/* * Created on Nov 11, 2004 * */ package com.idega.presentation.ui; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.Image; import com.idega.presentation.Page; import com.idega.presentation.Script; /** * @author birna * */ public class SelectAllButton extends GenericButton{ /** * Constructs a new <code>SelectAllButton</code> with the default display label * */ public SelectAllButton() { this("Clear"); } /** * Construcs a new <code>SelectAllButton</code> with the display string specified * @param displayString The string to display on the button. */ public SelectAllButton(String displayString) { setValue(displayString); setInputType(INPUT_TYPE_BUTTON); } /** * Construcs a new <code>SelectAllButton</code> with the image specified * @param buttonImage The image to use as the deselect button */ public SelectAllButton(Image buttonImage) { super(); setButtonImage(buttonImage); } public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { super.main(iwc); Page parentPage = getParentPage(); Form parentForm = getParentForm(); Script associatedScript = parentPage.getAssociatedScript(); associatedScript.addFunction("selectall", "function selectall() {\n\t" + "var max = document."+parentForm.getName()+".length;\n\t " + "for(var i=0; i<max; i++){\n\t\t " + "document."+parentForm.getName()+".elements[i].checked=1;\n\t" + "}\n" + "}"); setOnClick("selectall()"); } }