package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import; import; import; import se.idega.util.Report; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.UnavailableIWContext; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import; import; import; //import; import com.idega.util.DateFormatException; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.Timer; /** * <p>Title: NackaPlacedChildImportFileHandlerBean</p> * <p>Description: Imports the child care queue into the database. * To add this to the "Import handler" dropdown for the import function, execute the following SQL:<br> * insert into im_handler values(19, 'Nacka Childcare placement importer', '', 'Imports Child placements in Nacka.') * <br> * Note that the "19" value in the SQL might have to be adjusted in the sql, * depending on the number of records already inserted in the table. </p> * <p>Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: Idega Software</p> * @author Joakim Johnson</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class NackaPlacedChildImportFileHandlerBean extends IBOServiceBean implements ImportFileHandler, NackaPlacedChildImportFileHandler { private CommuneUserBusiness biz; //private UserHome home; private SchoolBusiness schoolBiz; private SchoolHome sHome; private SchoolClassHome sClassHome; private SchoolClassMemberHome sClassMemberHome; private ImportFile file; private UserTransaction transaction; private ArrayList userValues; private List failedSchools; private List failedRecords; private List notFoundChildren; private List notFoundParent; private Collection childcareTypes; private User performer; private Locale locale; public static final String DBV = "Placerade barn"; //This is the name of the class/group that is created for the DBV private static final int COLUMN_CHILD_PERSONAL_ID = 0; private static final int COLUMN_CHILD_NAME = 1; private static final int COLUMN_UNIT = 2; private static final int COLUMN_DBV_NAME = 3; // private static final int COLUMN_DBV_PERSONAL_ID = 4; //Not used private static final int COLUMN_HOURS = 5; private static final int COLUMN_START_DATE = 6; private static final int COLUMN_END_DATE = 7; // private Gender female; // private Gender male; private Report report; private int successCount, failCount, alreadyChoosenCount, count; String item; public NackaPlacedChildImportFileHandlerBean() { } public boolean handleRecords() { failedSchools = new ArrayList(); failedRecords = new ArrayList(); notFoundChildren = new ArrayList(); notFoundParent = new ArrayList(); transaction = this.getSessionContext().getUserTransaction(); report = new Report(file.getFile().getName()); //Create a report file. I will be located in the Report dir //Cero all counters used just for reporting purposes count = 0; failCount = 0; successCount = 0; alreadyChoosenCount = 0; Timer clock = new Timer(); clock.start(); try { //initialize business beans and data homes biz = (CommuneUserBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(CommuneUserBusiness.class); //home = biz.getUserHome(); schoolBiz = (SchoolBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(SchoolBusiness.class); sHome = schoolBiz.getSchoolHome(); sClassHome = (SchoolClassHome) this.getIDOHome(SchoolClass.class); sClassMemberHome = (SchoolClassMemberHome) this.getIDOHome(SchoolClassMember.class); //if the transaction failes all the users and their relations are removed transaction.begin(); //iterate through the records and process them file.getNextRecord(); //Skip header while (!(item = (String) file.getNextRecord()).equals("")) { if (!processRecord(item)) failedRecords.add(item); if ((count % 50) == 0) { System.out.println( "NackaPlacedChildHandler processing RECORD [" + count + "] time: " + IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow().toString()); } item = null; } clock.stop(); printFailedRecords(); report.append("\nNackaQueueHandler processed "+ successCount + " records successfuly out of "+ count+ "records.\n"); report.append(alreadyChoosenCount+" of the selections had already been imported.\n"); report.append("Time to handleRecords: " + clock.getTime() + " ms OR " + ((int) (clock.getTime() / 1000)) + " s\n");; System.out.println( "Time to handleRecords: " + clock.getTime() + " ms OR " + ((int) (clock.getTime() / 1000)) + " s"); // System.gc(); //success commit changes transaction.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (SystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } private boolean processRecord(String record) throws RemoteException { userValues = file.getValuesFromRecordString(record); //System.out.println("THE RECORD = "+record); boolean success = true; try { success = storeUserInfo(); if (success) { successCount++; count++; } else { report.append("The problems above comes from the following line in the file:\n" + record + "\n"); failCount++; count++; } } catch (AlreadyCreatedException e) { report.append("The following line will not be imported:\n" + record + "\n"); alreadyChoosenCount++; } userValues = null; return success; } public void printFailedRecords() { if(!failedRecords.isEmpty()) { report.append("\nImport failed for these records, please fix and import again:\n"); Iterator iter = failedRecords.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { report.append((String); } } if (!failedSchools.isEmpty()) { report.append("\nChild caretakers missing from database or have different names:\n"); Iterator schools = failedSchools.iterator(); while (schools.hasNext()) { report.append((String); } } if (!notFoundChildren.isEmpty()) { report.append("\nChildren missing from database or have different names. These have been created:\n"); Iterator chIterator = notFoundChildren.iterator(); while (chIterator.hasNext()) { String name = (String); report.append(name + "\n"); } } if (!notFoundParent.isEmpty()) { report.append("\nNo parent found for child:\n"); Iterator parents = notFoundParent.iterator(); while (parents.hasNext()) { String name = (String); report.append(name + "\n"); } } } protected boolean storeUserInfo() throws RemoteException, AlreadyCreatedException { User child = null; //variables String caretaker = ""; boolean isDBV = false; String PIN = getUserProperty(COLUMN_CHILD_PERSONAL_ID); if (PIN == null) { report.append("Could not read the personal ID"); return false; } String childName = getUserProperty(COLUMN_CHILD_NAME); if (childName == null) { report.append("Could not read the Child name"); // return false; } String unit = getUserProperty(COLUMN_UNIT); String dbv = getUserProperty(COLUMN_DBV_NAME); // String dbvpid = getUserProperty(COLUMN_DBV_PERSONAL_ID); if(unit != null){ isDBV = false; caretaker = unit; } else if(dbv != null){ caretaker = dbv; isDBV = true; } else { report.append("Could not read the childcaretaker for child "+PIN); return false; } String hours = getUserProperty(COLUMN_HOURS); String sDate = getUserProperty(COLUMN_START_DATE); if (sDate == null) { report.append("Failed parsing start date for " + childName); return false; } IWTimestamp sDateT = new IWTimestamp(); try { sDateT.setDate(sDate); } catch (DateFormatException e1) { report.append("Failed parsing start date "+sDate+" for " + childName); return false; } String eDate = getUserProperty(COLUMN_END_DATE); IWTimestamp eDateT = null; if (eDate == null) { eDateT = null; } else { try { eDateT = new IWTimestamp(eDate); } catch (Exception e) { eDateT = null; } } //database stuff School school = null; SchoolClass sClass = null; // SchoolYear year; // user try { child = biz.getUserHome().findByPersonalID(PIN); //debug if (child == null) { report.append("Could not find child with personal id "+PIN+" in database"); return false; } } catch (FinderException e) { try { report.append("Could not find any child with personal id " + PIN + " "); report.append("Child name is " + childName); //create a temporary user for the child //initialize business beans and data homes CommuneUserBusiness biz; biz = (CommuneUserBusiness) this.getServiceInstance(CommuneUserBusiness.class); String firstName = null, lastName = null; Gender gender; GenderHome genderHome = (GenderHome) getIDOHome(Gender.class); char genderChar = PIN.charAt(PIN.length()-2); String maleStr = "13579"; if(maleStr.indexOf(genderChar)>-1){ gender = genderHome.getMaleGender(); }else { gender = genderHome.getFemaleGender(); } IWTimestamp dateOfBirth = new IWTimestamp(); dateOfBirth.setDate(PIN); int com = childName.indexOf(','); if(com > -1){ lastName = childName.substring(0,com).trim(); firstName = childName.substring(com+1).trim(); } child = biz.createSpecialCitizen(firstName, "", lastName, PIN, gender, dateOfBirth); if (!notFoundChildren.contains(childName)) { notFoundChildren.add(childName); } // success = false; } catch (Exception ex) { report.append("There was an error while creating special user "+PIN+" "+childName+"\n"); ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } } try { //school //this can only work if there is only one school with this name. add more parameters for other areas school = sHome.findBySchoolName(caretaker); } catch (FinderException e) { report.append("Could not find any childcare taker with name " + caretaker); if (!failedSchools.contains(caretaker)) { failedSchools.add(caretaker); } return false; } //school class try { sClass = sClassHome.findByNameAndSchool(DBV, school); // System.out.println("School cls found"); } catch (FinderException e) { report.append("School cls for "+school.getName()+" not found creating..."); sClass = schoolBiz.storeSchoolClass(DBV, school, null, null);; if (sClass == null){ report.append("Could not create the class for "+school.getName()); return false; } } //school cls member //SchoolClassMember member = null; try { Collection classMembers = sClassMemberHome.findByStudentAndTypes(((Integer)child.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), getSchoolTypes()); Iterator oldClasses = classMembers.iterator(); while (oldClasses.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMember temp = (SchoolClassMember); if(!temp.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName().equals(DBV)) { report.append(child.getName()+" is already in childcare "+temp.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName()+" at "+temp.getSchoolClass().getSchool().getName()); if (!isDBV) throw new AlreadyCreatedException(); } else { report.append(child.getName()+" is already in childcare "+temp.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName()+" at "+temp.getSchoolClass().getSchool().getName()); } // try { // temp.remove(); // } catch (RemoveException e) { // report.append("problem removing old placement for the child "+e.toString()); // e.printStackTrace(); // return false; // } } } catch (FinderException f) { } // report.append("School cls member not found creating..."); /*member = schoolBiz.storeSchoolClassMember(sClass, child);; if (member == null) { report.append("Problem creating the class member"); return false; }*/ //schoolclassmember finished //Create the contract ChildCareBusiness cc = (ChildCareBusiness) getServiceInstance(ChildCareBusiness.class); User parent = biz.getCustodianForChild(child); if (parent == null) { notFoundParent.add(PIN + ": " + childName); return false; } IWContext iwc; try { iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); if (performer == null) performer = iwc.getCurrentUser(); if (locale == null) locale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); int schoolID = Integer.parseInt(school.getPrimaryKey().toString()); int classID = Integer.parseInt(sClass.getPrimaryKey().toString()); boolean importDone = cc.importChildToProvider(-1, ((Integer)child.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), schoolID, classID, hours, -1, -1, null, sDateT, eDateT, locale, parent, performer); if (importDone) report.append("Contract created for child "+child.getName()); else report.append("Failed to create contract for child "+child.getName()); } catch (UnavailableIWContext e2) { report.append("Could not get the IWContext. Cannot create the contract."); return false; } catch (NumberFormatException e3) { report.append("NumberFormatException. SchoolID or ClassID is not a number. Cannot create the contract."); return false; } //finished with this user child = null; return true; } public void setImportFile(ImportFile file) { this.file = file; } private Collection getSchoolTypes() throws RemoteException { if (childcareTypes == null) childcareTypes = schoolBiz.findAllSchoolTypesForSchool(); return childcareTypes; } private String getUserProperty(int columnIndex) { String value = null; if (userValues != null) { try { value = (String) userValues.get(columnIndex); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return null; } //System.out.println("Index: "+columnIndex+" Value: "+value); if (file.getEmptyValueString().equals(value)) return null; else return value; } else return null; } /** * Rturns the value from getQueueProperty() parsed into an int * @param columnIndex column to be parsed * @return int value of the column. 0 is returned, if no value or unparsable value is found. */ // private int getIntQueueProperty(int columnIndex) throws NumberFormatException { // String sValue = getUserProperty(columnIndex); // return Integer.parseInt(sValue); // } /* private IWTimestamp getBirthDateFromPin(String pin) { //pin format = 190010221208 yyyymmddxxxx int dd = Integer.parseInt(pin.substring(6, 8)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(pin.substring(4, 6)); int yyyy = Integer.parseInt(pin.substring(0, 4)); IWTimestamp dob = new IWTimestamp(dd, mm, yyyy); return dob; } private Gender getGenderFromPin(String pin) { //pin format = 190010221208 second last number is the gender //even number = female //odd number = male try { GenderHome home = (GenderHome) this.getIDOHome(Gender.class); if (Integer.parseInt(pin.substring(10, 11)) % 2 == 0) { if (female == null) { female = home.getFemaleGender(); } return female; } else { if (male == null) { male = home.getMaleGender(); } return male; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; //if something happened } } */ /** * Not used * @param rootGroup The rootGroup to set */ public void setRootGroup(Group rootGroup) { } /** * @see */ public List getFailedRecords() { return failedRecords; } /*private class headerException extends Exception{ public headerException(){ super(); } public headerException(String s){ super(s); } }*/ }