package; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: * @author * @version 1.0 */ public class SystemPropertiesBMPBean extends implements { public SystemPropertiesBMPBean() { } public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(getColumnNameContractYears(), "Contract Years", true, true, java.lang.Integer.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameContractDate(), "Contract Date", true, true, java.sql.Date.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameCypherKey(), "Cypher Key", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 4000); addAttribute(getColumnNameAdminEmail(), "Admin email", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 1000); addAttribute(getColumnNameEmailHost(), "email host", true, true, java.lang.String.class, 1000); addAttribute(getColumnNameDefaultGroup(), "default group", true, true, java.lang.Integer.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameTermOfNotice(), "term of notice", true, true, java.lang.Integer.class); addAttribute(getColumnNameTermOfNoticeMonths(), "term of notice months", true, true, java.lang.Integer.class); } public String getEntityName() { return getEntityTableName(); } public static String getEntityTableName() { return "CAM_SYS_PROPS"; } public static String getColumnNameContractYears() { return "CONTRACT_YEARS"; } public static String getColumnNameContractDate() { return "CONTRACT_DATE"; } public static String getColumnNameCypherKey() { return "CYPHERKEY"; } public static String getColumnNameAdminEmail() { return "ADMIN_EMAIL"; } public static String getColumnNameEmailHost() { return "EMAIL_HOST"; } public static String getColumnNameDefaultGroup() { return "DEFAULT_GROUP"; } public static String getColumnNameTermOfNotice() { return "TERM_OF_NOTICE"; } public static String getColumnNameTermOfNoticeMonths() { return "MONTHS_NOTICE"; } public void setContractYears(int years) { setColumn(getColumnNameContractYears(), years); } public int getContractYears() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameContractYears()); } public void setContractDate(java.sql.Date date) { setColumn(getColumnNameContractDate(), date); } public java.sql.Date getContractDate() { return ((java.sql.Date) getColumnValue(getColumnNameContractDate())); } public void setCypherKey(String key) { setColumn(getColumnNameCypherKey(), key); } public String getCypherKey() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnNameCypherKey()); } public void setAdminEmail(String email) { setColumn(getColumnNameAdminEmail(), email); } public String getAdminEmail() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnNameAdminEmail()); } public void setEmailHost(String host) { setColumn(getColumnNameEmailHost(), host); } public int getDefaultGroup() { return getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameDefaultGroup()); } public void setDefaultGroup(int host) { setColumn(getColumnNameDefaultGroup(), host); } public String getEmailHost() { return getStringColumnValue(getColumnNameEmailHost()); } public void setTermOfNotice(long term) { setColumn(getColumnNameTermOfNotice(), (int) term); } public long getTermOfNotice() { return (long) getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameTermOfNotice()); } public long getTermOfNoticeDays() { return getTermOfNotice(); } public void setTermOfNoticeMonths(long term) { setColumn(getColumnNameTermOfNoticeMonths(), (int) term); } public long getTermOfNoticeMonths() { return (long) getIntColumnValue(getColumnNameTermOfNoticeMonths()); } public void insert() throws java.sql.SQLException { } public void delete() throws java.sql.SQLException { } public java.sql.Date getValidToDate() { int years = this.getContractYears(); if (this.getContractYears() > 0) { IWTimestamp now = IWTimestamp.RightNow(); IWTimestamp iT = new IWTimestamp(1, now.getMonth(), now.getYear() + years); return iT.getSQLDate(); } else return this.getContractDate(); } }