones * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * InitFileFilter.java * * Created on August 29, 2002, 6:21 PM */ package plugin.initiative; import gmgen.GMGenSystem; import gmgen.GMGenSystemView; import gmgen.gui.ImagePreview; import gmgen.io.SimpleFileFilter; import gmgen.plugin.InitHolder; import gmgen.plugin.InitHolderList; import gmgen.plugin.PcgCombatant; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.AddMenuItemToGMGenToolsMenuMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.CombatHasBeenInitiatedMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.FileMenuOpenMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.FileMenuSaveMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.GMGenBeingClosedMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.RequestAddPreferencesPanelMessage; import gmgen.pluginmgr.messages.RequestAddTabToGMGenMessage; import gmgen.util.LogUtilities; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.io.File; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter; import pcgen.core.SettingsHandler; import pcgen.gui2.tools.Utility; import pcgen.io.PCGFile; import pcgen.pluginmgr.InteractivePlugin; import pcgen.pluginmgr.PCGenMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.PCGenMessageHandler; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.FocusOrStateChangeOccurredMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.PlayerCharacterWasClosedMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.PlayerCharacterWasLoadedMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.RequestOpenPlayerCharacterMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.RequestToSavePlayerCharacterMessage; import pcgen.pluginmgr.messages.TransmitInitiativeValuesBetweenComponentsMessage; import pcgen.system.PCGenSettings; import plugin.initiative.gui.Initiative; import plugin.initiative.gui.PreferencesDamagePanel; import plugin.initiative.gui.PreferencesInitiativePanel; import plugin.initiative.gui.PreferencesMassiveDamagePanel; import plugin.initiative.gui.PreferencesPerformancePanel; /** * The {@code ExperienceAdjusterController} handles the functionality of * the Adjusting of experience. This class is called by the {@code GMGenSystem * } * and will have it's own model and view. <br> * Created on February 26, 2003 <br> * Updated on February 26, 2003 * * @author Expires 2003 */ public class InitiativePlugin implements InteractivePlugin { /** Name used for initiative logging. */ public static final String LOG_NAME = "Initiative"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** The user interface that this class will be using. */ private Initiative theView; /** The plugin menu item in the tools menu. */ private JMenuItem initToolsItem = new JMenuItem(); /** The English name of the plugin. */ private String name = "Initiative"; /** The version number of the plugin. */ private String version = ""; private PCGenMessageHandler messageHandler; /** * Creates a new instance of InitiativePlugin */ public InitiativePlugin() { // Do Nothing } public FileFilter[] getFileTypes() { FileFilter[] ff = {getFileType()}; return ff; } /** * Get the file type * @return the file type */ public FileFilter getFileType() { String[] init = new String[]{"gmi", "init"}; return new SimpleFileFilter(init, "Initiative Export"); } /** * Starts the plugin, registering itself with the {@code TabAddMessage}. */ @Override public void start(PCGenMessageHandler mh) { messageHandler = mh; theView = new Initiative(); messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestAddPreferencesPanelMessage(this, name, new PreferencesDamagePanel())); messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestAddPreferencesPanelMessage(this, name, new PreferencesMassiveDamagePanel())); messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestAddPreferencesPanelMessage(this, name, new PreferencesInitiativePanel())); messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestAddPreferencesPanelMessage(this, name, new PreferencesPerformancePanel())); theView.setLog(LogUtilities.inst()); messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestAddTabToGMGenMessage(this, name, getView())); initMenus(); } @Override public void stop() { messageHandler = null; } @Override public int getPriority() { return SettingsHandler.getGMGenOption(LOG_NAME + ".LoadOrder", 40); } /** * Accessor for name * * @return name */ @Override public String getPluginName() { return name; } /** * Gets the view that this class is using. * * @return the view. */ public Component getView() { return theView; } /** * Handles the clicking of the <b>Add </b> button on the GUI. */ public void fileOpen() { JFileChooser chooser = ImagePreview.decorateWithImagePreview(new JFileChooser()); File defaultFile = new File(PCGenSettings.getPcgDir()); if (defaultFile.exists()) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(defaultFile); } // TODO should probably handle zip pcg String[] pcgs = new String[]{"pcg", "pcp"}; String[] init = new String[]{"gmi", "init"}; SimpleFileFilter ff = new SimpleFileFilter(init, "Initiative Export"); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(ff); chooser .addChoosableFileFilter(new SimpleFileFilter(pcgs, "PCGen File")); chooser.removeChoosableFileFilter(chooser.getAcceptAllFileFilter()); chooser.setFileFilter(ff); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); Cursor originalCursor = theView.getCursor(); theView.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); int option = chooser.showOpenDialog(theView); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File[] pcFiles = chooser.getSelectedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < pcFiles.length; i++) { if (PCGFile.isPCGenCharacterOrPartyFile(pcFiles[i])) { messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestOpenPlayerCharacterMessage(this, pcFiles[i], false)); //loadPCG(pcFiles[i]); } else if (pcFiles[i].toString().endsWith(".init") || pcFiles[i].toString().endsWith(".gmi")) { loadINIT(pcFiles[i]); } } /* loop through selected files */ theView.refreshTable(); } else { /* this means the file is invalid */ } theView.setCursor(originalCursor); } /** * <p> * Gets the internal view's {@code InitHolderList} * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleCombatRequestMessage(CombatHasBeenInitiatedMessage message) { message.setCombat(theView.initList); } /** * <p> * Delegates to {@code handleAddButton()} * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleFileOpenMessage(FileMenuOpenMessage message) { if (GMGenSystemView.getTabPane().getSelectedComponent() instanceof Initiative) { fileOpen(); } } /** * <p> * Handles an {@code InitHolderListSendMessage} by addomg all new * combatants to the views list. * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleInitHolderListSendMessage( TransmitInitiativeValuesBetweenComponentsMessage message) { if (message.getSource() != this) { InitHolderList cl = message.getInitHolderList(); for (int i = 0; i < cl.size(); i++) { InitHolder iH = cl.get(i); theView.addInitHolder(iH); } theView.refreshTable(); } } /** * <p> * Listens to messages from the GMGen system, and handles them as needed * </p> * * @param message * the source of the event from the system */ @Override public void handleMessage(PCGenMessage message) { if (message instanceof FileMenuOpenMessage) { handleFileOpenMessage((FileMenuOpenMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof FileMenuSaveMessage) { handleSaveMessage((FileMenuSaveMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof TransmitInitiativeValuesBetweenComponentsMessage) { handleInitHolderListSendMessage((TransmitInitiativeValuesBetweenComponentsMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof PlayerCharacterWasLoadedMessage) { handlePCLoadedMessage((PlayerCharacterWasLoadedMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof PlayerCharacterWasClosedMessage) { handlePCClosedMessage((PlayerCharacterWasClosedMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof GMGenBeingClosedMessage) { handleWindowClosedMessage((GMGenBeingClosedMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof FocusOrStateChangeOccurredMessage) { handleStateChangedMessage((FocusOrStateChangeOccurredMessage) message); } else if (message instanceof CombatHasBeenInitiatedMessage) { handleCombatRequestMessage((CombatHasBeenInitiatedMessage) message); } } /** * <p> * Removes the closed PC from the combat. * </p> * * @param message */ public void handlePCClosedMessage(PlayerCharacterWasClosedMessage message) { theView.removePcgCombatant(message.getPC()); theView.refreshTable(); } /** * <p> * Adds the specified pc to the combat. * </p> * * @param message */ public void handlePCLoadedMessage(PlayerCharacterWasLoadedMessage message) { PlayerCharacter pc = message.getPc(); String type = "PC"; String player = pc.getDisplay().getPlayersName(); //Based on the Player's name, auto set the combatant's type if (player.equalsIgnoreCase("Ally")) { type = "Ally"; } else if (player.equalsIgnoreCase("GM") || player.equalsIgnoreCase("DM") || player.equalsIgnoreCase("Enemy")) { type = "Enemy"; } else if (player.equals("-")) { type = "-"; } theView.addPcgCombatant(pc, type); theView.refreshTable(); } /** * <p> * Saves the combatants to a file * </p> */ public void fileSave() { for (int i = 0; i < theView.initList.size(); i++) { InitHolder iH = theView.initList.get(i); if (iH instanceof PcgCombatant) { PcgCombatant pcgcbt = (PcgCombatant) iH; messageHandler.handleMessage(new RequestToSavePlayerCharacterMessage(this, pcgcbt.getPC())); } } theView.saveToFile(); } /** * <p> * Handles save messages; delegates to fileSave(); * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleSaveMessage(FileMenuSaveMessage message) { if (isActive()) { fileSave(); message.consume(); } } /** * <p> * Handles focus/tab focus events, enables and disables components in the GUI * and refreshes the initiative table (and tabs, if auto refreshing is on). * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleStateChangedMessage(FocusOrStateChangeOccurredMessage message) { if (isActive()) { initToolsItem.setEnabled(false); if (GMGenSystem.inst != null) { GMGenSystem.inst.openFileItem.setEnabled(true); GMGenSystem.inst.saveFileItem.setEnabled(true); } theView.refreshTable(); if (SettingsHandler.getGMGenOption(InitiativePlugin.LOG_NAME + ".refreshOnStateChange", true)) { theView.refreshTabs(); } } else { initToolsItem.setEnabled(true); } } /** * <p> * Handles window closing by saving preferences. * </p> * * @param message */ public void handleWindowClosedMessage(GMGenBeingClosedMessage message) { theView.setExitPrefs(); } /** * Returns true if this plugin is active * @return true if this plugin is active */ public boolean isActive() { JTabbedPane tp = Utility.getTabbedPaneFor(theView); return tp != null && JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(tp).isFocused() && tp.getSelectedComponent().equals(theView); } /** * <p> * Handles the initiative menu item by selecting the initiative tab. * </p> * * @param evt */ public void initMenuItem(ActionEvent evt) { JTabbedPane tp = GMGenSystemView.getTabPane(); for (int i = 0; i < tp.getTabCount(); i++) { if (tp.getComponentAt(i) instanceof Initiative) { tp.setSelectedIndex(i); } } } /** * <p> * Initializes the menus. * </p> */ public void initMenus() { initToolsItem.setMnemonic('I'); initToolsItem.setText("Initiative"); initToolsItem.addActionListener(this::initMenuItem); messageHandler.handleMessage(new AddMenuItemToGMGenToolsMenuMessage(this, initToolsItem)); } /** * <p> * Loads an initiative file * </p> * * @param initFile */ public void loadINIT(File initFile) { theView.loadINIT(initFile, this); } /** * Gets the name of the data directory for Plugin object * *@return The data directory name */ public File getDataDirectory() { File dataDir = new File(SettingsHandler.getGmgenPluginDir(), getPluginName()); return dataDir; } }