/** * * * Author: Chris Betts * Date: 28/11/2002 / 17:02:19 */ package com.idega.core.ldap.client.jndi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.Attribute; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttribute; import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttributes; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; /** * <p>The Schema Ops provides a number of convenience methods for accessing schema information.</p> * * <p>In addition, it allows the schema to be accessed even if a particular jndi provider * does not provide a getSchemaOps() call, by attempting to access a subschema subentry call directly. * (e.g. for a DSML directory).</p> */ public class SchemaOps { protected DirContext ctx = null; // the root jndi context used for all directory queries. Attributes rawSchemaAttributes = null; // what is read from the directory subschema subentry private String schemaRoot = null; // the entry in the directory that holds the schema attribute set - usually cn=schema HashMap oids = new HashMap(1000); // a fast lookup list of oids to descriptive names. final static String subschemaAttributeName = "subschemaSubentry"; private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("com.idega.core.ldap.client.jndi.SchemaOps"); public static final String SCHEMA_FAKE_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME = "synthetic_JXplorer_schema_object"; private static final BasicAttribute schemaObjectClassAttribute = new BasicAttribute("objectClass"); private ArrayList fullObjectClassArray = null; // cache the complete list of object classes; it gets used a bit. private ArrayList fullAttributeNameArray = null; // cache the complete list of attribute names; it gets used a bit. static { schemaObjectClassAttribute.add("top"); schemaObjectClassAttribute.add(SCHEMA_FAKE_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME); } /** * <p>Initialise the SchemaOps object, and read the * full schema from the directory. Note that this is a very * expensive operation, that can involve downloading 10-100k from * the directory!</p> */ public SchemaOps(DirContext context) throws NamingException { this.ctx = context; if (this.ctx == null) { return; } log.log(Level.FINER,"Reading Schema info from directory context"); setSchemaRoot(getSchemaRoot()); this.rawSchemaAttributes = getRawSchema(); //printRawSchema(); //System.out.println("\n\n\n\n"); loadOIDs(); } /** * <p>Initialise the SchemaOps object from an Attributes list. * This constructor is intended for testing. * </p> */ // package visibility for testing SchemaOps(Attributes rawSchemaAtts) // throws NamingException { this.ctx = null; this.rawSchemaAttributes = rawSchemaAtts; setSchemaRoot("cn=schema"); loadOIDs(); log.log(Level.FINER,"SCHEMA ROOTX:" + getSchemaRoot()); } /** * This attempts to translate an OID into a descriptive name. If it cannot * find a translation, it will return the oid unchanged. * @param oid the 'dot form' OID, e.g. "" or whatever * @return the human readable string form of the OID (e.g. "country") */ public String translateOID(String oid) { if (this.oids.containsKey(oid)) { return (String)this.oids.get(oid); } else { return oid; } } /** * setup the global list of oids vs readable strings, by loading the schema and using the rfc defaults */ protected void loadOIDs() { loadOIDsFromSchema(); loadStaticOIDs(); } /** * Iterates through the schema finding OIDs and their corresponding descriptions. */ protected void loadOIDsFromSchema() { if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { return; } try { NamingEnumeration rawSchemaAtts = this.rawSchemaAttributes.getAll(); while (rawSchemaAtts.hasMoreElements()) { Attribute rawSchemaAtt = (Attribute)rawSchemaAtts.nextElement(); NamingEnumeration values = rawSchemaAtt.getAll(); while (values.hasMoreElements()) { String value = (String)values.nextElement(); if (value.indexOf('(') == -1) { log.log(Level.FINER,"skipping non schema attribute: " + rawSchemaAtt.getID() + ":" + value); } else { this.oids.put (getOID(value), getFirstName(value)); } } } } catch (NamingException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"Unable to read schema oids: ", e); } } protected void loadStaticOIDs() { // a quick pick of common syntaxes for Active Directory support // (and other servers that don't publish syntax descriptions) // taken from rfc 2252 this.oids.put("","ACI Item"); this.oids.put("","Access Point"); this.oids.put("","Attribute Type Description"); this.oids.put("","Audio"); this.oids.put("","Binary"); this.oids.put("","Bit String"); this.oids.put("","Boolean"); this.oids.put("","Certificate"); this.oids.put("","Certificate List"); this.oids.put("","Certificate Pair"); this.oids.put("","Country String"); this.oids.put("","DN"); this.oids.put("","Data Quality Syntax"); this.oids.put("","Delivery Method"); this.oids.put("","Directory String"); this.oids.put("","DIT Content Rule Description"); this.oids.put("","DIT Structure Rule Description"); this.oids.put("","DL Submit Permission"); this.oids.put("","DSA Quality Syntax"); this.oids.put("","DSE Type"); this.oids.put("","Enhanced Guide"); this.oids.put("","Facsimile Telephone Number"); this.oids.put("","Fax"); this.oids.put("","Generalized Time"); this.oids.put("","Guide"); this.oids.put("","IA5 String"); this.oids.put("","INTEGER"); this.oids.put("","JPEG"); this.oids.put("","LDAP Syntax Description"); this.oids.put("","LDAP Schema Definition"); this.oids.put("","LDAP Schema Description"); this.oids.put("","Master And Shadow Access Points"); this.oids.put("","Matching Rule Description"); this.oids.put("","Matching Rule Use Description"); this.oids.put("","Mail Preference"); this.oids.put("","MHS OR Address"); this.oids.put("","Modify Rights"); this.oids.put("","Name And Optional UID"); this.oids.put("","Name Form Description"); this.oids.put("","Numeric String"); this.oids.put("","Object Class Description"); this.oids.put("","Octet String"); this.oids.put("","OID"); this.oids.put("","Other Mailbox"); this.oids.put("","Postal Address"); this.oids.put("","Protocol Information"); this.oids.put("","Presentation Address"); this.oids.put("","Printable String"); this.oids.put("","Substring Assertion"); this.oids.put("","Subtree Specification"); this.oids.put("","Supplier Information"); this.oids.put("","Supplier Or Consumer"); this.oids.put("","Supplier And Consumer"); this.oids.put("","Supported Algorithm"); this.oids.put("","Telephone Number"); this.oids.put("","Teletex Terminal Identifier"); this.oids.put("","Telex Number"); this.oids.put("","UTC Time"); } /** * Utility method to print a syntax subtree... * @param syntaxRoot the root of the syntax tree to print out, e.g. "", "objectClasses" * @throws NamingException */ void debugPrint(String syntaxRoot) throws NamingException { System.out.println("---DEBUG PRINT---"); System.out.println("schema root: "+ getSchemaRoot()); if (syntaxRoot.length()>0 && syntaxRoot.startsWith("schema=")==false) { syntaxRoot = "schema=" + syntaxRoot; } tabbedDebugPrint(syntaxRoot, ""); System.out.println("-----------------"); } void tabbedDebugPrint(String syntaxElement, String indent) throws NamingException { System.out.println(indent + syntaxElement); Attributes entry = getAttributes(syntaxElement); System.out.println(indent + "--==< " + syntaxElement + ">==--"); if (entry == null) { System.out.println(indent + " ** NULL ENTRY **"); } else { NamingEnumeration atts = entry.getAll(); while (atts.hasMoreElements()) { Attribute att = (Attribute)atts.nextElement(); System.out.println(indent + "att " + att.getID()); NamingEnumeration values = att.getAll(); while (values.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(indent + " " + values.nextElement().toString()); } } } System.out.println(indent + "-"); ArrayList list = listEntryNames(syntaxElement); if (list == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String nextLevel = syntaxElement; if (nextLevel.length()>0) { nextLevel = "," + nextLevel; } nextLevel = "schema=" + list.get(i) + nextLevel; tabbedDebugPrint(nextLevel, "\t"+indent); } } public void printRawSchema() { if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { System.out.println("NO SCHEMA READ!"); return; } try { System.out.println("---RAW SCHEMA---"); Enumeration attEnum = this.rawSchemaAttributes.getAll(); while (attEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Attribute att = (Attribute)attEnum.nextElement(); String ID = att.getID(); Enumeration vals = att.getAll(); while (vals.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(ID + " : " + vals.nextElement()); } } } catch (NamingException e) { System.out.println("error printing raw schema:" + e); } } /** * <p>This returns the raw schema straight from the * directory. Only use this if you <i>really</i> * know what you're doing - see getAttributes() for * an explanation.</p> */ // ...Your schema caching code here... public Attributes getRawSchema() throws NamingException { String rawSchemaRoot = getSchemaRoot(); log.log(Level.FINER,"reading raw schema from " + rawSchemaRoot); //Attributes rawSchema = ctx.getAttributes(rawSchemaRoot); // need to explicitly list operational attributes... (although eTrust Directory doesn't need this, others do) // Attributes rawSchema = ctx.getAttributes(rawSchemaRoot, new String[] {"attributeTypes", "objectClasses", "matchingRules", "matchingRuleUse", "ditStructureRules", "ldapSyntaxes", "nameForms" }); Attributes rawSchema = this.ctx.getAttributes(rawSchemaRoot, new String[] {"attributeTypes", "objectClasses", "matchingRules", "ldapSyntaxes", "*" }); if (rawSchema == null) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"null schema read - returning empty schema list."); rawSchema = new BasicAttributes(); // return empty atts rather than null, to cut down on 'check for null' code... } else { if (rawSchema.size()==0) // may be a type of directory that requires explicit listing of schema objects... { log.log(Level.WARNING,"Unable to read schema details from directory."); rawSchema = new BasicAttributes(); // give up - set to empty :-( return rawSchema; } log.log(Level.FINER,"some schema read..."); rawSchema.remove("objectClass"); // Paranoid. Yes. rawSchema.remove("oc"); // But very thorough. rawSchema.remove("objectclass"); String nameAttribute = rawSchemaRoot.substring(0, rawSchemaRoot.indexOf('=')); rawSchema.remove(nameAttribute); } return rawSchema; } private void setSchemaRoot(String schema) { this.schemaRoot = schema; } /** * returns the root DN of the schema subentry as a string. * @return the schema subentry (i.e. something like 'cn=schema') */ public String getSchemaRoot() { if (this.schemaRoot != null) { return this.schemaRoot; } try { log.log(Level.FINER,"start get schema root call"); Attributes SSSE; SSSE = this.ctx.getAttributes("", new String[]{subschemaAttributeName}); if (SSSE != null && SSSE.get(subschemaAttributeName) != null) { this.schemaRoot = (String) SSSE.get(subschemaAttributeName).get(); } log.log(Level.FINER,"schema root read as being: '" + String.valueOf(this.schemaRoot) + "'"); } catch (NamingException e) { // revert to using good old 'cn=schema' ... } if (this.schemaRoot == null ) { log.log(Level.FINER,"forcing value of schema root to 'cn=schema', since can't read subschema attribute name"); this.schemaRoot = "cn=schema"; // default: this is what it usually is anyway... :-) } return this.schemaRoot; } /** * <p>HERE BE DRAGONS</p> * * <p>Similarly to jndi, we impose a structure on the raw schema entry. In the * directory, there is a single schema entry, with a number of multi-valued attributes, e.g. * one attribute for 'objectClasses', one for 'ldapSyntaxes'. Each attribute value has * a wretched format, e.g. an objectClasses value might be: * " ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.4 NAME 'newPilotPerson' SUP ( person ) * STRUCTURAL MAY ( uid $ mail $ drink $ roomNumber $ userClass $ homePhone $ homePostalAddress * $ secretary $ personalTitle $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ businessCategory $ janetMailbox * $ otherMailbox $ mobile $ pager $ organizationalStatus $ mailPreferenceOption $ personalSignature ) ) "</p> * * <p>We break this up by adding an extra layer of virtual attributes, turning the above attribute * value into an attributes object (with a 'MAY' attribute, a 'NAME' attribute etc. ... * (If you need the real deal, use getRawSchema()... but be sure * you know what you're doing :-). </p> * * @param entryName the name of an entry, e.g. schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes */ public Attributes getAttributes(String entryName) throws NamingException { entryName = mangleEntryName(entryName); BasicAttributes schemaAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); // add fake object class to keep some DXattributes routines happy... schemaAttributes.put(schemaObjectClassAttribute); if (entryName == null || entryName.length() == 0) // return synthetic entry for syntax root { schemaAttributes.put(subschemaAttributeName, this.schemaRoot); } else if (entryName.indexOf(',') == -1 && entryName.indexOf('/') == -1) // return synthetic entry for syntax type headings { String schemaType = entryName.substring(entryName.indexOf('=')+1); schemaAttributes.put("schemaType", schemaType); } else { schemaAttributes = getAttributesFromSchemaName(entryName); } return schemaAttributes; } /** * <p>This method does three things; firstly, it trims the schema root from * the name if present (e.g. trims ",cn=schema" in most cases). * Secondly, it trims any ';binary' from the end of the string. * Finally, it translates the pseudo-schema names jndi imposes on top of the * standard ldap/X500 syntax names from rfc 2252/2256:</p> *<ul> * <li>AttributeDefinition => attributeTypes * <li>ClassDefinition => objectClasses * <li>SyntaxDefinition => ldapSyntaxes * </ul> * * @param entryName : schema=ClassDefinition,cn=schema or schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes * @return */ protected String mangleEntryName(String entryName) { if (entryName.indexOf("ClassDefinition")>-1) { entryName = entryName.replaceAll("(ClassDefinition)", "objectClasses"); } if (entryName.indexOf("SyntaxDefinition")>-1) { entryName = entryName.replaceAll("(SyntaxDefinition)", "ldapSyntaxes"); } if (entryName.indexOf("AttributeDefinition")>-1) { entryName = entryName.replaceAll("(AttributeDefinition)", "attributeTypes"); } // if it is an ldap name, restructure it to the schema=..., schema=... used in JX. if (entryName.indexOf('/') > 0) { // trim ;binary for prettiness... // TODO: Is this such a good idea?; it may mess up some directories such as slapd... int pos = entryName.indexOf(";binary"); if (pos > -1) { entryName = entryName.substring(0, pos); } int slashpos = entryName.indexOf('/'); String topLevelName = entryName.substring(0, slashpos); String specificName = entryName.substring(++slashpos); return "schema=" + specificName + ",schema="+topLevelName; } // otherwise it is already a JX style name, so we clean it up a bit to get it in a standard form // trim the schema root off the end, since we're only interested in the next level (objectclasses etc.) int pos = entryName.indexOf(this.schemaRoot); if (pos > 0) { entryName = entryName.substring(0, pos-1); } // a little naughtily, we often use 'cn=schema' as shorthand for the schema root... get rid of that instead if it is different from the schema root (usually it isn't) pos = entryName.indexOf("cn=schema"); if (pos > 0) { entryName = entryName.substring(0, pos-1); } return entryName; } /** * returns the specific schema entry name - eg 'cn' in 'schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes' * @param entryName the schema entry DN in JX format - 'schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes' * @return the specific schema name - e.g. 'cn' * @throws NamingException */ protected String getSpecificName(String entryName) throws NamingException { int equalpos = entryName.indexOf('=')+1; int commapos = entryName.indexOf(','); if (equalpos <= 0 || commapos == -1 || equalpos>commapos) { throw new NamingException("error parsing schema dn '" + entryName + "' "); } return entryName.substring(equalpos, commapos); } /** * returns the specific schema entry name - eg 'cn' in 'schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes' * @param entryName the schema entry DN in JX format - 'schema=cn,schema=attributeTypes' * @return the specific schema name - e.g. 'cn' * @throws NamingException */ protected String getTypeName(String entryName) throws NamingException { if (entryName.endsWith(",cn=schema")) { entryName = entryName.substring(0, entryName.length()-10); } int equalpos = entryName.lastIndexOf('=')+1; return entryName.substring(equalpos); } /** * This looks up the raw 'Attribute' corresponding to the full entryName. It then takes the value * of that attribute, and creates a new Attributes object by parsing that value. * @param entryName * @throws NamingException */ // package visibility for testing BasicAttributes getAttributesFromSchemaName(String entryName) throws NamingException { if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { return null; } entryName = mangleEntryName(entryName); // do all this the slow way for now... String schemaTypeName = getTypeName(entryName); String specificName = getSpecificName(entryName); Attribute schemaGroup = this.rawSchemaAttributes.get(schemaTypeName); if (schemaGroup == null) { // some wierdo directories manage to get their cases muddled. This is a last-gasp attempt // to read them by using an all-lower case version of the name. schemaGroup = this.rawSchemaAttributes.get(schemaTypeName.toLowerCase()); throw new NamingException("Unable to find schema entry for schema type '" + schemaTypeName + "'"); } NamingEnumeration schemaValues = schemaGroup.getAll(); String schemaValue; while (schemaValues.hasMore()) { schemaValue = (String) schemaValues.next(); String[] names = getNames(schemaValue); for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { // use case-insensitive match to cope with weirdo directories that muddle case if (specificName.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) { return getAttributesFromSchemaValue(schemaValue); } } } return null; } /** * <p>This Parses the schema values from the syntaxValue. The parser is very simple, * and this might cause trouble in future years. The assumptions are:</p> * <ul> * <li> syntax keywords are all in upper case (e.g. NAME, DESC etc.). * <li> keywords are all followed by a list of values in mixed case. * <li> all values are more than one character long. * <li> * </ul> */ // package visibility for testing /** * A quicky parse routine to spin through a list ( 'fred' 'nigel' 'horse heads' ) fnord fnord fnord ( 'more fnords' ) * adding elements to the passed attribute until it hits the first ')' * @param schemaAttribute attribute to add the bracketed strings to. * @param st a string tokeniser to read values from. */ private void addBracketedValues(Attribute schemaAttribute, StringTokenizer st) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.endsWith(")")) // that's all for this list... { if (token.length()>1) { schemaAttribute.add(getQuotedTokens(token.substring(0, token.length()-1), st)); } return; } schemaAttribute.add(getQuotedTokens(token, st)); } } /** * If the token has an opening ' character, this will read either it or a sequence until * it gets to the closing ' - otherwise it just returns the token. * @param token * @return */ private String getQuotedTokens(String token, StringTokenizer st) { if (token.charAt(0) != '\'') { return token; } if (token.length() < 2) { return token; } if (token.charAt(0) == '\'' && token.charAt(token.length()-1) == '\'') { return token.substring(1, token.length()-1); } // string of quoted text... this would be so much easier in perl. sigh. StringBuffer returnText = new StringBuffer(token.substring(1)); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (token.endsWith("'")) { return (returnText.append(" ").append(token.substring(0, token.length()-1)).toString()); } else { returnText.append(" ").append(token); } } return returnText.toString(); // someone forgot the closing quote I guess... } /** * This parses an attribute schema string such as: "( NAME 'country' SUP ( top ) STRUCTURAL MUST ( c ) MAY ( description $ searchGuide ) )" * and breaks it up into a pseudo attribute with elements such as 'NAME'->'country' and 'MAY' -> 'description', 'searchGuide' * @param syntaxValue the string of syntax details as per rfc 2252 * @return the pseudo attribute, suitable for display. */ BasicAttributes getAttributesFromSchemaValue(String syntaxValue) { BasicAttributes schemaValues = new BasicAttributes(); // add fake object class to keep some DXattributes routines happy... schemaValues.put(schemaObjectClassAttribute); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(syntaxValue, " \t\n\r\f$"); // Special Handling for first OID case if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String oid = st.nextToken(); if (oid.startsWith("(")) // can be a stray opening '('. { if (oid.length()==1) { oid = st.nextToken(); } else { oid = oid.substring(1); // handle case where there is no space between ( and Oid. } } schemaValues.put(new BasicAttribute("OID", oid)); } while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String attributeID = st.nextToken(); if (attributeID.endsWith(")") == false) // stray closing ')' is possible (see above) { addAttribute(schemaValues, attributeID, st); } else { if (attributeID.length()>1) { addAttribute(schemaValues, attributeID.substring(1), st); } } } return schemaValues; } /** * Parses the current attribute from the schema string. NB - this method will recurse if two * attribute keyword tokens are discovered next to each other. * @param schemaValues - the Attributes object to add the schema Attribut<b>e</b> objects to. * @param attributeName - the name of the new Attribut<b>e</b> object to construct * @param st the token list to read the attribute data from */ private void addAttribute(Attributes schemaValues, String attributeName, StringTokenizer st) { BasicAttribute schemaAttribute = new BasicAttribute(attributeName); schemaValues.put(schemaAttribute); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.startsWith("(")) { if (token.length()>1) { if (token.endsWith(")") == true) // pathalogical case: "(VALUE)" { token = token.substring(0, token.length()-1); schemaAttribute.add(token.substring(1)); } else { schemaAttribute.add(token.substring(1)); addBracketedValues(schemaAttribute, st); } } else { addBracketedValues(schemaAttribute, st); } } else if (token.endsWith(")")) { // do nothing - this should be the very end of the string tokenizer list, and this the left over bit at the end. // (note this is *not* the match to the "{" case above...!) } else if (isSyntaxKeyword(token) == true) { addAttribute(schemaValues, token, st); } else { token = getQuotedTokens(token, st); schemaAttribute.add(token); } } } /** * Read the next block of text in a single quoted block, e.g. DESC 'some stuff here', * (assuming that the first quoted string has already been read before the string * tokenizer has been passed in, e.g. this should get "stuff here'", and return * "stuff here". * @param st a string tokenizer with a series of tokens one of which ends in a single quote * @return the concatenated string of all tokens up to and including the one suffixed with a single quote. */ private static String readQuoteBlock(StringTokenizer st) { StringBuffer returnBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); returnBuffer.append(" "); returnBuffer.append(token); if (token.endsWith("'")) { returnBuffer.deleteCharAt(returnBuffer.length()-1); // remove final quote return returnBuffer.toString(); } } log.log(Level.FINER,"unexpected end of schema text in single quoted block"); return returnBuffer.toString(); } /** * This <i>should</i> probably have a list of keywords extracted from rfc 2252... but I can't be * bothered, so I'll simply test that the token is entirely uppercase, alphabetic characters... * @param token the token to test for being an rfc 2252 syntax keyword. * @return */ private static boolean isSyntaxKeyword(String token) { String [] reservedKeywords = { "ABSTRACT", "APPLIES", "AUXILIARY", "COLLECTIVE", "DESC", "EQUALITY", "MAY", "MUST", "NAME", "NO-USER-MODIFICATION", "OBSOLETE", "ORDERING", "SINGLE-VALUE", "STRUCTURAL", "SUBSTR", "SUP", "SYNTAX", "USAGE" }; int size = reservedKeywords.length; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { if (reservedKeywords[i].equals(token)) { return true; } } if (token.startsWith("X-")) { return true; } return false; // probably isn't - but they might change the standard I suppose. Oh well... } /* simply returning true for capitalised is too simplistic... int i, len = token.length(); char c; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { c = token.charAt(i); if (c<'A' || c>'Z') return false; } return true; */ /** * <p>Returns the next level in our virtual view of the schema. * The virtual view may either be in the jndi form (e.g. "objectClass/person") * of a 'dn like form' (e.g. "schema=objectClass, schema=person"). If it is * the latter, the 'fake attribute type' is ignored, e.g. "fnordle=objectClass, * snork=person" would resolve the same as "schema=objectClass, schema=person").</p> * @param entryName the full schema name to get the next level of: e.g. "schema=objectClass" * @return the undecorated names of the next level (e.g. {'person', 'top', 'organisation'} */ public ArrayList listEntryNames(String entryName) throws NamingException { if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { return new ArrayList(); } entryName = mangleEntryName(entryName); ArrayList schemaNames; if (entryName == null || entryName.length() == 0 || entryName.equals("cn=schema") || entryName.equals(this.schemaRoot)) // The 'root node', i.e. the top of the schema tree - returns things like { // 'objectClasses', 'ldapSyntaxes', 'attributeTypes' schemaNames = new ArrayList(10); Enumeration schemaTopLevelNames = this.rawSchemaAttributes.getIDs(); while (schemaTopLevelNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)schemaTopLevelNames.nextElement(); if(!schemaNames.contains(name)) { schemaNames.add(name); } } } else if (entryName.indexOf(',') == -1 && entryName.indexOf('/') == -1) // the first layer - returns things like { // 'person', 'orgunit', 'newPilotPerson' etc... schemaNames = new ArrayList(1000); if (entryName.indexOf('=') > 0) { entryName = entryName.substring(entryName.indexOf('=')+1); } Attribute rawSyntaxAttribute = this.rawSchemaAttributes.get(entryName); // entryName might be 'attributeTypes' if (rawSyntaxAttribute == null) { throw new NamingException("unable to list syntaxes of type '" + entryName + "'"); } Enumeration values = rawSyntaxAttribute.getAll(); String[] names; while (values.hasMoreElements()) { names = getNames((String) values.nextElement()); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if(!schemaNames.contains(names[i])) { schemaNames.add(names[i]); } } } } else // double element, e.g. objectClass/person -> never has children. { schemaNames = new ArrayList(0); } return schemaNames; } // note kind-a-sad attempt to make this method fastish. private int name_pos, bracket_pos, quote_pos, last_pos, pos; // pointers for string parsing. /** * This strips the OID from a schema attribute description string. The OID * is assumed to be the first element after an optional '(' character. * @param ldapSchemaDescription * @return the OID string ('' etc.) - or '0' if ldapSchemaDescription is null or unknown */ // package visibility for testing final String getOID(String ldapSchemaDescription) { if (ldapSchemaDescription == null) { return "0"; // error. } int start = 0; if (ldapSchemaDescription.charAt(0) == '(') { start++; } while (ldapSchemaDescription.charAt(start)==' ') { start++; } try { int endpos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf(' ', start); if (endpos == -1) { endpos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf(')', start); } if (endpos == -1) { endpos = ldapSchemaDescription.length(); } String ret = ldapSchemaDescription.substring(start, endpos); return ret; } catch(Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"can't parse '" + ldapSchemaDescription + "'"); e.printStackTrace(); return "0"; } } /** * parse strings that may be of the form either: * ????????????????/ NAME 'myname' ??????????? * ????????????????/ NAME ('firstname', 'secondname', 'thirdname') ??????????? * @return the single name, or the first of the array of names, as a string. */ // IMP note - for speed, this is implemented separately from getNames() final String getFirstName(String ldapSchemaDescription) { this.name_pos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf("NAME"); if (this.name_pos == -1) { this.name_pos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf("DESC"); // for ldapSyntaxes entries } if (this.name_pos == -1) // fall back - should never happen; try to return OID { if (ldapSchemaDescription.startsWith("{")) { ldapSchemaDescription = ldapSchemaDescription.substring(1).trim(); } this.pos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf(' '); if(this.pos == -1) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to get name from " + ldapSchemaDescription); return "syntax_error"; } return ldapSchemaDescription.substring(0, this.pos).trim(); } this.quote_pos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf('\'', this.name_pos); this.quote_pos++; this.last_pos = ldapSchemaDescription.indexOf('\'', this.quote_pos); if (this.quote_pos != 0 && this.last_pos != -1) { return ldapSchemaDescription.substring(this.quote_pos, this.last_pos); } else { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to parse " + ldapSchemaDescription); return "syntax_error"; } } /** * parse strings that may be of the form either: * ????????????????/ NAME 'myname' ??????????? * ????????????????/ NAME ('firstname', 'secondname', 'thirdname') ??????????? * @return the Name or array of names, as an array of strings 1 or more elements long. */ // package visibility for testing final String[] getNames(String ldapSyntaxDescription) { try { this.name_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf("NAME"); if (this.name_pos == -1) { this.name_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf("DESC"); // for ldapSyntaxes entries } if (this.name_pos == -1) // fall back - should never happen; try to return OID { if (ldapSyntaxDescription.startsWith("{")) { ldapSyntaxDescription = ldapSyntaxDescription.substring(1).trim(); } return new String[] {ldapSyntaxDescription.substring(0, ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf(' ')).trim()}; } this.bracket_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf('(', this.name_pos); this.quote_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf('\'', this.name_pos); if (this.bracket_pos != -1 && this.bracket_pos < this.quote_pos) // multiple names... { this.bracket_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf(')', this.bracket_pos); // get end bracket pos ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(5); while (this.quote_pos < this.bracket_pos && this.quote_pos != -1) // iterate through grabbing 'quoted' substrings until we get to the end of the bracketed expression { int start = ++this.quote_pos; this.quote_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf('\'', this.quote_pos); String temp = ldapSyntaxDescription.substring(start, this.quote_pos); newList.add(temp); this.quote_pos++; this.quote_pos = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf('\'', this.quote_pos); } return (String[]) newList.toArray(new String[]{}); } else // return the single name { this.quote_pos++; int next_quote = ldapSyntaxDescription.indexOf('\'', this.quote_pos); String temp = ldapSyntaxDescription.substring(this.quote_pos, next_quote); return new String[]{temp}; } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to parse line: " + ldapSyntaxDescription, e); return new String[]{"syntax_error"}; } } /** * Takes a DXAttributes set representing attribute schema defs, * and translates the oids into human friendly strings... */ /* protected Attributes addAttributeInfo(Attributes attdefs) { try { Attribute syntax = attdefs.get("SYNTAX"); // get syntax attribute String oid = syntax.get().toString(); // convert oid value to string if (oid.indexOf('{') > -1) oid = oid.substring(0, oid.indexOf('{')); String syntaxdesc = (String) oids.get(oid); // look up description for oid attdefs.put("(SYNTAX-DESC)", syntaxdesc); // stick in synthetic attribute return attdefs; } catch (NamingException e) { return attdefs; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return attdefs; } } */ /** * This returns a sorted list of all known object classes, as read from the schema * @return an array list of strings * @throws NamingException */ public ArrayList objectClasses() throws NamingException { if (this.fullObjectClassArray == null) { ArrayList temp = listEntryNames("schema=objectClasses,cn=schema"); if (temp==null) { throw new NamingException("unable to read list of object classes from schema"); } String[] OCs = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]); Arrays.sort(OCs, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return ((String)a).compareToIgnoreCase((String)b); } public boolean equals(Object a, Object b) { return ((String)a).equalsIgnoreCase((String)b); } }); int size = OCs.length; this.fullObjectClassArray = new ArrayList(size); for (int i=0;i<size; i++) { this.fullObjectClassArray.add(i, OCs[i]); } } return this.fullObjectClassArray; } /** * This returns a sorted list of all known attribute names, as read from the schema * @return an array list of strings * @throws NamingException */ public ArrayList attributeNames() throws NamingException { if (this.fullAttributeNameArray == null) { ArrayList temp = listEntryNames("schema=attributeTypes,cn=schema"); if (temp==null) { throw new NamingException("unable to read list of attribute types from schema"); } String[] ATs = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]); Arrays.sort(ATs, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return ((String)a).compareToIgnoreCase((String)b); } public boolean equals(Object a, Object b) { return ((String)a).equalsIgnoreCase((String)b); } }); int size = ATs.length; this.fullAttributeNameArray = new ArrayList(size); for (int i=0;i<size; i++) { this.fullAttributeNameArray.add(i, ATs[i]); } } return this.fullAttributeNameArray; } /** * Gets a list of the object classes most likely * to be used for the next Level of the DN... * @param dn the dn of the parent to determine likely * child object classes for * @return list of recommended object classes... */ public ArrayList getRecommendedObjectClasses(String dn) { try { if ((dn!=null)) { Attributes atts = this.ctx.getAttributes(dn); if (atts == null) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"error reading object classes for " + dn ); } else { Attribute objectClasses = atts.get("objectclass"); if (objectClasses == null) { objectClasses = atts.get("objectClass"); } if (objectClasses == null) { objectClasses = atts.get("oc"); } if (objectClasses == null) // aargh! Give up. { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to recognize object classes for " + dn); } else { NamingEnumeration names = objectClasses.getAll(); if (names == null) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"object class has no attributes!"); } ArrayList returnArray = new ArrayList(10); while (names.hasMore()) { returnArray.add(names.next()); } return returnArray; } } } } catch (NamingException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"error reading object classes for " + dn +"\n internal error III: ", e); } return null; } /** * Gets a list of all attribute definitions that have a 'binary' syntax * (currently defined as: SYNTAX = or * @return list of space separated attribute names as a string array - used to set ctx.addToEnvironment("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", -String- ); */ // Performance note - this might be sped up a tad if required... public String getNewBinaryAttributes() { if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { return ""; } try { StringBuffer binaryAttributeList = new StringBuffer(1000); Attribute rawSyntaxAttribute = this.rawSchemaAttributes.get("attributeTypes"); if (rawSyntaxAttribute == null) { return ""; } NamingEnumeration values = rawSyntaxAttribute.getAll(); while (values.hasMore()) { String attributeDescription = (String)values.next(); // something like "( NAME 'mhsX400Domain' SYNTAX )" if ((attributeDescription.indexOf(" ")>0) || (attributeDescription.indexOf("")>0)) { String [] names = getNames(attributeDescription); for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { binaryAttributeList.append(names[i]); binaryAttributeList.append(' '); } } } return binaryAttributeList.toString(); } catch (NamingException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to get binary attributes from schema", e); return ""; } /* try { NamingEnumeration results = schemaOps.search("", "(|(SYNTAX = =", new String [] {"name"}, constraints); while (results.hasMore()) { // yuck. Basically keep processing the search result until it will give us the name result. ret.append(" "); ret.append(((SearchResult)results.next()).getAttributes().get("name").get().toString()); } } catch (NamingException e) { CBUtility.log("unable to enumerate schema search results" + e, 1); } catch (Exception e) { CBUtility.log("error in syntax search " + e, 1); } return ret.toString(); */ } /** * Finds the syntax of the corresponding attribute * @param attID the undecorated attribute name - e.g. 'commonName' * @return returns the attribute syntax, or null if not found. */ public String getAttributeSyntax(String attID) { if (attID.indexOf(';') > 0) { attID = attID.substring(0, attID.indexOf(';')); //TE: for example: userCertificate;binary. } return schemaLookup("schema="+attID+",schema=attributeTypes", "SYNTAX"); } /** * Looks up a particular value in a particular schema attribute * @param entryName the entry to lookup; e.g. 'schema=person, schema=objectClass' * @param schemaAttribute the actual field to look up, e.g. "DESC" * @return the looked up value (or the first one found, if multiple) */ public String schemaLookup(String entryName, String schemaAttribute) { entryName = mangleEntryName(entryName); try { Attributes schemaAtts = getAttributes(entryName); Attribute schemaAtt = schemaAtts.get(schemaAttribute); String att = (String)schemaAtt.get(); return att; } catch (NamingException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to get value for " + entryName + " value: " + schemaAttribute, e); } catch (NullPointerException e2) { if ("DESC".equals(schemaAttribute) == false) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"unable to read any schema entry for " + entryName + "and attribute: " + schemaAttribute, e2); } } return null; } public String getNameOfObjectClassAttribute() { return schemaLookup("schema=objectClass,schema=attributeTypes", "NAME"); } /** * Tries to determine if the attribute is a SINGLE-VALUE attribute. * The rawSchemaAttributes Attributes object represents each attribute * similar to * <br><br> * ( NAME 'uNSPSCTitle' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) * <br><br> * This method gets each value (see above string) in the attribute, then each of their names in turn * until the name of the attribute we are seeking is found. Then checks if 'SINGLE-VALUE' * is present in that value. * @param name the name of the attribute, for example uNSPCSTitle. * @return true if the attribute is a SINGLE-VALUE attribute, false otherwise. */ public boolean isAttributeSingleValued(String name) {/* TE */ if (this.rawSchemaAttributes == null) { return false; } try { Attribute attributeTypes = this.rawSchemaAttributes.get("attributeTypes"); NamingEnumeration enumer = attributeTypes.getAll(); while(enumer.hasMore()) { String attr = (String)enumer.next(); String[] attrName = getNames(attr); for(int i=0;i<attrName.length;i++) { if(attrName[i].equals(name) && (attr.indexOf("SINGLE-VALUE") >= 0)) { return true; } } } } catch(NamingException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING,"Unable to determine if attribute '" + name + "' is SINGLE-VALUE." + e); } return false; } }