package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWApplicationContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.Table; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import; /** * @author gimmi */ public class HighSchoolContentItemLinks extends SchoolContentItem { String _headerStyle; String _headerColor; String _headerFontClass; int _spaceBetween = 5; private int mobilePhoneType = PhoneType.MOBILE_PHONE_ID; /** * @see */ protected PresentationObject getObject() throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(); table.setCellpaddingAndCellspacing(0); //Malin //table.setWidth(200); // int row = 1; /** breytti ut 0, vegna arrayIndexOutOfBounds Villu... */ boolean useBreak = false; boolean show = true; boolean main_headmaster = false; // uncommented by Kelly // // String manType = getSchoolBusiness(_iwc).getSchoolManagementTypeString(_school.getSchoolManagermentType()); // if (manType != null) { // Hans bad um thetta... held eg, Gimmi // table.add(getHeader(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.management_type","Management Type")+":"), 1, row); // ++row; // We add this further down as "Management" // table.add(getText(_iwrb.getLocalizedString(manType)), 1, row); // useBreak = true; // } useBreak = true; String address = this._school.getSchoolAddress(); String zipArea = this._school.getSchoolZipArea(); String zipCode = this._school.getSchoolZipCode(); String phone = this._school.getSchoolPhone(); String fax = this._school.getSchoolFax(); String mapUrl = this._school.getMapUrl(); String activity = this._school.getActivity(); String open_hours = this._school.getOpenHours(); String email = this._school.getSchoolEmail(); String visitaddress = this._school.getSchoolVisitAddress(); if ((address != null || visitaddress != null || zipArea != null || zipCode != null || phone != null || fax != null || email != null)) { if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } if (visitaddress != null && !visitaddress.equals(" ")) { table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.visiting_address","Visiting address")+":"), 1, row); ++row; table.add(getText(visitaddress), 1, row); ++row; if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } } //table.add(getHeader(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.visiting_address","Visiting address")+":"), 1, row); table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.postal_address","Postal address")+":"), 1, row); if (address != null && !address.equals(" ")) { ++row; table.add(getText(address), 1, row); ++row; } if (zipCode != null && !zipCode.equals(" ")) { ++row; table.add(getText(zipCode), 1, row); if (zipArea != null) { table.add(getText(" "+zipArea), 1, row); } }else { if (zipArea != null && !zipArea.equals(" ")) { ++row; table.add(getText(zipArea), 1, row); } } if (phone != null && !phone.equals(" ")) { ++row; table.add(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.Tph","Tph")+": "+phone), 1, row); } if (fax != null && !fax.equals(" ")) { ++row; table.add(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.fax","Fax")+": "+fax), 1, row); } if (email != null && !email.equals(" ")) { ++row; Link linkEmail = new Link(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("","Email")), "mailto:"+email); table.add(linkEmail, 1, row); } if (mapUrl != null && !mapUrl.equals(" ")) { ++row; Link link = new Link(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.show_map","Show map")), mapUrl); link.setTarget(Link.TARGET_NEW_WINDOW); table.add(link, 1, row); } useBreak = true; } if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } // Added the activity here (Kelly) if (activity != null && (email != null) && !email.equals(" ")) { table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.activity", "Activity")+":"), 1, row); ++row; table.add(getText(activity), 1, row); } //boolean isSchool = isElementarySchool(); try { Collection hmUsers = getSchoolUserBusiness(this._iwc).getMainHeadmasters(this._school); if (hmUsers != null && !hmUsers.isEmpty()) { // int headmasterId = _school.getHeadmasterUserId(); // if (headmasterId > 0 ) { if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } //if (isSchool) { table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.headmaster","Headmaster")+":"), 1, row); //} else { // table.add(getHeader(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.childcare_manager","Manager")+":"), 1, row); //} //UserHome uHome = (UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); Iterator iter = hmUsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { //User user = uHome.findByPrimaryKey(; User user = (User); row = insertUser(table, row, user, ""); // Main headmaster } useBreak = true; } } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } try { ///////// Collection sDepartments = getSchoolBusiness(this._iwc).getSchoolDepartmentHome().findAllDepartmentsBySchool(this._school); if (sDepartments != null && !sDepartments.isEmpty()) { Iterator depIter = sDepartments.iterator(); try { Collection suTypes = getSchoolUserBusiness(this._iwc).getSchoolUserTypes(this._school); ++row; if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.contact_us", "Contact us")+":"), 1, row); while (depIter.hasNext()) { ++row; SchoolDepartment schDep = (SchoolDepartment); /* table.add(getText(schDep.getDepartment()), 1, row); ++row; table.add(getText(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.Tph","Tph")+": " + schDep.getDepartmentPhone()), 1, row); */ if (suTypes != null && !suTypes.isEmpty()) { String[] userType; Iterator iter = suTypes.iterator(); int userCount = 1; while (iter.hasNext()) { userType = (String[]); Collection users = getSchoolUserBusiness(this._iwc).getUsersByDepartm(this._school, Integer.parseInt(userType[2]), schDep.getDepartmentID()); if (users != null && users.size() > 0) { Iterator userIter = users.iterator(); if (userCount == 1) { String depPhone = schDep.getDepartmentPhone(); table.add(getText(schDep.getDepartment()), 1, row); ++row; if (depPhone != null && !depPhone.equals("") && !depPhone.equals(" ")) { table.add(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.Tph","Tph")+": " + depPhone), 1, row); } ++userCount; } while (userIter.hasNext()) { User user = (User); show = getSchoolUserBusiness(this._iwc).getUserShowInContact(user); main_headmaster = getSchoolUserBusiness(this._iwc).getUserMainHeadmaster(user); if (show && !main_headmaster) { if (userType[2] != null && userType[2].equals("1")){ row = insertUser(table, row, user, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.assistant_headmaster_abbrev","Ass. headmaster")); } else { row = insertUser(table, row, user, this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(userType[0],userType[1])); } } } } } //end while suTypes } //end if usertypes if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } } // end while } //end try catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } //} //////////// /*Collection hmUsers = getSchoolUserBusiness(_iwc).getAssistantHeadmasters(_school); if (hmUsers != null && !hmUsers.isEmpty()) { // int headmasterId = _school.getHeadmasterUserId(); // if (headmasterId > 0 ) { if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, _spaceBetween); ++row; } table.add(getHeader(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.contact_us", "Contact us")+":"), 1, row); Iterator iter = hmUsers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User user = (User); row = insertUser(table, row, user); } useBreak = true; */ } // end if dep } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } if (open_hours != null) { table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.open_hours", "Open hours")+":"), 1, row); ++row; table.add(getText(open_hours), 1, row); ++row; } // Moved the management type here (Kelly) String manType = null; if (this._school != null) { SchoolManagementType type = this._school.getSchoolManagementType(); if (type != null) { manType = this._iwrb.getLocalizedString(type.getLocalizedKey(), type.getName()); } } if (manType != null) { if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } table.add(getHeader(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.management_type","Management Type")+":"), 1, row); ++row; table.add(getText(manType), 1, row); } String webPage = this._school.getSchoolWebPage(); if (webPage != null) { if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, this._spaceBetween); ++row; } //Link link = new Link(getText(webPage), webPage); Link link = new Link(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.school_home_page","The school's home page")), webPage); //table.add(getHeader(_iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.web_page","Web Page")+":"), 1, row); link.setTarget(Link.TARGET_NEW_WINDOW); ++row; table.add(link, 1, row); useBreak = true; } /** Her mun koma linkur i boxid eda boxid sjalft if (useBreak) { ++row; table.setHeight(row, spaceBetween); ++row; } */ return table; } protected int insertUser(Table table, int row, User user, String userType) throws RemoteException { ++row; String name = user.getName(); Collection emails = user.getEmails(); if (userType != "") { userType = ", " + userType; } if (emails != null) { Iterator eIter = emails.iterator(); Email email; Link link; int emSize = emails.size(); if (emSize == 1) { email = (Email); link = new Link(getText(name + userType), "mailto:"+email.getEmailAddress()); table.add(link, 1, row); }else if (emSize < 1) { table.add(name, 1, row); }else if (emSize > 1) { table.add(name, 1, row); while (eIter.hasNext()) { email = (Email); link = new Link(getText(email.getEmailAddress()), "mailto:"+email.getEmailAddress()); ++row; table.add(link, 1, row); } } } Collection phones = user.getPhones(); if (phones != null && phones.size() > 0) { Iterator pIter = phones.iterator(); Phone uPhone; int phCounter = 1; int phMobCounter = 1; while (pIter.hasNext()) { uPhone = (Phone); if (uPhone.getPhoneTypeId() != this.mobilePhoneType){ ++row; if (phCounter == 1) { table.add(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.Tph","Tph")+": "+uPhone.getNumber()), 1, row); } if (phCounter >= 2) { table.add(getText(uPhone.getNumber()), 1, row); } phCounter++; } } pIter = phones.iterator(); while (pIter.hasNext()) { uPhone = (Phone); if (uPhone.getPhoneTypeId() == this.mobilePhoneType){ ++row; if (phMobCounter == 1) { table.add(getText(this._iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.cell_phone","Mobil")+": "+uPhone.getNumber()), 1, row); } if (phMobCounter >= 2) { table.add(getText(uPhone.getNumber()), 1, row); } phMobCounter++; } } } return row; } /* private boolean isElementarySchool() { try { String category = getSchoolUserBusiness(_iwc).getSchoolCategory(_school); if (category.equalsIgnoreCase(getSchoolUserBusiness(_iwc).getSchoolBusiness().getElementarySchoolSchoolCategory())) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return false; } */ private Text getHeader(String content) { Text text = new Text(content); if (this._headerStyle != null) { text.setFontStyle(this._headerStyle); } else { text.setBold(true); } if (this._headerColor != null) { text.setFontColor(this._headerColor); } if (this._headerFontClass != null) { text.setFontClass(this._headerFontClass); } return text; } public void setHeaderStyle(String style) { this._headerStyle = style; } public void setHeaderFontClass(String fontClass) { this._headerFontClass = fontClass; } public void setHeaderColor(String color) { this._headerColor = color; } public void setSpaceBetween(int spaceBetween) { this._spaceBetween = spaceBetween; } /* private UserBusiness getUserBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws RemoteException { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac, UserBusiness.class); } */ private SchoolUserBusiness getSchoolUserBusiness(IWApplicationContext iwac) throws RemoteException { return (SchoolUserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwac, SchoolUserBusiness.class); } }