/* * $Id: UserBusinessBean.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:31 idegaweb Exp $ * Created in 2002 by gummi * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Idega. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.user.business; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.RemoveException; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import org.codehaus.plexus.ldapserver.server.syntax.DirectoryString; import com.idega.business.IBOLookup; import com.idega.business.IBORuntimeException; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.AccessControl; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.LoginCreateException; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.business.LoginDBHandler; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.data.ICPermission; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.data.LoginTable; import com.idega.core.accesscontrol.data.LoginTableHome; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICDomain; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPageHome; import com.idega.core.contact.data.Email; import com.idega.core.contact.data.EmailHome; import com.idega.core.contact.data.Phone; import com.idega.core.contact.data.PhoneBMPBean; import com.idega.core.contact.data.PhoneHome; import com.idega.core.ldap.client.naming.DN; import com.idega.core.ldap.util.IWLDAPConstants; import com.idega.core.ldap.util.IWLDAPUtil; import com.idega.core.location.business.AddressBusiness; import com.idega.core.location.data.Address; import com.idega.core.location.data.AddressHome; import com.idega.core.location.data.AddressType; import com.idega.core.location.data.Commune; import com.idega.core.location.data.CommuneHome; import com.idega.core.location.data.Country; import com.idega.core.location.data.CountryHome; import com.idega.core.location.data.PostalCode; import com.idega.core.location.data.PostalCodeHome; import com.idega.data.IDOAddRelationshipException; import com.idega.data.IDOCreateException; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; import com.idega.data.IDOQuery; import com.idega.data.IDORelationshipException; import com.idega.data.IDORemoveRelationshipException; import com.idega.data.IDOStoreException; import com.idega.data.IDOUtil; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWUserContext; import com.idega.user.data.Gender; import com.idega.user.data.GenderHome; import com.idega.user.data.Group; import com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean; import com.idega.user.data.GroupDomainRelation; import com.idega.user.data.GroupDomainRelationType; import com.idega.user.data.GroupHome; import com.idega.user.data.GroupRelation; import com.idega.user.data.GroupRelationHome; import com.idega.user.data.TopNodeGroup; import com.idega.user.data.TopNodeGroupHome; import com.idega.user.data.User; import com.idega.user.data.UserComment; import com.idega.user.data.UserCommentHome; import com.idega.user.data.UserHome; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.Timer; import com.idega.util.datastructures.NestedSetsContainer; import com.idega.util.text.Name; /** * <p> * This is the the class that holds the main business logic for creating, * removing, lookups and manipulating Users. * </p> * Copyright (C) idega software 2002-2005 <br/> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:31 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="gummi@idega.is">Gudmundur Agust Saemundsson</a>,<a * href="eiki@idega.is">Eirikur S. Hrafnsson</a>, <a * href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class UserBusinessBean extends com.idega.business.IBOServiceBean implements UserBusiness, IWLDAPConstants { /** * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code> */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5915206628531551728L; // remove use of "null" when metadata can be removed private static final String NULL = "null"; private static final String JOB_META_DATA_KEY = "job"; private static final String WORKPLACE_META_DATA_KEY = "workplace"; private static final String SESSION_KEY_TOP_NODES = "top_nodes_for_user"; private static final int NUMBER_OF_PERMISSIONS_CACHING_LIMIT = 800; private GroupHome groupHome; private UserHome userHome; private EmailHome emailHome; private AddressHome addressHome; private PhoneHome phoneHome; private TopNodeGroupHome topNodeGroupHome; private Gender male, female; private Map pluginsForGroupTypeCachMap = new HashMap(); /** * if stored prosedure is not available and users view and owner permissions * for groups are more than <code>searchForTopNodesFromTop</code> then the * top nodes are searched from the top of the tree, otherwise the collection * of the groups that the user has collection for is used to find which of * them are topnodes */ private int searchForTopNodesFromTop = 3000; public UserBusinessBean() { } public UserHome getUserHome() { if (this.userHome == null) { try { this.userHome = (UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.userHome; } public GroupHome getGroupHome() { if (this.groupHome == null) { try { this.groupHome = (GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.groupHome; } public EmailHome getEmailHome() { if (this.emailHome == null) { try { this.emailHome = (EmailHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Email.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.emailHome; } public AddressHome getAddressHome() { if (this.addressHome == null) { try { this.addressHome = (AddressHome) IDOLookup .getHome(Address.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.addressHome; } public PhoneHome getPhoneHome() { if (this.phoneHome == null) { try { this.phoneHome = (PhoneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Phone.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.phoneHome; } public TopNodeGroupHome getTopNodeGroupHome() { if (this.topNodeGroupHome == null) { try { this.topNodeGroupHome = (TopNodeGroupHome) IDOLookup .getHome(TopNodeGroup.class); } catch (RemoteException rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } } return this.topNodeGroupHome; } /** * @deprecated replaced with createUser */ public User insertUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, displayname, null, description, gender, date_of_birth, primary_group); } /** * Method createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist either created a new user or * updates an old one. * * @param fullName * @param personalID * @param gender * @param dateOfBirth * @return User * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public User createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist(String fullName, String personalID, Gender gender, IWTimestamp dateOfBirth) throws CreateException, RemoteException { User user = null; if (personalID != null && personalID.trim().length() > 0) { // if a user exists with same personal id, we'll use him instead of // creating a new one try { user = getUserHome().findByPersonalID(personalID); } catch (FinderException e) { // user is still null, that's ok we'll create a new one } } if (user != null) { // found user with given personal id, use that user since no two // users can have same personal id user.setFullName(fullName); if (user.getDisplayName() == null || "".equals(user.getDisplayName().trim())) { user.setDisplayName(fullName); } if (gender != null) { user.setGender((Integer) gender.getPrimaryKey()); } if (dateOfBirth != null) { user.setDateOfBirth(dateOfBirth.getDate()); } user.store(); } else { Name name = new Name(fullName); user = createUser(name.getFirstName(), name.getMiddleName(), name .getLastName(), fullName, personalID, null, gender != null ? (Integer) gender.getPrimaryKey() : null, dateOfBirth, null); // user = createUser(name.getFirstName(), name.getMiddleName() , // name.getLastName() , personalID, gender, dateOfBirth); } return user; } /** * Method createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist does what is says. * * @param firstName * @param middleName * @param lastName * @param personalID * @param gender * @param dateOfBirth * @return User * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public User createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, String personalID, Gender gender, IWTimestamp dateOfBirth) throws CreateException, RemoteException { User user; Name name = new Name(firstName, middleName, lastName); String fullName = name.getName(); user = createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist(fullName, personalID, gender, dateOfBirth); return user; } /** * * Creates or update a user with the supplied parameters and then calls * callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(user); * * @param pin * PersonalId e.g. social security number MUST NOT BE NULL * @param UUID * Unique id MUST NOT BE NULL * @param fullName * @param gender * as a string either "f" for female or "m" for male * @param dateOfBirth * as a String in the format yyyy-MM-dd * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public void createUserByPersonalIdAndUUIDOrUpdate(String pin, String UUID, String fullName, String gender, String dateOfBirth) throws CreateException, RemoteException { if (UUID != null && pin != null) { User user = null; try { user = getUserByUniqueId(pin); } catch (FinderException e) { log("User not found by UUID:" + UUID + " trying pin:" + pin); } try { if (user == null) { user = getUser(pin); user.setUniqueId(UUID); } } catch (FinderException e) { log("User not found by pin:" + pin + " creating a new user..."); } if (user == null) { user = createUserByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist(fullName, pin, null, null); user.setUniqueId(UUID); user.store(); } updateUser(user, fullName, gender, dateOfBirth); callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(user); } } /** * Updates the user with fullName,gender (f/m) and date of birth (yyy-MM-dd) * * @param user * @param name * @param gender * @param dateOfBirth */ public void updateUser(User user, String name, String gender, String dateOfBirth) { if (name != null) { user.setFullName(name); } if (dateOfBirth != null) { java.sql.Date birthDate = null; try { birthDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateOfBirth); user.setDateOfBirth(birthDate); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log("UserBusiness: date of birth format is invalid.Should be yyyy-MM-dd : " + dateOfBirth); } } if (gender != null) { Integer genderId; try { genderId = getGenderId(gender); user.setGender(genderId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } user.store(); } public User createUser(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, String displayname, String personalID, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstName, middleName, lastName, displayname, personalID, description, gender, date_of_birth, primary_group, null); } public User createUser(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, String displayname, String personalID, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String fullName) throws CreateException, RemoteException { try { User userToAdd = getUserHome().create(); if (fullName == null) { Name name = new Name(firstName, middleName, lastName); fullName = name.getName(); } userToAdd.setFullName(fullName); /* * userToAdd.setFirstName(firstName); * userToAdd.setMiddleName(middleName); * userToAdd.setLastName(lastName); */ if (displayname != null) { userToAdd.setDisplayName(displayname); } if (description != null) { userToAdd.setDescription(description); } if (personalID != null) { userToAdd.setPersonalID(personalID); } if (gender != null) { userToAdd.setGender(gender); } if (date_of_birth != null) { userToAdd.setDateOfBirth(date_of_birth.getSQLDate()); } if (primary_group != null) { userToAdd.setPrimaryGroupID(primary_group); } userToAdd.store(); setUserUnderDomain(this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain(), userToAdd, (GroupDomainRelationType) null); // UserGroupRepresentative group = // (UserGroupRepresentative)this.getUserGroupRepresentativeHome().create(); // group.setName(userToAdd.getName()); // group.setDescription("User representative in table ic_group"); // group.store(); // userToAdd.setGroup(group); // userToAdd.store(); if (primary_group != null) { Group prgr = userToAdd.getPrimaryGroup(); prgr.addGroup(userToAdd); } return userToAdd; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getLogger().warning( "Error creating user with personalID=" + personalID + ", firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName" + lastName); throw new IDOCreateException(e); } } public void setUserUnderDomain(ICDomain domain, User user, GroupDomainRelationType type) throws CreateException, RemoteException { GroupDomainRelation relation = (GroupDomainRelation) IDOLookup .create(GroupDomainRelation.class); relation.setDomain(domain); relation.setRelatedUser(user); if (type != null) { relation.setRelationship(type); } relation.store(); } /** * Generates a login for a user with a random password and a login derived * from the users name (or random login if all possible logins are taken) * * @param userId * the id for the user. * @throws LoginCreateException * If an error occurs creating login for the user. */ public LoginTable generateUserLogin(int userID) throws LoginCreateException, RemoteException { // return this.generateUserLogin(userID); return LoginDBHandler.generateUserLogin(userID); } /** * Generates a login for a user with a random password and a login derived * from the users name (or random login if all possible logins are taken) */ public LoginTable generateUserLogin(User user) throws LoginCreateException, RemoteException { // return LoginDBHandler.generateUserLogin(user); int userID = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); return this.generateUserLogin(userID); } /** * Creates a user with a firstname,middlename, lastname, where middlename * can be null */ public User createUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, (String) null); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname and personalID * where middlename and personalID can be null */ public User createUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String personalID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, null, personalID, null, null, null, null); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname and * primaryGroupID where middlename can be null */ public User createUser(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, int primary_groupID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstName, middleName, lastName, null, null, null, null, null, new Integer(primary_groupID)); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname and * primaryGroupID where middlename can be null but primary_group can not be * noull */ public User createUser(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, Group primary_group) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstName, middleName, lastName, null, null, null, null, null, (Integer) primary_group.getPrimaryKey()); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname ,personalID and * gender where middlename and personalID can be null */ public User createUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String personalID, Gender gender) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, null, personalID, null, (Integer) gender.getPrimaryKey(), null, null); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname ,personalID, * gender and date of birth where middlename,personalID,gender,dateofbirth * can be null * * @throws NullPointerException * if primaryGroup is null */ public User createUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String personalID, Gender gender, IWTimestamp dateOfBirth, Group primaryGroup) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, null, personalID, null, (Integer) gender.getPrimaryKey(), dateOfBirth, (Integer) primaryGroup.getPrimaryKey()); } /** * Creates a new user with a firstname,middlename, lastname ,personalID, * gender and date of birth where middlename,personalID,gender,dateofbirth * can be null */ public User createUser(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String personalID, Gender gender, IWTimestamp dateOfBirth) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, null, personalID, null, gender != null ? (Integer) gender.getPrimaryKey() : null, dateOfBirth, null); } public User createUserWithLogin(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String SSN, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String userLogin, String password, Boolean accountEnabled, IWTimestamp modified, int daysOfValidity, Boolean passwordExpires, Boolean userAllowedToChangePassw, Boolean changeNextTime, String encryptionType) throws CreateException { return createUserWithLogin(firstname, middlename, lastname, SSN, displayname, description, gender, date_of_birth, primary_group, userLogin, password, accountEnabled, modified, daysOfValidity, passwordExpires, userAllowedToChangePassw, changeNextTime, encryptionType, null); } public User createUserWithLogin(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String SSN, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String userLogin, String password, Boolean accountEnabled, IWTimestamp modified, int daysOfValidity, Boolean passwordExpires, Boolean userAllowedToChangePassw, Boolean changeNextTime, String encryptionType, String fullName) throws CreateException { UserTransaction transaction = this.getSessionContext() .getUserTransaction(); try { transaction.begin(); User newUser; // added by Aron 07.01.2002 ( aron@idega.is ) if (primary_group == null) { primary_group = new Integer(GroupBMPBean.GROUP_ID_USERS); } // newUser = insertUser(firstname,middlename, // lastname,null,null,null,null,primary_group); newUser = createUser(firstname, middlename, lastname, displayname, SSN, description, gender, date_of_birth, primary_group, fullName); if (userLogin != null && password != null && !userLogin.equals("") && !password.equals("")) { LoginDBHandler.createLogin(newUser, userLogin, password, accountEnabled, modified, daysOfValidity, passwordExpires, userAllowedToChangePassw, changeNextTime, encryptionType); } transaction.commit(); return newUser; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (SystemException se) { } throw new CreateException(e.getMessage()); } } public User createUserWithLogin(String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String userLogin, String password, Boolean accountEnabled, IWTimestamp modified, int daysOfValidity, Boolean passwordExpires, Boolean userAllowedToChangePassw, Boolean changeNextTime, String encryptionType) throws CreateException { return createUserWithLogin(firstname, middlename, lastname, null, displayname, description, gender, date_of_birth, primary_group, userLogin, password, accountEnabled, modified, daysOfValidity, passwordExpires, userAllowedToChangePassw, changeNextTime, encryptionType); } /* * public User getUser(int userGroupRepresentativeID) throws SQLException { * List l =EntityFinder.findAllByColumn(com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean. * getStaticInstance * (User.class),com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean._COLUMNNAME_USER_GROUP_ID * ,userGroupRepresentativeID); if(l != null && l.size() > 0){ return * ((User)l.get(0)); } return null; } * * public int getUserID(int userGroupRepresentativeID) throws SQLException { * User user = getUser(userGroupRepresentativeID); if(user != null){ return * user.getID(); } return -1; } */ /** * This methods removes this user from all groups and deletes his login. */ public void deleteUser(int userId, User currentUser) throws RemoveException { User delUser = getUser(userId); deleteUser(delUser, currentUser); } /** * This methods remoces this useer from all groups and deletes his login. */ public void deleteUser(User delUser, User currentUser) throws RemoveException { try { Collection groups = getGroupBusiness().getParentGroups(delUser); if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group) iter.next(); removeUserFromGroup(delUser, group, currentUser); } } LoginDBHandler.deleteUserLogin(delUser.getID()); // delUser.removeAllAddresses(); // delUser.removeAllEmails(); // delUser.removeAllPhones(); /* * try { this.getGroupBusiness().deleteGroup(groupId); }catch * (FinderException fe) { System.out.println("[UserBusinessBean] : * cannot find group to delete with user"); } */ delUser.delete(currentUser.getID()); delUser.store(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new RemoveException(e.getMessage()); } } public void removeUserFromGroup(int userId, Group group, User currentUser) throws RemoveException { User user = getUser(userId); removeUserFromGroup(user, group, currentUser); } public void removeUserFromGroup(User user, Group group, User currentUser) throws RemoveException { // call plugin methods first callAllUserGroupPluginBeforeUserRemoveMethod(user, group); group.removeUser(user, currentUser); Integer primaryGroupId = new Integer(user.getPrimaryGroupID()); if (group.getPrimaryKey().equals(primaryGroupId)) { // update primary group for user, since it was the group the user // was removed from Collection groups = user.getParentGroups(); Iterator iter = groups.iterator(); Group newPG = null; if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) { // no smart way to find new primary group, just set as first // group in user groups collection that // is not same as current primary group newPG = (Group) iter.next(); while (newPG != null && newPG.getPrimaryKey().equals(primaryGroupId)) { if (iter.hasNext()) { newPG = (Group) iter.next(); } else { newPG = null; } } } if (newPG != null) { user.setPrimaryGroup(newPG); } else { user.setPrimaryGroupID(null); } user.store(); } } public void setPermissionGroup(User user, Integer primaryGroupId) throws IDOStoreException, RemoteException { if (primaryGroupId != null) { user.setPrimaryGroupID(primaryGroupId); user.store(); } } /** * Male: M, male, 0 Female: F, female, 1 */ public Integer getGenderId(String gender) throws Exception { try { GenderHome home = getGenderHome(); if (gender.equalsIgnoreCase("M") || gender.equalsIgnoreCase("male") || gender.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { if (this.male == null) { this.male = home.getMaleGender(); } return (Integer) this.male.getPrimaryKey(); } else if (gender.equalsIgnoreCase("F") || gender.equalsIgnoreCase("female") || gender.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { if (this.female == null) { this.female = home.getFemaleGender(); } return (Integer) this.female.getPrimaryKey(); } else { // throw new RuntimeException("String gender must be: M, male, // 0, F, female or 1 "); return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returnes true if that genderid refers to the male gender */ public boolean isMale(int genderId) throws RemoteException, FinderException { GenderHome home = getGenderHome(); if (this.male == null) { this.male = home.getMaleGender(); } return (((Integer) this.male.getPrimaryKey()).intValue() == genderId); } /** * Returnes true if that genderid refers to the female gender */ public boolean isFemale(int genderId) throws RemoteException, FinderException { return !isMale(genderId); } private GenderHome getGenderHome() throws RemoteException { GenderHome home = (GenderHome) this.getIDOHome(Gender.class); return home; } public Phone[] getUserPhones(int userId) throws RemoteException { try { Collection phones = this.getUser(userId).getPhones(); // if(phones != null){ return (Phone[]) phones.toArray(new Phone[phones.size()]); // } // return (Phone[]) // ((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(userId).findRelated(com.idega.core.data.PhoneBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Phone.class)); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Phone[] getUserPhones(User user) throws RemoteException { try { Collection phones = user.getPhones(); // if(phones != null){ return (Phone[]) phones.toArray(new Phone[phones.size()]); // } // return (Phone[]) // ((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(userId).findRelated(com.idega.core.data.PhoneBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Phone.class)); } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Phone getUserPhone(int userId, int phoneTypeId) throws RemoteException { try { Phone[] result = this.getUserPhones(userId); // IDOLegacyEntity[] result = // ((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(userId).findRelated(com.idega.core.data.PhoneBMPBean.getStaticInstance(Phone.class)); if (result != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i].getPhoneTypeId() == phoneTypeId) { return result[i]; } } } return null; } catch (EJBException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Email getUserMail(int userId) { return getUserMail(this.getUser(userId)); } public Email getUserMail(User user) { try { Collection L = user.getEmails(); if (L != null) { if (!L.isEmpty()) { return (Email) L.iterator().next(); } } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void updateUserHomePhone(User user, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { updateUserPhone(user, PhoneBMPBean.getHomeNumberID(), phoneNumber); } public void updateUserWorkPhone(User user, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { updateUserPhone(user, PhoneBMPBean.getWorkNumberID(), phoneNumber); } public void updateUserMobilePhone(User user, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { updateUserPhone(user, PhoneBMPBean.getMobileNumberID(), phoneNumber); } public void updateUserPhone(int userId, int phoneTypeId, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { updateUserPhone(getUser(userId), phoneTypeId, phoneNumber); } public void updateUserPhone(User user, int phoneTypeId, String phoneNumber) throws EJBException { try { Phone phone = getUserPhone(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(), phoneTypeId); boolean insert = false; if (phone == null) { phone = this.getPhoneHome().create(); phone.setPhoneTypeId(phoneTypeId); insert = true; } if (phoneNumber != null) { phone.setNumber(phoneNumber); } phone.store(); if (insert) { // ((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(userId).addTo(phone); user.addPhone(phone); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new EJBException(e.getMessage()); } } public void updateUserMail(int userId, String email) throws CreateException, RemoteException { updateUserMail(getUser(userId), email); } public void updateUserMail(User user, String email) throws CreateException, RemoteException { if (email != null) { Email mail = getUserMail(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue()); boolean insert = false; if (mail == null) { mail = this.getEmailHome().create(); insert = true; } mail.setEmailAddress(email); mail.store(); if (insert) { // ((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(userId).addTo(mail); try { user.addEmail(mail); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } } } } public void updateUserJob(int userId, String job) { if (job == null || job.length() == 0) { job = NULL; } User user = getUser(userId); user.setMetaData(JOB_META_DATA_KEY, job); user.store(); } public String getUserJob(User user) { String job = user.getMetaData(JOB_META_DATA_KEY); if (job == null || NULL.equals(job)) { return ""; } else { return job; } } public void updateUserWorkPlace(int userId, String workPlace) { if (workPlace == null || workPlace.length() == 0) { workPlace = NULL; } User user = getUser(userId); user.setMetaData(WORKPLACE_META_DATA_KEY, workPlace); user.store(); } public String getUserWorkPlace(User user) { String workPlace = user.getMetaData(WORKPLACE_META_DATA_KEY); if (workPlace == null || NULL.equals(workPlace)) { return ""; } else { return workPlace; } } /** * @deprecated user getUsersMainAddress instead. Gets the users main address * and returns it. * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUserAddress1(int userID) throws EJBException, RemoteException { return getUsersMainAddress(userID); } /** * Gets the user's main address by addresstype and returns it. * * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUserAddressByAddressType(int userID, AddressType type) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getAddressHome().findUserAddressByAddressType(userID, type); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } /** * Gets the user's main address and returns it. * * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUsersMainAddress(int userID) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getAddressHome().findPrimaryUserAddress(userID); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } /** * Gets the users main addresses and returns them. * * @returns a collection of addresses if found or null if not. */ public Collection getUsersMainAddresses(String[] userIDs) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getAddressHome().findPrimaryUserAddresses(userIDs); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public Collection getUsersMainAddresses(IDOQuery query) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getAddressHome().findPrimaryUserAddresses(query); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } /** * Gets the users main address and returns it. * * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUsersMainAddress(User user) throws RemoteException { return getUsersMainAddress(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } /** * Gets the users co address and returns it. * * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUsersCoAddress(User user) throws RemoteException { return getUsersCoAddress(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } /** * Gets the users co address and returns it. * * @returns the address if found or null if not. */ public Address getUsersCoAddress(int userId) throws RemoteException { AddressType coAddressType = getAddressHome().getAddressType2(); return getUserAddressByAddressType(userId, coAddressType); } /** * Gets the users and returns them. * * @returns a collection of users if found or null if not. */ public Collection getUsers(String[] userIDs) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getUserHome().findUsers(userIDs); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } public Collection getUsers(IDOQuery query) throws EJBException, RemoteException { try { return getUserHome().findUsersInQuery(query); } catch (FinderException fe) { return null; } } /** * Method updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist. This method can both * be used to update the user main address or to create one <br> * if one does not exist. Only userId and StreetName(AndNumber) are required * to be not null others are optional. * * @param userId * @param streetNameAndNumber * @param postalCodeId * @param countryName * @param city * @param province * @param poBox * @return Address the address that was created or updated * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public Address updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer userId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(userId, streetNameAndNumber, postalCodeId, countryName, city, province, poBox, null); } public Address updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(User user, String streetNameAndNumber, PostalCode postalCode, Country country, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { AddressType mainAddressType = getAddressHome().getAddressType1(); return updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(user, streetNameAndNumber, postalCode, country, city, province, poBox, communeID, mainAddressType); } public Address updateUsersMainAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer userId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { AddressType mainAddressType = getAddressHome().getAddressType1(); return updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(userId, streetNameAndNumber, postalCodeId, countryName, city, province, poBox, communeID, mainAddressType); } /** * Method updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist. This method can both * be used to update the user co address or to create one <br> * if one does not exist. Only userId and StreetName(AndNumber) are required * to be not null others are optional. * * @param userId * @param streetNameAndNumber * @param postalCodeId * @param countryName * @param city * @param province * @param poBox * @return Address the address that was created or updated * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public Address updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer userId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox) throws CreateException, RemoteException { return updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(userId, streetNameAndNumber, postalCodeId, countryName, city, province, poBox, null); } public Address updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(User user, String streetNameAndNumber, PostalCode postalCode, Country country, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { AddressType coAddressType = getAddressHome().getAddressType2(); return updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(user, streetNameAndNumber, postalCode, country, city, province, poBox, communeID, coAddressType); } public Address updateUsersCoAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer userId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID) throws CreateException, RemoteException { AddressType coAddressType = getAddressHome().getAddressType2(); return updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(userId, streetNameAndNumber, postalCodeId, countryName, city, province, poBox, communeID, coAddressType); } private Address updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(Integer userId, String streetNameAndNumber, Integer postalCodeId, String countryName, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID, AddressType addressType) throws CreateException, RemoteException { try { User user = getUser(userId); Country country = null; if (countryName != null) { country = ((CountryHome) getIDOHome(Country.class)) .findByCountryName(countryName); } PostalCode code = null; if (postalCodeId != null) { if (postalCodeId.intValue() == -1) { code = ((PostalCodeHome) getIDOHome(PostalCode.class)) .create(); } else { code = ((PostalCodeHome) getIDOHome(PostalCode.class)) .findByPrimaryKey(postalCodeId); } } return updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(user, streetNameAndNumber, code, country, city, province, poBox, communeID, addressType); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } return null; } protected Address updateUsersAddressOrCreateIfDoesNotExist(User user, String streetNameAndNumber, PostalCode postalCode, Country country, String city, String province, String poBox, Integer communeID, AddressType addressType) throws CreateException, RemoteException { Address address = null; if (streetNameAndNumber != null && user != null) { try { AddressBusiness addressBiz = getAddressBusiness(); String streetName = addressBiz .getStreetNameFromAddressString(streetNameAndNumber); String streetNumber = addressBiz .getStreetNumberFromAddressString(streetNameAndNumber); address = getUserAddressByAddressType(((Integer) user .getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), addressType); boolean addAddress = false; /** @todo is this necessary?* */ if (address == null) { AddressHome addressHome = addressBiz.getAddressHome(); address = addressHome.create(); address.setAddressType(addressType); addAddress = true; } if (country != null) { address.setCountry(country); } address.setPostalCode(postalCode); address.setProvince(province); address.setCity(city); address.setPOBox(poBox); address.setStreetName(streetName); if (streetNumber != null) { address.setStreetNumber(streetNumber); } else { // Fix when entering unnumbered addresses (Aron ) address.setStreetNumber(""); } if (communeID == null || communeID.intValue() == -1) { address.setCommune(null); } else { address.setCommuneID(communeID.intValue()); } address.store(); if (addAddress) { user.addAddress(address); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err .println("Failed to update or create address for userid : " + user.getPrimaryKey()); } } else { throw new CreateException("No streetname or user is null!"); } return address; } public void updateUser(int userId, String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, String personalID, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group) throws EJBException, RemoteException { User userToUpdate = this.getUser(userId); updateUser(userToUpdate, firstname, middlename, lastname, displayname, description, gender, personalID, date_of_birth, primary_group, null); } public void updateUser(int userId, String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, String personalID, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String fullname) throws EJBException, RemoteException { User userToUpdate = this.getUser(userId); updateUser(userToUpdate, firstname, middlename, lastname, displayname, description, gender, personalID, date_of_birth, primary_group, fullname); } public void updateUser(User userToUpdate, String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, String personalID, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group) throws EJBException, RemoteException { updateUser(userToUpdate, firstname, middlename, lastname, displayname, description, gender, personalID, date_of_birth, primary_group, null); } public void updateUser(User userToUpdate, String firstname, String middlename, String lastname, String displayname, String description, Integer gender, String personalID, IWTimestamp date_of_birth, Integer primary_group, String fullname) throws EJBException, RemoteException { if (firstname != null) { userToUpdate.setFirstName(firstname); } if (middlename != null) { userToUpdate.setMiddleName(middlename); } if (lastname != null) { userToUpdate.setLastName(lastname); } if (displayname != null) { userToUpdate.setDisplayName(displayname); } else if (fullname != null && (userToUpdate.getDisplayName() == null || "" .equals(userToUpdate.getDisplayName()))) { // set the display name as the full name userToUpdate.setDisplayName(fullname); } if (description != null) { userToUpdate.setDescription(description); } if (gender != null) { userToUpdate.setGender(gender); } if (date_of_birth != null) { userToUpdate.setDateOfBirth(date_of_birth.getSQLDate()); } if (primary_group != null) { userToUpdate.setPrimaryGroupID(primary_group); } if (personalID != null) { userToUpdate.setPersonalID(personalID); } if (fullname != null) { userToUpdate.setFullName(fullname); } userToUpdate.store(); } /** * Gets all the Emails registered to a User with id iUserId * * @param iUserId * an ID of a User * @return Collection of Emails for the User or Null if no emails are found. */ public Collection listOfUserEmails(int iUserId) { try { return this.getEmailHome().findEmailsForUser(iUserId); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } /** * Adds email to the given user, and removes older emails if requested */ public Email storeUserEmail(Integer userID, String emailAddress, boolean replaceExistentRecord) { return storeUserEmail(getUser(userID), emailAddress, replaceExistentRecord); } /** * Adds email to the given user, and removes older emails if requested if * addres is null or empty the no email vill exist any more for the user * * @return null if no email was stored */ public Email storeUserEmail(User user, String emailAddress, boolean replaceExistentRecord) { try { if (replaceExistentRecord) { removeUserEmails(user); } if (!"".equals(emailAddress)) { Email emailRecord = lookupEmail(emailAddress); if (emailRecord == null) { emailRecord = this.getEmailHome().create(); emailRecord.setEmailAddress(emailAddress); emailRecord.store(); } user.addEmail(emailRecord); return emailRecord; } } catch (IDOStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Removes email relations to given user * * @param user * @return true if successfull, else false */ public boolean removeUserEmails(User user) { try { user.removeAllEmails(); return true; } catch (IDORemoveRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public void addNewUserEmail(int iUserId, String sNewEmailAddress) { storeUserEmail(getUser(iUserId), sNewEmailAddress, false); } public Email lookupEmail(String EmailAddress) { try { // EntityFinder.debug = true; // java.util.Collection c = // EntityFinder.getInstance().findAllByColumn(Email.class,com.idega.core.data.EmailBMPBean.getColumnNameAddress(),EmailAddress); Email email = getEmailHome().findEmailByAddress(EmailAddress); return email; } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; } /** * @deprecated use getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(int iUserId) */ public Collection listOfUserGroups(int iUserId) { return getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(iUserId); } public Collection getUserGroups(int iUserId) throws EJBException { try { return getUserGroups(this.getUser(iUserId)); // return // getUserGroups(((com.idega.user.data.UserHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHomeLegacy(User.class)).findByPrimaryKeyLegacy(iUserId).getGroupID()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets all users that are directly children of the group with id iGroupId * * @return Collection of User objects. * @see com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness#getUsersInGroup(Group) */ public Collection getUsersInGroup(int iGroupId) { try { // EntityFinder.findRelated(group,com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); return this.getGroupBusiness().getUsers(iGroupId); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets all users that are directly children of the group aGroup * * @return Collection of User objects. * @see com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness#getUsersInGroup(Group) */ public Collection getUsersInGroup(Group aGroup) { try { int groupID = ((Integer) aGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); return getUsersInGroup(groupID); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets a collection of all users in the system. * * @return Collection of User entities * @see com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness#getUsers() */ public Collection getUsers() throws FinderException, RemoteException { // Collection l = // EntityFinder.findAll(com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); Collection l = this.getUserHome().findAllUsers(); return l; } /** * Returns User from userid, throws an unchecked EJBException if not found * * @throws EJBException * if nothing found or an error occured */ public User getUser(int iUserId) { return getUser(new Integer(iUserId)); } /** * Returns User from userid, throws EJBException if not found */ public User getUser(Integer iUserId) { try { return getUserHome().findByPrimaryKey(iUserId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new EJBException("Error getting user for id: " + iUserId.toString() + " Message: " + ex.getMessage()); } // return null; } /** * Returns User from personal id returns null if not found */ public User getUser(String personalID) throws FinderException { return getUserHome().findByPersonalID(personalID); } /** * Returns User from personal id returns null if not found */ public User findByFirstSixLettersOfPersonalIDAndFirstNameAndLastName( String personalID, String first_name, String last_name) throws FinderException { return getUserHome() .findByFirstSixLettersOfPersonalIDAndFirstNameAndLastName( personalID, first_name, last_name); } public Collection getUsersInNoGroup() throws SQLException { // return // EntityFinder.findNonRelated(com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(),com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); // Collection nonrelated = // EntityFinder.findNonRelated(com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance(),com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); // return // UserGroupBusiness.getUsersForUserRepresentativeGroups(nonrelated); throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( "method getUsersInNoGroup() not implemented"); } public Collection getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(int iUserId) { try { return getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(this.getUser(iUserId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection getUsersInPrimaryGroup(Group group) { try { // return // EntityFinder.findAllByColumn(com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean.getStaticInstance(),com.idega.user.data.UserBMPBean._COLUMNNAME_PRIMARY_GROUP_ID,group.getID()); return this.getUserHome().findUsersInPrimaryGroup(group); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public Collection getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(User user) { try { return getGroupBusiness().getParentGroups(user); // EntityFinder.findRelated(user,com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets all the groups that are indirect parents (grand parents etc.) of the * user with id iUserId * * @param iUserId * the ID of the user to get indirect parents for * @return Collection of Group entities that are not direct parents of the * specified user */ public Collection getParentGroupsInDirectForUser(int iUserId) { // public Collection getUserGroupsNotDirectlyRelated(int iUserId){ try { User user = this.getUser(iUserId); /* * Collection isDirectlyRelated = * getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(user); Collection AllRelatedGroups = * getUserGroups(user); * * if(AllRelatedGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ * Iterator iter = isDirectlyRelated.iterator(); while * (iter.hasNext()) { Object item = iter.next(); * AllRelatedGroups.remove(item); * //while(AllRelatedGroups.remove(item)){} } } return * AllRelatedGroups; }else { return null; } */ return this.getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsInDirect( user.getGroupID()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns all the groups that are not a direct parent of the User with id * iUserId. That is both groups that are indirect parents of the user or not * at all parents of the user. * * @see com.idega.user.business.GroupBusiness#getAllGroupsNotDirectlyRelated(int) * @return Collection of non direct parent groups */ public Collection getNonParentGroups(int iUserId) { try { User user = getUser(iUserId); /* * Collection isDirectlyRelated = * getUserGroupsDirectlyRelated(user); Collection AllGroups = * UserGroupBusiness.getAllGroups(); * //EntityFinder.findAll(com.idega * .user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance()); * * if(AllGroups != null){ if(isDirectlyRelated != null){ Iterator * iter = isDirectlyRelated.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { * Object item = iter.next(); AllGroups.remove(item); * //while(AllGroups.remove(item)){} } } return AllGroups; }else{ * return null; } */ return getGroupBusiness().getNonParentGroups(user.getGroupID()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets all the groups that the user is in recursively up the group tree * with all availble group types. * * @param aUser * a User to find parent Groups for * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException * If an error occured */ public Collection getUserGroups(User aUser) throws EJBException { // String[] groupTypesToReturn = new String[2]; // groupTypesToReturn[0] = // com.idega.user.data.GroupBMPBean.getStaticInstance().getGroupTypeValue(); // groupTypesToReturn[1] = // com.idega.core.accesscontrol.data.PermissionGroupBMPBean.getStaticPermissionGroupInstance().getGroupTypeValue(); return getUserGroups(aUser, null, false); } /** * Gets all the groups that the user is in recursively up the group tree * filtered with specified groupTypes * * @param aUser * a User to find parent Groups for * @param groupTypes * the Groups a String array of group types of which the Groups * to be returned must be = * * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException * If an error occured */ public Collection getUserGroups(User aUser, String[] groupTypes) throws EJBException { return getUserGroups(aUser, groupTypes, false); } /** * Returns recursively up the group tree parents of User aUser with filtered * out with specified groupTypes * * @param aUser * a User to find parent Groups for * @param groupTypes * the Groups a String array of group types to be filtered with * @param returnSpecifiedGroupTypes * if true it returns the Collection with all the groups that are * of the types specified in groupTypes[], else it returns the * opposite (all the groups that are not of any of the types * specified by groupTypes[]) * @return Collection of Groups found recursively up the tree * @throws EJBException * If an error occured */ public Collection getUserGroups(User aUser, String[] groupTypes, boolean returnSepcifiedGroupTypes) throws EJBException { try { return getGroupBusiness().getParentGroupsRecursive( aUser.getGroup(), groupTypes, returnSepcifiedGroupTypes); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e, this); } } public GroupBusiness getGroupBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (GroupBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(this .getIWApplicationContext(), GroupBusiness.class); } public Collection getAllUsersOrderedByFirstName() throws FinderException, RemoteException { return this.getUserHome().findAllUsersOrderedByFirstName(); } public Email getUsersMainEmail(User user) throws NoEmailFoundException { String userString = null; try { userString = user.getName(); Collection collection = user.getEmails(); for (Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Email element = (Email) iterator.next(); return element; } } catch (Exception e) { } throw new NoEmailFoundException(userString); } public Phone getUsersHomePhone(User user) throws NoPhoneFoundException { String userString = null; try { userString = user.getName(); return getPhoneHome().findUsersHomePhone(user); } catch (Exception e) { } throw new NoPhoneFoundException(userString); } public Phone getUsersWorkPhone(User user) throws NoPhoneFoundException { String userString = null; try { userString = user.getName(); return getPhoneHome().findUsersWorkPhone(user); } catch (Exception e) { } throw new NoPhoneFoundException(userString); } public Phone getUsersMobilePhone(User user) throws NoPhoneFoundException { String userString = null; try { userString = user.getName(); return getPhoneHome().findUsersMobilePhone(user); } catch (Exception e) { } throw new NoPhoneFoundException(userString); } public Phone getUsersFaxPhone(User user) throws NoPhoneFoundException { String userString = null; try { userString = user.getName(); return getPhoneHome().findUsersFaxPhone(user); } catch (Exception e) { } throw new NoPhoneFoundException(userString); } /** * @return Correct name of the group or user or empty string if there was an * error getting the name. Gets the name of the group and explicitly * checks if the "groupOrUser" and if it is a user it returns the * correct name of the user. Else it regularely returns the name of * the group. */ public String getNameOfGroupOrUser(Group groupOrUser) { try { String userGroupType = getUserHome().getGroupType(); if (groupOrUser.getGroupType().equals(userGroupType)) { int userID = ((Integer) groupOrUser.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); return getUser(userID).getName(); } else { return groupOrUser.getName(); } } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public UserProperties getUserProperties(User user) throws RemoteException { return getUserProperties(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } public UserProperties getUserProperties(int userID) { UserProperties properties = new UserProperties( getIWApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication(), userID); return properties; } /** * @return the id of the homepage for the user if it is set, else -1 Finds * the homepage set for the user, if none is set it checks on the * homepage set for the users primary group, else it returns -1 */ public int getHomePageIDForUser(User user) { try { int homeID = user.getHomePageID(); if (homeID == -1) { homeID = user.getPrimaryGroup().getHomePageID(); return homeID; } else { return homeID; } } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } /** * @return the id of the homepage for the user if it is set, else it throws * a javax.ejb.FinderException Finds the homepage set for the user, * if none is set it checks on the homepage set for the users * primary group, else it throws a javax.ejb.FinderException */ public com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage getHomePageForUser(User user) throws javax.ejb.FinderException { try { int homeID = getHomePageIDForUser(user); if (homeID != -1) { return getIBPageHome().findByPrimaryKey(homeID); } else { throw new javax.ejb.FinderException( "No homepage found for user"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new javax.ejb.FinderException( "Error finding homepage for user. Error was:" + e.getClass().getName() + " with message: " + e.getMessage()); } } protected ICPageHome getIBPageHome() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { return (ICPageHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ICPage.class); } public AddressBusiness getAddressBusiness() throws RemoteException { return (AddressBusiness) getServiceInstance(AddressBusiness.class); } /** * Cast a Group that is a "UserReresentative" Group to a User instance. * * @param userGroups * An instance of a Group that is really a "UserReresentative" * group i.e. the Group representation of the User * @param userGroup * A instnance of a Group that is really a "UserReresentative" * group i.e. the Group representation of the User * @return User * @throws EJBException * If an error occurs casting */ public User castUserGroupToUser(Group userGroup) throws EJBException { try { if (userGroup instanceof User) { return (User) userGroup; } else { // try{ return this.getUserHome().findUserForUserGroup(userGroup); // } // catch(FinderException e){ // if(userGroup.isUser()){ // return // this.getUserHome().findByPrimaryKey(userGroup.getPrimaryKey()); // } // } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IBORuntimeException(e); } // throw new IBORuntimeException("Error find user for group // "+userGroup.toString()); } public boolean hasUserLogin(User user) throws RemoteException { LoginTable lt = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(((Integer) user .getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); return lt != null; } public boolean hasUserLogin(int userID) throws RemoteException { LoginTable lt = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(userID); return lt != null; } public Group getUsersHighestTopGroupNode(User user, List groupTypes, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException { Map groupTypeGroup = new HashMap(); Collection topNodes = getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions( user, iwuc); Iterator iterator = topNodes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group) iterator.next(); String groupType = group.getGroupType(); groupTypeGroup.put(groupType, group); } Iterator typeIterator = groupTypes.iterator(); while (typeIterator.hasNext()) { String groupType = (String) typeIterator.next(); if (groupTypeGroup.containsKey(groupType)) { return (Group) groupTypeGroup.get(groupType); } } return null; } /** * Checks if a group is under a user's top group node. This can be used to * check if the user is allowed to view the group. * * @param iwc * IWUserContext * @param group * The group to check * @param user * The user to check the group for * @return returns true if any of <code>user</code> s top group nodes is an * ancestor of <code>group</code>, false otherwise. */ public boolean isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(IWUserContext iwc, Group group, User user) throws RemoteException { Collection topGroupNodes = null; try { topGroupNodes = getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions( user, iwc); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (topGroupNodes == null || topGroupNodes.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { // System.out.println("Checking if group " + group.getName() + " is // under a top group (" + topGroupNodes.size() + ") for user " + // user.getName()); return isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(iwc, group, user, topGroupNodes); } } /** * Helper method for * {@link #isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(IWUserContext, Group, User)}. * * @see #isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(IWUserContext, Group, User) */ public boolean isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(IWUserContext iwc, Group group, User user, Collection topGroupNodes) { boolean found = false; // whether ancestry with a top group node is // found or not if (group != null && topGroupNodes.contains(group)) { // System.out.println("found top group ancestor " + // group.getName()); found = true; } else { List parents = group.getParentGroups(); if (parents != null) { Iterator parentIt = parents.iterator(); while (parentIt.hasNext() && !found) { Group parent = (Group) parentIt.next(); // System.out.println("checking group for top group in // ancestors // " + parent.getName()); try { found = isGroupUnderUsersTopGroupNode(iwc, parent, user, topGroupNodes); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (found) { break; } } } } return found; } private Collection searchForTopNodes(Collection permissions, Collection initialTopNodes, User user) throws EJBException, RemoteException, FinderException { if (permissions == null || permissions.isEmpty()) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } NestedSetsContainer groupTree = getGroupBusiness() .getLastGroupTreeSnapShot(); Map topNodesSubTrees = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = permissions.iterator(); if (initialTopNodes == null || initialTopNodes.isEmpty()) { String groupPK = ((ICPermission) iter.next()).getContextValue(); // this // group // is a // topnode // until // we // find // topnode // that // is // parent // of // it topNodesSubTrees.put(groupPK, groupTree.subSet(groupPK)); // get the // first // topnode's // subtree } else { for (Iterator iterator = initialTopNodes.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { String groupPK = String.valueOf(((Group) iterator.next()) .getPrimaryKey()); topNodesSubTrees.put(groupPK, groupTree.subSet(groupPK)); } } Set topNodeSubTreesEntrySet = topNodesSubTrees.entrySet(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission) iter.next(); if (!perm.getPermissionValue()) { continue;// we don't want to use this permission if is a // negative permission (a NOT permission) } String sGroup = perm.getContextValue(); boolean isChild = false; for (Iterator iterator = topNodeSubTreesEntrySet.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { Set subTree = (Set) ((Map.Entry) iterator.next()).getValue(); if (subTree.contains(sGroup)) { isChild = true; break; } } if (!isChild) { if (groupTree.contains(sGroup)) { Set newSubset = groupTree.subSet(sGroup); for (Iterator keyIter = topNodesSubTrees.keySet() .iterator(); keyIter.hasNext();) { String topNode = (String) keyIter.next(); if (newSubset.contains(topNode)) { // if the new topnode // is parent of // another "topnode" // then that node is // not topnode and is // removed keyIter.remove(); } } topNodesSubTrees.put(sGroup, newSubset); topNodeSubTreesEntrySet = topNodesSubTrees.entrySet(); } else { log("[UserBusinessBean]: Topnode " + sGroup + " dose not exist in the tree but is set in the permissions for the user " + user); } } } List topNodes = new ArrayList(); String[] groupPKs = (String[]) topNodesSubTrees.keySet().toArray( new String[topNodesSubTrees.size()]); topNodes.addAll(getGroupHome().findByPrimaryKeyCollection( getGroupHome().decode(groupPKs))); for (Iterator iterator = topNodes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Group group = (Group) iterator.next(); if (group.isAlias() && topNodes.contains(group.getAlias())) { iterator.remove(); } else if (group.isAlias()) { Set subTree = groupTree.subSet(String.valueOf(group .getAliasID())); for (Iterator topIter = topNodes.iterator(); topIter.hasNext();) { String topNode = String.valueOf(((Group) topIter.next()) .getPrimaryKey()); if (subTree.contains(topNode)) { // if the new topnode is // parent of another // "topnode" then that node // is not topnode and is // removed topIter.remove(); } } } } return topNodes; } private Collection searchForTopNodesFromTheTop(Collection possibleGroups) throws IDORelationshipException, RemoteException, FinderException { Collection domainTopNodes = this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain() .getTopLevelGroupsUnderDomain(); Collection topNodes = new ArrayList(); HashSet prosessedGroups = new HashSet(); collectTopNodesForSubtree(domainTopNodes, possibleGroups, topNodes, prosessedGroups); return topNodes; } /** * * @param childGroups * @param possibleGroups * collection of prosessed groups to prevent endless recusion * @param topNodes * @param prosessedGroups */ private void collectTopNodesForSubtree(Collection childGroups, Collection possibleGroups, Collection topNodes, Set prosessedGroups) { for (Iterator iter = childGroups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Group gr = (Group) iter.next(); if (!prosessedGroups.contains(gr)) { prosessedGroups.add(gr); if (possibleGroups.contains(gr)) { topNodes.add(gr); continue; } else { collectTopNodesForSubtree(gr.getChildGroups(), possibleGroups, topNodes, prosessedGroups); } } } } public boolean hasTopNodes(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) { try { // super admin check is done first boolean isSuperUser = iwuc.isSuperAdmin(); if ((isSuperUser && user == null) || (isSuperUser && iwuc.getCurrentUser().equals(user))) { return true; } else { Collection topNodes = getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions( user, iwuc); return !topNodes.isEmpty(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { return false; } } /** * Returns a collection of Groups that are this users top nodes. The nodes * that he has either view or owner permissions to <br> * To end up with only the top nodes we do the following: <br> * For each group (key) in the parents Map we check if that group is * contained within any of <br> * the other groups' parents. If another group has this group as a parent it * is removed and its parent list <br> * and we move on to the next key. This way the map we iterate through will * always get smaller until only the <br> * top node groups are left. * * Finally we check for the special case that the remaining top nodes have a * shortcut that is not a top node <br> * and if so we need to remove that node unless there is only one node left * or if the alias and the real group <br> * are both top nodes. * * @param user * @return @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) throws RemoteException { Collection topNodes = new ArrayList(); // check for the super user case first boolean isSuperUser = iwuc.isSuperAdmin(); if ((isSuperUser && user == null) || (isSuperUser && iwuc.getCurrentUser().equals(user))) { try { topNodes = this.getIWApplicationContext().getDomain() .getTopLevelGroupsUnderDomain(); return topNodes; } catch (Exception e1) { topNodes = new Vector(); e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (user != null) { topNodes = (Collection) iwuc .getSessionAttribute(SESSION_KEY_TOP_NODES + user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (topNodes != null && !topNodes.isEmpty()) { return topNodes; } topNodes = getStoredTopNodeGroups(user); if (topNodes != null && !topNodes.isEmpty()) { iwuc.setSessionAttribute(SESSION_KEY_TOP_NODES + user.getPrimaryKey().toString(), topNodes); return topNodes; } else { log("[UserBusinessBean]: getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions(...) begins"); Timer totalTime = new Timer(); totalTime.start(); Collection allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroups = new ArrayList(); try { GroupBusiness groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: not using stored procedure topnode search"); Timer time = new Timer(); time.start(); Map parents = new HashMap(); Map groupMap = new HashMap();// we need it to be // synchronized so we can // remove items while in a // iterator Map aliasMap = new HashMap(); IDOUtil idoUtil = IDOUtil.getInstance(); GroupHome grHome = getGroupHome(); Collection directlyRelatedParents = getGroupBusiness() .getParentGroups(user); Iterator iterating = directlyRelatedParents.iterator(); List additionalGroups = new ArrayList(); while (iterating.hasNext()) { Group parent = (Group) iterating.next(); if (parent != null && parent.getPermissionControllingGroupID() > 0) { additionalGroups.add(parent .getPermissionControllingGroup()); } } directlyRelatedParents.addAll(additionalGroups); Collection allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroupPKs = new ArrayList(); // get all view permissions for direct parent and put in // a list Collection viewPermissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupViewPermissions(directlyRelatedParents); addGroupPKsToCollectionFromICPermissionCollection( viewPermissions, allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroupPKs); Collection ownedPermissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupOwnerPermissionsByGroup(user); // allViewAndOwnerPermissions.removeAll(ownedPermissions);//no // double entries thank you addGroupPKsToCollectionFromICPermissionCollection( ownedPermissions, allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroupPKs); try { allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroups = grHome .findByPrimaryKeyCollection(allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroupPKs); } catch (FinderException e) { log("UserBusiness: In getUsersTopGroupNodesByViewAndOwnerPermissions. groups not found"); e.printStackTrace(); } time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: getting permission groups complete " + time.getTimeString()); time.start(); // searchForTopNodesFromTop=3000; //some suitable value log("[UserBusinessBean]: using old topnode search"); // get all (recursively) parents for permission Iterator permissions = allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroups .iterator(); Map cachedParents = new HashMap(); Map cachedGroups = new HashMap(); while (permissions.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group) permissions.next(); Integer primaryKey = (Integer) group.getPrimaryKey(); if (!groupMap.containsKey(primaryKey)) { Group permissionGroup = group; if (!cachedGroups .containsKey(primaryKey.toString())) { cachedGroups.put(primaryKey.toString(), permissionGroup); } Collection recParents = groupBiz .getParentGroupsRecursive(permissionGroup, cachedParents, cachedGroups); Map parentMap = idoUtil .convertIDOEntityCollectionToMapOfPrimaryKeysAndEntityValues(recParents); parents.put(primaryKey, parentMap); groupMap.put(primaryKey, permissionGroup); // if it's an alias we don't need the // original group and make a list of those // groups to filter out later if (permissionGroup.isAlias()) { Integer originalGroupID = new Integer( permissionGroup.getAliasID()); aliasMap.put(originalGroupID, primaryKey); } } } time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: getting all parents (recursively) complete " + time.getTimeString()); time.start(); // Filter out the real top nodes! Map skipThese = new HashMap(); Set keys = parents.keySet(); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer thePermissionGroupsId = (Integer) iter.next(); Iterator iter2 = parents.keySet().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Integer groupToCompareTo = (Integer) iter2.next(); // If this group was already checked or is // the same as the comparing group, continue // (skip this one) if (thePermissionGroupsId.equals(groupToCompareTo) || skipThese .containsKey(thePermissionGroupsId)) { continue;// dont check for self } // Get the parents to see if // thePermissionGroupsId is in it. ergo it // is a parent of the comparing group and // therefor a higher node Map theParents = (Map) (parents .get(groupToCompareTo)); // or the permissiongroup has a shortcut if (theParents != null && theParents .containsKey(thePermissionGroupsId)) { // it's a parent of the comparing group // so we don't have to check the // comparing group again skipThese.put(groupToCompareTo, null);// for // the // check // skip // check groupMap.remove(groupToCompareTo);// the // groups // that // will // be // left // are // the // top // nodes }// remove if this group is a child group of // myGroup }// inner while ends }// outer while ends time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: filter out the real topnodes complete " + time.getTimeString()); time.start(); // Now we have to check if the remaining top nodes // have a shortcut // that is not a top node and if so we need to // remove that node // unless there is only one node left or if the // alias and the real group are both top nodes if (groupMap != null && !groupMap.isEmpty()) { List aliasGroupType = new ArrayList(); aliasGroupType.add("alias"); if (!aliasMap.isEmpty()) { Iterator keyIter = groupMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { Integer topNodeId = (Integer) keyIter.next(); Integer aliasGroupsId = (Integer) aliasMap .get(topNodeId); if (aliasGroupsId != null) { if (!groupMap.containsKey(aliasGroupsId)) {// only // remove // if // they // are // not // both // top // nodes // groupMap.remove(topNodeId); System.err .println("Here is the code that once returned concurrentException"); } } } } time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: some alias complete " + time.getTimeString()); time.start(); // check the children recursively List groupsToRemove = new ArrayList(); Iterator keyIter = groupMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIter.hasNext()) { Integer topNodeId = (Integer) keyIter.next(); if (skipThese.containsKey(topNodeId)) { continue;// it's going to be removed // later } else { try { // also we need to check the // children of the current top nodes // recursively for aliases :s Collection aliasesRecursive = getGroupBusiness() .getChildGroupsRecursiveResultFiltered( getGroupBusiness() .getGroupByGroupID( topNodeId .intValue()), aliasGroupType, true); if (aliasesRecursive != null && !aliasesRecursive.isEmpty()) { Iterator aliasIter = aliasesRecursive .iterator(); while (aliasIter.hasNext()) { Group alias = (Group) aliasIter .next(); Integer aliasGroupsId = new Integer( alias.getAliasID()); if (groupMap .containsKey(aliasGroupsId)) {// only // remove // if // they // are // not // both // top // nodes groupsToRemove .add(aliasGroupsId); skipThese.put(aliasGroupsId, null); } } } } catch (FinderException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: check children (recursively) complete " + time.getTimeString()); time.start(); // remove the top nodes that have aliases under // another top node, or itself to avoid crashing // the server in an endless loop? Iterator removeIter = groupsToRemove.iterator(); while (removeIter.hasNext()) { groupMap.remove(removeIter.next()); } time.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: remove the aliases undr another top node complete " + time.getTimeString()); } // finally done! the remaining nodes are the top // nodes topNodes = groupMap.values(); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } totalTime.stop(); log("[UserBusinessBean]: topnode....(...) ends " + totalTime.getTimeString()); int numberOfPermissions = allViewAndOwnerPermissionGroups .size(); if (numberOfPermissions > NUMBER_OF_PERMISSIONS_CACHING_LIMIT) { storeUserTopGroupNodes(user, topNodes, numberOfPermissions, totalTime.getTimeString(), null); } } iwuc.setSessionAttribute(SESSION_KEY_TOP_NODES + user.getPrimaryKey().toString(), topNodes); } return topNodes; } public void addGroupPKsToCollectionFromICPermissionCollection( Collection ICPermissionSRC, Collection GroupDEST) { GroupHome grHome = getGroupHome(); for (Iterator iter = ICPermissionSRC.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission) iter.next(); if (!perm.getPermissionValue()) { continue;// we don't want to use this permission if is a // negative permission (a NOT permission) } try { String groupId = perm.getContextValue(); Object grPK = grHome.decode(groupId); GroupDEST.add(grPK); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } public Collection getStoredTopNodeGroups(User user) { try { return getTopNodeGroupHome().getTopNodeGroups(user); } catch (IDORelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Collection getStoredTopGroupNodes(User user) { try { return getTopNodeGroupHome().findByUser(user); } catch (FinderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void removeStoredTopGroupNodes(User user) throws RemoveException { Collection oldNodes = getStoredTopGroupNodes(user); if (oldNodes != null && !oldNodes.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = oldNodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TopNodeGroup topnode = (TopNodeGroup) iter.next(); topnode.remove(); } } } /** * Stores the given group top nodes to the user, by first removing all * previously stored top nodes from the user * * @param user * @param nodeGroupIds * @param comment */ public boolean storeUserTopGroupNodes(User user, Collection nodeGroups, int numberOfPermissions, String totalLoginTime, String comment) { javax.transaction.TransactionManager transactionManager = com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager .getInstance(); try { transactionManager.begin(); removeStoredTopGroupNodes(user); Integer userID = (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(); for (Iterator iter = nodeGroups.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Integer groupID = (Integer) ((Group) iter.next()) .getPrimaryKey(); TopNodeGroup topNode = getTopNodeGroupHome().create(userID, groupID); if (comment != null) { topNode.setComment(comment); } topNode.setLastChanged(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); topNode .setNumberOfPermissions(new Integer(numberOfPermissions)); topNode.setLoginDuration(totalLoginTime); topNode.store(); } transactionManager.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); try { transactionManager.rollback(); } catch (javax.transaction.SystemException sy) { sy.printStackTrace(System.err); } // this is an unusual error therefore localization is it not // necessary } return false; } /** * Returns a collection of Groups. The groups that he has edit permissions * to <br> * * @param user * @return @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllGroupsWithEditPermission(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) { Collection resultGroups = new TreeSet(); // important to use Set so // there will not be any // doubles GroupHome grHome = getGroupHome(); // GroupBusiness groupBiz = null; // try { // groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); // } // catch (RemoteException ex) { // throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); // } Collection permissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupOwnerPermissionsByGroup(user); List parentGroupsList = user.getParentGroups(); Collection editPermissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupEditPermissions(parentGroupsList); // permissions.removeAll(editPermissions); // avoid double entries // permissions.addAll(editPermissions); Collection allPermissions = new ArrayList(); allPermissions.addAll(permissions); allPermissions.addAll(editPermissions); Iterator iterator = allPermissions.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission) iterator.next(); try { String groupId = perm.getContextValue(); // Group group = // groupBiz.getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(groupId)); // resultGroups.add(group); Object grPK = grHome.decode(groupId); resultGroups.add(grPK); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // catch (FinderException e1) { // System.out.println("UserBusiness: In // getAllGroupsWithEditPermission. group not // found"+perm.getContextValue()); // } // catch (RemoteException ex) { // throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); // } } try { return grHome.findByPrimaryKeyCollection(resultGroups); } catch (FinderException e) { System.out .println("UserBusiness: In getAllGroupsWithEditPermission. groups not found"); e.printStackTrace(); return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } /** * Returns a collection of Groups. The groups that he has view permissions * to <br> * * @param user * @return @throws RemoteException */ public Collection getAllGroupsWithViewPermission(User user, IWUserContext iwuc) { Collection resultGroups = new TreeSet(); // important to use Set so // there will not be any // doubles // Group userGroup = null; // GroupBusiness groupBiz = null; GroupHome grHome = getGroupHome(); // try { // groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); // } // catch (RemoteException ex) { // throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); // } Collection permissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupOwnerPermissionsByGroup(user); List parentGroupsList = user.getParentGroups(); Collection viewPermissions = AccessControl .getAllGroupViewPermissions(parentGroupsList); // permissions.removeAll(editPermissions); // avoid double entries // permissions.addAll(viewPermissions); //Sigtryggur: this caused an // error because both of the collection are now prefetched and are // therefore IDOPrimaryKeyLists, not normal collections Collection allPermissions = new ArrayList(); allPermissions.addAll(permissions); allPermissions.addAll(viewPermissions); // Collection allPermissions = null; // try { // allPermissions = IDOEntityList.merge(permissions,viewPermissions); // } catch (FinderException e) { // System.out.println("UserBusiness: In getAllGroupsWithEditPermission. // merge failed"); // e.printStackTrace(); // return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); // } Iterator iterator = allPermissions.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ICPermission perm = (ICPermission) iterator.next(); try { String groupId = perm.getContextValue(); // Group group = // groupBiz.getGroupByGroupID(Integer.parseInt(groupId)); // resultGroups.add(group); Object grPK = grHome.decode(groupId); resultGroups.add(grPK); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // catch (FinderException e1) { // System.out.println("UserBusiness: In // getAllGroupsWithEditPermission. group not // found"+perm.getContextValue()); // } // catch (RemoteException ex) { // throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); // } } try { return grHome.findByPrimaryKeyCollection(resultGroups); } catch (FinderException e) { System.out .println("UserBusiness: In getAllGroupsWithEditPermission. groups not found"); e.printStackTrace(); return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } public Map moveUsers(IWUserContext iwuc, Collection userIds, Group parentGroup, int targetGroupId) { return moveUsers(iwuc, userIds, parentGroup, targetGroupId, false); } public Map moveUsers(IWUserContext iwuc, Collection userIds, Group parentGroup, int targetGroupId, boolean leaveCopyOfUserInCurrentGroup) { IWMainApplication application = getIWApplicationContext() .getIWMainApplication(); IWBundle bundle = application.getBundle("com.idega.user"); Locale locale = iwuc.getCurrentLocale(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = bundle.getResourceBundle(locale); Map result = new HashMap(); // check if the source and the target are the same if (parentGroup != null) { int parentGroupId = ((Integer) parentGroup.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(); // target and source are the same do nothing if (parentGroupId == targetGroupId) { String message = iwrb.getLocalizedString( "user_source_and_target_are_the_same", "Source group and target group are the same"); // fill the result map Iterator iterator = userIds.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String userIdAsString = (String) iterator.next(); Integer userId = new Integer(userIdAsString); result.put(userId, message); } return result; } } GroupBusiness groupBiz = null; Group targetGroup = null; try { groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); targetGroup = groupBiz.getGroupByGroupID(targetGroupId); // check if we have editpermissions for the targetgroup if (!getAccessController().hasEditPermissionFor(targetGroup, iwuc)) { // fill the result map Iterator iterator = userIds.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String userIdAsString = (String) iterator.next(); Integer userId = new Integer(userIdAsString); result .put( userId, iwrb .getLocalizedString( "no_edit_permission_for_target_group", "You do not have edit permission for the target group")); } return result; } } catch (FinderException ex) { throw new EJBException("Error getting group for id: " + targetGroupId + " Message: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (RemoteException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } String userIsAlreadyAMemberOfTheGroupMessage = iwrb.getLocalizedString( "user_already_member_of_the_target_group", "The user is already a member of the target group"); // finally perform moving Iterator iterator = userIds.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String message; String userIdAsString = (String) iterator.next(); Integer userId = new Integer(userIdAsString); User user = getUser(userId); // first check if (isMemberOfGroup(targetGroupId, user)) { message = userIsAlreadyAMemberOfTheGroupMessage; } // second check else { message = isUserSuitedForGroup(user, targetGroup); } // if there aren't any problems the message is null if (message == null) { message = moveUserWithoutTest(iwrb, user, parentGroup, targetGroup, iwuc.getCurrentUser()); } // if the user was sucessfully moved the message is null result.put(userId, message); } return result; } public Map moveUsers(IWUserContext iwuc, Collection groups, Collection groupTypesToMoveAmong) { IWMainApplication application = getIWApplicationContext() .getIWMainApplication(); IWBundle bundle = application.getBundle("com.idega.user"); Locale locale = iwuc.getCurrentLocale(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = bundle.getResourceBundle(locale); String noSuitableGroupMessage = iwrb.getLocalizedString( "user_suitable_group_could_not_be_found", "A suitable group for the user could not be found."); String moreThanOneSuitableGroupMessage = iwrb .getLocalizedString( "user_more_than_one_suitable_group_was_found_prefix", "More than one suitable groups where found. The system could not decide where to put the user. The possible groups are: "); // key groups id, value group Map groupIdGroup = new HashMap(); // key group id, value users Map groupIdUsers = new HashMap(); // key group id, value id of users Map groupIdUsersId = new HashMap(); // key user id, value user's parent group Map userParentGroup = new HashMap(); // key user id, value user's target group Map userTargetGroup = new HashMap(); // get all groups try { GroupBusiness groupBiz = getGroupBusiness(); Iterator groupsIterator = groups.iterator(); String[] usrGroupType = new String[] { User.USER_GROUP_TYPE }; while (groupsIterator.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group) groupsIterator.next(); String groupId = group.getPrimaryKey().toString(); String groupType = group.getGroupType(); if (groupTypesToMoveAmong == null || (groupTypesToMoveAmong.contains(groupType))) { fillMaps(group, groupId, groupIdGroup, groupIdUsers, groupIdUsersId); } // Iterator childIterator = // groupBiz.getChildGroups(group).iterator(); Collection coll = groupBiz.getChildGroupsRecursive(group, usrGroupType, false); if (coll != null && !coll.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator childIterator = coll.iterator(); childIterator .hasNext();) { Group childGroup = (Group) childIterator.next(); String childGroupType = childGroup.getGroupType(); if (groupTypesToMoveAmong == null || (groupTypesToMoveAmong .contains(childGroupType))) { String childGroupId = childGroup.getPrimaryKey() .toString(); fillMaps(childGroup, childGroupId, groupIdGroup, groupIdUsers, groupIdUsersId); } } } } } // Finder and RemoteException catch (Exception ex) { throw new EJBException("Error getting group. Message: " + ex.getMessage()); } // iterate over all users Iterator groupIdsIterator = groupIdGroup.entrySet().iterator(); // iterate over groups while (groupIdsIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) groupIdsIterator.next(); String parentGroupId = (String) entry.getKey(); Group parentGroup = (Group) entry.getValue(); Collection userInGroup = (Collection) groupIdUsers .get(parentGroupId); Iterator userIterator = userInGroup.iterator(); // iterate over users within a group while (userIterator.hasNext()) { Collection possibleTargets = null; User user = (User) userIterator.next(); // test if the user is assignable to one and only one group Iterator targetGroupIds = groupIdGroup.entrySet().iterator(); while (targetGroupIds.hasNext()) { Map.Entry targetEntry = (Map.Entry) targetGroupIds.next(); String targetGroupId = (String) targetEntry.getKey(); Group targetGroup = (Group) targetEntry.getValue(); boolean result = true; // skip the own group if (!targetGroupId.equals(parentGroupId)) { // check if the user is already a member of the target // group Collection userIdsOfTarget = (Collection) groupIdUsersId .get(targetGroupId); result = !userIdsOfTarget.contains(user.getPrimaryKey() .toString()); } // check if the user is suited for the target group when the // result is still true if (result) { result = (isUserSuitedForGroup(user, targetGroup) == null); } if (result) { if (possibleTargets == null) { possibleTargets = new ArrayList(); } possibleTargets.add(targetGroup); } } userParentGroup.put(user, parentGroup); userTargetGroup.put(user, possibleTargets); } } // perform moving Map result = new HashMap(); Iterator userIterator = userTargetGroup.entrySet().iterator(); while (userIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) userIterator.next(); User user = (User) entry.getKey(); Collection target = (Collection) entry.getValue(); Group source = (Group) userParentGroup.get(user); Integer sourceId = (Integer) source.getPrimaryKey(); Map map = (Map) result.get(sourceId); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap(); result.put(sourceId, map); } if (target != null) { if (target.size() == 1) { int source_id = ((Integer) source.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(); Group targetGr = (Group) target.iterator().next(); int target_id = ((Integer) targetGr.getPrimaryKey()) .intValue(); if (source_id != target_id) { String message = moveUserWithoutTest(iwrb, user, source, targetGr, iwuc.getCurrentUser()); // if there is not a transaction error the message is // null! map.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), message); } else { map.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), null); } } else { String message = moreThanOneSuitableGroupMessage; boolean first = true; for (Iterator iter = target.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Group gr = (Group) iter.next(); if (first) { message += " "; } else { message += ", "; } message += gr.getName(); first = false; } map.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), message); } } else { map.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), noSuitableGroupMessage); } } return result; } private void fillMaps(Group group, String groupId, Map groupIdGroup, Map groupIdUsers, Map groupIdUsersId) { groupIdGroup.put(groupId, group); Collection usersInGroup = getUsersInGroup(group); groupIdUsers.put(groupId, usersInGroup); Collection userIds = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = usersInGroup.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { User user = (User) iterator.next(); userIds.add(user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); } groupIdUsersId.put(groupId, userIds); } public boolean isMemberOfGroup(int parentGroupToTest, User user) { // first check the primary group /* * Eiki and jonas, commented out because we could not add users from old * user system to the same group as their former primary group. We need * this method to return false because they don't have a record in * ic_group_relation like they should. Group group = * user.getPrimaryGroup(); if (group != null) { int primaryGroupId = * ((Integer) group.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (parentGroupToTest * == primaryGroupId) { return true; } } */ // then check the group relations int userId = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); Collection coll; try { GroupRelationHome groupRelationHome = (GroupRelationHome) IDOLookup .getHome(GroupRelation.class); GroupHome groupHome = (GroupHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Group.class); String parentRelation = groupHome.getRelationTypeGroupParent(); coll = groupRelationHome .findGroupsRelationshipsContainingUniDirectional( parentGroupToTest, userId, parentRelation); } // Remote and FinderException catch (Exception rme) { throw new RuntimeException(rme.getMessage()); } return !coll.isEmpty(); } private String moveUserWithoutTest(IWResourceBundle iwrb, User user, Group parentGroup, Group targetGroup, User currentUser) { return moveUserWithoutTest(iwrb, user, parentGroup, targetGroup, currentUser, false); } private String moveUserWithoutTest(IWResourceBundle iwrb, User user, Group parentGroup, Group targetGroup, User currentUser, boolean leaveCopyOfUserInCurrentGroup) { int userId = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int targetGroupId = ((Integer) targetGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int parentGroupId = -1; if (parentGroup != null) { parentGroupId = ((Integer) parentGroup.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if (parentGroupId == targetGroupId) { // there was a previous test therefore localization is it not // necessary return "source and target are the same"; } } // note: if the primary group id is equal to minus one the user does not // belong to a group int primaryGroupId = user.getPrimaryGroupID(); // Transaction starts javax.transaction.TransactionManager transactionManager = com.idega.transaction.IdegaTransactionManager .getInstance(); try { transactionManager.begin(); // check if the primaryGroup is the parentGroup or if the user does // not belong to a group at all boolean targetIsSetAsPrimaryGroup = false; if ((parentGroup != null && (parentGroupId == primaryGroupId)) || (primaryGroupId == -1)) { user.setPrimaryGroup(targetGroup); user.store(); targetIsSetAsPrimaryGroup = true; } // remove user from parent group // IMPORTANT // if the parent group was the primary group there might(!) be // a corresponding GroupRelation. // usually there should not be such a GroupRelation // therefore be sure that the method below does not throw an error // if it // is not able to find a group relation. if (!leaveCopyOfUserInCurrentGroup) { if (parentGroup != null) { callAllUserGroupPluginBeforeUserRemoveMethod(user, parentGroup); parentGroup.removeUser(user, currentUser); } } // set target group if (!targetIsSetAsPrimaryGroup) { targetGroup.addGroup(userId); } else { // this is a hack. If the target group is already the primary // group // it should not be necessary to add a corresponding group // relation. // but if it is not added the group tree does not know that this // user is a child // of the target group targetGroup.addGroup(userId); } callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(user, targetGroup); transactionManager.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); try { transactionManager.rollback(); } catch (javax.transaction.SystemException sy) { sy.printStackTrace(System.err); } // this is an unusual error therefore localization is it not // necessary if (e instanceof RemoveException) { return e.getMessage(); } String msg = e.getMessage(); String errorMessage = iwrb.getLocalizedString( "new_user.transaction_rollback", "User could not be created/added because of the error: ") + msg + iwrb .getLocalizedString( "new_user.try_again", " Please try again or contact the system administrator if you think it is a server error."); return errorMessage; } return null; } /** * Returns a localized error message (if the UserGroupPlugin localized it!) * or null if there was no error. */ public String isUserSuitedForGroup(User user, Group targetGroup) { try { String grouptype = targetGroup.getGroupType(); Collection plugins = (Collection) this.pluginsForGroupTypeCachMap .get(grouptype); if (plugins == null) { plugins = getGroupBusiness().getUserGroupPluginsForGroupType( grouptype); this.pluginsForGroupTypeCachMap.put(grouptype, plugins); } Iterator iter = plugins.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugInBusiness pluginBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness) iter .next(); String message; if ((message = pluginBiz .isUserSuitedForGroup(user, targetGroup)) != null) { return message; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } return null; } public String getUserApplicationStyleSheetURL() { IWMainApplication application = getIWApplicationContext() .getIWMainApplication(); IWBundle bundle = application.getBundle("com.idega.user"); String styleScript = "DefaultStyle.css"; String styleSrc = bundle.getVirtualPathWithFileNameString(application .getBundle("com.idega.user").getProperty("styleSheet_name", styleScript)); return styleSrc; } public boolean isInDefaultCommune(User user) throws RemoteException, FinderException { Address address = getUsersMainAddress(user); Commune commune = null; if (address != null) { commune = getCommuneHome().findByPrimaryKey( new Integer(address.getCommuneID())); } else { return false; } if (commune != null) { return commune.getIsDefault(); } return false; } private CommuneHome getCommuneHome() throws RemoteException { return (CommuneHome) IDOLookup.getHome(Commune.class); } /** * Creates or updates a user from an LDAP DN and its attributes. * * @throws NamingException * ,RemoteException * @see com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness#createOrUpdateUser(DN * distinguishedName,Attributes attributes) */ public User createOrUpdateUser(DN distinguishedName, Attributes attributes) throws CreateException, NamingException, RemoteException { IWLDAPUtil ldapUtil = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); String fullName = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_COMMON_NAME, attributes); Name name = new Name(fullName); String firstName = name.getFirstName(); String middleName = name.getMiddleName(); String lastName = name.getLastName(); String description = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, attributes); String uniqueID = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_UNIQUE_ID, attributes); String personalId = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_PERSONAL_ID, attributes); String dateOfBirth = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_DATE_OF_BIRTH, attributes); String userName = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_UID, attributes); if (userName == null || "".equals(userName)) { // maybe its active directory! userName = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_UID_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, attributes); } String userPassword = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_USER_PASSWORD, attributes); String email = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL, attributes); // String homePhone = // ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER,attributes); // String fax = // ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_FAX_NUMBER,attributes); // String mobile = // ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MOBILE_NUMBER,attributes); String fullAddressString = ldapUtil .getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_REGISTERED_ADDRESS, attributes); String gender = ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_IDEGAWEB_GENDER, attributes); int genderId = -1; if (gender != null) { try { genderId = getGenderId(gender).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Date birthDate = null; if (dateOfBirth != null) { try { birthDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateOfBirth); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err .println("UserBusiness: date of birth format is invalid.Should be yyyy-MM-dd : " + dateOfBirth); } } // find the user User user = null; if (uniqueID != null) { try { user = getUserByUniqueId(uniqueID); } catch (FinderException e) { System.out.println("UserBusiness: User not found by unique id:" + uniqueID); } } if (user == null && personalId != null) { try { user = getUser(personalId); } catch (FinderException e) { System.out .println("UserBusiness: User not found by personal id:" + personalId); } } if (user == null) { user = getUserByDirectoryString(distinguishedName.toString()); } // if (user == null && firstName != null) { // try { // Collection users = getUserHome().findUsersByConditions(firstName, // middleName, lastName, null, null, // null, genderId, -1, -1, -1, null, null, true, false); // if (users != null && !users.isEmpty() && users.size() == 1) { // //its the only one with this name must be our guy! // user = (User) users.iterator().next(); // } // } // catch (FinderException e) { // System.out.println("UserBusiness: last try...user not found by firstname,middlename,lastname"); // } // } // could not find the person create it if (user == null) { user = createUser(firstName, middleName, lastName, personalId); user.store(); } // update stuff // the unique id if (uniqueID != null) { user.setUniqueId(uniqueID); } // the gender id if (genderId > 0) { user.setGender(genderId); } if (birthDate != null && user.getDateOfBirth() == null) { user.setDateOfBirth(new IWTimestamp(birthDate).getDate()); } // the description user.setDescription(description); user.store(); // the email updateUserMail(user, email); // the main address try { updateUsersMainAddressByFullAddressString(user, fullAddressString); } catch (CreateException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // the login if (userName != null) { try { int userId = ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); LoginTable login = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(userId); if (login == null) { // no login create one login = ((LoginTableHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup .getHomeLegacy(LoginTable.class)).createLegacy(); login.setUserId(userId); } login.setUserLogin(userName); if (userPassword != null) { // remove the encryption e.g. {md5} prefix userPassword = userPassword.substring(userPassword .indexOf("}") + 1); login.setUserPasswordInClearText(userPassword); } login.setLastChanged(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); login.store(); } catch (IDOStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // set all the attributes as metadata also setMetaDataFromLDAPAttributes(user, distinguishedName, attributes); // TODO Eiki make a method updatePhones(home,fax,mobile) DO in // update also // getPhoneHome().findUsersFaxPhone(); // String phone = // ldapUtil.getSingleValueOfAttributeByAttributeKey(LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER,attributes); return user; } /** * Updates or creates a users main address with a fully qualifying address * string (see getFullAddressString(address) in AddressBusiness for the * format of the string) * * @param user * @param fullAddressString * e.g. : * "Stafnasel 6;107 Reykjavik;Iceland:is_IS;Reykjavik:12345", See * javadoc on getFullAddressString(Address address) in * AddressBusiness * @throws RemoteException * @throws CreateException */ public void updateUsersMainAddressByFullAddressString(User user, String fullAddressString) throws RemoteException, CreateException { if (fullAddressString != null && !"".equals(fullAddressString)) { Address mainAddress = getUsersMainAddress(user); boolean addAddress = false; if (mainAddress == null) { mainAddress = getAddressHome().create(); mainAddress.setAddressType(getAddressBusiness() .getMainAddressType()); addAddress = true; } mainAddress = getAddressBusiness() .getUpdatedAddressByFullAddressString(mainAddress, fullAddressString); if (addAddress) { try { user.addAddress(mainAddress); } catch (IDOAddRelationshipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } public User getUserByUniqueId(String uniqueID) throws FinderException { User user; user = getUserHome().findUserByUniqueId(uniqueID); return user; } /** * Creates or updates a user from an LDAP DN and its attributes and adds it * under the parentGroup supplied * * @throws NamingException * @throws CreateException * @throws NamingException * @throws RemoteException * @see com.idega.user.business.UserBusiness#createOrUpdateUser(DN * distinguishedName,Attributes attributes,Group parentGroup) */ public User createOrUpdateUser(DN distinguishedName, Attributes attributes, Group parentGroup) throws RemoteException, CreateException, NamingException { User user = createOrUpdateUser(distinguishedName, attributes); parentGroup.addGroup(user); return user; } /** * Adds all the ldap attributes as metadata-fields * * @param group * @param distinguishedName * @param attributes */ public void setMetaDataFromLDAPAttributes(User user, DN distinguishedName, Attributes attributes) { try { getGroupBusiness().setMetaDataFromLDAPAttributes(user, distinguishedName, attributes); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Gets all the users that have this ldap metadata * * @param key * @param value * @return */ public Collection getUsersByLDAPAttribute(String key, String value) { IWLDAPUtil util = IWLDAPUtil.getInstance(); Collection users; try { users = getUserHome().findUsersByMetaData( util.getAttributeKeyWithMetaDataNamePrefix(key), value); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } return users; } /** * Looks for the user by his DN in his metadata * * @param identifier * @return */ public User getUserByDirectoryString(DirectoryString dn) { return getUserByDirectoryString(dn.toString()); } /** * Looks for the user by his DN in his metadata * * @param identifier * @return */ public User getUserByDirectoryString(String dn) { User user = null; dn = dn.toLowerCase(); Collection users = getUsersByLDAPAttribute( IWLDAPConstants.LDAP_META_DATA_KEY_DIRECTORY_STRING, dn); if (!users.isEmpty() && users.size() == 1) { user = (User) users.iterator().next(); } else { int index = dn .indexOf(IWLDAPConstants.LDAP_USER_DIRECTORY_STRING_SEPARATOR); int commaIndex = dn.indexOf(","); if (index > 0 && index < commaIndex) { String pid = dn.substring(index + 1, commaIndex); try { user = getUser(pid); } catch (FinderException e) { } } else { // TODO find by his name // getUserHome().findUsersByConditions() } } return user; } public Collection getUsersBySpecificGroupsUserstatusDateOfBirthAndGender( Collection groups, Collection userStatuses, Integer yearOfBirthFrom, Integer yearOfBirthTo, String gender) { try { return getUserHome() .ejbFindUsersBySpecificGroupsUserstatusDateOfBirthAndGender( groups, userStatuses, yearOfBirthFrom, yearOfBirthTo, gender); } catch (FinderException e) { return ListUtil.getEmptyList(); } } private UserCommentHome getUserCommentHome() { try { return (UserCommentHome) IDOLookup.getHome(UserComment.class); } catch (IDOLookupException ile) { throw new IBORuntimeException(ile); } } public void storeUserComment(User user, String comment, User performer) { try { UserComment userComment = getUserCommentHome().create(); userComment.setUser(user); userComment.setComment(comment); userComment.setCreatedDate(new IWTimestamp().getDate()); userComment.setCreatedBy(performer); userComment.store(); } catch (CreateException ce) { log(ce); } } public Collection getUserComments(User user) throws FinderException { Collection comments = getUserCommentHome().findAllByUser(user); if (comments == null || comments.isEmpty()) { throw new FinderException("No comments found for user with PK = " + user.getPrimaryKey()); } return comments; } /** * This method will try to find the parent of the user (if only one) and * then calls * callAllUserGroupPluginAfterGroupCreateOrUpdateMethod(group,parentGroup) * * @throws CreateException * @throws RemoteException */ public void callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(User user) throws CreateException, RemoteException { List list = user.getParentGroups(); Group parentGroup = null; if (list != null && list.size() == 1) { parentGroup = (Group) list.iterator().next(); } callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(user, parentGroup); } public void callAllUserGroupPluginAfterUserCreateOrUpdateMethod(User user, Group parentGroup) throws CreateException, RemoteException { // get plugins and call the method Collection allUserPlugins = getGroupBusiness().getUserGroupPlugins(); Iterator plugs = allUserPlugins.iterator(); while (plugs.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugInBusiness plugBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness) plugs .next(); plugBiz.afterUserCreateOrUpdate(user, parentGroup); } } public void callAllUserGroupPluginBeforeUserRemoveMethod(User user, Group parentGroup) { // get plugins and call the method Collection allUserPlugins; try { allUserPlugins = getGroupBusiness().getUserGroupPlugins(); Iterator plugs = allUserPlugins.iterator(); while (plugs.hasNext()) { UserGroupPlugInBusiness plugBiz = (UserGroupPlugInBusiness) plugs .next(); plugBiz.beforeUserRemove(user, parentGroup); } } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // Class UserBusiness