package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: * * @author <br> * <a href="">Aron Birkir</a> <br> * * @created 9. mars 2002 * @version 1.0 */ public class MailFinder { private static MailFinder letterFinder; /** * Gets a static instance of the LetterFinder class * * @return The instance value */ public static MailFinder getInstance() { if (letterFinder == null) { letterFinder = new MailFinder(); } return letterFinder; } /** * Returns a Collection of Email objects bound to a specified EmailList * * @param l - the EmailList object bound * @return a collection of emails in the specified emaillist */ public Collection getEmails(MailList l) { try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelatedOrdered(l, Email.class,, true); } catch (IDOFinderException ex) { } return null; } /** * Returns a Collection of Letter objects bound to a specified Topic * * @param t - the letter topic * @return a collection of the letters contained in specified topic. */ public Collection getEmailLetters(MailTopic t) { try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelatedOrdered(t, MailLetter.class,, true); } catch (IDOFinderException ex) {} return null; } public Collection getEmailLetters(int topicId) { try { MailTopic t = ((MailTopicHome)IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(MailTopic.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(topicId)); return EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelatedOrdered(t, MailLetter.class,, true); } catch (IDOFinderException ex) {} catch(Exception ex){} return null; } public Collection getEmailLetters(int topicId,int type){ try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("select l.* from "); sql.append(" em_letter l,em_topic t,em_letter_em_topic m "); sql.append(" where l.em_letter_id = m.em_letter_id "); sql.append(" and t.em_topic_id = m.em_topic_id "); sql.append(" and t.em_topic_id = "); sql.append(topicId); sql.append(" and l.letter_type="); sql.append(type); //System.err.println(sql.toString()); return EntityFinder.getInstance().findAll(MailLetter.class,sql.toString()); } catch (IDOFinderException ex) {} catch(Exception ex){} return null; } /** * Gets the letterGroups * * @param ICObjectInstanceId Description of the Parameter * @return The letter groups value */ public Collection getEmailGroups(int ICObjectInstanceId) { return CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryEntityByInstanceId(MailGroup.class, ICObjectInstanceId); } /** * @param ICObjectInstanceId Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value * @todo Description of the Method */ public Map mapOfEmailGroups(int ICObjectInstanceId) { return EntityFinder.getInstance().getMapOfEntity(getEmailGroups(ICObjectInstanceId), ((MailGroup) GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailGroup.class)).getIDColumnName()); } /** * Gets the instanceTopics * * @param ICObjectInstanceId Description of the Parameter * @return The instance topics value */ public Collection getInstanceTopics(int ICObjectInstanceId) { //return CategoryFinder.getInstance().getCategoryRelatedEntityFromInstanceId(MailGroup.class, MailTopic.class,, ICObjectInstanceId); return getTopics(ICObjectInstanceId); } /** * Gets the groupAccounts of the LetterFinder object * * @param GroupId Description of the Parameter * @return The group accounts value */ public Collection getGroupAccounts(int GroupId) { try { Collection c = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailGroup.class, GroupId), MailAccount.class); return c; } catch (IDOFinderException ex) { } return null; } /** * Gets the topicAccounts of the LetterFinder object * * @param TopicId Description of the Parameter * @return The topic accounts value */ public Collection getTopicAccounts(int TopicId) { try { Collection c = EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailTopic.class, TopicId), MailAccount.class); return c; } catch (IDOFinderException ex) { } return null; } /** * Gets the topicAccounts of the MailFinder object * * @param TopicId Description of the Parameter * @param protocol Description of the Parameter * @return The topic accounts value */ public Collection getTopicAccounts(int TopicId, int protocol) { Collection accounts = getTopicAccounts(TopicId); if (accounts != null && accounts.size() > 0) { Iterator iter = accounts.iterator(); MailAccount ma; while (iter.hasNext()) { ma = (MailAccount); if (ma.getProtocol() != protocol) { iter.remove(); } } return accounts; } else { System.err.println("topic accounts empty"); } return null; } /** * Gets the groupAccounts of the MailFinder object * * @param GroupId Description of the Parameter * @param protocol Description of the Parameter * @return The group accounts value */ public Collection getGroupAccounts(int GroupId, int protocol) { Collection accounts = getGroupAccounts(GroupId); if (accounts != null && accounts.size() > 0) { Iterator iter = accounts.iterator(); MailAccount ma; while (iter.hasNext()) { ma = (MailAccount); if (ma.getProtocol() != protocol) { iter.remove(); } } return accounts; } else { System.err.println("group accounts empty"); } return null; } /** * Gets the topics of the LetterFinder object * * @param InstanceId Description of the Parameter * @return The topics value */ public List getTopics(int instanceId) { try { List L = CategoryFinder.getInstance().listOfCategoryEntityByInstanceId(MailTopicBMPBean.class,instanceId); //Collection L = EntityFinder.getInstance().findAllByColumn(MailTopic.class,, CategoryId); return L; } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public MailTopic getTopic(int id){ try { return (MailTopic) GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailTopic.class,id); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } /** * Gets the Email objects bound to a specifiedList * * @param listId Description of the Parameter * @return The list emails value */ public Collection getListEmails(int listId) { try { return EntityFinder.getInstance().findRelated(GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailList.class, listId), Email.class); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public int getListEmailsCount(int listId){ try{ return GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(MailList.class, listId).getNumberOfRecordsRelated((IDOLegacyEntity)GenericEntity.getEntityInstance(Email.class)); }catch(Exception ex){ex.printStackTrace();} return 0; } /** * @param InstanceId Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value * @todo Description of the Method */ public Map mapOfTopics(int InstanceId) { return EntityFinder.getInstance().getMapOfEntity(getTopics(InstanceId), MailTopicBMPBean.TABLE_NAME+"_ID"); } public Email lookupEmail(String EmailAddress){ try { EntityFinder.debug = true; java.util.List c = EntityFinder.getInstance().findAllByColumn(Email.class,,EmailAddress); EntityFinder.debug = false; if(c!=null && c.size() > 0) { return (Email) c.get(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } public String getProtocolName(int protocol){ String p = "pop3"; switch (protocol) { case MailProtocol.POP3: p="pop3";break; case MailProtocol.SMTP: p="smtp";break; case MailProtocol.IMAP4: p="imap";break; } return p; } }