/* * $Id: ApplicationProductInfo.java,v 2007/01/12 19:32:00 idegaweb Exp $ * Created on 4.1.2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.idegaweb; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Properties; import com.idega.util.FileUtil; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; /** * This class holds information about the application product installed.<br> * * Last modified: $Date: 2007/01/12 19:32:00 $ by $Author: idegaweb $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">tryggvil</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class ApplicationProductInfo { private IWMainApplication iwma; //This will be swapped out by reading from /WEB-INF/idegaweb/properties/product.properties private String inceptionYear="2000"; private String version="2.0-SNAPSHOT"; private String buildId="20050101.000000"; private String vendor="idega software"; private String name="ePlatform"; private String family="idegaWeb"; public ApplicationProductInfo(IWMainApplication iwma){ this.iwma=iwma; String filePath = iwma.getPropertiesRealPath()+FileUtil.getFileSeparator()+"product.properties"; File file = new File(filePath); loadFromFile(file); } public void loadFromFile(File file){ if(file.exists()){ Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(new FileInputStream(file)); //iwma.sendStartupMessage("Loading product.properties from file: "+file.getPath()); String inceptionYear = (String) properties.get("application.product.inceptionyear"); if(inceptionYear!=null){ setInceptionYear(inceptionYear); } String productVersion = (String) properties.get("application.product.version"); if(productVersion!=null){ setVersion(productVersion); } String buildId = (String) properties.get("application.product.build.id"); if(buildId!=null){ setBuildId(buildId); } String vendorName = (String) properties.get("application.product.vendor"); if(vendorName!=null){ setVendor(vendorName); } String productName = (String) properties.get("application.product.name"); if(productName!=null){ setName(productName); } String productFamily = (String) properties.get("application.product.family"); if(productFamily!=null){ setFamily(productFamily); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * @return Returns the buildId. */ public String getBuildId() { return this.buildId; } /** * @param buildId The buildId to set. */ public void setBuildId(String buildId) { this.buildId = buildId; } /** * @return Returns the family. */ public String getFamily() { return this.family; } /** * @param family The family to set. */ public void setFamily(String family) { this.family = family; } /** * @return Returns the inceptionYear. */ public String getInceptionYear() { return this.inceptionYear; } /** * @param inceptionYear The inceptionYear to set. */ public void setInceptionYear(String inceptionYear) { this.inceptionYear = inceptionYear; } /** * @return Returns the name. */ public String getName() { return this.name; } /** * @param name The name to set. */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Returns the productName with the productFamily * @return */ public String getFullProductName(){ return getFamily()+" "+getName(); } /** * @return Returns the vendor. */ public String getVendor() { return this.vendor; } /** * @param vendor The vendor to set. */ public void setVendor(String vendor) { this.vendor = vendor; } /** * @return Returns the version. */ public String getVersion() { return this.version; } /** * @param version The version to set. */ public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } public String getCopyrightText(){ return "Copyright (c) "+getInceptionYear()+"-"+IWTimestamp.RightNow().getYear()+" "+getVendor()+" All rights reserved"; } /** * Gets the major version (the first integer in the version number) * @return */ public int getMajorVersion(){ String version = getVersion(); int dotIndex = version.indexOf("."); String sMVersion = version.substring(0,dotIndex); return Integer.parseInt(sMVersion); } public boolean isMajorVersionEqualOrHigherThan(int version){ int majorVersion = getMajorVersion(); return (version<=majorVersion); } }