package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField; import com.idega.util.datastructures.SortedHashMatrix; import com.idega.xml.XMLDocument; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; /** * <p>Title: idegaWeb</p> * <p>Description: </p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p> * <p>Company: idega Software</p> * @author <a href="">Thomas Hilbig</a> * @version 1.0 * Created on May 27, 2003 */ public class QueryResult implements JRDataSource { private static final String QUERY_RESULT = "queryResult"; private static final String DEFINITION = "definition"; private static final String CONTENT = "content"; private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "[not found]"; private List fieldOrder = new ArrayList(); private Map fields = new HashMap(); private Map designIdFieldIdMapping = null; private SortedHashMatrix cells = new SortedHashMatrix(); private Iterator cellIterator = null; private String currentCellId = null; private int currentRowNumber = 0; private int desiredNumberOfRows = -1; public static QueryResult getInstanceForDocument(XMLDocument document) { QueryResult instance = new QueryResult(); XMLElement root = document.getRootElement(); // definition XMLElement definition = root.getChild(DEFINITION); List fields = QueryResultField.getInstancesForELement(definition); Iterator fieldIterator = fields.iterator(); while (fieldIterator.hasNext()) { QueryResultField field = (QueryResultField); if (field != null) { instance.addField(field); } } // content XMLElement content = root.getChild(CONTENT); List cells = QueryResultCell.getInstancesForELement(content); Iterator cellIterator = cells.iterator(); while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { QueryResultCell cell = (QueryResultCell); if (cell != null) { instance.addCell(cell.getId(), cell.getFieldId(), cell.getValue()); } } return instance; } public void addField(QueryResultField field) { String id = field.getId(); this.fields.put(id, field); // store the order of the fields if (this.fieldOrder.contains(id)) { this.fieldOrder.remove(id); } this.fieldOrder.add(id); } public void addCell(Object id, Object fieldId, Object cellValue) { this.cells.put(id,fieldId, cellValue); } public QueryResultField getField(String id) { return (QueryResultField) this.fields.get(id); } public QueryResultField getFieldByOrderNumber(int orderNumber) { orderNumber--; if (orderNumber < 0 || orderNumber >= this.fieldOrder.size()) { return null; } String id = (String) this.fieldOrder.get(orderNumber); return getField(id); } // public String getCell(String id, String fieldId) { // return (String) cells.get(id, fieldId); // } public XMLElement convertToXML() { XMLElement queryResult = new XMLElement(QUERY_RESULT); XMLElement definition = new XMLElement(DEFINITION); XMLElement content = new XMLElement(CONTENT); Iterator fieldsIterator = this.fieldOrder.iterator(); while (fieldsIterator.hasNext()) { // store the order of the fields String id = (String); QueryResultField field = (QueryResultField) this.fields.get(id); XMLElement fieldElement = field.convertToXML(); definition.addContent(fieldElement); } Iterator xKeyIterator = this.cells.firstKeySet().iterator(); while (xKeyIterator.hasNext()) { Object xKey =; Map yDimension = this.cells.get(xKey); Iterator yKeyIterator = yDimension.keySet().iterator(); while (yKeyIterator.hasNext()) { Object yKey =; Object cellValue = yDimension.get(yKey); QueryResultCell cell = new QueryResultCell(xKey.toString(), yKey.toString(), cellValue); XMLElement cellElement = cell.convertToXML(); content.addContent(cellElement); } } queryResult.addContent(definition); queryResult.addContent(content); return queryResult; } public void mapDesignIdToFieldId(String designId, String fieldId) { if (this.designIdFieldIdMapping == null) { this.designIdFieldIdMapping = new HashMap(); } this.designIdFieldIdMapping.put(designId, fieldId); } /** Returns true if there aren't any results stored. * Even if a QueryResult is empty you can use it as a JRDataSource, * that is an empty QueryResult causes no errors. * * @return true if there aren't any results stored. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.cells.isEmpty(); } public int getNumberOfRows() { int realNumber = this.cells.sizeOfFirstKeySet(); return (realNumber < this.desiredNumberOfRows || this.desiredNumberOfRows == -1) ? realNumber : this.desiredNumberOfRows; } /** @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#next() * */ public boolean next() throws JRException { // the very first time we have to initialize the iterator if (this.cellIterator == null) { this.currentRowNumber = 0; this.cellIterator = this.cells.firstKeySet().iterator(); } // now ask the iterator if (this.cellIterator.hasNext()) { // compare with the behaviour of a result set... this.currentCellId = (String); this.currentRowNumber++; if (this.currentRowNumber <= this.desiredNumberOfRows || this.desiredNumberOfRows == -1) { return true; } } return false; } public void resetDataSource() { this.cellIterator = null; this.currentCellId = null; this.currentRowNumber = 0; } /** * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#next() * */ public Object getFieldValue(JRField jrField) throws JRException { String fieldId = jrField.getName(); // if mapping is required use the map if (this.designIdFieldIdMapping != null) { // if there is an entry use this one String id = (String) this.designIdFieldIdMapping.get(fieldId); if (id != null) { fieldId = id; } } // fetch the cellValue Object cellValue = this.cells.get(this.currentCellId, fieldId); // return the value of the cell return (cellValue == null ) ? "" : cellValue.toString(); } public void setDesiredNumberOfRows(int desiredNumberOfRows) { this.desiredNumberOfRows = desiredNumberOfRows; } }