package se.idega.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Object to improve storing and logging error and warning messages. * * This object was created to replace a similar tool implemented as a StringBuffer, hence the * function names are similar to StringBuffer, even though the object behind it is an ArrrayList. * * The general idea is to store data here so that it is available do be displayed if an error occurs. * As an extension it is also possible to let this object do some logging to the console. * * It is possible to set the loggin level at creation and then all new loggings with same or lower * logging level will be outputed to the console at the same time * * @author Joakim * */ public class ErrorLogger { private ArrayList message = new ArrayList(); private int loggingLevel; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("ErrorLogger"); /** * The new ErrorLogger is a copy of el * @param el */ public ErrorLogger(ErrorLogger el){ this.message = new ArrayList(el.getMessage()); loggingLevel = el.getLoggingLevel(); } /** * Create an empty error logger with logging level set to 4 */ public ErrorLogger(){ loggingLevel = 4; } /** * Create a new error logger with initial value of string s * @param s */ public ErrorLogger(String s){ message.add(s); loggingLevel = 4; } /** * Create an empty error logger with logging level set to l * @param l */ public ErrorLogger(int l){ loggingLevel = l; } /** * Create a new error logger with initial value of string s and logging level of l * @param s * @param l */ public ErrorLogger(String s, int l){ message.add(s); loggingLevel = l; } /** * Appends a logging string * @param s */ public void append(String s){ message.add(s); if(loggingLevel>=5){; } } /** * Appends a logging string and outputs it to the console if the logging level is greater than * or equal to i * @param s * @param i */ public void append(String s, int i){ message.add(s); if(loggingLevel>=i){; } } /** * Appends the stacktrace of an exception to the logging string * @param e */ public void append(Exception e){ message.add("Stacktrace:"+e.toString()); StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElement = e.getStackTrace(); for(int i=0; i<stackTraceElement.length;i++){ message.add(stackTraceElement[i].toString()); } } /** * Returns all the loggging strings, with linebreak between each line */ public String toString(){ StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); Iterator iter = message.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ret.append((String)"\n"); } return ret.toString(); } /** * Returns all the loggging strings, with ';' between each line */ public String toStringCompact(){ StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); Iterator iter = message.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ret.append((String)" ; "); } return ret.toString(); } /** * Returns all the loggging strings, with '<br>' between each line * @return String */ public String toStringForWeb(){ StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); Iterator iter = message.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ret.append((String)"<br>"); } return ret.toString(); } /** * logs the content to the console */ public void logToConsole(){; } /** * logs the content to the console with compact format */ public void logToConsoleCompact(){; } public Object clone(){ ErrorLogger el = new ErrorLogger(this); return el; } /** * @return */ public int getLoggingLevel() { return loggingLevel; } /** * @return */ public ArrayList getMessage() { return message; } }