/* * $Id: NavigationList.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:49 idegaweb Exp $ * Created on 16.2.2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.block.navigation.presentation; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import com.idega.builder.business.PageTreeNode; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.core.builder.business.BuilderService; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.business.ICTreeNodeComparator; import com.idega.core.data.ICTreeNode; import com.idega.presentation.Block; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject; import com.idega.presentation.text.Link; import com.idega.presentation.text.ListItem; import com.idega.presentation.text.Lists; import com.idega.presentation.text.Text; import com.idega.presentation.ui.Parameter; import com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness; import com.idega.user.data.User; /** * <p> * This is the new standard "NavigationList" component, for displaying a list of pages (part of the webtree) within an idegaWeb site to link to. * It is based purely on CSS style classes for defining its layout. * There is a subclass of this called "NavigationTree" that is based on a older "table" based layout which is now discouraged to use * because of Web standards compliance. * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:49 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">tryggvil</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class NavigationList extends Block { private final static String PARAMETER_SELECTED_PAGE = "nt_selected_page"; private final static String SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_OPEN_ON_USER_HOMEPAGE = "nt_open_on_user_homepage"; private final static String IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "com.idega.block.navigation"; private String textStyleName = "text"; private String linkStyleName = "link"; private int _currentPageID; private int _maxDepthForStyles = -1; protected Collection _currentPages; protected Collection _selectedPages; private boolean _showRoot = false; private boolean _useDifferentStyles = false; private boolean _autoCreateHoverStyles = false; private boolean _debug = false; private boolean _markOnlyCurrentPage = false; private boolean iOpenOnUserHomePage = false; private boolean iOrderPagesAlphabetically = false; private boolean iHideSubPages = false; private boolean iUseStyleLinks = true; private boolean rootSelected = false; private int _rootPageID = -1; private String iSelectedID = null; private String iListID = null; private HashMap _parameters = new HashMap(); private Map _depthOrderPagesAlphabetically; private boolean showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled=false; private boolean displaySelectedPageAsLink=false; private String disabledStyleClass="disabled"; private String selectedStyleClass="selected"; private String beforeSelectedStyleClass="beforeSelected"; private String lastSelectedStyleClass="lastSelected"; private String afterSelectedStyleClass="afterSelected"; private String firstSelectedStyleClass="firstSelected"; private String firstChildStyleClass="firstChild"; private String lastChildStyleClass="lastChild"; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#main(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { setRootNode(iwc); parse(iwc); add(getTree(iwc)); } protected void setRootNode(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { if (this._rootPageID == -1) { this._rootPageID = getBuilderService(iwc).getRootPageId(); } //_rootPage = new PageTreeNode(_rootPageID, iwc); } /** * Initialized the main <code>ul</code> tag and adds all page links to the * tree. * * @param iwc * @return */ protected UIComponent getTree(IWContext iwc) { //TODO: implement a CSS version here Lists list = new Lists(); if (this.iListID != null) { list.setID(this.iListID); } String styleClass = getStyleClass(); if(styleClass!=null){ list.setStyleClass(styleClass); } int row = 1; int depth = 0; //row = addHeaderObject(table, row); if (getShowRoot()) { ICTreeNode page = getRootNode(); if (isSelectedPage(page)) { this.rootSelected = true; } List pageList = new ArrayList(); pageList.add(page); UIComponent nodeComponent = getNodeComponent(list,pageList,page,row,depth,0, false); ((PresentationObject) nodeComponent).setStyleClass("firstChild"); addObject(iwc, page, nodeComponent, row, depth, false); } row = addToTree(iwc, getRootNode().getChildren(), list, row, depth); return list; } /** * Adds the given <code>Collection</code> of child pages to the UIComponent holding the list * @param iwc * @param childrenCollection * @param pageList * @param row * @param depth * @return */ protected int addToTree(IWContext iwc, Collection childrenCollection, UIComponent pageList, int row, int depth) { List pagesList = new ArrayList(childrenCollection); if (getDepthOrderPagesAlphabetically(depth)) { Collections.sort(pagesList, new ICTreeNodeComparator(iwc.getCurrentLocale())); } Iterator children = pagesList.iterator(); int index = 0; while (children.hasNext()) { ICTreeNode page = (ICTreeNode) children.next(); boolean hasPermission = true; try { String pageKey = String.valueOf(page.getNodeID()); //Page populatedPage = getBuilderService(iwc).getPage(pageKey); //hasPermission = iwc.hasViewPermission(populatedPage); hasPermission = iwc.getAccessController().hasViewPermissionForPageKey(pageKey,iwc); } catch (Exception re) { log(re); } if (hasPermission||this.showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled) { boolean linkIsDisabled = (!hasPermission)&&this.showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled; UIComponent nodeComponent = getNodeComponent(pageList,pagesList,page,row,depth,index, linkIsDisabled); addObject(iwc, page, nodeComponent, row, depth, linkIsDisabled); row = setRowAttributes(nodeComponent, page, row, depth, (index == 0), !children.hasNext()); //only recurse down tree if hasPermission==true if(hasPermission){ if (isOpen(page) && page.getChildCount() > 0 && !this.iHideSubPages) { UIComponent newList = getSubTreeComponent(nodeComponent,row,depth); row = addToTree(iwc, page.getChildren(), newList, row, depth + 1); } } } index++; } return row; } /** * Gets the UIComponent used for a new iteration for a new subpages node.<br> * The default implementation is returning a new Lists component. * @param outerContainer * @param row * @param depth * @return */ protected UIComponent getSubTreeComponent(UIComponent outerContainer,int row,int depth){ Lists newList = new Lists(); outerContainer.getChildren().add(newList); return newList; } /** * Gets the UIComponent used for a each node in the list.<br> * The default implementation is returning a new ListItem component and adding to the list. * @param outerContainer * @param row * @param depth * @param isdisabled TODO * @return */ protected UIComponent getNodeComponent(UIComponent outerContainer,List pages,ICTreeNode page,int row,int depth,int index, boolean isdisabled){ ListItem item = new ListItem(); if (isSelectedPage(page)) { item.setStyleClass(getSelectedStyleClass()); if (this.iSelectedID != null) { item.setID(this.iSelectedID); } } int pageIndex = (getShowRoot() && !page.equals(getRootNode())) ? (index + 2) : (index + 1); if (pageIndex % 2 == 0) { item.setStyleClass("even"); } else { item.setStyleClass("odd"); } if (pages != null) { int size = pages.size() - 1; if (index < size) { if (isSelectedPage((ICTreeNode) pages.get(index + 1))) { item.setStyleClass(getBeforeSelectedStyleClass()); } } if (index == size && isSelectedPage(page) && !this.rootSelected) { item.setStyleClass(getLastSelectedStyleClass()); } if (index > 0) { if (isSelectedPage((ICTreeNode) pages.get(index - 1))) { item.setStyleClass(getAfterSelectedStyleClass()); } } if (index == 0 && isSelectedPage(page) && !getShowRoot()) { item.setStyleClass(getFirstSelectedStyleClass()); } if (index == 0 && getShowRoot() && this.rootSelected && !page.equals(getRootNode())) { item.setStyleClass(getAfterSelectedStyleClass()); } if(isdisabled){ item.setStyleClass(getDisabledStyleClass()); } } outerContainer.getChildren().add(item); return item; } private boolean isSelectedPage(ICTreeNode page) { if (isOpen(page) || page.getNodeID() == getCurrentPageId()) { return true; } return false; } protected int setRowAttributes(UIComponent listComponent, ICTreeNode page, int row, int depth, boolean isFirstChild, boolean isLastChild) { if (isFirstChild && !getShowRoot()) { ((PresentationObject) listComponent).setStyleClass(getFirstChildStyleClass()); } if (isLastChild) { ((PresentationObject) listComponent).setStyleClass(getLastChildStyleClass()); } return row; } /** * Adds the <code>PresentationObject</code> corresponding to the specified * <code>PageTreeNode</code> and depth. * * @param iwc * @param page * @param row * @param depth * @param linkIsDisabled TODO * @param table */ protected void addObject(IWContext iwc, ICTreeNode page, UIComponent list, int row, int depth, boolean linkIsDisabled) { UIComponent link = getLink(page, iwc, depth, linkIsDisabled); list.getChildren().add(link); } /** * Gets the <code>PresentationObject</code> corresponding to the specified * <code>PageTreeNode</code> and depth. * * @param page * @param iwc * @param depth * @return */ protected String getLocalizedName(ICTreeNode node, IWContext iwc) { return ((PageTreeNode) node).getLocalizedNodeName(iwc); } protected boolean getIsCategory(ICTreeNode node) { return ((PageTreeNode) node).isCategory(); } protected UIComponent getLink(ICTreeNode page, IWContext iwc, int depth, boolean linkIsDisabled) { String name = getLocalizedName(page, iwc); if (this.iUseStyleLinks) { if (page.getNodeID() != getCurrentPageId()) { String linkStyleClass=this.linkStyleName; Link link = getStyleLink(name, getStyleName(linkStyleClass, depth)); if(linkIsDisabled){ link.setURL("#"); } else{ addParameterToLink(link, page); } return link; } else { if(this.displaySelectedPageAsLink){ Link link = getStyleLink(name, getStyleName(this.linkStyleName, depth)); addParameterToLink(link, page); return link; } else{ Text text = getStyleText(name, getStyleName(this.textStyleName, depth)); return text; } } } else { Link link = new Link(name); if(linkIsDisabled){ link.setURL("#"); } else{ addParameterToLink(link, page); } return link; } } protected int getCurrentPageId(){ return this._currentPageID; } protected void addParameterToLink(Link link, ICTreeNode page) { boolean isCategory = getIsCategory(page); if (!isCategory) { link.setPage(page.getNodeID()); } else { link.addParameter(PARAMETER_SELECTED_PAGE, page.getNodeID()); } List parameters = (List) this._parameters.get(new Integer(page.getNodeID())); if (parameters != null) { Iterator iter = parameters.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { link.addParameter((Parameter)iter.next()); } } } /** * Gets whether to order pages for specified depth level alphabetically. Will * return the default value if nothing is set for the specified depth. * * @param depth * The depth to get whether to order alphabetically or not. * @return */ protected boolean getDepthOrderPagesAlphabetically(int depth) { if (this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically != null) { Boolean order = (Boolean) this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically.get(new Integer(depth)); if (order != null) { return order.booleanValue(); } } return this.iOrderPagesAlphabetically; } /** * Gets the stylename for the specified depth. * * @param styleName * The stylename to use. * @param depth * The depth to get the stylename for. * @return */ private String getStyleName(String styleName, int depth) { if (this._useDifferentStyles) { if (this._maxDepthForStyles != -1 && depth >= this._maxDepthForStyles) { styleName = styleName + "_" + this._maxDepthForStyles; } else { styleName = styleName + "_" + depth; } } return styleName; } /** * Checks to see if the specified <code>PageTreeNode</code> is open or * closed. * * @param page * The <code>PageTreeNode</code> to check. * @return */ protected boolean isOpen(ICTreeNode page) { boolean isOpen = isCurrent(page); if (!isOpen) { isOpen = isSelected(page); } return isOpen; } /** * Checks to see if the specified <code>PageTreeNode</code> is the current * page or one of its parent pages. * * @param page * The <code>PageTreeNode</code> to check. * @return */ protected boolean isCurrent(ICTreeNode page) { if (this._currentPages != null && this._currentPages.contains(new Integer(page.getNodeID()))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if the specified <code>PageTreeNode</code> is the selected * page of one of its parent pages. * * @param page * The <code>PageTreeNode</code> to check. * @return */ protected boolean isSelected(ICTreeNode page) { if (this._selectedPages != null && this._selectedPages.contains(new Integer(page.getNodeID()))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Retrieves the current page as well as the selected page and puts all * parents into a <code>Collection</code> to draw the tree with the correct * branches open/closed. * * @param iwc */ protected void parse(IWContext iwc) { BuilderService builderService = null; try { builderService = getBuilderService(iwc); ICTreeNode currentPage = builderService.getPageTree(builderService.getCurrentPageId(iwc)); this._currentPageID = currentPage.getNodeID(); this._currentPages = new ArrayList(); this._currentPages.add(new Integer(this._currentPageID)); debug("Current page is set."); if (this._currentPageID != ((Integer) getRootNodeId()).intValue()) { ICTreeNode parent = currentPage.getParentNode(); if (parent != null) { while (parent != null && parent.getNodeID() != ((Integer) getRootNodeId()).intValue()) { debug("Adding page with ID = " + parent.getNodeID() + " to currentMap"); this._currentPages.add(new Integer(parent.getNodeID())); parent = parent.getParentNode(); if (parent == null) { break; } } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (iwc.isParameterSet(PARAMETER_SELECTED_PAGE)) { debug("Selected page parameter is set."); try { this._selectedPages = new ArrayList(); ICTreeNode selectedParent = builderService.getPageTree(Integer.parseInt(iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_SELECTED_PAGE))); while (selectedParent != null && selectedParent.getNodeID() != ((Integer) getRootNodeId()).intValue()) { debug("Adding page with ID = " + selectedParent.getNodeID() + " to selectedMap"); this._selectedPages.add(new Integer(selectedParent.getNodeID())); selectedParent = selectedParent.getParentNode(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } else { debug("No selected page parameter in request."); if (this.iOpenOnUserHomePage && iwc.isLoggedOn()) { boolean openOnUserHomePage = true; try { openOnUserHomePage = ((Boolean) iwc.getSessionAttribute(SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_OPEN_ON_USER_HOMEPAGE)).booleanValue(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { openOnUserHomePage = true; } try { User newUser = iwc.getCurrentUser(); int homePageID = getUserBusiness(iwc).getHomePageIDForUser(newUser); if (openOnUserHomePage && homePageID != -1) { this._selectedPages = new ArrayList(); ICTreeNode selectedParent = builderService.getPageTree(homePageID); while (selectedParent != null && selectedParent.getNodeID() != ((Integer) getRootNodeId()).intValue()) { debug("Adding page with ID = " + selectedParent.getNodeID() + " to selectedMap"); this._selectedPages.add(new Integer(selectedParent.getNodeID())); selectedParent = selectedParent.getParentNode(); } iwc.setSessionAttribute(SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_OPEN_ON_USER_HOMEPAGE, Boolean.FALSE); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } } } protected UserBusiness getUserBusiness(IWContext iwc) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, UserBusiness.class); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#getBundleIdentifier() */ public String getBundleIdentifier() { return IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.Block#autoCreateGlobalHoverStyles() */ protected boolean autoCreateGlobalHoverStyles() { return this._autoCreateHoverStyles; } /** * Sets the page to use as the root for the tree. If nothing is selected, the * root page of the <code>IBDomain</code> is used. * * @param rootPageID */ public void setRootPage(ICPage rootPage) { this._rootPageID = ((Integer) rootPage.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } /** * Sets to show the root page in the tree. Set to FALSE by default. * * @param showRoot */ public void setShowRoot(boolean showRoot) { this._showRoot = showRoot; } /** * Gets if the root should be showed * @return */ public boolean getShowRoot(){ return this._showRoot; } /** * Sets to use different styles for each level of the tree. Set to FALSE by * default. * * @param useDifferentStyles */ public void setUseDifferentStyles(boolean useDifferentStyles) { this._useDifferentStyles = useDifferentStyles; } /** * Sets to auto create hovers styles in the style sheet for link styles. Set * to FALSE by default. * * @param autoCreateHoverStyles */ public void setAutoCreateHoverStyles(boolean autoCreateHoverStyles) { this._autoCreateHoverStyles = autoCreateHoverStyles; } /** * Sets to order pages alphabetically for a specific depth level. * * @param depth * @param orderAlphabetically */ public void setDepthOrderPagesAlphabetically(int depth, boolean orderAlphabetically) { if (this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically == null) { this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically = new HashMap(); } this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically.put(new Integer(depth - 1), new Boolean(orderAlphabetically)); } /** * Sets the maximum depth for styles in the <code>NavigationTree</code>. * Used to restrict how far down the tree new styles are specified. Set to -1 * by default, meaning no restrictions. * * @param maxDepthForStyles */ public void setMaxDepthForStyles(int maxDepthForStyles) { this._maxDepthForStyles = maxDepthForStyles; } /** * Sets the name of the style to use for links in the stylesheet. Is set by * default to a global name, can be altered to allow for individual settings. * * @param linkStyleName */ public void setLinkStyleName(String linkStyleName) { this.linkStyleName = linkStyleName; } /** * Sets the name of the style to use for texts in the stylesheet. Is set by * default to a global name, can be altered to allow for individual settings. * * @param textStyleName */ public void setTextStyleName(String textStyleName) { this.textStyleName = textStyleName; } /** * Sets to debug actions. * * @param debug */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this._debug = debug; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.idega.presentation.PresentationObject#debug(java.lang.String) */ public void debug(String outputString) { if (this._debug) { System.out.println("[NavigationTree]: " + outputString); } } protected ICTreeNode getRootNode() { //return _rootPage; IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); if (this._rootPageID == -1) { try { this._rootPageID = getBuilderService(iwc).getRootPageId(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ICTreeNode rootPage = new PageTreeNode(this._rootPageID, iwc); return rootPage; //_rootPage = new PageTreeNode(_rootPageID, iwc); } protected Object getRootNodeId() { return new Integer(this._rootPageID); } /** * @param onlyCurrentPage * The _markOnlyCurrentPage to set. */ public void setToMarkOnlyCurrentPage(boolean onlyCurrentPage) { this._markOnlyCurrentPage = onlyCurrentPage; } /** * Gets the value of the _markOnlyCurrentPage property */ public boolean getMarkOnlyCurrentPage() { return this._markOnlyCurrentPage; } public void setOpenOnUserHomepage(boolean openOnUserHomepage) { this.iOpenOnUserHomePage = openOnUserHomepage; } public void setToOrderPagesAlphabetically(boolean orderAlphabetically) { this.iOrderPagesAlphabetically = orderAlphabetically; } public void setHideSubPages(boolean hide) { this.iHideSubPages = hide; } public void setListID(String ID) { this.iListID = ID; } public void setSelectedID(String ID) { this.iSelectedID = ID; } public void setUseStyleLinks(boolean useStyleLinks) { this.iUseStyleLinks = useStyleLinks; } public void setParameterForPage(ICPage page, String parameterName, String parameterValue) { if (page != null && parameterName != null && !parameterName.trim().equals("")) { List list = (List) this._parameters.get(page.getPrimaryKey()); if (list == null) { list = new Vector(); this._parameters.put(page.getPrimaryKey(), list); } Parameter p = new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue); list.add(p); } } /** * <p> * Sets the list to show also pages in the list that the current logged in user does not have (view) access to.<br/> * </p> * @param ifShow */ public void setShowForbiddenPagesAsDisabled(boolean ifShow){ this.showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled=ifShow; } /** * <p> * Sets the style class that is rendered out when the property "showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled" is set to true.<br/> * The default value is "disabled". * </p> * @param styleClass */ public void setDisabledStyleClass(String styleClass){ this.disabledStyleClass=styleClass; } public String getDisabledStyleClass(){ return this.disabledStyleClass; } /** * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ public Object saveState(FacesContext ctx) { Object values[] = new Object[32]; values[0] = super.saveState(ctx); values[1] = this.textStyleName; values[2] = this.linkStyleName; values[3] = new Integer(this._currentPageID); //values[4] = _rootPage; values[4] = new Integer(this._maxDepthForStyles); values[5] = this._currentPages; values[6] = this._selectedPages; values[7] = Boolean.valueOf(this._showRoot); values[8] = Boolean.valueOf(this._useDifferentStyles); values[9] = Boolean.valueOf(this._autoCreateHoverStyles); values[10] = Boolean.valueOf(this._debug); values[11] = Boolean.valueOf(this._markOnlyCurrentPage); values[12] = Boolean.valueOf(this.iOpenOnUserHomePage); values[13] = Boolean.valueOf(this.iOrderPagesAlphabetically); values[14] = Boolean.valueOf(this.iHideSubPages); values[15] = Boolean.valueOf(this.iUseStyleLinks); values[16] = Boolean.valueOf(this.rootSelected); values[17] = new Integer(this._rootPageID); values[18] = this.iSelectedID; values[19] = this.iListID; values[20] = this._parameters; values[21] = this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically; values[22] = Boolean.valueOf(this.showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled); values[23] = this.disabledStyleClass; values[24] = Boolean.valueOf(this.displaySelectedPageAsLink); values[25] = this.selectedStyleClass; values[26] = this.beforeSelectedStyleClass; values[27] = this.lastSelectedStyleClass; values[28] = this.afterSelectedStyleClass; values[29] = this.firstSelectedStyleClass; values[30] = this.firstChildStyleClass; values[31] = this.lastChildStyleClass; return values; } /** * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) */ public void restoreState(FacesContext ctx, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[])state; super.restoreState(ctx, values[0]); this.textStyleName=(String)values[1]; this.linkStyleName=(String)values[2]; this._currentPageID=((Integer)values[3]).intValue(); //_rootPage=(ICTreeNode)values[4]; this._maxDepthForStyles=((Integer)values[4]).intValue(); this._currentPages=(Collection)values[5]; this._selectedPages=(Collection)values[6]; this._showRoot=((Boolean)values[7]).booleanValue(); this._useDifferentStyles=((Boolean)values[8]).booleanValue(); this._autoCreateHoverStyles=((Boolean)values[9]).booleanValue(); this._debug=((Boolean)values[10]).booleanValue(); this._markOnlyCurrentPage=((Boolean)values[11]).booleanValue(); this.iOpenOnUserHomePage=((Boolean)values[12]).booleanValue(); this.iOrderPagesAlphabetically=((Boolean)values[13]).booleanValue(); this.iHideSubPages=((Boolean)values[14]).booleanValue(); this.iUseStyleLinks=((Boolean)values[15]).booleanValue(); this.rootSelected=((Boolean)values[16]).booleanValue(); this._rootPageID=((Integer)values[17]).intValue(); this.iSelectedID=(String)values[18]; this.iListID=(String)values[19]; this._parameters=(HashMap)values[20]; this._depthOrderPagesAlphabetically=(Map)values[21]; this.showForbiddenPagesAsDisabled=((Boolean)values[22]).booleanValue(); this.disabledStyleClass=(String)values[23]; this.displaySelectedPageAsLink=((Boolean)values[24]).booleanValue(); this.selectedStyleClass=(String)values[25]; this.beforeSelectedStyleClass=(String)values[26]; this.lastSelectedStyleClass=(String)values[27]; this.afterSelectedStyleClass=(String)values[28]; this.firstSelectedStyleClass=(String)values[29]; this.firstChildStyleClass=(String)values[30]; this.lastChildStyleClass=(String)values[31]; } /** * @return Returns the displaySelectedPageAsLink. */ public boolean isDisplaySelectedPageAsLink() { return this.displaySelectedPageAsLink; } /** * @param displaySelectedPageAsLink The displaySelectedPageAsLink to set. */ public void setDisplaySelectedPageAsLink(boolean displaySelectedPageAsLink) { this.displaySelectedPageAsLink = displaySelectedPageAsLink; } /** * @return Returns the selectedStyleClass. */ public String getSelectedStyleClass() { return this.selectedStyleClass; } /** * @param selectedStyleClass The selectedStyleClass to set. */ public void setSelectedStyleClass(String selectedStyleClass) { this.selectedStyleClass = selectedStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the afterSelectedStyleClass. */ public String getAfterSelectedStyleClass() { return this.afterSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @param afterSelectedStyleClass The afterSelectedStyleClass to set. */ public void setAfterSelectedStyleClass(String afterSelectedStyleClass) { this.afterSelectedStyleClass = afterSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the beforeSelectedStyleClass. */ public String getBeforeSelectedStyleClass() { return this.beforeSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @param beforeSelectedStyleClass The beforeSelectedStyleClass to set. */ public void setBeforeSelectedStyleClass(String beforeSelectedStyleClass) { this.beforeSelectedStyleClass = beforeSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the firstChildStyleClass. */ public String getFirstChildStyleClass() { return this.firstChildStyleClass; } /** * @param firstChildStyleClass The firstChildStyleClass to set. */ public void setFirstChildStyleClass(String firstChildStyleClass) { this.firstChildStyleClass = firstChildStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the firstSelectedStyleClass. */ public String getFirstSelectedStyleClass() { return this.firstSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @param firstSelectedStyleClass The firstSelectedStyleClass to set. */ public void setFirstSelectedStyleClass(String firstSelectedStyleClass) { this.firstSelectedStyleClass = firstSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the lastChildStyleClass. */ public String getLastChildStyleClass() { return this.lastChildStyleClass; } /** * @param lastChildStyleClass The lastChildStyleClass to set. */ public void setLastChildStyleClass(String lastChildStyleClass) { this.lastChildStyleClass = lastChildStyleClass; } /** * @return Returns the lastSelectedStyleClass. */ public String getLastSelectedStyleClass() { return this.lastSelectedStyleClass; } /** * @param lastSelectedStyleClass The lastSelectedStyleClass to set. */ public void setLastSelectedStyleClass(String lastSelectedStyleClass) { this.lastSelectedStyleClass = lastSelectedStyleClass; } }